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Kill the Demons

Kinomen Dragoon

First Post
Night Elf Male
Dark vision:100ft
+2 Dex and Wis
Auto-matic profient in cresent blades

Creast Blades
When weilding two you only take a -2 on attack and damage rolls with off hand.

Demon Hunter

During the Night Elf?s wars with the Burning Legions, male Night Elfs trained themselves. For centuries they learned the art of killing off the Legions and their minions. Because of their dedication they had to do something unspeakable for their race. Use Arcana Magic's. Though they were excluded from the Night Elf society they still fought. One of the key traits of the Demon Hunter is that he is blind. But it is not his weakness. It is a gift. He can sense them, fight them, and kill them better than if they had eyes.

Race: Night Elf (male only)
BaB: +7
Skills: Knowledge: Arcana 8 and Planes 8
Feats: Blind Fight,Expertise, Blind-Sight, Parry* (If you don?t have Dragon 301 use dodge feat), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Crescent Blade), Spell Focus Abjuration
Other: Must go throughout a ritual that last one day. During this period the Night Elf can?t eat, drink, or sleep. After the ritual the applicant is blind. They are given a black blind fold that lets any Night Elf know they are a Demon Hunter.

*If you don?t have Dragon 301 use dodge feat
BaB:as fighter
Saves as:
Skills at each level: 4+Int modifier, if any
SkillList: Knlw Planes(Int)and Arcana(Int), Climb (Str),Swim(Str), Jump(Str), Tumble (Dex)

Level Special
1 Demon Sense, Ambidexterity
2 +1 Favored Outsider Enemy, Two Weapon Fighting
3 Evasion, Smite Favored Enemy 1/day
4 +2 Favored Outsider Enemy, Enhanced Blind-Sight
5 Smite Favored Enemy 2/day
6 Metamorphosis, +3 Favored Outsider Enemy
7 Improved Evasion, Smite Favored Enemy 3/day
8 +4 Favored Outsider Enemy, Enhanced Metamorphosis
9 Smite Favored Enemy 4/day, Chaos Power
10 +5 Favored Outsider Enemy, Spell Resistance
Demon Sense: Because of their blindness the Demon Hunter have learned to see in a way. They gain a pin-point location of every demon within one mile. For every level of Demon Hunter this range extends one mile. So a 6th level Demon Hunter knows were every demon in six miles of him is.

Bouns Feats: Ambidexterity, Two Weapon Fighting are free feats for the Demon Hunter.

Favord Outsider Enemy: At every other level you may chose an enemy. This works just like the Rangers favord enemy ablity. Except that you may only chose Outsiders. These bouns stack with those of a rangers. Demon Sense also works with this. Say Chaos Bringer, a 5th level Demon hunter has Evil Outsider as a favord enemy. The useing demon sense can find any outsider with the evil alinment with the Demon Sense ablity. But it only functions at half range.

Evasion: See Rouge in PHB.

Smite Favord Enemy: The Demon Hunter many deliver a smite attack a couple of times per day. Whe this ablity is actovated on your first attack you many add you Int modifer+ + class levels to the damage. This only works on favord enemys. A Pladins smite ablity can be used for additional smites per day.

Enhanced Blind Sight: The Demon Hunter harrness his senses so he can see. All things with in 150+5 feet for every additional Demon Hunter levels beond this point are visable. Even secert doors, traps, and invisable objcts.

Metamorphisis: When in a battle the Demon Hunter awakens himself. For one round per Demon Hunter level + Wis modifer can gain the half fiend template. All the ablitys to. After the transformation is over the Demon Hunter is winded until he can get five minutes of meditation. Standered action to transform. After transformation it must be another hour befor you may transform agian

Improved Evasion: See Rouge in PHB.

Enhacned Metamorphisis:Transfoming is now a free action. Also the Demon Hunter is no longer winded. You may also make a WIll save (DC 20) per round after normal to stay in this form. DC increses by 2 each round.

Chaos Power: The Demon Hunter may add +2d6 chaos damage to all his Cresent Blades. He may also turn this ablity off and on at will.

Spell Resistance: You gain Spell Resistance 15+1 for every level in this class. So Shadow Staker, a 10th level Ranger/10th level Demon Hunter has a 25 SR.

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Well thought out. Powerful and very specialized to give those demons some exercise. With a few of these guys around, will you need celestials?


First Post
Let me guess, inspired by WC3? Its the black blindfold that gave me that notion. Are you playing in a WC3 inspired campaign world (I actually think that the WC3 campaign world is rather interesting, pretty epic).
It looks good, good resemblance to the WC3 counterpart. Even though I must say its an impressive amount of spelling mistakes, no offence :)

Dark Wolf 97

First Post
I think it hit the WC3 Demon Huter right on.
Althought I made an epic version of the class a while back that transformed you into a Balor-like creature for a short period of time.

Good work!

Kinomen Dragoon

First Post
Thanks so much for the info guys. And yes I was inspired by WC3. But we are playing a normal campign setting not a WC3. I would really like to see the epic version to Dark Wolf 97.

Dark Wolf 97

First Post
Well here it is (luckily I had it on my comp.)

Crescent Blade
Exotic Melee Weapon
Medium Sized
Cost: 1,115 gp
Damage: 1d6/1d6
Critical: 19-20 x2
Range Increment: -
Weight: 10lbs
Type: Slashing

Special: Those proficient with this weapon may effectively use both attacks with one hand, allowing the user four attacks (with normal penalties) when wielding two Crescent Blades.

