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Knightfall's World of Kulan Campaign Maps (Updated: July 2022)


World of Kulan DM
A new map of the Bluffside Region, which i've made part of The Northwest on the Kanpur. I have a new thread in Plots & Places regarding The Northwest region of Kanpur.

The description for this map will go there.

Bluffside Region_new.JPG
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World of Kulan DM
Very nice, Knightfall. You are probably the most prolific Campaign Cartographer user I know. :)
Thanks! ;)

I try... :p

In all seriousness, I haven't created as many map lately as I used to create. I got away from it for a while. (Burnout! :rant: )

Anyway, I'm now in the process of fleshing out more of the western regions of my largest continent, Kanpur. It's about as far away from the Lands of Harqual as you can get on my world. I've done some mapping for Kanpur in the past but nothing detailed. That's about to change.

I'll still be creating maps for Harqual, however. I always tinkering with Harqual, plus there are still a few areas (mainly in the Northlands and Far South) I haven't detailed yet. I want to do a closeup map for the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves too. :D

So much to map and so little time!



I also have to start going bck through this thread and adding more descriptions for those maps that don't have a description. That's going to be a [fun] chore.
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World of Kulan DM
NEW MAP: Talangrán Region
Here's another look at a section of The Northwest. This one mainly shows the country known as Talangrán.

I'll post more about this map on my Kanpur thread in Plots & Places... either tonight or tomorrow. I've been kind of sick this week (I hate the flu) so it's more likely to be tomorrow.

Talangrán Region.JPG
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World of Kulan DM
Wakuna Islands
Here's another overview map. The Wakuna Islands are a small group of islands that sit between the Lands of Harqual and The Fallenlands.

The main island of note on this map is The Isle of Dread. I've been a fan of the X1 module since I ran it during the 2e era. It has been a mainstay on the World of Kulan ever since.

I haven't ran the Savage Tide adventure path yet, but it is on my to do list. :D

As a result of reading the first few adventures from that AP, I've incorporated the Olmec people into Kulan. The Olmecs will be the primary natives of the Wakuna Islands.

Beyond these thoughts, I haven't come up with too much for these islands.

Wakuna Islands.JPG
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World of Kulan DM
Kanpur Map: Gwyrdhyn!
Here is a regional map for the island known as Gwyrdhyn. This island will be heavily Celtic as well as being influenced by Arthurian Legend.

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World of Kulan DM
Ryaith is still an enigma to me. These islands came about while I was redrawing Janardûn in Campaign Cartographer 2 Pro. Basically, I went a little crazy and just couldn't stop myself from adding more and more islands. As a result, Ryaith came into being. It will likely be a land that is much older than Janardûn but closely tied to it. Therefore, Ryaith will be strongly psionic but it will also be highly magic. Perhaps Ryaith will be the original homeland of the shoyir elves of Janardûn.

I'm also looking for a place to put some of the new races from the "Races of" series of books. I just bought Races of Eberron plus I also have Races of Stone and Races of the Dragon. Perhaps Ryaith could be the homeland of the Kalashtar on Kulan. I also could throw in the Dream Dwarves. Hmm, the possibilities...

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World of Kulan DM
Hmm, I thought I uploaded this one already.

EDIT: Ha! I did post it. I just missed it in the thread. I knew I wasn't going crazy! :p

Anyway, this is the new place for it.

Kanpur w_regional names.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
The Frozen North
This region is directly north of the Lands of Harqual. I will be tied to Harqual somewhat, but the region will have its own history and people.

The Frozen North will likely be influenced by the d20 system sourcebook, Frost & Fur.

The Frozen North.JPG
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