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Kingdom of Alwen Res: Sword of Power Campaign


Blag, I was thinking 3.5 again, theres a spell there thats 3rd level which would work wonders.

Galieth ponders the fort again and looks in the direction from which the group came then adds quietly, "our options then are to try and fortify this place, hide somewhere in the encampment, or to make a run for the break in the defenses where we came in and camp out there."

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Plenty of options...

Shenk wiped the sweat on his brow into his hair to keep it in place and commented...

"Well, welcome back to the conversation Galieth. Now that we have the options solidified, we need to decide whether to stay or not. I say go, Bison says go... the rest of our party..."

Glanced back to the other members of The Guess Who...all staring blankly into the night sky or eating twice their weight in brains.

"...would follow an illithid if told to at this point. Unfortunately, this fort, no matter how well built, is still in enemy territory. Very deep in enemy territory. Even if we do hold it the night, why would we want to stay afterwards? We should break for the treeline we attacked from."

Shenk grabbed a torch from the ground, nearly burnt out, and slammed it into the chest of a dead soldier to keep it standing upright. He then called out to his party-mates.

"Pack up and ready yourselves. We leave for the farms and Atherstone before this torch burns out!"

*Note: Penalty to #10, Shenk Bloodrock. Unnessesary Roughness.
OOC: If we were to stick around, any of the wall spells in the PHB would work well for plugging up that hole I made in the gate. We need a transmute rock to flesh spell... Freshly squeezed walls would make anyone think twice before sieging us :lol:
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I'm thinking we're approaching time best played out around a table with all players present (plus DM of course), since it's not just side conversations made while marching (or what have you).

Where should we go next in the time machine? I've not spoken (or written) in a terrible Scottish accent in a while. Might be fun to give the pseudo-rhastafarian thing a rest, replacing it with Togenheim's occasional epithets.


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Kinger said:
OOC: I'm thinking we're approaching time best played out around a table with all players present (plus DM of course), since it's not just side conversations made while marching (or what have you).

OOC: I agree. I guess we've run out of fun stuff to do with 200 dead soliers. Maybe we could build a corpse pyramid and see if the pixies holding up the sun come close enough for capture. :]

So, in lieu of losing the current plot to the impassible road-block of "YOUR NOT INCLUDING EVERYONE" I've prepared a little diddy bout that shining metal covered half-orc we all know by name: (be kind and don't be hatin'. I don't pretend to be a lyrics writer all the time)

We travel back in time to Atherstone, just after the great purge. We find Shenk struttin' along the marketplace while a Bardic lymric is played in the background. (Whether or not an actual Bard wrote the song or if Shenk's just deluding himself his a whole different story :p )

*Note: I don't think WaWa pedals were invented yet. So imagine this as someone plucking a banjo or something :heh: *

Shenk Theme Song

Who's the green muscle man
that's a fight machine to all the peasants?
You're damn right

Who is the orc
That would wrench a neck for his brother orc?
Can ya dig it?

Who's the one that won't cop out
when there's danger all about
Right on

You see this orc Shenk is a bad mutha--
-Shut your mouth.
But I'm talkin' bout Shenk
-Then we can dig it.

He's a complicated man
but no one understands him but his deity


Oh yeah baby, I can dig it. :cool:


First Post

I knew that was gonna come up at some point. :)

Now, if I can only rewrite "I Will Survive" for my druid...

At first I was afraid... Damn near petrified...
Kept thinkin' I couldn't live without them by my side...
But then I spent so many nights
Thinkin' how they did me wrong...
How I stayed strong...
And now they're lost, an extinct race...
And never more will I see that disappointed look upon their face...
They fell because they're weak...
I lived because I'm strong...
And so I survived past those that looked down on me all along...

And so I walk... out on the plains...
No turnin' back now...
'cause strong's what I became...
Despite being left all alone under the sky...
I didn't crumble...
I didn't just lay down and die...
Oh no, not I! I have survived...

Ooookay, that's enough.

As for what we do with 200 soldiers, I suggest we tie them up into a big ball, and roll it down the cave to check for traps. Hey, it worked last time!

EDIT: And in the dead of winter, the valiant Guess Who were forced to eat Shenk's theme-song-playing minstrels.
*Thunk! Munch munch!*
And there was much rejoicing.
*Hooray! Tiny little flag waves*
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-ooc yay it finally works! sorry i haven't posted for some reason it wouldn't post anything :/

With the battle ended Sorath poked among the remaining soldiers lying on the roof. Kicking one after another off he finally settled on one.

"Ah the barbarian left at least one in a servicable state."

From his vantage in the dark globe he watch as Shenk approached a still living soldier, turning from the display below he set about his work, producing a dagger and began to disect the soldier.
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OOC: Hooray! Our resident creepy halfling is in attendance!