Please note: I didn’t put a lot of the restrictions on him as WC3 did. But it is still exceptionally hard to get this class, as you must be a Arcane Spellcaster and a 20th Ranger. Also formerly you had to be able to cast Gate and Banishment, feel free to add them if you think the class is too strong.

Demon Hunter
Alignment: Any Chaotic
Race: Any Elf
Base Attack Bonus: +22
Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) (The Abyss) (Demonkind)
Feats: Death of Enemies (Demon)
Spells: Ability to cast Arcane spells.
Special: A Ritual blinding that requires one day during which the canadite must defeat a greater Demon in single combat (Balor or above).

Class Skills: A Demon Hunter’s Class Skills are:
Balance, Concentration, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana, The Abyss, Demonkind), Listen, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Survival, Tumble

Bonus Feats: Demon Hunters receive bonus feats at 1st and every 3rd level thereafter (4th, 7th, 10th).
Blinding Speed, Damage Reduction, Devastating Critical,, Epic Prowess, Epic Reflexes, Epic Speed, Epic Spellcasting, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Fast Healing, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Favored Enemy, Improved Spell Resistance, Legendary Tracker, Overwhelming Critical, Penetrate Damage Reduction, Perfect Heath, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Self-Concealment, Superior Initiative, Two-Weapon Rend.

Class Features:

Level Features
1 Blind Sight (100ft), Bonus Feat, Demon hunting +1/1d12
2 Courage of heaven
3 Demon hunting +2/2d12, Lesser Metamorphosis
4 Blind Sight (150ft), Bonus Feat
5 Demon hunting +3/3d12
6 Greater Metamorphosis
7 Blind Sight (200ft), Bonus Feat, Demon hunting +4/4d12
8 Resist Corruption
9 Demon hunting +5/5d12, Final Metamorphosis
10 Blind Sight (250ft), Bonus Feat, Strength of the Abyss

Blind Sight: During the ritual blinding the Demon Hunter gains Blind Sight of 100ft, this later increases.

Demon Hunting: Demon Hunters gain a number of special abilities against demons. They get a bonus on all attack, damage, skill check, and saves rolls against demons, at 1st level this bonus is +1, this increases. They also gain a 1d12 bonus to damage against demons, this increases. On any critical hit the critical multiplier is increased by 2.

Spells: A Demon Hunter casts arcane spells as a Sorcerer (spontaneous, Cha). DC = Spell Level + Cha Modifier + 10.

Courage of Heaven: A Demon Hunter is immune to the Fear effects of Demons.

Lesser Metamorphosis: Once per day, as a standard action, a Demon Hunter may change into a Lesser Demon (stated below). This transformation lasts 5+Wis modifier rounds.

Greater Metamorphosis: Thrice per day, as a standard action, a Demon Hunter may change into a Greater Demon (stated below). This transformation lasts 7+Wis modifier rounds.

Resist Corruption: A Demon Hunter may use spells that summon demons as if they did not have an evil descriptor.

Final Metamorphosis: Six times per day, as a free action, a Demon Hunter may change into a Demon Lord (stated below). This transformation lasts 9+Wis modifier rounds.

Strength of the Abyss: Once per day, as a free action, a Demon Hunter may draw power directly from the Abyss, granting him +20 Str, + 14 Dex, +14 Con (increasing hp per HD), a Demon Hunter using this corrupt power must make a Will Save DC 30 or be Insane as the spell Insanity and shift one alignment toward evil. This last 13+Wis modifier rounds.

Spells per day: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1 0, -, -, -, -, -
2 1, 0, -, -, -, -
3 1, 1, 0, -, -, -
4 2, 1, 1, 0, -, -
5 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, -
6 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0
7 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1
8 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1
9 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2
10 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2

1 - Alarm, Mage Armor, Change Self, Cause Fear, Jump
2 - Web, Blur, Knock, Consecrate, Undetectable Alignment
3 - Daylight, Deeper Darkness, Dispel Magic, Tongues, Fly, Haste
4 - Lesser Planar Ally, Death Ward, Locate Creature, Polymorph Self
5 - Contact Other Plane, Cone of Cold, Plane Shift
6 - Banishment, Planar Binding, True Seeing, Greater Dispelling

Lesser Stats - Vrock (4 extra HD)
Greater Stats - Balor (8 extra HD)
Final Stats - Infernal (CE with Serge’s Demon Lord template and 12 extra HD)

Demon Hunters are solitary figures of the battered elven society. After years a war and loss with the demons, the brilliant, yet utterly insane Elven Mage Rezalorian Estranbor established the Demon Hunters, a loose orginazation of elves dedicated to the extermination of demonkind. After several years of suceess, Rezalorian himself went evil and , if possible, even more insane, become a terror to the elves, for he knew every weakness of their nation. After a few more years, the majority of the Demon Hunters had fallen to the evil they had strove to fight. With their power the Elevn nation of Neirlandor fell, becoming a land of evil, and a staging ground for demonic armies. Now, Demon Hunters have no place in most elven societies, being feared and hated.

That was my personal campain flavor text. ;)
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First Post
I like it, really borderline between Good & Evil. Pretty nasty vs. Demons, I can see why its a Epic PrC

But off course, im not Kinomen :)

Dark Wolf 97

First Post
Actually, now that you say it, I don't know why some Demon Hunters are not Evil, you can still be Evil and hate Demons. Your probably just willing to kill or sacrafice anything to get to them, even good and innocents. I just edited Alignment. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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