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Kingmaker AP question: running as goblins creating a goblin nation?


So last week our group played through "We Be Goblins!" and it was lots of fun. On the drive home my wife brought up the idea of keeping our goblin group and running through some kind of quest to establish a goblin nation. We'd have to find someplace away from established cities so the big-folk don't send their armies/PCs to crush us, then build our own cities/lairs and what-not. Anyway, it sounded like what the Kingmaker AP is supposed to be about.

My question, to those folks who have run/played that AP is- can it be adapted for building a GOBLIN nation/city/whatever? It doesn't necessarily have to be goblins, but some kind of PC-whipping-boy kind of monster would be fun- maybe kobolds. Maybe a band of kobolds and goblins who are collectively tired of being stomped on by PCs and want to go live someplace in peace? Anyway, would Kingmaker work for this?

If you post- keep in mind, I'd be a player in this campaign so NO SPOILERS please. :) Any ideas or advice would be helpful though.

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First Post
"Way of the Wicked", Pathfinder's only evil adventure path, actually has an article in Book Two: Call Forth Darkness, discussing how to play the campaign with only goblins.

It would be possible to run the entire campaign with a goblin-only group, the Blackfire Tribe, and establish an evil nation of goblinoids who worship Asmodeus (or some other evil deity if you prefer).

You can download a free preview here.

Its for sale at both Paizo.com and DriveThruRPG.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games


It's certainly possible. As Crothian said, it would take some work on the GM's part, but I would think Kingmaker would be a good starting point.


First Post
Imagine a land free of dogs. With all the fish you can eat. And still some humans around that you can ride around on while cutting at their ears with a straight razor you found in their house.

Ah... a goblin nation.


Imagine a land free of dogs. With all the fish you can eat. And still some humans around that you can ride around on while cutting at their ears with a straight razor you found in their house.

Ah... a goblin nation.

Not just a land free of dogs - a land potentially free of horses, too! And filled with all the fireworks you could possibly hope to ignite!

Camlo Alban

First Post
This is a great idea! A cool way to do it would be to have the goblins come across a group of heroes with a charter to explore the stolen lands, and then to have the goblin PCs kill them and have to impersonate them to the Swordlords in Restov. Would lead to some hilarious possibilities and lead to an interesting shadow-government.

Alternatively, you could have House Rogarvia offer the deal instead - they're the more nefarious of the two factions in Brevoy.


Cute but dangerous
Or take a bunch of goblins kicked out for being abnormal (maybe they don't like to kill, or love dogs, or are badly afraid of anything goblins love) and have them want to be heroes themselves. With the goblin tendency to make themselves overly important, that could be hilarious. "We Be Heroes."

I may actually do something like that eventually. I had two goblins in the campaign when I ran it (plus a bunch of kobolds and other misfits) so it can certainly be done.


Thanks everyone for the responses. Looks like Kingmaker could be adapted for goblins but we found a DM who suggested a different idea- the Skulls and Shackles AP. Not only is it a much easier adaption but, goblin pirates sounds like a lot more fun than goblin kingmakers! :D

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