• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Kronos's d20 Stuff


Zoison Assault Mech

The Zoison is a new, fairly simple to use assault mech. Boasting robust armour, reliable weapons, the 31 foot tall Zoisons will stride across the battlefields, taking and holding positions. Using a new headless design to lower the profile slightly and put the sensor system in a more protected area of the torso makes it far less easier to blind the pilot. Zoisons use readily available parts, making repairs that much quicker, plus also come with onboard instructions to aid field mechanics in their repairs to get a Zoison running again. The only complaint a few customers have is the lack of hands, although they can't complain about the generous amount of ammunition a Zoison can carry into battle.

Size: Huge (-2)
Bonus Hit Points: 200
Superstructure: Vanadium
Hardness: 25
Armour: Resilium
Bonus to Defense: +8
Armour Penalty: -7
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +16
Dexterity Penalty: 
Speed: 40 ft Base
Purchase DC: 46

Torso: Cockpit
Back: Multi-Launch Mini-Rocket Launcher
Back: Multi-Launch Mini-Rocket Launcher
Shoulders: Chaff Launcher
Belt: Class III Sensor System
Left Arm: M-9 Extra Ammo
Left Hand: M-9 Barrage Chaingun
Left Hand:M-9 Extra Ammo
Right Arm: M-9 Extra Ammo
Right Hand:M-9 Barrage Chaingun
Right Hand:M-9 Extra Ammo
Boots: Life Support System
Comm System

Reinforced Armour See here for details.
Chaff Launcher found in Future Tech page 72. Note: The book doesn't list how many chaff bundles are in the system so I usually give it 10 bundles, PDC 11 to reload the launcher with 10 bundles.

Standard Package Features: Comm system
Bonuses: +2 Navigate and +2 Spot, 90 ft darkvision
Weapons: M-9 Barrage Chaingun 5d6 ball, 20, 60 ft, S/A, Linked (16 belts of 50 ea), Huge, 100 lbs X2
Multi-Launch Mini-Rocket Launcher varies, varies, 20/varies, 150 ft, 25 mini rockets per launcher (50 total), 60 lbs X2
Slam 2d6 bludgeon.

New Equipment
Multi-Launch Mini-Rocket Launcher
This system is similar to the multi-launch mini-rocket launcher used in the Missile Weapon Pack on the Thunder assault mech, although smaller in size and is just the mini-rocket launcher component.
This system is capable of launching a single rocket or laying down a barrage to level an area.
Barrage: Target a square and it launches five rockets surrounding it to overlap the explosive areas of the warheads to maximize damage potential.
Blast radius is 2.5 times the radius of one rocket. So if rocket has a 20 ft blast radius, barage radius is 50 ft.
Anyone caught in the blast radius takes 1.5 times normal rocket damage, Reflex save DC is increased by +5. A rocket's ability to ignore hardness/DR is ignored unless target within takes up half or more of the blast radius.
Each launcher holds 25 mini-rockets.
Range Increment 150 ft
PDC 28 Mil (+3)

Wolf Tank

The Wolf Tank is a hybrid, crossing the line between tank and mech. Instead of a true bipedal form, below the torso is a tank like vehicle part with treads, which adds great stability to the mech. It also lacks the traditional head of most mechs. An interesting feature the Wolf Tank does have is the ability to raise and lower its torso so as to better look over obstacles, or to seem more imposing to any large animals it may encounter, raising from it's 13 foot height to 23 ft.
The Wolf Tank is a fairly simple design, relatively speaking, but its key selling points is its low price and very simple controls. The Wolf is so simple to pilot that anyone who's had training in combat vehicles, or even heavy construction equipment can pilot it with some skill, although not to the extent of someone with full training. Although with enough practice, untrained people can easily become proficient in using one. 

Wolf Tank (PL5/6)
Size: Large Heavy Assault(can extend to huge)
Bonus Hit Points: 100
Superstructure: Alumisteel
Hardness: 10
Armour: Alumisteel
Bonus to Defense: +5
Armour Penalty: -6
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +8
Dexterity Penalty: 
Speed: 35 ft
Purchase DC: 36 

Torso: Cockpit
Torso: Cockpit
Back: Extending system
Shoulders: Class II Sensor System
Left Arm: M-9 ammo
Left Hand Replacement (2 slots): M-9 Barrage Chaingun and 6 extra belts of ammo
Right Arm: M-9 ammo
Right Hand Replacement (2 slots):  M-9 Barrage Chaingun and 6 extra belts of ammo
Treads: Anti-Obstacle System
Comm System

Standard Package Features: Comm System
Bonuses: +2 Navigate and Spot
Weapons: 2 M-9 Barrage Chaingun 5d6 ball, 20, 60 ft, S/A, Linked (16 belts of 50 rds ea), Huge, 100 lbs
Slam 1d8, bludgeon, 20, melee

New Equipment
Anti-Obstacle System
The anti-obstacle system is designed to help remove any obstacles that the Wolf Tank simply can't just drive over. It contains several robotic arms that extend. The robotic arms are fairly simple with rudimentary grasping hands, with several cutting tools mounted on them including a buzzsaw, bolt cutters and a cutting torch. These robotic arms have a Strength rating of 22, and have a 10 ft reach past the treads.
Equipment Slots: 1
Activation: Standard action
Range Increment: 10 ft
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Purchace DC: 21
Restriction: None

Extending System
A telescoping system with powerful hydraulics designed to extend the reach, or height of a mech. When installed in belt, back or torso, can extend the upper torso up (or out if a quadruped) by enough to bring it into the next size category. The mech can still fight while extended, however unless using a reach weapon, or ranged weapon, will be unable to strike targets in adjacent squares to the mech. If mounted in the shoulders, the arms can extend to increase the reach of the mech by 10 ft. If mounted in the legs or belt (choosing legs instead of torso extension, which must be made at time of creation and can not be changed), the mech can extend its height, raising its entire body, which increases its speed by 10 ft, but pilot must make a balance check DC 15 any time the mech makes an attack.
Equipment Slots: 1
Activation: Move action
Duration: Instantaneous/continuous until deactivated
Purchase DC: 34
Restriction: None


The Griffin is a quick strike mech made for lightning strikes. Some might consider it a scout mech, but its sensors aren't any better than average mechs. Light on armour, but has fairly strong weapons, coupled with its high speed, many griffins are piloted by dare devils. Many griffin pilots place wagers on who will reach the target first and draw first blood, making them very competitive and aggressive. 
Griffins come standard with a heavy weapon on the right arm, usually a laser or plasma cannon, with a missile launcher on the other arm, with a melee weapon attached, usually a set of tiger or panther claws. Mounted under the cockpit is a pair of lighter rapid fire weapons, usually used against infantry or lighter armoured foes.
Griffins are not laid out like traditional mechs, lacking a humanoid head and have reversed jointed legs. This aids in their high speed and maneuverability, letting them get around rough terrain or obstacles. The reverse jointed legs allows their 14 foot tall frame lower down to aid it hide when laying in ambush.
Griffin (PL6)
Size: Large
Bonus Hit Points: 80
Superstructure: Alumisteel
Hardness: 10
Armour: Resilium
Bonus to Defense: +5 (+6 armour -1 size)
Armour Penalty: -5
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +8
Dexterity Penalty: 0
Speed: 50 ft Base
Purchase DC: 42 
Torso: Class III Sensor System
Torso: Cockpit
Belt: Dual Heavy Laser Rifles
Back: Cockpit
Shoulders: 4 pack of M-87 missiles
Left Arm: M-87 Firestar Missile Launcher
Left Hand: PS-15 Panther Claws
Right Arm: Typhoon 240 Laser Cannon
Right Hand: Typhoon 240 Laser Cannon
Comm System 
Standard Package Features: Comm System
Bonuses: +2 Navigate and Spot, 90 ft darkvision, +4 Jump checks
Weapons: Typhoon Laser Cannon 10d6 fire, 20, 100 ft, Single, -, Huge
M87 Talon Missile Launcher 15d6 half ball/fire, 20, - ft, Single, 8 rd, Huge
Dual Heavy Laser Rifle 6d8 fire, 20, 100 ft, S/A, unlimited, Large
PS-15 Panther Claws 2d6 slashing, 19-20, melee
Slam 1d8, bludgeon, 20, melee
New Equipment
Reverse Jointed Legs
These legs have the joints in reverse to normal mechs. This gives the mech more movement, but does make them a little more unstable, suffering a -4 stability penalty on checks to resist bull rush and trip attempts. Reverse jointed equipped mechs gain a +20 feet to speed, and a +4 bonus to Jump checks, but can not be mounted on mechs of gargantuan or colossal sizes, and they also loose the boots equipment slot as it is required for stabilization systems.

Dual Heavy Laser Rifles
This is a mini turret mounted on the lower torso of the Griffin that holds two fire linked heavy laser rifles. A heavy laser rifle deals 4d8 fire, 100 ft range. The turret can cover the full front half of the Griffin and can aim directly below the Griffin, so it can attack targets directly under it.


The Banshee is a heavy assault mech built around direct energy weapon systems. It gets its name from the loud whine of its gatling lasers spinning as they blast away at targets. The sturdy frame allows it to soak up damage, but even with its thick armour, the banshee is still vulnerable to infantry. Built on either side of the cockpit are two dual laser turrets to fend off attacks from infantry. The primary weapons of the Banshee are a pair of high speed gatling lasers which can fire up to 5000 pulses a minute. However, at this rate of fire, the emitters would burn out after more than 30 seconds of sustained fire, so most banshee's have their weapons limited between 3000 and 4200 pulses per minute.

