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Knowledge Arcana is off hiatus!


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After being on hiatus for almost a year, Knowledge Arcana is back on track. Thanks so much to Penny Williams for going to bat for us with WOTC! Our next issue will be released on January 16th, and to add to the excitement, there's a brand new website in the works that should be up any day.

For those not familiar with us, KA is a quarterly digital mag (translation: downloadable pdf) that is intended to showcase the amazing talents of the gaming community at large. It's entirely free, we don't have advertisers that pay us anything, we don't even pay our editors.

We're always looking for new contributors, so if you have something that you'd like to see in happy digital print, just let us know. We do have a few guidelines, though.

At the moment, we are looking for art and articles related to Star Wars RPG, D&D and M:TG.
Only original work, please. We don't want reprints or recolors, even if you own the original.
All articles and short stories need to be in .doc, .rtf or .txt format. No exceptions!
All art must be at least 300 dpi and in .gif, .jpg or .dsp format. Any art meant to be full page should be a minimum of 1000 pixels wide. While we recognize the tradition of scantily clad hotness in fantasy and sci-fi art, please leave the figleafing in place.
Ownership of submitted materials remains exclusively with their original creator. Knowledge Arcana receives the right to edit and publish selected contributions in the magazine and archive them for a short period on the website. If we wish to use them for any purpose other than originally stated, we will contact you and await written permission.
Any submissions should be sent through submissions@knowledgearcana.com

On a side note, KA is putting together a list of favorite geeksites. If you have a favorite site for adventure ideas, items, or just to hang out with likeminded folks, pass it on to me at promotions@knowledgearcana.com. I'll tack it into the list and pass it out to our staff for perusal.
Thanks for your time, folks, and if you have any questions or comments, you can contact me directly. I'll be glad to talk to any of you.

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New Publisher
This could be scary.

I wrote a DDM article analyzing the LE commanders. I have no idea if it is making the cut this issue or not, but my attempt to update it based on what we know some 8 months after I originally wrote it was interesting. I found at least one commander the editors and I completely missed the first time!

Or, it won't make the cut this issue, and I'll get another shot at re-writing. I haven't heard much since I sent it onto Vreknidj for the last time.


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Update on fiction requirements!

After talking with our fiction editor, I've been asked to make some requests.

We get a TON of fantasy stories. We're not discouraging you from submitting them, just letting you know that you have some stuff competition.
Our editor has specifically requested some sci-fi, cyberpunk, Axis & Allies and d20 Modern stories. Aside from that, she'd like to see anything from WotC and non-WotC games that folks have to offer.
Fiction should be between 1500 and 4500 words. There is some wiggle room on the upper limit.
Submissions still need to go through submissions@knowledgearcana.com

Thanks in advance for anything you'd like to contribute! :D

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