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Killed by your own party member!


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It worked out okay though. In the next encounter, the party used the Paladin's body (sans a hand for Raise Dead later on) and a Tenser's Floating Disk to "fish" for some worm things with tremorsense that would erupt from a sandy floor and attack. It actually saved the life of another party member.

This more than anything lets me know that 4e is still DnD.

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It worked out okay though. In the next encounter, the party used the Paladin's body (sans a hand for Raise Dead later on) and a Tenser's Floating Disk to "fish" for some worm things with tremorsense that would erupt from a sandy floor and attack. It actually saved the life of another party member.

This more than anything lets me know that 4e is still DnD.



The Digger

First Post
Many, many years ago I was an Evil cleric assassin posing as a straight cleric in a party of very mixed alignments. Two dwarven brothers both fighters, an elf MU, a human thief, a human fighter and my good (er evil) self.

We had emerged from a very difficult dungeon with most people quite wounded and a quite decent amout of gold and items. One dwarf was near death and it so happens he had been bugging my character all the way through - opportunity!

OK Cause Light Wounds rather than Cure Light Wounds. "Oops! He was obviously more damaged than I realised."

The brother noticed my evil ploy and attacked me. He missed, I didn't - strike another dwarf. The human fighter was a friend of the second dwarf so took me out - extensively - with a two-handed sword to the head. Strike me.

"What did you do that for" shrieked the lady elf - zapping said fighter with Magic Missile (I think). Wounded fighter dies.

"Stupid humans" says the elf, turning to go.

"No we're not" said the human thief slamming a dagger into the elf's back.

I never did find out what the thief spent all the money on.


I haven't seen that many intentional intra-party kills. Here's my story, which I consider being killed by a party member, even though she didn't perform the killing blow.

So way back in 3.X, I was in a party that contained no healers except for the Druid. I was playing a wizard, and an exceptionally curious one at that -- she had a tendency to poke around and investigate anything weird-seeming, especially if a magical aura was involved.

Unfortunately, the other party members had a tendency to respond to any action she did that they didn't approve of with an "I attack her before she does anything!" In this particular case, the Druid critted me with a scimitar.

GM: "Uh, was that subdual damage?"
Druid: "Oh, sure, why not."

So being that I was critted subdually, I was 2 HP away from being unconscious. Ordinarily this wouldn't have been a problem, except that the Druid refused to heal me. So I tried to play it very safe -- we snuck through a hallway full of traps without setting any of them off, and when we went into an encounter with a bunch of undead and a couple of imps, I stayed way in the back and let the ranger and druid have at it while I cast terrain-deformation spells and walls.

Until of course a monster used a fear ability, and I failed my Will save.

So: I run away as far as I can, down the hallway, filled of course with traps. So I run into the first trap and take something like 8 HP of damage, and get knocked unconscious with near-full HP. Okay, no problem, I'll just wait for the party to save me, right?

Well, it turns out that while the party was busy with the rest of the undead, the imps followed me down the hallway and found a freshly unconscious wizard to jab to death.

Good times.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Wrong system, but I did manage to wipe out my entire party in a Deadlands: Hell on Earth game. Something to do with my firing an erratic home-made repeating shrapnel cannon left-handed whilst holding a burning jury-rigged torch in my other hand. With a large bucket of unstable plastic explosive dangling from my right elbow...


Last night in the temple my Swordmage (activating first in the party) airsteps and goes ahead 14 spaces (and up a couple of steps) with the sunrod to illuminate whomever was chanting in the next room. BBEG w/ BBESummons coming. Well, the wizard cast Sleep, hitting the party with the three wererats, missing all but one rat but slowing the guys who were to be coming to help who couldn't make saves and were easily blocked. Tal;k about hung out to dry. At least we had enough cash for a Raise Dead.


First Post
My personal favourite is when we were running a homebrew system (sort of Omega World d20 with d20 Apocalypse, with homemade classes and powers thrown in) set in a post-apocalyptic future. There were three PCs - a former raider mercenary who had a double-barrelled shotgun and a tough suit of carbon resin armour, a chain-smoking mechanic who was in love with his modded El Camino, and a tanned scout who had adopted Native American Customs wholesale (she would never shut up about them).

The PCs had heard about a cursed area in the hills, said to be home to some excellent machine equipment - it used to be a mine shaft. So, they drive up, the scout in the lead.

Scout gets jumped by Plague Zombies - think 28 Days Later - and tries to hold them at bay. The group has three plague zombie shots (they give you a second saving throw), but they know they can't get there in time. Not knowing if she's been hit or not, the mechanic takes out his machine gun and takes the crowd out - including the scout.

But things get worse. More zombies start rushing out of the woods. The Warrior has already got out of the car to get to the bullet-ridden body of the scout when the zombies rush, and he's a little surprised to see the El Camino (with the zombie shots) pull away in a panic. Luckily, he is able to keep the two zombies that attack him away with some well-placed shotgun blasts.

Not so lucky for the Mechanic. Two zombies jump on the back of the car, and another breaks through the windshield, bleeding profusely. The mechanic gets clawed. Multiple times.

The warrior gets there, shotgun ready (and quite panicked by now).

"The mechanic's arm is bloody, and he looks at you nervously" I say.
"Did he make his save?" The warrior and mechanic ask at once (I make the saves in secret here, and I rolled... a 3 or something)
"He begins to twitch uncontrollably"
"I blast him in the head with my shotgun. At point blank."
"But there are zombie shots in the ba-" the mechanic begins.
"At Point Blank".

Fun times.


Shooting a grapple is also a nice way to hurt your party members in 3E. ;)

I lost a perfectly good druid to that one, at a session I couldn't attend. He'd just gotten grappled (in dire wolverine wildshape, no less!) by a baddie at the end of the last session, when we had to break mid-combat for time constraints. Evidently, I was fading fast, and the arcane archer shot my druid twice trying to hit the opponent ... The look on the player's face was priceless the next session I turned up at. "Um, wasn't the thing I was grappling an undead?" "Yes." "So, why didn't you shoot at us with your healing arrows?" :erm:


Staff member
The only deaths we've had trying to help a buddy in a grapple involved critical fumbles on the attack rolls- IOW, missing the intended target and hitting the ally- followed by nearly maxed out damage rolls.

In one case, by a rogue hoping to sneak attack. We hadn't seen that many 6's come up since catching someone (jokingly) using loaded dice to roll up a PC.

Voidrunner's Codex

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