Banshee (PL6/7)
Size: Huge
Bonus Hit Points: 250
Superstructure: Neovulcanium
Hardness: 20
Armour: Duralloy
Bonus to Defense: +6 (+8 equipment -2 size)
Armour Penalty: -8
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +16
Dexterity Penalty:
Speed: 30 ft
Purchase DC: 45 Mil (+3)

Back: structural enhancement
Left Arm: XGL Laser
Left Hand: XGL Laser
Right Arm: XGL Laser
Right Hand: XGL Laser
Shoulders: Dual Laser Turret x2
Torso: Cockpit
Belt: Class III Sensor System
Boots: light fortification
Comm System

Standard Package Features: Headless design, class III sensory system, XGL laser x2, Dual laser turret, light fortification
Bonuses: +2 equipment bonus to Navigate and Spot, darkvision 90 feet, 25% of critical hits change to regular hits.
Weapons: XGL Laser 6d6 or 9d8, fire, 20, 120 ft, S/A, 100 internal, Huge x2
Dual Laser Turret 4d8, fire, 20, 75 ft, s, -, Large x2
Slam 2d6 bludgeoning.

New Equipment
XGL Laser
These gatling lasers were designed specifically for the Banshee, able to throw large amounts of laser blasts across the battle field. A single pulse deals only 6d6 points of fire damage, and are fully capable of full automatic fire. Where the XGL's really shine is their burst fire, able to fire large amounts of pulses as a burst in a single attack, dealing 9d8 points of fire damage in a single attack. The XGL does have limited power in its power cells, before being drained and requires time for the power core of the Banshee to recharge them, and burst mode, suffering -3 to attack, and doesn't require the Burst Fire feat, uses up 10 rounds. The burst mode can also be used in full automatic, increase area targeted by 5 feet a side and the Reflex save DC by +5. The power cells of the XGL has 100 rounds, and recharges at a rate of 1 round every minute after it hasn't been used for 5 rounds. These weapons are also quite loud, opponents gain a +5 bonus to Listen checks to hear them, as they have a very distinctive whine.
Equipment Slots: 2, must be Arm or Hands, Torso, Shoulders
Activation: Attack
Range: 100 ft
Target: Single target within 1000 ft or autofire
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)
PDC: 31 Mil (+3)

Dual Laser Turret
These turrets are a pair of laser rifles mated together in a turreted mount to provide protection against infantry. They are tied into the mech's sensors and fire automatically at any target not designated friendly that come within range of the mech. Each turret deals 4d8 points of fire damage. When set in defensive mode, they each have 2 attacks at +4 to attack rolls (size modifier is already taken into account for the attack bonus) and attack anything that isn't designated a friendly within 75 feet of the mech, as attacks of opportunities and/or as readied actions. The pilot can choose to use the turrets himself, but doesn't gain the multiple attacks or the bonus, instead using his own bonus, adding the size modifier of the mech to the attack roll.
Equipment Slots: 1
Activation: Attack, or automatic
Range: 75 ft
Target: Single target within 75 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Purchase DC: 29
Restriction: Mil (+3)

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Recon Rat
The Recon Rat is a sophisticated robot for surveliance work. Able to go virtually anywhere a normal rat can, slip in and out of places undetected and send back all that it sees and hears through various encrypted means to it's controller's console. Programmed with the instincts of a rat to help it blend in with other rats also thanks to the addition of chemical sacks that let the robot smell like one of the swarm. Used by black ops groups for scouting areas or to trail a target, or by some search and rescue groups to find people buried in collapsed tunnels or buildings before their air runs out.

Recon Rat PL 6/7
Type: Construct
CR: 1/2
Size: Tiny
Hit Points: 1/4d10 (2 hp)
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 40 ft, climb 20 ft ferrous surfaces
Defense: 17, 17 touch
BAB/Grp: +0/-8
Attack: +2 melee 1d2
FS/Reach: 1 ft by 1 ft/ 0 ft
Special Qualities:  Construct traits, Resistance acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10, darkvision 180 ft, 
Saves: Fort +0, Reflex +3, Will +0
Abilities: Str 2, Dex 17, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 5
Skills: Listen +8, Search +8, Spot +8, Hide +17, Move Silently +9, Escape Artist +5, +10 Navigate, +2 Survival
Feats: Alertness, Meticulous, Stealthy, Track

Frame: Biodroid
Locomotion: Legs (4 legs)
Manipulators: Jaws
Sensors: Class VII
Skill Software: Skill Pogits Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Listen +4, Spot +4, Search +4
Feat Software: Feat Net
Accessories: Gimbaled Joints, magnetic feet, AV transmitter, AV Recorder, survivor array, chemical sacks
PDC: 30

The Erumpo was designed as defense or attack robot, specializing in seek and destroy or ambush. With its dual fire linked pulse lasers as the primary weapons, makes short work of infantry. The optic camouflage allows the Erumpo to sneak around or lay in wait before it springs an attack. 
The unique design of the Erumpo gives the top half a full 360 degree horizontal rotation plus 290 vertical rotation front to back. The most interesting feature of the Erumpo is the multi-attack vector module, which allows it to split into two parts, the top half able to roll around at great speed, while the lower half walks about. The weapons are split with the dual fire linked pulse rifles in the top, and the laser rifle is slung between the legs. Both halves can act independently coordinating attacks with each other, or with other Erumpos in the area via secured scrambled communications, making them even deadlier in small groups of 4 to 6, effectively doubling their numbers when multi-attack vectors are engaged.

 PL 6/7
Type: Construct
Size: Large (10 ft)
Hit Points: 6d10 +20 (56)
Init: +3
Speed: 30 ft / 80 ft roller*
Defense: 17, touch 11 (-1 size +6 equipment, +2 Dex)
BAB/Grp: +9/+19 
Attack: +11 ranged linked pulse laser rifle (4d10), or +7 linked pulse laser rifle (4d10) and +7 linked pulse rifle (4d10), or +7 fire linked pulse rifle (4d10) and +7 laser rifle (3d8), or +15 melee slam (1d8+6)
FS/Reach: 10 ft/ 10 ft
Special Qualities:  Construct traits, co-ordinate attack
Saves: Fort +2, Reflex +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 1
Skills: Listen +8, Search +4, Spot +8, Hide +4/+14 optic camouflage engaged, Move Silently +5, 
Feats: Personal Firearms Prof, Advanced Firearms Prof, Burst Fire, Dodge, Mobile, Point Blank Shot, Shot On The Run, Two-Weapon Fighting

Frame: Biomorph
Locomotion: Legs (4 legs)/ Roller
Armour: Resilium
Sensors: Class VI
Skill Software: Skill Pogits Hide +8, Move Silently +4, Listen +4, Spot +4, Search +4
Feat Software: Feat Net x2
Accessories: Dexterity Upgrade X3, Intelligence Upgrade x5, Wisdom Upgrade x2, Gimbaled Weapon Mount X3, Energy-Resistant Coating (fire 5), Energy-Resistant Coating (electricity 5), Optic Camouflage, Twin Linked Pulse Laser Rifle x2, Pulse Laser Rifle, Oracle Targeting System Mark 3, Multi-Attack Vector Module 
PDC: 42

*When splits into it's two parts, the top half has the two linked pulse rifles, it's attacks change to
+12 ranged linked pulse rifle (4d10), or +8 ranged linked pulse rifle (4d10) and +8 linked pulse rifle (4d10), no slam attack, speed changes to 80 ft, size to medium, has half the hit points 28, Defense changes to 18, 12 touch, hide skill changes to +10 or +18 with optic camouflage engaged

Bottom half has attack +12 ranged laser rifle (3d8), or **+12 melee slam (1d8+6) and +8 ranged pulse rifle, or +16 melee slam (1d8+6), size to medium, has 28 hit points, Defense changes to 18, 12 touch, hide skill changes to +10 or +18 with optic camouflage engaged
**Against small or prone/knocked down opponents, the Erumpo's lower half will stomp and/or attempt to pin an opponent and blast with its pulse rifle at the same time, or as its stomping one opponent blast away at another nearby opponent with the laser rifle to discourage others from helping the prone victim.

Co-ordinate Attack
When both halves of the Erumpo, or even with other Erumpos, attack the same target, each part gains a +2 to attack and +1 dodge bonus to attack on top of the bonus from the dodge feat that both halves can use, but only if the same target for attacking is used for the dodge feat.