Now, let's just slip back in time to some random sunrise. When in particular isn't important, as long as Bison-Run-Thunderous is in the group and we're not running like hell to escape/track giants.


The first rays of the Sun-Father crept over the mountains, their warmth caressing the cheek of the druid sitting penitently in the snow. His eyes closed, Bison-Run-Thunderous smiles and begins his morning prayer, his guttural orcish words proud, yet not so loud as to draw undue attention from unwanted onlookers.

"I be feelan your gaze upon me, Sun-Fawda," he begins. "I be hopan you be knowan dat I, Bison-Run-Tunderous, enlightened child of you and da Eart-Mudda, be tankful for da gifts you be seean fit to grant me. I be tankful you be continuan to bless me wit your earthly and heavenly graces. I be hopan you be knowan dat I always be seekan da best ways to make you proud, and I be tankful for da opportunities you be providan me."

His eyes still closed, the Bison continues. "I be tankful for whatever role you may have had in providing me wit a pack again. You must know dat I been yearnan for a tribe, so if it be your doan, I tank you."

The sitting druid stands, his eyes still closed. He spreads his arms, clenches his fists, and rears back his head. His orcish speech takes on a bestial tone, his prayer now sounding more like a animal roaring than any pious thanksgiving. "I be Bison-Run-Tunderous, and I pledge to live dis day so dat you be proud of me! I be Bison-Run-Tunderous, and I pledge to live dis day so dat I may make furder use of your favour! I be Bison-Run-Tunderous, and I pledge to live dis day so dat I may see you rise tomorrow!"

The druid sinks to his knees and roars at the sky, feeling the graces of the Sun-Father and Earth-Mother flow through him. His heart races, pulse pounding in his ears, reminding him just how alive he was. A foggy cloud condences before him in the cold air.

His breath depleted, Bison-Run-Thunderous lowers his head and pants heavily until his heartrate returns to normal. His morning ritual completed, the druid stands and turns to those of the party he awoke.

"It be time to move on," he smiles, tusks giving him a most savage appearance. "Da Sun-Fawda only gives so much light during da day, so for dose dat can't see in da dark, I be suggestan we start movan. We still be wantan to go Nort, right?"

OOC: I think it's better I just say "Sunrise? Great, I pray for new spells!" when at the table. I don't think I could do the whole roar-at-the-sky bit without bothering neighbours.
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because they don't know it yet....

Hans: *coughs blood* The horns they sounded means the hundred men will be doubling back soon. My mount I beleive is not yet dead but I fear she will be slaughtered soon if we do not help her. *cough* There is a darkness down that tunnel that no light can peirce. I don't know their names. *coughs blood* They brought me down there for "preliminary interrogation". Isur granted me the ability to withstand their spells and so they resorted to cruder means. The fingers on my hands are useless, destroyed. *collapses to one knee*

Heron: My shoulder and leg is broken on my left side and I am blind in one eye. *helps Hans to his feet slowly* I'm afraid they have had some luck retreiving information from me today and your names are known to them. Father Yaccob has been communicating with me throughout my ordeal. He had great hope in you Bloodrock. Stryker is out there, but he is waging a losing battle and has lost a good number of his people.

Hans: *scanning the carnage* Almost all of these men are foreign mecenaries, they don't have blue eyes and yellow hair. Those ones in the plate armor with the yellow hair might know something. *coughs* Did you have to kill them all? If this was so important why would they guard it with anything but their chosen? *coughs blood* Something does not add up.

Heron: There is a passage to Turthen through the cave but something does not allow them to use it every day. I overheard the guards talk of it, they who watched us after our torture to make sure we were still alive. *finds a sword and fails to sling a shield*
When I was near death I asked Yaccob to tell me the truth before I died. We are losing. He still does not doubt he should weild the sword.

Whoops! Sorry for throwing that in there! I have been swamped recently and didn't see those new posts!


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Sorath looks the paladins over.
"You will be of little use in the immediate future, but we may be able to find a way to fix you up."

He smirks and looks at something in his hand, then examines Heron's good eye.

"Hmmm...the colour is even right"

"But you are correct, we cannot stay here, unless you feel we can defeat another hundred soldiers. But you are also in no condition to travel. This leaves us in a bit of a predicament."

-ooc I don't remember any horns :p not saying there wasn't any. Also did we get xp for that? I'm almost back to level 6 :p In fact I barely remember where we left off haha
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Galieth looks at the 40 or so odd soldiers lying dead in a circle around him and grins, "you're riight I wouldn't want to face another 100 soldiers, perhaps 120 or 150 would be more of an even match".

Voidrunner's Codex

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