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Knights of the Old Republic: The Last of the Sith(Master Kanas' Group)

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Skyka Tarkrak: Human/Female (Force Adept 1/ Jedi Guardian 6)

“Same here, Aerek,” Skyka admitted with a rather neutral expression, “but I would agree with your estimation.”

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First Post
"Ahead," Aalun says in a hushed tone. "Many. Let us progress in silence for Aalun feels that they do not yet know we are here."

Jedi Group:

As you moved closer to the huge, vertical incline, it was soon apparent just why the faint light seems to bounce off places that didn't make sense...even for a jagged rock-wall. There were rocks, not unlike the ones lining the 'path' on the ground, scattered across the incline itself nearly twenty meters up. And despite the darkness, you could see a very faint sheen behind the rocks. A metallic sheen.

And it spread the entire width of the canyon wall, only ending when the walls wrapped around. It only went about twenty meters up, where it was obviously returned to the natural rockface. But what sat in front of you, nearly as big as a Republic Cruiser, was a metal surface, dotted with rocks obviously meant to conceal it. And as you came to realize this, a strong feeling began to press down on you from all sides, as if trying to force the sight out of your mind and sense.

Crash Group:

A day earlier, your ship had picked up a distress call from a Jedi Master. Considering that the Sith War had only ended a year ago, this wasn't too surprising. There was still trouble everywhere and galaxy was still recovering from the chaos waged by the two fallen Jedi, Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun. But, at least they were gone...now the galaxy was back to the usual scum.

The pilot of the ship you were aboard was probably one of the scum. He was a scout, stretching the borders of hyperspace in search of new routes and new planets...helping to push the edge of the Republic further and further. Of course, this meant he wasn't exactly the most savory of men in the galaxy, but he didn't seem to have any trouble providing transport for the two of you. He had, of course, argued going to the planet Rollan, the source of the distress call from a Jedi Master named Kanas. But, eventually, the pilot had been convinced to go to the planet.

And then you were out of hyperspace after the long jump. There hung the green world of Rollan, a planet farther out from its star than most habitable worlds. Your pilot said nothing as you all sat in the small cockpit of the annoyingly cramped freighter, and simply tracked down the source of the signal, which was still repeating silently now.

But as the planet started to grow in the viewport, something was obviously wrong. There was a large, black spot over one section of the planet...which slowly began to grow into a long, giant pincer-like shape. By the time alarms started to scream in the cockpit and the pilot began cursing, it was already too late to worry about what kind of ship it was. Red lances of energy shot out from the huge thing, taking the shields of your small shuttle out in a matter of quick shots.

The next moments you remember were chaos. Even more alarms had gone off, with small explosions erupting in the cockpit. A violent rocking of the ship indicated that the main drives had been taken out, and there was only a matter of seconds before the entire ship was gone. You never actually saw what happened to the pilot on the frantic rush to the escape pod, but considering that he never did reach the pod, it wasn't likely he survived.

But after a short, very violent ride in the cramped escaped pod, the automatic systems kicked in and the pod came down smoother than it would have otherwise...but it was still rough, and you had a quick moment to see the mass of trees below before the entire pod slammed into them, taking out a long swath of the forest before the loud noises finally ended...but you were on the ground on Rollan...and alive.


I aim to misbehave
Durindal s'Tarren, Human Jedi Guardian

Crash Group

"Well, any landing you can walk away from . . . ," Durindal commented, leaving the ending hanging. His almost two meter frame was cramped in the escape pod . . . not to mention the additional person . . . and the shrinkage that occurred as the planet's gravity and surface had tried to compact it.

"Are you injured, Tate?" Durindal asked. "i'm really sorry about being you along - I wasn't before the attack and crash, mind you. Just does kind of put a cramp on finishing up that crime ring."
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Lady Shatterstone

First Post
Crash Group

Tate grunts as she tires to stand."As well as can be expected." Making it to her feet she streches and pops a few joints. "Hey don't sweat it, big guy. Besides you may need me to protect you." She gives me a wink and lets of a laugh. "and don't worry your pretty head about the crime ring I am sure there are plenty of 'bad people' for you to letcure here." Her teasing is unmerciful, but that's what he gets for being an easy target. Not to mention she is fond of the big lug.


First Post
Jedi Group

"I suppose we should look for a way in.", Aerek said.

(Though he'll leave the actual searching to the characters who have ranks in Search and Spot...)
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First Post
Aalun takes a moment to center himself in the force and focus ((activating Force Defense)) so as to concentrate on the "thing" before him. He begins looking it over for any signs of a hatch or entry point of any kind. ((Spot +7, Search +6))


I aim to misbehave
Durindal s'Tarren, Human Jedi Guardian

Tate said:
"As well as can be expected." Making it to her feet she streches and pops a few joints. "Hey don't sweat it, big guy. Besides you may need me to protect you."
"I'm counting on it, in fact," Durindal replied, a smile of relief on his face that she was alright.

Tate said:
"and don't worry your pretty head about the crime ring I am sure there are plenty of 'bad people' for you to lecture here."
"Perhaps . . . ," Durindal answered looking to see if there were any sensors or diagnostics in the escape pod that would give an indication what was outside. "The question is . . . was that attack related to Jedi Kanas's distress beacon, from completed unrelated 'bad people', or was Jedi Kanas's beacon a ruse itself."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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