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Kill, Make Whoopie With, or Marry? 2e. 3.x, and 4e


Wow, I think that this forum is like 4e. All the powers threads have different names but they all do the same thing (sometimes in different ways).

As to my answer:

Kill: and D&D edition prior to 4e

Make Whoopy: 4e

Marry: Haven't found it, yet, but I am thinking that it's not going to be D&D when I find it

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BECMI was my middle school crush. We were too young to get really intimate, but we hung out and had a lot of fun in our childish way. We eventually drifted apart and fell out of touch for a very long time. A year or two ago, we re-connected, and even went out on a date; it was fun, but we both agreed it wasn't going to lead to anything serious. We still keep in contact and hang out once in a while.

1E was BECMI's older sister. I thought she was really hot, but she was never interested; she condescended to go on one date with me in eighth grade, and that was it. I keep in touch with her too, a little less than BECMI. I've grown up enough now to understand that we'd never get along - she's got all kinds of emotional issues - but damn, that girl still has one hell of a body.

2E was my high school sweetheart. It was wild and passionate and thrilling, even though there were a lot of times she drove me absolutely crazy. We kept dating into my college years, but as with so many high school relationships, it started to cool; toward the end I started dating GURPS and fooling around with White Wolf on the side, and I finally dumped her for 3E. It was a bad breakup and I've hardly talked to her since.

I met 3E toward the end of college, and she was exactly what I was looking for after 2E - reliable, consistent, steady. She had her life together and didn't keep calling me drunk at 3 AM to beg for a new house-rule, and that was a big relief. Dating her was never as exciting as 2E, at least after the first thrill wore off, but we had a good few years.

After a while, though, it started to wear on me. 3E wasn't unreliable the way 2E was, but she wanted a lot of attention. She'd never be up for some wild and spontaneous sex; I always had to wine her and dine her first, and when we did get into bed, it took an incredibly long time to get her off. I'll give her credit, she tried to spice things up a bit when she realized it wasn't doing much for me. She got herself a set of Tome of Battle bondage gear, and that brought some excitement back into the bedroom, but in the end it just didn't work out and we went our separate ways.

Right about then, I went out on that date I mentioned with BECMI, and it wasn't too long after that that she introduced me to her cousin 4E. We hit it off and it's been a lot of fun so far. She's not nearly as serious-minded as 3E and she's very low-maintenance. She does like some kinky stuff, and at first I was dubious about it, but I got into it pretty quickly. I've never met any system who could get me so hot about DMing. Although she's a little clumsy sometimes, it's totally worth it and I wouldn't go back.

Make whoopie with 4e. Whereas 2e and 3e made accomodations for "realism", all 4e wants to do is game. Poison an undead creature that has no blood running through its veins? Sure! It's quick and it's dirty and you feel just a twinge of shame after running it.

Nitpick: Poison doesn't work on undead in 4E any more than it did in 3E, 2E, or 1E. All undead monsters have immunity to poison and disease. (It's not inherent in the keyword "undead" the way it was in 3.X, but every undead monster in the Monster Manual has those immunities, and the DMG templates like "lich" and "death knight" add them to the monster you put them on.)
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First Post
2e: I would make woopie, but the body's been cold for quite some time.

3e/x: I would kill, but too late, 4e already did it for me. ;)

4e: Woopie, I can't be faithful to just one game, especially such a crazy one :p


So, now we represent edition wars through little murder stories? And of course, RPGs are like women, and there are only three things you can do to those, eh? And i thought i´d seen it all. :-S

Perhaps it's just a USA thing so I can see where it might be confusing, but Marry-Whoopee-Kill is a game sometimes played for fun (as in making your friends squirm). If you're being kind, you pick 3 hot women and force your friend to assign them to the M-W-K slots. If you're really up for messing with them, you pick 3 of the least desirable choices you can think of and assign them to the M-W-K slots.

You can view it as an edition war thread if you choose, but at least it's done in a humorous manner rather than through the fanatical and humorless manner in which 90% of such threads are done.

For everyone who's picked a side in the Edition Wars, myself included, a good New Year's Resolution for 2009 might be "Grow a thicker skin". They're games for crying out loud.


Also, while I appreciate the creativity on display here (and would expect nothing less from these boards), the cardinal rule of M-W-K is that you HAVE to assign one choice to each of the slots! You either have to sacrifice something/someone you'd hate to be without or, alternatively, are forced to pick something you'd rather die than be married to.

No wussing out!


First Post
2e: Refuse to kill her; let her live - a crueller fate in this case, and warranted, IMO.

3e: Refuse to marry her, despite having had many a good time - her younger cousin (let's just call her MnM, mm'k) is so much hawter, smarter, smoother, frankly less like damn work, and OGLWTFBBQ!eleven is she flexible. Eesh.

4e: Refuse to make whoopie with her; hope the hells to never meet again - I don't want whatever the fruitcake that disease is, if it's all the same.

Already married, and not a murderer, that's why! :p


Also, while I appreciate the creativity on display here (and would expect nothing less from these boards), the cardinal rule of M-W-K is that you HAVE to assign one choice to each of the slots! You either have to sacrifice something/someone you'd hate to be without or, alternatively, are forced to pick something you'd rather die than be married to.

No wussing out!
Egads...in that case, I'm not able to play. I'm not drunk enough to Whoopie 2e or 3e, and I'm not committed enough to Marry 4e. ;)


Guys...it's a game.

I'm not looking for a commitment. I'm not that old. I'm not looking for just a fling. I'm not that young. I'm just looking for some fun times together. Nothing too serious, but I don't want to waste my time with you, either.

...and I'm fundamentally disturbed by a system where the only option for something you would neither boink nor wed is to murder them....

That's all I ever want out of my games.

Man, the existence of this thread kind of weirds me out. :confused:

Yeah, I'm right there with ya.


Well, I am a serial-monogamist when it comes to games, but in the spirit of the rules...

Kill: 3e. She is the ex-wife, and getting it back on with her would spell disaster.
Make Whoopee: 2e - she is like the F-friend you always at least considering doing once in a while, even when married to someone else :p
Marry: 4e, although it probably will only last until someone hotter and younger comes along (5e)

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