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Knightfall's World of Kulan Campaign Maps (Updated: July 2022)


World of Kulan DM
Chara Coast Overview & Cities of the Chara Coast

Chara Coast.jpg

The first, overview, map shows the region directly south of the Kingdom of Izmer (no wisecracks, please). Five cities dominate this region (not including the cities of Dragonhold and Thessalhold) -- Acquadeipe, Hellekan, Favir, Sange, and Sulinon. As well, the two cities at the top of the map, Sumdall and Vylend are part of Kingdom of Izmer, while Belinay and Hathmathia, at the bottom of the map, are part of the Belin Confederacy.

The City of Acquadeipe is known as The Shining City. It will be described based on a different map (will be posted later).

The second map shows the Chara Cities.

The City of Hellekan is known as the City of the Sun. This is due to the fact that the citizens worship the Interloper God known as Apollo. The other deities worshipped in the city can be counted on one hand. The North God of the Sun is the most notable of these deities.

The city is a beautiful place full of cobblestone streets, high rooftops, stone columns, and picturesque gardens. The center of the city is dominated by the Temple of Apollo and the House of Lords.

The City of Favir is known as The Littoral City. This city is known for its beautiful shoreline with sandy beaches, rock gardens, natural sea caves, and underwater reefs. However, those not from the city who wish to see Favir's shoreline must either pay a preimum or try to sneak past the strong guard force assigned to protect the coastline (i.e. druid/fighters).

Favir's shoreline isn't the only this that Favir is famous for. The city itself is a contrast to the beauty of its beaches. It is a mess with sprawling slums and a powerful, corrupt druidic enclave. They will go to any length to protect the coastline and countryside surrounding Favir, but let the city rot. As a result, the city's elite live outside the city in walled estates. The city doesn't have a wall, however, and is preyed on by several powerful thieves' guilds.

The City of Sange is known as the City of Bangles. Sange is a dark place known for its slave trade. Slaves must always wear arm bands. These arm bands signify who in the city owns a slave and the more important the owner, the fancier the arm band. Copper and iron for low end slave owners and mithral and adamantine for high end slave owners.

An extremely important slave's arm band is often enchanted to force the slave to stay and work in a specific area. This has lead to many of the important slave owners to having an arcanist on staff, as a slave, or as a member of their own family.

Arm bands are very hard to remove even those that aren't enchanted. Hot metal is molded around the slaves arm causing severe burns. The metal is then marked by hammering or etching in the slave owners symbol. Enchanted arm bands are created differently, but one size fits all as the magical arm bands resize to fit a slaves arm. Only the person who "enslaved" the wearer can take the arm band off, usually.

The City of Sulinon is known as the City of Coliseums. Sulinon is famous for one thing, its many amphitheaters, arenas, coliseums, and fighting pits. All of these structures showcase the city's greatest assets, gladiators.

Being so close to the City of Sange means that a lot of the city's gladiators are slaves. However, this isn't the norm, as the city is ruled by a council of retired gladiators. Most slave gladiators are imports from Sange or from Thessalgard Island.

Gladiatorial matches are constant in this city. Day and night matches of all type are run. Standard tournaments of every size, chained-to-foe matches, beast matches, labyrinth matches, gather the rings, limited equipment matches, no ressurection matches, zombie horde matches, ocean battles, etc.

So complex is the type of matches available to be watched in this city that there are unique arenas for almost every type of contest imaginable. As a result, the only businesses here are related to gladitoral games, whether it be weaponsmiths or traders who travel the continent to find exotic creatures to fight ing the beast matches. The City of Sulinon imports almost all of its food and other essential needs for life.

The last place worth noting on this map is the Thessalgard Holds. This island domain is ruled by the yuan-ti. These creatures have their fangs into every illicit and depraved venture up and down the Chara Coast. Their island home is a near impassible swamp with withered trees and dangerous monsters.

The yuan-ti move about the island through several Underearth passages or by skyship, as not even they would risk the dangerous aberrations, dinosaurs, and magical beasts that populate the islands interior.

Those communities shown without a wall guarding it are completely underground, while its walled towns and the City of Thessalhold are fortress-like communities that are both above ground and under the fetid swamps. How the yuan-ti achieved this enginnering feat remains a mystery. Some whisper of dark pacts made with demons, or worse.

Cheers! :D

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World of Kulan DM
NEW MAP: The Bulge: Overview
Okay, I had another map of the region I call THE BULGE, but it was at too small a scale too show the entire region. I was never happy with it. Thus, I recently did the attached map to show a more expanded view of the region.