New Equipment
Optic Camouflage PL7
The optic camouflage system allows the robot to blend in with its surroundings better, both visually and in other areas such as electromagnetically, infrared, ultraviolet. The sensors are used to take in the surrounding area, then that data is transmitted to the modified armour plating to mimic the environment much better than older systems of the past, allowing for real-time changes to the surface colouring and designs with only a 0.56 nanosecond delay.
Grants a +8 to hide checks.
PDC: 15 + one half robot's base purchase DC

Oracle Targeting System PL6
A robot version of the mech Oracle Targeting system including heuristic target-prediction profiling, ballistic projection and plotting, various preprogrammed tactics and strategies, all help the robots accuracy. The system grants an enhancement bonus on attack rolls (+2 to +10) with integrated weapons.
The system has five different categories (denoted Mark I through Mark V). Purchase DC varies depending on the enhancement bonus conferred.
Purchace DC: 18 for Mark I  (+2), 19 for Mark II (+4), 21 for Mark III (+6), 23 for Mark IV (+8), 24 for Mark V (+10)

Gimbaled Weapon Mounts PL6
These weapon mounts are on gimbaled joints allowing for fast movement and a high degree of movement, allowing for greater fields of fire.
PDC: +4 added to PDC from Table 10-8 Robot Weapon Mounts on page 189 of D20 Future

Multi-Attack Vector Module PL6
The multi-attack vector module allows the robot to split into multiple parts, each capable of it's own movement, attack and actions, provided each section is designed for movement. The purchase DC increases for the number of separate parts the robot splits into.
PDC: 15 + one half base purchace DC of robot's frame for two parts, 18 + one half base purchase DC for three parts, 21 + one half base purchase DC for four parts.

Roller PL6/7
The roller form of locomotion is a hybrid of treads and casters. A tread like caster(s) goes around the entire body of the robot allowing for quick easy movement, even allowing it to navigate most terrain and shallow steps. Can quickly change direction (using flying maneuverability as an example would be half way between Good and Perfect) and speed without losing control.
Purchace DC: three quarters the purchace DC of the robot's frame

Devastator PL6

The Devastator, when you need to break through enemy lines or have a solid defense. Some critics complain about its retro look, many soldiers find it gives it a more intimidating look. Many rebels have surrendered upon seeing a multi-ton metal clad behemoth charging at them like a crazed rhino. Although not built with many ranged weapons, it's mini-grenade launchers are fairly short ranged, Devastators get their name from charging into areas with enemy troops or vehicles and devastating everything in sight with its fists and 'rain of death' as troops call it's grenade attack, or it's firefog. The firefog being quite deadly within close quarters, and within some units, the primary attack method. Some countries are working to ban the firefog as an inhumane weapon.
Favoured uses of Devastators are storming bunkers or other fortifications and letting it smash its way through wall and defenders with equal ease. Or as defenders of important units like combat engineers, negotiators, command APCs or of structures.
Besides its unique weapons and use, what makes the Devastator interesting is the advanced computer brain, first generation neural network. Modeling its personality after traits of various animals, primarily canine, rhino, armadillo and porcupine. Due to the neural network, the Devastator will learn over time, some develop little quirks, and when used with the same group of soldiers, it's found that they adapt their tactics to better mesh with them. Some Devastators that have seen a lot of combat with the same units become fiercely loyal, and considered more a loving pet and partner than just some combat drone to be used and tossed away when it's damaged.

Devastators can pull their arms close to their bodies to lock their shields tight against their body to create a heavily armoured shell. The six tubes on the Devastator's back contain smoke grenades and is also where the firefog is released from.

Devastator PL 6
Type: Construct
Size: Large
Hit Points: 7d10+20 (65)
Init: -1
Speed: 20 ft 
Defense: 20 (-1 size +8 armour -1 dex +4 shield) or 24 from armoured shell (+4 shield +4 shield), 16 with armoured shell engaged.
Hardness: 15
BAB/Grp: +9/+21
Attack: +21 melee 2 Shield Fist 2d8+12, or +23 melee 4d6+12 ram, or +12 ranged mini grenades varies damage (usually explosive 3d6 fire, or fragmentation 3d6 slashing, range of 70 ft, 100 mini grenades), or +21 melee 2 shield fists 2d8+12 ea and +16 melee spike 2d6+6.
FS/Reach: 10 ft/ 10 ft
Special Qualities:  Construct traits, armoured shell, ram, reinforced construction, defensive shield, stomp, energy resistance
Special Attacks: Rain of Death, firefog, stomp
Saves: Fort +2, Reflex +3, Will +4
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 8, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: Balance +3, Listen +6, Repair +3, Search +6, Spot +6, 
Feats: Run, Power Attack, Cleave, Shield Proficiency, Shield Specialization, Stomp

Frame: Biomorph
Locomotion: Legs (Pair)
Superstructure: Duralloy
Manipulators: Hand (Pair)
Armour: Duralloy
Sensors: Class V
Skill Software: 
Feat Software: Feat Progit x2
Accessories: Strength Upgrade x5, Cortex Mk 2, AV Recorder, Weapon Mounts, firefog, smoke grenades 5 smoke grenades per tube on back total of 30, mini grenade array, spike, Oracle Targeting Mark 2, Skill increases, added skills, energy resistant coating (fire resistance 10)
PDC: 36

Armoured Shell
The default state for the Devastator is "closed," with its shield arms against its body and its armoured frame locked tight. The Devastator can move normally in this state but cannot attack. In this state the Devastator gains damage resistance 25/- and also has a 50% chance to ignore critical hits like the Fortification armour ability. The Devastator can "open" as a free action to attack with its Shield Fists or to fire its Rain of Death. Once opened, closing again required a standard action.

Rain of Death: Every other round, as a standard action, can unlease an array of short-ranged grenades primed to immediately explode,  15 ft radius blast around the devastator, damage 7d6, fire or slashing depending on grenades used, Reflex DC 22 for half damage, creatures within 5 ft of the Devastator cannot save for half.  Each use of the rain of death uses 10 mini grenades.

The Devastator comes with the firefog weapon system. Installed within the tubes on its back, it releases the firefog quickly and easily. The Devastator's firefog system is very similar to the mecha based one, only has six charges, one on each of the tubes mounted on its back, all other stats remain the same.

Defensive Shield
The Devastator can use its shield arms to defend a friendly target within 10 feet of it, granting the shield bonus to the target for the round, using the aid other action, replacing the normal +2 to Defense that aid other would normally grant with the shield's bonus.

One of the favoured first strike attacks of the Devastator is to close its arms against itself forming the armoured shell, then charging into combat, ramming into targets, impaling them on the spike. On a charge, the Devastator gains a speed of 100 (Run feat), and upon striking a target, deals 4d6+12, half piercing and half bludgeoning damage. Normal bonuses and penalties for running and charging apply and stack.

The Devastator can stomp its foot or slam its fists on the ground to cause it to shake, knocking smaller targets within 10 feet of it to fall prone, DC Reflex 22.

New Equipment

An engineering and computer programming breakthrough, cortexes are droid brains modeled after an organic brain. Although so far quite difficult to completely model after the human brain, other animal brains can be done, giving the droid some intelligence, but combining with animal instincts and cunning, depending on the animal personality traits used. Each cortex comes with basic skills for the droid to function, and can be easily programmed with added skills and feats. Due to the neural construction, droids with cortexes can improve their skills over time, and can aquire new skills or feats. Droids with cortexes can used as heroic character (player characters) but start with the basic hardwired skills, and one feat preprogramed.
Cortexes come in different levels of intelligence and preprogrammed skills.
Mark 1 comes with Intelligence 6, Listen 2 ranks, Search 2 ranks, Spot 2 ranks, can be programmed with another 3 feats, PDC 31
Mark 2 comes with Intelligence 8, Balance 2 ranks, Listen 4 ranks, Repair 2 ranks, Search 4 ranks, Spot 4 ranks, Run feat, and be programmed with another 3 feats, PDC 32
Mark 3 comes with Intelligence 10, Balance 4 ranks, Listen 4 ranks, Navigate 2 ranks, Repair 2 ranks, Search 4 ranks, Spot 4 ranks, Run feat, can be programmed with another 4 feats, PDC 33
Each model can be upgraded with more ranks in each skill and can additional skills and feats using feat progits beyond the number of feats that each level of cortex can with.

Bulwark Tactical Shields
Mounted on the arms of the Devastator are Bulwark tactical shields designed to fit snuggly against the Devastator's body when the arms are pulled in, creating a complete armoured shell around the body. These shields can also be used when not forming the armoured shell to defend the Devastator or its charge.

Firefog PL6 (Mech version)
Firefog is a highly flammable chemical spray that fills the air around the mech and makes  movement hazardous. The short-lived firefog cloud bonds with air molecules, and is so unstable that the friction created by normal movement can ignite it, turning the air around the Power Armor into a lethal firestorm.
Anyone moving faster than 10 ft per round within the area of a Firefog cloud will ignite the chemical. All targets within the cloud’s radius take 6d6 points of fire damage. The explosion can set  combustibles on fire, and a Reflex save, DC 18 halves the damage. Typically the mech is specially insulated to avoid damage from its own cloud, making this weapon ideal for laying ambushes. Has enough for 10 uses.
Equipment Slots: 1
Activation: Free action to deploy a cloud
Range: 30 ft radius, centered on the mech
Target: All creatures and objects in range
Duration: A cloud can lie dormant for upto 1 minute
before disappating harmlessly; effects are instant when triggered.
Saving Throw: Reflex DC 18 Half Effect
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Military (+3)

Reinforced Construction
The robot is built far stronger and more robust than normal. Used only on military robots expected to be used in heavy combat. Allows the robot to use the Superstructure rules for mecha from d20 Future.

Shield Specialization
You are especially good at using a shield for defense.
Prerequisites: Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus +4 or higher.
Benefit: The character knows just how to angle a shield against incoming attacks to more easily deflect the force of the blow or to encourage a ranged weapon to slide off the shield rather than strike it directly. Adds +1 to the shield's bonus for melee attacks and +2 ranged attacks. The character must be aware of the incoming attack and not be flat footed.

