Kris' all new miniature thread

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The animated book swarm was great, especially the 'attack with random spell' aspect...

And the models look fantastic, you've almost converted this particular 'theatre of the mind preferring diehard'.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
As always, it depends on the game/situation. But I think they work quite well for the kind of thing I ran yesterday :)

Yeah, if I went through the trouble, my players would find someway, somehow, without any intention of doing do, completely avoiding that encounter. Many a well planned battlemap set up has only been seen by this DM the night before the game...


As always, it depends on the game/situation. But I think they work quite well for the kind of thing I ran yesterday :)

They did indeed.

For the others reading the thread, Kris is running a side game in our gaming sessions called 'Tropes Town' - where we plunder the the most stereotypical tropes found in D&D in a good old fashioned puzzle dungeon crawl in 'The Crack'. We're encouraged to play the most 'tropey' PCs possible - the game is a lot of fun, and a real breath of fresh air as a break from the heavier roleplaying we also do..

My Swashbuckler One Eyed Jake wasn't supposed to survive for very long, but he's managed it so far...

"Hahaaa, you 'ave not seen zees manoeuvre before!" (as he does the same thing over and over again :p - Wisdom 4 ;) )


I've still not got much painting done (I really need to do something about that) ...but this kinda counts as a miniature...


...and I'll be using it as an animated book swarm in an upcoming adventure I'm planning :)

You should have your own miniatures and terrain imprint company ...

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