Now, I'm likely to begin developing more of this region, as per the previous map I posted on the 11th of the Chara Cities, at the same scale (or smaller) as that map. I'll probably start with Around Selquin and then move on to The Hills of Ferinmal and the Legacy Lands of the Water God. After that, who knows! :D



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World of Kulan DM
On the opposite side of the Chara Coast is a region that is famous for the Free City of Selquin. Selquin is known as The Traders' City and is known for being hub of mercantile traffic from the Thunder Lands in the North to the Far South in, well, the south.

Several communities along the coast of Relaini Bay are allied to Selquin, for protection, as vassals – Farva, Iuhul, and Alquain. Not that Selquin is a giant monstrosity that pulls in alliances because of its power. No, Selquin is a small city with big dreams and a good heart. It has become known as one of the best and safest ports of call in the border lands around the Great Expanse.

In order to be successful, the residents of Selquin have had to learn to be diplomatic on all sides. Some desert elves of the Great Expanse had been known to raid outlying communities, in the past, but now the rulers of Selquin have a strong alliance with the leader of the desert elves, Phyre Everstrong, the Lord of the Kin. Everstrong is a stalwart believer in the Tenets of the Balance and goes to great lengths to make sure outsiders don't cause havoc with the fragile ecosystem of the Great Expanse.

Besides the desert elves, the rulers of Selquin (known as the Officers' Council) have had to in the past make deals with the Cities of the Relaini, the Ferinmal Homeland, and even a few of the more civilized denizens of the Myriad Holds. The Officers' Council recently brokered a tentative trade agreement with the City-state of Tyr.

Now, there is more to see here than just The Traders' City. A good case in point is the Great Expanse itself and its many diverse denizens. Of course, its most infamous ones are the desert elves. Desert elves are nomadic by nature but do have some traditional homelands based on bands. In this region, the most infamous are Desertwind House and Wildsand House. These are the bands that have raided the coast of Relaini Bay in the past. Now they squirm under the long reach of the Lord of the Kin; however, they wouldn't dare betray his wishes.

Also, the desert hides two structures of note to adventurers. The first is Sandstone Tower, a tall – very, very tall – structure that can be seen as far away as the town of Farva on the coast. The tower is made of sandstone and appears to have been grown out of the ground. The tower doesn't have a discernible entrances from up close, although, as you travel farther from the structure many windows can be seen near the top of the tower, glowing with an eerie, yellow light. It is said that if you can find a way through all the sand surrounding the base of the tower, you will eventually find entrances that lead into a series of sandstone caves. These caves are rumoured to lead to the ground level of the tower.

The second structure is the the home of a known arcanist known as Varilsol. None are sure if that is the old man's first or last name. What is known is that Varilsol has lived in this region for as long as most can remember. He is an ally to the desert elves and is said to be a personal friend of Phyre Everstrong. Varilsol is said to be a powerful earth elementalist.

The desert has other secrets buried under its sands including the Cairn of the Desert Sands. No one is sure exactly where this ancient burial cairn is located and no one has found it or, at least, found it and returned to tell about it. The cairn is said to be older than the North Gods – a throwback to the time before the Second Ice Age. Its location on the map is "only" this cartographer's best guess.

Another unique site is the Crystalline "forest" called Crystaldust, which is considered a holy place to the desert elves. Its crystals have grown up from the depths of the Underearth and some are nearly as high as the Sandstone Tower to northeast. The desert elves of Desertwind House are responsible for protecting the sacred ground. They do this with great zeal and a little bit of vileness.

Casacano and its rift are both new additions to this map. I have yet to come up with a hook for them. Regardless, it will not relate to the desert elves.
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World of Kulan DM
NEW MAP: South of Izmer

Hi all,

I just finished this new map, which shows the lands just south of the Kingdom of Izmer. This map was done so I could flesh out both Hawkgard Island and Wyrmgard Island.

I'm not sure what each island's society will be like, but I can tell you that the Hawkgard Holds, as the towns of Hawkgard Island are known, are allied to the Eversink Suzerainty, to the north. This has put the communities at odds with the Kingdom of Izmer, although an alliance still exists between the two.

I can also tell you that the Wyrmgard Holds, as the towns of Wyrmgard Island are known, have a lot of enemies, with the City of Eversink and the Kingdom of Izmer being the most prominent. However, the wicked denizens of this island have allies of their own -- most notably the tabaxi of the Storm Jungle, the denizens of region known as Caer Valora, and the monkish followers of Xuar from the Owelga Dominion.

As a result, the Islands of Hawkgard and Wyrmgard are at a constant state of war. Only this has kept the Kingdom of Izmer from pulling its support from the Hawkgard Holds. The Queen of Izmer fears what would happen if the denizens of Wyrmgard Island conquered Hawkgard Island.