Using your great size and mass, you can cause the ground to shudder.
Prerequisites: Size Large, Strength 19+
Benefits: The character can stomp their foot or slame fist on the ground (as a standard action), causing it to shake. All creatures smaller than the character within 10 feet must make a Balance check (DC 10 + stomping character's strength modifier) or fall prone. 


Jade Naga
Jade naga is a template that is added to any humanoid. The creature, retains upper humanoid torso, but looses their hair and their skin transforms into green scales and legs are transformed into a thick snake-like body. Scale colouration ranges shades of green to brown to black, with highlights of green, red or yellow. The base creature retains all abilities except as noted here:

Size: Medium (The base creature's carrying capacity is increased to 1.5x normal.)
Hit Dice: Increase to d10 or as base creature if hit dice is higher.
Speed: Ground speed is increased by +10 feet and gains a swim speed equal to their normal movement rate.
Reach: Same as base creature.
Face: 10 feet
Attacks: As base creature and gains a tail slap attack (1 + Strength modifier lethal damage and 2d6 subdual damage) as a natural secondary attack. A tail slap attack has a reach of 10 feet.
Special Attacks: A jade naga retains all the attacks of the base creature except any that require the use of legs. A jade naga also gains the following special attacks.
Poisoned Tail: small poisonous glands grown at the end of the jade naga's tail, allowing it to poison those it successfully inflicts at least one point of damage from a tail slap attack. Opponents damaged by a tail slap attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Con modifier) or become staggered for 1d4 rounds.
Constrict: The jade naga can coil about and crush an opponent after successfully grappling his victim. Each round in which the jade naga remains grappled with his opponent he deals 3d6 + Strength modifier subdual damage to the target.
Special Qualities: Immune to poison.
Saves: As base creature.
Abilities: +2 Strength
Skills: +6 species bonus to Climb checks.
ECL: +2
PDC: 34
Requires 6 Fort saves DC 25

Pale Centaur
Pale centaur is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature. The base creature's lower body transforms into an alabaster coloured horse with cloven hooves and a leonine tail. The upper body grows in size to match. Fine but coarse white hair covers the creature's entire body.

Size: Large (the base creature's carrying capacity is increased to 3x normal).
Hit Points: Gains half their character level times Constitution modifier in bonus hit points. For example, if the base creature is level 10 and has a Constitution modifier of +3, they gain 15 hit points (3 x 5).
Speed: 50 feet.
Reach: 5 feet.
Face: 10 feet.
Special Attacks: A pale centaur gains the following special attacks.
Kick: The pale centaur may make a kick attack that deals 1d6 plus Strength modifier lethal damage.
Trample: A pale centaur can trample an opponent of medium-size or smaller during a charge. This deals 2d6 + one and a half times Strength modifier.
Abilities: +2 Strength, +4 Constitution.
Skills: Gains a +2 species bonus to Balance checks, and -6 to Climb checks.
Feats: Gains the Run feat.
ECL: +2
PDC: 35
Requires 6 Fort saves DC 27

Mutation/Biotech Modifications

Climbing Claws
Your claws are not only made for combat, but also aid in climbing.
Prerequisite: Claws
MP Cost: +1
Benefit: Your claws grant you a +2 bonus to Climb checks.

Rending Claws
These claws are modified version of claws, designed for shredding flesh.
Prerequisite: Claws
MP Cost: +2
Benefit: Claws deal an extra +1 damage per size category (medium +1, large +2, etc.), and also cause horrible bleeding wounds. Each attack that deals damage causes 1 point of bleeding damage each round, until treated. This damage is cumulative, thus 2 attacks causes 2 points of damage each round.

Human Metal Detector
You can alter the magnetic fields you use to create a protective barrier, to detect metallic objects near you that others would miss.
Prerequisite: Force Barrier, Wis 13
MP Cost: +1
Benefit: You gain an automatic Spot check with a +1 bonus anytime a metallic object is within 60 feet of you. You may detect objects that are hidden or implanted in the body of another, even those you can not normally see.

Force Attack
Instead of projecting an energy field for protection, you can instead firing small energy projectiles.
Prerequisite: Force Barrier
MP Cost: +2
Benefit: Instead of using the force barrier, you can fire energy projectiles. Each use per day of the force barrier provides 3 uses for attack, each dealing 2d4 points of force damage, with a range increment of 30 feet.

Cloak Field
You can alter your force barrier to bend various forms of electromagnetic energy, and even light, around you to make you difficult to detect.
Prerequisite: Force Barrier
MP Cost +3
Benefit: Your force barrier can provide a +4 bonus to Hide as it bends light around you, making you appear more transparent or even invisible in low light conditions. It also diffuses your thermal signature to thermal imaging sensors. Other sensors also have difficulty detecting you. Each use uses one of your uses per day and lasts for 1 minute per point of Con modifier, and the force barrier does not provide any protective benefits while used in this manner.

Shattering Voice
Your sonic attacks are set in frequencies which can damage objects.
Prerequisite: Sonic attack
MP Cost: +2
Benefit: Your sonic attacks ignore 3 points of hardness and can damage inanimate objects as the sonic waves are in frequencies that are harmonic with various materials, literally shaking them apart.

Ablative Armour (Flaw)
Your exoskeleton or scaly armour breaks down after suffering major damage, although it does heal over time.
Prerequisite: Exoskeleton, scaly armour or any other mutation that grants a Natural armour bonus.
MP Cost: -2
Benefit: For every 20 points of damage you suffer, your Natural armour bonus provided by your mutation is reduced by 1. The armour bonus is healed at a rate of 1 for every 4 hours of rest or non-strenuous activity.

More Mutation/Biotech Modifications

Acidic Spit
Not only is your bite acidic, but you can spit acid short distances.
Prerequisite: Acidic Saliva
MP: +1
Benefit: You can spit a glob of acid short distances at your foes. The glob has a range of 10 feet out to 4 range increments, dealing 1d4 points of acid damage, up to once per round. Any round acid is spat, the user is unable to deal acid damage on a bite.
Special: Can be taken by itself, allowing the user to spit acid, but has no acidic bite.

Lingering Acidic Bite
The acid from your bites lingers for several seconds, continuing to deal damage.
Prerequisite: Acidic Saliva
MP: +2
Benefit: The acid from your bite continues to do damage over several rounds. After the initial bite, the acid deals 1 point of acid damage for 2 rounds.

High Corrosive Acid Saliva
Your acidic saliva eats through anything.
Prerequisite: Acidic Saliva and/or Acidic Spit
MP: +3
Benefit: Not only does your acidic saliva deal damage, but it lowers hardness/damage reduction by the same amount as the damage dealt.
Special: Can be combined with Lingering Acidic Bite, additional damage each following round also reduces hardness/damage reduction.

Shooting Spikes
Your bony spurs or chitinous spikes can be launched short distances.
Prerequisite: Prickly Pear
MP: +1
Benefit: You can launch 1d4 spikes that deal 1 point of piercing damage each at a target within 30 feet.

Spike Storm
You can shoot your spikes out all around you, striking anything close by.
Prerequisite: Prickly Pear, Shooting Spikes
MP: +2
Benefit: Once every 2 rounds, you can shoot all your spikes into a 30 foot area around you, dealing 1d6 points of piercing damage to all targets, Reflex save DC 15 for half damage.

Poison Cloud
You release a cloud of poison around you.
Prerequisite: Smokescreen
MP: +2
Benefit: Not only does the cloud you expel block sight, but it can also contain a poison. Chose from the following poisons: chloroform, mustard gas and tear gas. See page 54 of D20Modern Core book.

Increase Use of Power
You can use your limited use power/ability/mutation more often that normal.
Prerequisite: Any mutation/power/biomod that has a limited number of uses per day.
MP: +2
Benefit: You can use your limited use power/ability/mutation Con modifier number of times in addition to the original limited number.
Special: This modification can be selected multiple times, but only twice for each power. Otherwise a different power must be selected.



Either through mutation, experimentation or freak accident, the recipient has the ability to move at supernatural speeds, able to keep up with many land vehicles. Along with supernatural speed, the recipient has several other enhancements including enhanced reflexes, perception for noticing things around them as they speed by. Their body is also enhanced to withstand some damage from physical attacks and shocks created from their feet hitting the ground so quickly. Their metabolism is also enhanced to be more efficient, although they require more food daily, they are able to recover from exhaustion and fatigue incredibly quickly, able to get back into action in no time.
The enhanced speed also enhances their combat capabilities, using their speed to help deal more damage with an unarmed strike.

Speedster Template
The recipient retains all their abilities and gain the following abilities.
Size: Same
Hit Points: +0
Speed: 100 ft, 100 mph (10 chase scale)
Special Attacks: Blinding Punches, One Mile Punch, Vortex
Special Qualities: Bulldozer, Elusive, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Stamina, Extraordinary Agility, Increased Appetite, Kinetic Enhanced Attacks, Spring Attack, Super Speed
Abilities: +1 Con, +4 Dex
ECL: +4
PDC: 38
Requires 10 Fort saves DC 26

Bulldozer (Ex)
The recipient is a powerful force when moving, treated as having the Improved Bull Rush feat, even if the recipient doesn't have the Power Attack feat. When attempting to make a Bull Rush attack, and moves at least 50 feet, gains a +4 bonus, in addition to +2 if charging, to the Strength Check, +1 per 20 feet of speed/distance traveled over 50 feet, and can Bull Rush a target up to two sizes larger. A successful bull rush pushes back the target 10 feet instead of the normal 5, plus an additional 10 feet per 5 points over the opponent's Strength check. The bull rush attempt can be part of an unarmed strike.

