Konsole Kombat PS4/XboxOne/Switch


Kombat with a K because Mortal Kombat from the 90's.

Well we are getting near the end of this generations console cycle with the PS5 in development. What console is best has been a lively debate since the 90's or so with the SNES vs Megadrive/Genesis. It probably predates them even but the Atari and NES were a bit of a blowout.

I have all 3 in the house, although my wife bought the switch and the PS4 was an insurance replacement for the PS3 which was stolen along with my Xbox One. The switch is not as good technically as the other two while the PS4/Xbox One are very very similar in terms of abilites and use at least on a day to day basis. The best looking exclusive games on the PS4 do tend to look very pretty, but there have been plenty of gorgeous looking games on both consoles for the last 5 years. I will briefly cover each deck pros and cons below.

The PS4 is a great machine. I have the slim version and of the two its better looking and it has a very good and comfortable controller to use. In terms of running apps, renting/buying movies, or the gamestore the PS4 and Xbox are functionally identical although I prefer the Ps4 menu system over the Xbox. Its simple but it works very well. For things like play station plus vs Xbox gold its essentially a draw. The main thing the PS4 is better at than the Xbox is being a game console. The PS4 has a lot more exclusive games that the Xbox and a lot of them are rated very well. For example The Last of Us, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, The Last Guardian, and Horizon Zero Dawn are exclusive to the PS4. If you can only afford one console you can't go to far wrong with the PS4 IMHO.

The PS4 gamestore has deals, movies you can buy or rent and you get several free games a month with your playstation plus account. This is functionally the same as Xbox Gold but every now and then the PS4 exclusives go on sale and you can pick up the games for under $20 so its marginally better in that regard. I did not pay full price for Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last Guardian or Uncharted although a lost a few of those games before playing them much. The PS4 also boots up faster than the Xbox, fast enough that its noticeable.

Xbox One
The PS4 is a better games machine at least in terms of the exclusive games available so why get an Xbox? The PS4 has also outsold the Xbox by a significant margin unlike the previous generation. I prefer the Xbox and if I could only pick one would pick this. The main reason is its better to use on a day to day basis in terms of things like netflix and other uses that are not games. The PS4 runs more apps, but the Xbox runs them better and its less frustrating to use as you can pin your favourites to the dashboard. I also prefer the Xbox controller and for online gaming I find the Xbox to be slightly better. Its fairly marginal though but if you like your online shooters or car games get an Xbox all the usual suspects are multi platform anyway. The Xbox however offers tremendous value for money though as it has 2 services he PS4 doesn't have. That is EA Access and the Xbox Game Pass. EA acces costs me $40 a year (25ish USD) and it basically gives you delayed access to all the EA game. EA games are not as good as they used to be but its a dirt cheap price an in effect it means you are getting the games for $1 each or so (there are over 40 or 50 titles on it). Older titles are also ther such as Dragon Age and Mass Effect 1,2 and 3. The Gamepass is $10 a month ($6.50 USD approx) and you get access to around 200 titles, including several Xbox 360 games and a few Xbox games. And they are tot exactly crap games.


If you subscribed to this, your free games on Xbox Live, and EA access you would have more games than you know what to do with for less than $200 a year and could play them all online. 4 or 5 PS4 exclusives or close to 300 games a year hmmmnn. My gamepass was 2 weeks free and 3 months for $3, so I used it to replay Knights of the Old Republic from 2003 Xbox.

Nintendo Switch

The switch is a nifty little gaming console. Its not as powerful of course but its main strength is first party Nintendo Titles such as Mario and Zelda, along with the fact that its portable as well. My wife bought one and she has yet to plug it into the TV, while my sister in law also has one and the games do look good on a 50" LED. Its not as good online as the PS4/Xbox and it lacks a few retro titles that were available on the Wii U. I find the controllers are a bit of a gimmick though but you can buy a proper one that strongly resembles a Xbox controller in shape and functions. Slightly annoying is the button layout as the Xbox and PS4 are mostly interchangeable in that regard but navigating the menus I find annoying as I tend to hit the wrong buttons. I'm also not a hardcore Nintendo player, and I can give or take on Mario and Zelda. Still my sister in laws child threw a wobbly as he has just started and at 5 years old he wanted to play Yoshi instead of going to school so they are doing something right. If you're not a fan of first party Nintendo titles the Switch is the wrong console and in real terms is more expensive as it doesn't have the online features of the Xbox One or the deep discounts on older games the other 2 consoles have.

So whats the best one? To be honest they are all good although I owuld put the switch in last place. I prefer the Xbox over the PS4 based purely on personal opinion, but both are great machines. Technically the games have gotten better but there is less variety and less high rated games than in previous generations (PS3/360 and the PS2 days) but the games are also longer and you could spend years playing GTA 5 online for example. I like 3D action games like Tomb Raider, and Uncharted but its not a major genre that gets me now. If a game is multiplatform I tend to buy it on the Xbox, I use the PS4 for exclusives. For games I don't care that much about but still want to play if they are cheap enough I'll buy them on whatever console that has the cheapest sale. Most of my Assassin Creed games are on the PS4 for example, Black Flag is on the Xbox One along with Lego Star Wars TFA. Its mostly because I like the Xbox controller better and it hasn't changed that much sine the original Xbox's S controller. The PS4 has a very nice pad as well however although I did get the bug that causes the pads to no synch with the PS4 which functionally ruins it (the PS4 red ring of death). I don't spend much time on consoles these days though so cheap games wins out for me and I prefer Netflix app on the Xbox along with some of the others but some apps here only run on the PS4.

Best console IMHO

1. Xbox
2. PS4
3. Switch

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PS5 backwards compatible damn. PS4 is a great machine. Everyon now and then I do like busting out an old game but if I don't actually have to plug in a different machine to do that its a bonus.


Yeah, I know. The one big benefit of the x86 architecture.*

The PS3 was a great machine (that cell processor!!!!!), but the continuity break ... man.

*Okay, that and cost.

I had both back then and say between 2006 and 2009 the PS3 was quite meh. 360 had the best games, best online stuff, best controllers etc the PS3 was actually kind of bad initially. It took a while for its library to catch up and ts debatable if it ever did. 2006 IIRC we were playing CoD2 online, Gears of War was good, Halo didn't suck, Mass Effect was not available on the PS3 for a bit etc. It was also terrible online by comparison. 360 launched first, was cheaper, and had better games early on. I remeber an early PS3 was $1300 here, the 360 was $700 and something dollars with an extra pad and some games. It was a blowout, and the Xboxlive thing didn't help either as people tended to play with their friends (and still are on the Xboxone carrying over).

Sony learnt their lesson, Xbox thought gimmicks like motion control/kinnect was a thing. Worked once for Nintendo.

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