The third power in this region is The Shining City, also known as the City of Acquadeipe. This city is my version of the City of Waterdeep, designed to fit into Harqual's history. Thus, it isn't a "Transformation" city, instead once being a part of the Empire of Swords. It was also one of the first cities to rebel against the Old Sword Imperium after the end of the Mortals' War.

It is famous for its cosmopolitan citizens and manufactured goods. The citizens of Acquadeipe are as civilized as those of Sumdall, but not as dominated by arcanists. It is ruled by a group of powerful men and women known as the Lords of the Free City and it controls the two communities near it -- Dorhout Town and Glanskust Town.

It is also famous for the dungeon complex that exists below it -- known as Bergunter Masse, or Mountain under the Earth. This dungeon/ruin is a huge underground labyrinth filled with monsters and deadly traps. It attracts adventurers from all over the Southern Heartlands, as its deep halls and corridors are also filled with treasure. It is also become the tomb of many, and powerful undead are said to stalk its lower levels. It also connects to the Underearth.



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World of Kulan DM
REVISED MAP: Nebral Peninsula
The description for the western lands of The Far South have been rewritten and posted on The Piazza [link], but it's going to need another rewrite from scratch since I've removed Judges Guild's "City State" from my world.

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World of Kulan DM
Phaedrus said:
Once again, Knightfall, thank you for sharing your creations with us!
Thanks, Phaedrus. Posting my maps here helps me "create" new ideas for each region. I have several maps that are ready to post, but I've held off because I've been trying to build the "themes" to go with the city names and countries. I might be overthinking things a little, but that's me. :D

Anyway, the one I'm posting here is a region known as THE TULLELANDS. The truth is, the map should likely be named the Tullelands Region, as there are several different politcal entities in this region.

The Tullelands is the place where the River God of the Pantheon of the North, Tulle, died and fell during the Divinity War. His death greatly affected the entire continent, as waterways have a tendency to behave and look strange. Nowhere is this more apparent then the Tullelands. The waterways here are highly chaotic: a great geyser shoots up from one of the lakes while the other has a strange "waterfall" where the land rose up when Tulle's divine form hit earth. Now, water falls from a raised spire of magical stone. It's hard to explain.

Anyway, after Tulle's death, his worshippers flocked to the region and several cities, towns, and other communities grew up overnight (the capital city is Tullea). All those communities on the map with names related to water (such as Streambed) are part of what is collectively known as the Legacy Lands of the Water God.

Also on this map are four "locales" of note – Caer Virog, Dunehold, Hillgate, and Ferinmal.

Caer Virog is a ruined city-state that was destroyed 650+ years ago during the time of the Black Wars. No one is sure when the city-state was destroyed and the city is only of interest to scholars (and adventurers). Many have tried to explore Caer Virog, but the shifting sands and rocky terrain makes this treacherous. Those that have found the ruin and returned to tell of it, tell of ancient carvings and Draconic text on its buried walls. Some that have survived insist that the ruin is another throwback to the time before the Second Ice Age.

Second, Dunehold is desert elf city that is referred to as the City of Tribes. It is where all of the desert elf tribes come to trade and settle disputes. However, over the centuries it has had to adapt to integrate other races, especially Torin dwarves, the Bhuka, and even a few johzals. Humans are rare in the city and the hereditary oligarchy that runs the city goes to great lengths to keep out undesirables.

Third, is the Elevated City of Hillgate, which is mixed community of rockwood gnomes, rakasta, southern elves, lightfoot halflings, Torin dwarves, and even a few humans. It is known as The Gateway City and is one of the only ways to reach the Realm of the Little Trees – the mountain kingdom of the of the rockwood gnomes. Hillgate is that realms greatest ally in this region, as they provide as a buffer to those crazy "Tulleans" hell bent on exploring the lifewaters of their fallen god up into the mountains.

Hillgate is also known as one of the leading cities of the Far South when it comes to commerce. It is one of the only places that rockwood gnomes sell their wares to outsiders. Thus, the city has gained a reputation as being a city of hardened traders protecting their way of life.

The final "locale" of note is Ferinmal, or more correctly The Ferinmal Homeland, as most refer to “Ferinmal” as the city itself, not the land (yes, it can be confusing to outsiders). The Ferinmal Homeland is home to very mixed bag of people. One could almost call it the hinterlands on the edge of civilization. All of the other communities here are isolated outposts where law is handed out at the end of a sword.

If the Lands of Harqual is said to have a Wild West-like area, this is it, although flintlocks aren't readily available on Harqual. (Ferinmal City is one of the few "land-locked" spelljammer ports on the continent, and flintlocks are more common in the city than anywhere else in region due to the influence of spelljamming races.) It has quite a diverse population including (primarily) badlands dwarves, lightfoot halflings, rakastas, bhukas, and the illonis, as well as (secondarily) humans, tri-clops, hadozee, giffs, and a small number of desert elves that choose trading with the locales instead of raiding them.
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World of Kulan DM
Current Status of Mor's End!