Elusive (Ex)
The recipient is very difficult to hit, especially at range. The recipient gains a +2 Dodge bonus in melee and +4 Dodge vs ranged attacks (all ranged attacks the recipient is aware of. Also gains +4 against grapple attempts and Escape Artist checks.

Enhanced Durability (Ex)
The recipient is tougher than normal, able to shrug off light wounds, gaining a weak form of damage reduction. Damage from unarmed strikes, even if they would deal lethal damage, falling and bludgeoning attacks are converted to nonlethal damage (see d20 Modern pg 141). The recipient's massive damage threshold is considered to be double normal (normally equal to Con score plus any bonuses from feats). GM Note: Against foes with super strength (other super strong or powered opponents) don't have their damage converted to nonlethal damage, but unarmed strikes will have their damage reduced by half. The recipient isn't killed until reaching -20 hit points instead of -10.

Enhanced Reflexes (Ex)
The recipient's reflexes are heightened, granting +4 to Reflex saves.

Enhanced Senses (Ex)
The recipient's senses are heightened, granting +4 bonus to Listen, Spot, Search.

Enhanced Stamina (Ex)
The recipient's biology is greatly enhanced, able to go longer and farther before tiring. The recipient can hold breathe 3 times longer than normal, able to run, force march or any other physical activity that would require a Fort save after performing for triple the time before needing to make a Fort save and gains a +4 to the Con or Fort save. Requires only 4 hours of rest to remove Fatigued condition, 30 minutes of rest to remove Exhausted condition. The recipient isn't considered disabled until -10 hit points, able to perform normally until reaching -10 hit points.

Extraordinary Agility (Ex)
The recipient has enhanced agility, gaining +4 to Balance, Jump, Move Silently and Tumble. When falling, treats falls as 20 feet less with a successful Tumble check.

Increased Appetite
The recipient needs at least 50% more food each day than a normal person to fuel their increased speed. Would start to starve 25% sooner than a regular person.

Kinetic Enhanced Attacks (Ex)
As long as the recipient moves at least 20 feet before making a melee attack, they gain a +1 damage per 20 ft traveled for the attack. At vehicle speeds the recipient gains +5 damage per two squares traveled.

Spring Attack
The recipient gains the benefits of the Spring Attack feat, even if they do not possess the prerequisite feats. A recipient can move before and after an attack, and if the recipient has multiple attacks can move before and after each attack per round, but the total movement can not exceed their normal movement (100 ft).

Super Speed (Ex)
The recipient has superhuman levels of speed, able to run at vehicle speeds (100 mph, 10 chase scale) as normal movement for 5 hours before needing to make a Fort save for exhaustion. The recipient can Run at speed of up to 200 mph (20 chase scale). Treat this as running, with all required checks and penalties associated with it, just at much faster speeds.

Blinding Punches
As a full round attack, the recipient can launch a flurry of attacks against one target within 5 feet (making a 5 foot step). The recipient makes 1d6+2 attacks at -3 to attack roll and -2 damage for each attack, and can only be made with an unarmed or one handed weapon (knife, small hammer, brass knuckles, etc). For each successful hit the recipient makes, the target must make a Fort save DC 14 +1/successful hit or be Dazed for 1 +1 per successful hit after the first rounds.

One Mile Punch
As a full round attack, the recipient charges (and taking the bonuses and penalties associated with a charge) an opponent at least 20 feet away, and makes a melee touch attack dealing 2d6+5 +Str modifier lethal damage. If the recipient takes -2 to attack roll and -5 damage, the recipient can also use their Bulldozer ability, but doesn't gain the bonuses except for distance the opponent is pushed back for a successful bull rush. If the recipient fails the bull rush attempted, the damage is still dealt.

As a full round action, the recipient can move quickly attacking all opponents within a 30 foot radius of current position, taking a -4 to attack penalty and -2 to damage from a single attack each. The attack can be made with an unarmed strike or with a single handed light melee weapon (knife, hammer, short sword, etc).


In some extreme instances, mecha are assigned to extended duration combat missions, dropped into hostile territory with no chance of extraction or combat support for several days. In such cases the supplies a typical mecha is capable of carrying are insufficient for the expected needs; this is when a battle harness is frequently mounted on the mecha.
A battle harness is similar to the type of harness infantry and Special Forces wear – a carefully designed piece of equipment that allows one so outfitted to comfortably carry an excessive amount of gear – but specifically designed for a mecha frame. A single battle harness allows the mecha to temporarily carry an extra number of equipment
slots worth of mecha gear, exact number determined by the mecha’s size.
Mecha Size Battle Harness
Equipment Slots
Medium 2
Large 4
Huge 6
Gargantuan 8
Colossal 10
Carried equipment may be any reasonable mecha device or weapon, though it is frequently limited to food and water for the mecha’s crew, emergency repair gear, and extra ammunition. The GM has final say in what can or cannot be carried in a battle harness. It is important to note, though, that equipment carried in a battle harness cannot be used until it is properly installed on the mecha.
Equipment Slots: 0.
Activation: None.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: Persistent.
Saving Throw: None.
Purchase DC: 16.
Restriction: None.

POLYMERIC Superstructure (PL 6)
Created from advanced polymers, such as carbon fiber and high-grade fiberglass, Polymeric superstructures are relatively light and cheap but they aren’t as durable as vanadium, neovulcanium, and other advanced materials.The greatest benefit of constructing a mecha’s superstructure with polymeric materials is the increase in speed – the mecha’s base speed is increased by +5 ft. – due to the material’s lightness.
Base Purchase DC Modifier: +4.

(PL 7)
Consisting of numerous armored plates fashioned into multiple components that, when mounted, gives a mecha a sort of “suit of armor” that provides it with additional protection beyond its stock armor and defense systems, an exoskeletal armored shell is a temporary piece of gear that can be added to any existing mecha design.
The shell is bolted onto the mecha, reducing the mecha’s speed by 15 ft., inflicting a –4 penalty to the operator’s Dexterity, and restricting the use of any weapons not carried in the mecha’s hands. Few mecha are outfitted with armored shells – typically only combat machines and, even then, only when they are designated for intense combat operations.
An exoskeletal armored shell provides a mecha with 50 bonus hit points and a +5 equipment bonus to Defense (that supercedes the bonus granted by the mecha’s stock armor). Once the mecha loses 50 hit points the exoskeletal armored shell is destroyed and the mecha returns to its standard operational capabilities.
Equipment Slots: None.
Activation: None.
Target: You.
Duration: See text.
Saving Throw: None.
Purchase DC: 10 + one-quarter the
mecha’s base purchase DC.
Restriction: Restricted (+2).

Chain Tangler
A changler, or chain tangler, is a mass of ten long chains attached to a mech's arm. Each chain is as long as a mech is tall. They can be reeled in partially so as not to trip the mech. On attacks they are fully extended and flailed against an opponent's legs in a trip attack, making a trip attack for free. The number and length of attack chains grants a bonus to your check when making a trip attack, as indicated in the weapon stats. The chains are designed to detach under sufficient pressure. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can avoid the trip by detaching 1d4 chains. As long as at least one chain remains, the weapon can be used as normal. Changlers can also be used effectively by cooperative attackers. If you are the second or subsequent attacker to make a trip attack on your target this round, you receive a +2 bonus to your trip check. Damage and bonus to trip attacks are based on size: large +4, 2d8 bludgeoning, PDC 17; huge +6, 4d6 bludgeoning, PDC 18; gargantuan +8, 3d12 bludgeoning, PDC 19; colossal +12, 5d12 bludgeoning, PDC 20.

Equipment Slots: 1 arm or hand
Activation: Attack action
Range Increment: Melee + 10 ft per size category larger than medium
Target: Single target
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Opposed trip check
Purchase DC: varies by size
Restriction: Military (+3)

Anything that isn't needed stripped out to make the frame as light as possible. This means some parts are more exposed as there is less armour or support frame surrounding them, such as joints, hydraulics and other equipment. Increase speed by 15 feet, but critical hits deal an extra 25% more damage.

Simple Controls
The mech has such simplistic controls that anyone using the mech after an hour only suffers half the penalties for not having the Mecha Operation feat.

Reduced Strength
The mech doesn't have as powerful of servos as most mechs of the same size, but then again it wasn't designed to engage in melee combat. The mech only has a +4 bonus to Strength. Reduce Mech PDC by -2


Seismic Tracking Addon
The seismic tracking addon for mech sensors can be used to detect seismic activity, although the mech shouldn't be moving. It can detect things like earthquakes or the general direction and range of large concentration of heavy vehicles or animals.
Benefit: Lets a mech detect the movement of numerous large ground vehicles within 3 miles, with a Search check of DC 15 +2 per additional mile past 3 miles, determining the direction and general location to within 100 feet. Can also detect earthquakes or other seismic activity within 10 miles.
PDC: 23

Seismic Sensors
These sensors are sensitive to seismic activity around the mech. They can detect the movement of a cloaked human sized object within 100 feet of the mech, however the mech can only move at half speed while using the seismic sensors.
Provides all benefits of Seismic Tracking addon, but also Tremorsense 100 feet.
Equipment Slots: 1 must be boots or legs
Activation: Move action
Range: 100 ft
Duration: Persistent
Purchase DC: 30
Restriction: Lic (+1)

Supercharged Power Plant (PL5)
Power plants can be souped up to go much faster than they were originally designed for. Additional power packs, NOS system, high end engine parts, all these things can make your mech go just a little faster. And what makes a mech faster also makes it a little stronger in the process. Provides a modest bonus to speed (5 feet) and Strength (+2).
Equipment Slots: 2
Activation: none
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: none
Purchase DC: 16
Restriction: none

Remote Sensor Dispenser (PL5)
A remote sensor dispenser carries 30 remote sensors that can be dropped and activated. These sensors detect movement, vibration and have a simple camera to view all within a 60 ft radius. Replacement sensors have a PDC of 5 for a set of 10 sensors.
Equipment Slots: 1
Activation: Move
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 10
Restriction: Licensed (+2)

Gun Shield
The reality that sometimes the best offense is a good defense, gun shields combine a ranged weapon with a medium shield to allow the pilot to easily switch from a defensive stance to ranged combat without physically switching items. These can be hand held or built into the arm of a mech, replacing the hand. Hand held versions have magnetic clamps to help brace the shield and support the weight along the whole forearm. The handle also has the trigger for the weapon.
The weapon can be any ranged weapon, but most use basic ballistic, although generally with less ammo than a dedicated weapon slot, or any energy weapon such as lasers or plasma cannons.
For ballistic weapons, the gunshield has 25% less ammunition. The shield, when used as purely as a shield, and the weapon not used in the same round, provides a +4 bonus to Defense. If the ranged weapon is used, the bonus to Defense is only +2 until the next round.
Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand or arm
Activation: Attack action
Range Increment: Varies by ranged weapon used
Target: Varies by ranged weapon used
Duration: Instantaneous (ranged weapon)/ persistent (shield)
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: Base weapon +4
Restriction: Res to Mil (+2 to +3)

Ammunition Expansion
The underside of the shield can be modified to hold extra ammunition, increasing ammo capacity by 100% (doubling capacity). However, this makes the ammunition more vulnerable. Any time the mech is exposed to an explosion, there is a 20% chance that the ammunition may cook off, and deals damage of 25% of the remaining rounds on the shield to the mech. If the ammunition is only fired by an electric charge, then any electricity based attack has a 20% chance of cooking off the ammunition, dealing 25% of the remaining ammunition on the shield to the mech.
PDC: Increase PDC by +2.

Example Gun Shield
Gun Shield mk1 (PL5)
This combines the M-9 Barrage chaingun with a Bulwark Tactical shield. Deals 5d6 ballistic damage with 3 belts of 50 rounds. The shield component provides a +4 bonus to Defense any round the M-9 component isn't used. If used, the bonus to Defense is only +2. If the ammunition expansion option is used, the Gun Shield mk1 holds 6 belts of 50 rounds, and increases PDC by +2.
Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand or arm
Activation: Attack action
Range Increment: 60 feet
Target: Single target within 600 feet, or autofire
Duration: Instantaneous (M-9) / persistent (shield)
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 24
Restriction: Restricted (+2)

Rocket Fists
"Sometimes, you just want to REALLY hit something really hard!"
The fist of the mech has been reinforced and several rocket thrusters are installed along the wrist and forearm. These thrusters propel the fist with incredible force to deal far greater damage the a mech's normal strength will allow. However, the thrusters have limited uses, usually about 5 charges. The mech's slam is considered to be from a mech of one size category larger (large normally deals 1d8, now becomes 2d6, huge 2d6 becomes 2d8, etc.), with colossal gaining an extra d6 in damage, plus +4 damage. If used as part of a Power Attack, the damage bonus is doubled.
Due to the reinforcing of the hand, all Dex related skills using that hand suffer a -2 penalty. Also when using the rocket fist, can not use any hand held weapons unless it is a one handed weapon and deals piercing damage, in which case they deal damage as if it was meant for a mech of one size category larger.
Rocket fuel reloads have a PDC 9 for 5 uses.
Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand
Activation: Standard attack (activation is free, part of an attack action)
Range Increment: Melee
Target: Single target within reach
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Purchase DC: 11 + one-quarter the mech's base PDC.
Restriction: None

Anchor System
This system fits in the boots and legs, driving spikes into the ground, locks the legs and includes stabilization systems, keeping a mech up right. The mech, while the system is active, can not move, but gains +8 to resist trip, bullrush or overrun attempts. However it loses any Dex or dodge bonus to Defense, Reflex save bonus reduced by half, benefits from Uncanny Dodge are negated. This system is similar to the stabilization system used in construction mechs, but has a quick release, and used on military mechs that use heavy weapons that require great stability to use.
Equipment Slots: Boots
Activation: Move equivalent action
Range Increment: Self
Target: Self
Duration: Persistent when active
Saving Throw: +8 resist trip, bullrush, overrun
Purchase DC: 20
Restriction: None


Long Shot Rail Cannon (PL6-7)
These large railguns are built for long range combat, launching a round miles to a target, making them excellent for artillery bombardment, long range air defense or costal bombardment while on the deck of a ship. Due to their size, the long barrels makes them difficult to use in close range, and they require an anchoring system on any mech smaller than colossal size due to the recoil they produce.
The long shot rail cannon is able to launch a projectile up to 20 range increments. If used within 1 range increment, the long shot takes a -4 to attack, and range penalties are halved after the fifth range increment, -1 for every two range increments instead of -1 for every range increment. Any target struck within the first range increment suffers 20d8 points of damage, 19-20x4 critical, and ignores 50 points of damage reduction. Beyond the first range increment, 14d8 damage, 19-20x4 critical, ignoring 30 points of damage. If the damage is more than enough to deplete the target's current hit points, the round will continue for a distance striking any target on the other side up to a distance equal to half the distance from the long shot rail cannon equipment and the first target struck, but damage is reduced by 2 die.
The base system holds 15 rounds, each slot dedicated to ammunition holds 30 rounds.

Equipment Slots: 3, shoulder and back
Activation: Attack action
Range Increment: 250 feet, out to 20 range increments
Target: single target within 5000 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 34
Restriction: Military (+3), Huge mech size minimum, Class III sensor system minimum, anchoring system on mechs smaller than colossal.

Cerrian Gun (PL 6-7)
This device is designed to look like a gun, but it is actually a portable repair unit. It launches globule filled with lead sulfide crystals and nanites that can effect quick repairs of armour and superstructure, but not equipment. Combat engineers use these 'weapons' to effect quick battlefield repairs to friendly mechs, vehicles and robots.
Each shot repairs 4d6 points of damage to the target. Only affects metallic structures, such as buildings, mechs, vehicles, robots, and even metallic lifeforms. The system holds 12 shots in a magazine.
This device is sometimes mounted on vehicles as well, usually found among combat engineer units or some construction firms that deal with emergency response.
Equipment Slots: 1 for weapon, 1 for 4 magazines
Activation: Attack action
Range Increment: 50 feet
Target: Single target within 500 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 25 for weapon, 19 for each magazine
Restriction: Restricted (+2)

Mech Damage Control(PL 5)
A damage controlsystems similar to those installed in starships. Although not quite as powerfulas the repair drones or nanorepair units created in later years, it does thejob of repairing a mech effectively. As a move action, with a Repair check DC15, the damage control will repair a number of hit points to the mech, butdoesn't repair damaged equipment, based on mech size per round activated.

Mech Size
Hit Points Repaired
Equipment Slots:1
Activation: Move
Range Increment: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: Varies
Restriction: None

Gundanium AlloySuperstructure (PL8-9)
A unique compoundwhich can only be produced in the zero-gravity conditions of space. In additionto its incredible strength--several times the strength and heat-resistance oftitanium, Gundanium alloy is electrically non-conductive and cannot be detectedby radar, is highly heat-resistant and virtually immune to corrosion. However,this material is expensive and difficult to manufacture, making it unfeasiblefor mass production. The material makes the mecha difficult to detect at longrange with conventional radar and MAD sensors. Opposing units trying to detecta mecha with gundanium alloy superstructure take a -5 penalty on their computeruse checks if they are using Class I, II or III sensor suites. Class IV andhigher are unaffected, gains Ion Resistance (see d20 Future Tech) 10, +50 Hitpoints, but repair checks and time increases by 50%.
Hardness: 35, 50 vs kinetic attacks (ballistic, slashing, piercing,bludgeoning, concussion, etc).
Speed Bonus: +0 ft
Base Purchase Modifier: +10

Gundanium AlloyArmour (PL8-9)
Gundanium alloy can also be used as armour for a mech, making it very resistantto damage. If a mech also has a gundanium alloy superstructure, it is even moreresistant and difficult to track. Inherent stealth properties of gundanium giveopposing units trying to detect the mech take a -5 penalty on their ComputerUse checks if they are using a Class I to III sensor suites, higher suites arenot affected. Mech is immune to acid damage, damage from planetary re-entry isreduced by 75%, gains ion resistance 10, gains +50 Hit Points, Repair checks,time and cost increases by 50%.
Equipment Bonus: +14
Armour Penalty: -7
Speed Penalty: -5 ft
Purchase DC: 19 +1/2 the mecha's base purchase DC.