Ok, I'm posting this note before I go to bed just to update those that have been following my development of the City of Mor's End, for what was the EN World City Project. While I've spent a lot of time working on adding building to the city map, more and more the overall design of the city was illogical from a "# of streets" standpoint. The map simply became to unwieldly to create anything consistant.

Basically, the map was a mess.

Thus, I am completely redesigning the city's street layout. This will give the city a more orderly look while still being medieval in design. Plus, it allows me to better use the random street function of City Designer in CC2. So far, I've redone the map with a better overal progress towards completion and all in one night. Now, I simply need to tweak some of the building sizes and go from what I have so far (see attached image.

Basically, I'm going to create each block one at a time and make sure to have an overall theme for each district. I forget the names but I remember the basical style for each area. Now, I just need to begin building the city's blocks as unique communities.

Anyway, time for bed.



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World of Kulan DM
Thread Update!
Okay, I've just gome back and re-uploaded all my current maps. I've deleted a few older ones, but have left several older, defunct maps up (i.e. the city closeups). I've added in a few revised maps of older regions such as the Avion Region, the Anthmoor Region, and the Jagged Peninsula.

I'm also going to be posting several maps that i've created over the last year that haven't been posted online yet. The first one is a revised version of the area surrounding the City of Eversink. Eversink is Piratecat's creation, which I have borrowed from him (with permission) for my own campaign. However, my Eversink is already turning out to be quite different and it and the lands surrounding it are known as The Eversink Suzerainity.

On this map is also the southwestern half of the Cadra Forest, as well as the northestern part of the Storm Jungle. Between the two great treelands lies Lake Nest and the ruined region known as Caer Valora. The Lands of Valora was a surrogate land of the Monarchy of Avion until recently. The tabaxi of the Storm Jungle razed that land and took many of it citizens as slaves. It now lies in ruins and is in complete anarchy.
Up next... the Coldstone Region.

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World of Kulan DM
NEW MAP: Coldstone Region

COLDSTONE REGION: This region came out my need to map out the entire Greystone Mountain Range. The Archbishopric of Coldstone is the dominant political force in this region. It is a feudal theocracy dedicated to Hades; however, other churches aren't restricted (too much) from being allowed to "gather the faithful" within the Archbishopic.

Yet, most of these other churches are forced to set up their chuches outside of the city-state of Coldstone, which acts as the theocratic capital of the Church of Hades. However, the other churches of the North Gods don't have to abide by this restriction. In fact, one could say the Archbishopic is a theocracy dedicated to all the North Gods but with Hades as the controlling force in the region.

The ruler of Coldstone is Archbishop Dagmar Frosthall [LN male dwarf (high) Clr12 (Hades)]. He is fairly unusual for a dwarf. He is devoted completely to Hades and has little patience for the "prattling thanes of the Kingdom of the Greystones."

Beyond the Archbishopic, this region is dominated by the Township of Kimsbridge, the Giant Steadings of Muirmaer, and the barbarian tribes of the Cold Barrens.

Kimsbridge is a tentative ally of Coldstone. This alliance is only a trade alliance so the town isn't actually under Coldstone's protection. This is how the town's current ruler, Leanora Tobbish [N female human Drd7 (the Daghdha)], prefers it to remain as she doesn't completely trust Dagmar Frosthall.

She has made a secret non-aggression pact with the giants of Muirmaer and hopes to make the alliance a permanent protection alliance in the not to distant future. If the Archbishop found out, it would be bad for the citizens of Kimsbridge as he hates giants, all giants. He would see her alliance with Muirmaer as a betrayal of the North Gods.

The barbarians of the Cold Barrens can trace their lineage back to the time when the North Gods lived amongst the tribes of the Northlands. Their ancestor tribes were never favored, however. Many of them were followers of Xuar before he betrayed the pantheon. Therefore, they were forced to leave the protection of the North Gods and live in the wastes of the Cold Barrens.

This has made the current tribes a bit bitter. They tend towards the evil side of chaos and neutrality, but they are never followers of the Sword Gods. (Xuar betrayed them too, after all.) They prefer to worship Konkresh and Uller but the worst of them worship Gruumsh and Vaprak.

The dead deity known as Zell is the closest many of them have to a "North God" patron deity. Zell was a Sword God who "saw the light" and joined the North Gods. He was the God of Struggling and Ardor, which is something the tribes of the Cold Barrens often take to heart.

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