Special Bonus forhaving both Gundanium Superstructure and Armour
Having a mech builtusing both gundanium alloy in the superstructure and armour makes it anextremely durable, and expensive. Such a mech imposes a -15 to Computer Usechecks to opposing units trying to detect the mech (overrides the -5 for eitherarmour or superstructure), has Ion Resistance 20 (overrides the 10 for armouror superstructures), gains an additional +20 Hit Points.

Luna TitaniumSuperstructure (PL6-7)
Luna Titanium wasdeveloped as a new light weight but durable alternative to titanium or steelfor the construction of mechs. Although proven to be quite effective inresisting physical damage, and being light weight, it is expensive anddifficult to work with. Repair checks, cost and time increase by 25%
Hardness: 20, 40 vskinetic attacks (ballistic, slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, concussion,etc).
Speed Bonus: +0 ft
Base Purchase Modifier: +7

Luna Titanium Armour(PL6-7)
Luna titanium can also be used as armour for a mech, making it very resistantto damage, and is very light. Repair checks and time increases by50%.
Equipment Bonus: +8
Armour Penalty: -5
Speed Penalty: +5 ft
Purchase DC: 13 +1/2 the mecha's base purchase DC.


The sprinter is a light, fast attack mech with a heavy punch. Used in quick strikes and harassment missions, the high speed and four cannons give the sprinter quick first strike capabilities, but its light armour and exposed cockpit don't give it much protection in a sustained fight. It can be used in scouting missions, but lacks powerful sensors to make it a dedicated scout unit. A unique feature of the sprinter is the selective fire of the four M-35 cannons. Normally firing individually, one firing then the next in sequence, or set to fire in pairs, or all four at once, but this uses up ammunition very quickly, but does give it even greater punch in a short amount of time. With the open cockpit design, it is suggested that pilots wear full body armour as they are exposed to the elements, and only really have any protection from the front section. The sensors of the sprinter do have a data uplink to allow a connection to the pilot's armour HUD or even to cyborgs.

Sprinter (PL6)
Size: Large (-1)
Bonus Hit Points: 100
Superstructure: Aircraft Grade Aluminum
Hardness: 5
Armour: Titanium Alloy
Bonus to Defense: +2 (+5 Equipment -1 Size /2 Mk2 Open Cockpit)
Armour Penalty: -4
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +4
Dexterity Penalty: 0
Speed: 65 ft
Purchase DC: 32 Mil (+3)

Back: Mk2 Open Cockpit
Shoulders: Oracle Targeting System Mk3
Torso 4 Slots: Selective fire-link M-35 20mm Cannon x4
Boots: Class II Sensor System
Comm System

Standard Package Features: M-35 20mm cannon x4, mk2 open cockpit, oracle targeting system mk3, class II sensor system
Bonuses: +3 attack, +2 Navigate and Spot checks
Weapons: 4x M-35 20mm Cannon 8d6, 20, ballistic, 110 ft incr, S/A, 200 ea. Selective Fire-link. 2 firelink 12d6 damage, Autofire Reflex DC +2; 4 firelink 16d6, Autofire Reflex DC +4.

No Limb Design, removes arms and head, slots moved to Torso

Anything that isn't needed stripped out to make the frame as light as possible. This means some parts are more exposed as there is less armour or support frame surrounding them, such as joints, hydraulics and other equipment. Increase speed by 15 feet, but critical hits deal an extra 25% more damage.

Simple Controls
The mech has such simplistic controls that anyone using the mech after an hour only suffers half the penalties for not having the Mecha Operation feat.

Reduced Strength
The mech doesn't have as powerful of servos as most mechs of the same size, but then again it wasn't designed to engage in melee combat. The mech only has a +4 bonus to Strength. Reduce Mech PDC by -2

Mk2 Open Cockpit
Reduces mech's armour bonus by 1/2, mech's Base Purchase DC -3.

M-35 20mm Cannon
The M-35 is based on numerous vehicle and aircraft based 20mm cannons and has been designed for a mecha chassis. It can generate enormous firepower and is very reliable. It carries 200 rounds normally but can be linked with extra ammunition located in other parts of the mecha easily. Each belt of 300 rounds takes up another equipment slot. Deals 8d6 points of ballistic damage. Each additional belt of 50 rounds has a purchase DC of 9
Equipment Slots: 1
Activation: attack action
Range Increment: 110
Target: Single target within 1100 feet, or autofire
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Purchase DC: 20
Restriction: Military (+3)

The Rec1 is a fairly small mech built for recon work, however it is fairly well armed for its size. The unique configuration of the Rec1 does make it stand out for those looking for a personalized style. Instead of a standard humanoid body, it lacks a head and the torso is mostly made of a C like structure, from the top hangs the cockpit with the laser cannon. The cockpit can rotate on its own, and the whole C structure can rotate to allow the cockpit to be tilted up or down. The arms are mounted around the C structure track, which does prevent the cockpit from turning a full 360 degrees, limiting it to a only 270 degrees. This configuration does give it a fairly narrow build, and the parts are actually fairly quick to respond, giving it a fairly high response time.
The Rec1 sports powerful sensors and decent armour that's stronger than some recon mechs that are quite a bit larger than the Rec1. Its greatest defense though is the stealth systems to help it avoid heavily armed opponents. Its armament is heavy for a scout, letting it take out other scout mechs, but not dedicated combat units with heavy armour.
The only major complaint anyone has over the Rec1 is its pricy and time consuming to fix as everything is very crammed into the small frame.
The Rec1 is able to record up to 1 week's worth of data from its sensors. The comm systems are designed with powerful encryption systems, allowing it to transmit and receive encoded messages and data.

Rec1 (PL6)
Size: Large Scout (-1)
Bonus Hit Points: 80
Superstructure: Alumisteel
Hardness: 10
Armour: Darkstar Stealth
Bonus to Defense: +5
Armour Penalty: -4
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +8
Dexterity Penalty:
Speed: 40 ft
Purchase DC: 41

Right Arm: M-53 Firestar Rocket Launcher
Left Arm: M-35 20 mm cannon
Shoulders: Phased Array Class IVB Sensor System
Torso x2: Cockpit
Torso: Corona Microwave Beam, extended range
Left Leg: SatCom Array
Right Leg: Sensor Baffler
Boots: Stealth Suite
Comm System

Standard Package Features: stealth suite, sensor baffler, chameleonic surface
Bonuses: +4 Knowledge: Earth Sciences (geological sensors), +4 Navigate, +4 Spot, Darkvision 120 ft, -4 hide (size), +10 hide +10 move silently (stealth suite), enemy sensors suffer -10 Computer Use (sensor baffler), -5 to enemy Computer Use checks to detect mech (armour), +4 Computer Use checks for encoding/decoding transmissions and intercepting enemy transmissions.
Weapons: M-35 20mm cannon 8d6, 20, ballistic, 110 ft, s/a, 200 rds
M-53 Firestar 10d6, -, fire, -, single, 6 internal
Corona Microwave Beam 5d6, 20, fire, 50 ft, single

Repair checks are made at -3 and work costs +1 PDC due to the way the Rec1 is constructed making it difficult and pricier.

Phased Array Sensors (Borrowing this from d20 Tech Notes by IWright on http://community.d20moderndb.com/ )
Phased Array is a gadget that can be applied to any starship or mech ranged sensor system. Phased array places a number of smaller sensors around the craft's frame, all slaved to a main control system, increasing the effective surface area of the sensor. It allows the operator to switch between two modes; Extreme Range or Enhanced Function. Under the extreme range mode, the system's range increment is doubled. Under the enhanced function mode, the system has its standard range, but the operator gains a +4 equipment bonus to their Computer Use check to use the system's listed functions.
Restriction: Phased Array modifies electromagnetic or sonic scanning systems. It has no effect on any tactile or chemical sensors.
PDC Modifier: +3

Class IVB Sensor System
The Class IVB sensor system is upgraded version of the Class IV, and has the abilities of the Enigma Sensor suite. Also, the system is a geological sensor (umm.. don't know what rules to use for this, +4 bonus to knowledge: earth sciences I guess?), and includes a seismic sensor for weak ground and cracks and for drilling operations. Provides tremor sense up to 150 ft. The IVB also has motion sensors with a range up to 500 feet, air pressure sensors,
Equipment Slots: 1
Activation: always active, move activation
Range: 10 mile radius, 150 ft cone emanation
Duration: persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchace DC: 28
Restriction: none

Chameleonic Surface (Mech)
This is a mech size version of the chameleonic surface gadget made for armour. In many ways it is similar to paint-on LCD of the Information Age, allowing an image of the mech's surrounding to be displayed on the armour of the mech, letting it blend in. One of the advantages of using this system over more active jamming and stealth systems is that it is completely passive and uses minimal power once activated. This allows the mech to hide visually while powered down to avoid being detected by sensors designed for pinpointing power signatures, or if an active stealth system is damaged.
Restriction: Res (+2)
PDC: 29

VW Werner
Taking a hint from Saturn's success of the Grunt and Spartan mechs, VolksWagon expanded back into military vehicles to include mechs. Their first attempt was to create a simple light mech, but fairly well armed, thus the Werner. Lightly armoured, but quick, it can be used in quite well in support rolls due to the missile and rocket armaments, and from ambushes. Standing at only 10 feet allows the Werner to hide in many places, although the laser reflective coating can give it away without proper camouflage is used.

VW Werner (PL6)
Size: Large (-1)
Bonus Hit Points: 100
Superstructure: Alumisteel
Hardness: 10
Armour: Aircraft Grade Aluminum
Bonus to Defense: +3
Armour Penalty: -2
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +4
Dexterity Penalty:
Speed: 55 ft
Purchase DC: 35

Helmet: Corona Microwave Beam, Extended Range
Back: Cockpit
Torso: Cockpit
Left Arm: M-53 Firestar Rocket Launcher
Right Arm: M-55 Crud Rocket Launcher
Shoulders: Class I Sensor System
Comm System

Standard Package Features: Stripped, reduced strength,
Bonuses: +2 Navigate, +2 Spot, -4* (laser reflective coating)
Weapons: Corona Microwave Beam 5d6, 20, fire, 50 ft, single
M-53 Firestar Rocket 10d6, -, fire, -, single, 6 internal
M-55 Crud Rocket 10d6, -, slashing, -, single, 6 internal

VW Laser Reflective Coating
This coating designed by VW is a cheap, somewhat effective means to defend their new mechs and vehicles against laser weaponry. A layer of reflective material is applied to the exterior of the vehicle or mech. This material is worn away with every hit, lowering its effectiveness, but it can be applied fairly cheaply and on virtually any vehicle. The laser reflective coating provides the vehicle an additional hardness against laser weapons of 8. Against laser attacks, the coating remains intact, but against any attacks that deal physical damage, such as ballistic, slashing, piercing, or fire damage from explosives, each attack reduces the bonus against lasers by 1 for each successful attack. When this bonus is reduced to 0, the coating is completely stripped or stripped so much that it is ineffective, revealing the bare metal or the armour underneath.
While the laser reflective coating is applied, and until it is removed, the vehicle suffers a -4 to Hide checks.
Laser reflective coating takes about an hour to apply.
PDC: 14

VW Werner B
The Werner B attempts to fix a few problems of the original with larger missile capacities. The B comes in two versions, the B1 and B2. The B1 adds external pods that reload the missile launchers, mounts slightly heavier armour, but is slower than the original. The B2 changes the rocket launchers to a mini rocket launcher system instead, increasing the number of missiles, and also adds a barrage capability. It also retains the light armour and speed.

Make the following changes to the original Werner to upgrade it to the B1 variant.
Change armour to Resilium armour, which increases Defense to +6, but reduces speed by 10 feet.
An external pod is attached to the back of the Werner B1 which contains a reload for each rocket system. Reduce speed by further 5 feet.
Increase PDC by +1.

Make the following changes to the original Werner to upgrade it to the B2 variant.
Remove the M-53 and M-55 rocket launchers and replace with expanded multi-launch mini rocket launchers, based on those used on the Zoison assault mech. Follow same rules as those on the Zoison, except each launcher holds 30 mini rockets instead of 25 rockets.
Increase PDC by +1.

The striker is a fast, light attack mech, good for lighting strikes, ambushes and scouting. The cockpit is off center, to the right, with the weapon to the left. The mech lacks arms, which reduces its flexibility, but keeps the cost down. The weapon is a rapid-fire laser, allowing it to strike quickly and the enhanced gyros in the waist allow the torso to completely turn around, allowing for strafing attacks while on the run. To aid in the striker's mobility, jump jets are installed in the back to allow it to make jet powered leaps.

Striker (PL6)
Size: Large (-1)
Bonus Hit Points: 100
Superstructure: Alumisteel
Hardness: 10
Armour: Duraplastic
Bonus to Defense: +2 (+3 equipment, -1 size)
Armour Penalty: -4
Reach: 0 (no arms)
Strength Bonus: +4
Dexterity Bonus: +2
Speed: 45 ft
Purchase DC: 35 (Res +2)

Back: Class III Sensor
Back: Jump jet
Torso x2: Typhoon 240 Laser Cannon modified with autofire option
Shoulder: Oracle Targeting Mk3
Torso x2: Cockpit
Boots: Dexterity Booster
Comm System

Standard Package Features: Headless, armless, reduced strength (only +4 Str), stripped (+15 ft, critical hits deal +25% damage), torso can spin completely around
Bonuses: +2 attack, 6 100 ft jumps, darkvision 90 ft, +2 Navigate, +2 Spot, +2 Dexterity
Weapons: Typhoon 240 laser cannon 10d6, 20, fire, 100 ft, s/a, -


Wave Warden

The Wave Warden is created by the same company that released the Sentry mk1 and mk2, as an amphibious scout and light assault unit. Following the same design philosophy, the wave warden has an open cockpit to save on costs, and allows for quicker escapes from a damaged unit or for quicker start up times. The feet are mounted with deployable ski-like structures, which also act as ballasts so that the mech can float on the surface, or even submerge, however the pilot would require some sort of environmental armour to survive underwater. Mounted on the back is a large turbofan which functions perfectly well in the air or under water to propel it along rivers, swamps and other large bodies of water. Wave wardens are typically armed with a large blade instead of a hand, and the other arm is equipped with a flamethrower or a laser that is modified to also fire underwater.

Wave Warden (PL6)
Size: Large (-1)
Bonus Hit Points: 100
Superstructure: Duralloy
Hardness: 15
Armour: Duraplastic
Bonus to Defense: +1 (Open Cockpit)
Armour Penalty: -4
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +8
Dexterity Penalty:
Speed: 30 ft, 40 ft on water
Purchase DC: 40

Helmet: Class III Sensor System
Back: Turbofan
Shoulders: ComSat Array
Torso: Open Cockpit Mk1
Left Arm: Large Blade
Right Arm: A3x Dragon Flame-Thrower or Corona Microwave Beam modified to fire underwater without penalty.
Boots: Floatation System
Comm System

Standard Package Features:
Bonuses: 90 ft darkvision, +2 Navigate, +2 Spot
Weapons: A3X Flamethrower 4d6 fire, 30 ft cone or Corona Microwave Beam (modified to fire underwater) 5d6, fire, 15 ft incr;
large blade 2d10, 19-20x2, 15 ft reach
slam 1d8

New Equipment

Turbofan (PL5)
This is a large turbofan used for propelling the mech over or under water, granting the mech a swim speed. Large mechs 60 feet, Huge 50 feet, gargantuan 40 feet, and colossal 30 feet. The mech also gains a +2 bonus to all Swim checks. For larger mechs (huge and bigger), extra turbofans can be added to increase speed and maneuverability. Each additional fan increases speed by 25% (round down to nearest 5 ft increment) and adds a +1 bonus to Swim checks.
Equipment Slots: 1, must be back, shoulders, torso or legs.
Activation: Movement
Target: Self
Duration: Duration of movement
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 21
Restriction: None

Floatation System (PL6)
This is a system of ballasts and deployable skis or pylons from the mech's legs or boots to allow it to float on water. However, without a propulsion system, the mech can only move at half its normal land speed. The system keeps the mech floating, unless the pilot wishes to submerge the mech, using the ballasts to control depth.
Equipment Slots: 1 boots or legs.
Activation: Move Equivalent
Target: Self
Duration: Until deactivated
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 22
Restriction: None

Large Blade
This is similar to the LK8 Armour Piercing Spike, but instead of a spike, it is a large one sided blade made for slashing attacks, excellent for tearing open hulls of ships and has the added reach of the spike, granting a +5 feet to the reach of the large blade. Damage is based on the equipped mech: Large 2d10, Huge 4d10, Gargantuan 6d10, Colossal 8d10, dealing slashing damage, dealing double damage on a critical roll of 19-20. The large blade is one size larger than the equipped mech up to a maximum of colossal.
Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand or arm.
Activation: Attack action.
Range: Melee
Target: Single target within reach.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 10 + one-quarter the mecha's base purchase DC.
Restriction: None


With advent of big game preserves, or parks using large cloned creatures, the Pacifier was created as a means to help handle large, and potentially dangerous creatures. Equipped with large grabbing claws instead of hands for holding large creatures, with taser-like emitters to aid in subduing the creature. Mounted on the shoulder is a heavy caliber weapon that can fire both lethal and non-lethal tranquilizer rounds to subdue when getting close is not an option. The hull is also fitted with an electric shock system that is weaker than the tasers to act as a deterrent to keep creatures from chewing on the mech.
The armour is designed to resist punctures from bites from large creatures.

Pacifier (PL5-6)
Size: Large (-1)
Bonus Hit Points: 100
Superstructure: Alumisteel
Hardness: 10
Armour: Alumisteel
Bonus to Defense: +6
Armour Penalty: -6
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +8
Dexterity Penalty:
Speed: 25
Purchase DC: 38 Res (+2)

Helmet Cockpit
Torso Cockpit
Left Arm Grapple Claw
Right Arm Grapple Claw
Shoulders M-9 Barrage Chaingun
Back Modified Class II Sensors
Boots Electric Defense
Comm System

Standard Package Features: Electric defense, puncture resistance, dual ammunition,
Bonuses: +2 Navigate, +2 Spot
Weapons: M-9 Chaingun 5d6 or special, 20, ball or special, 60 ft, s/a, linked 100/100. See Tranquilizer Rounds for special
Grapple Arm 1d10 slam, 20, blud, melee
Taser 2d6 + special, 20, elect, melee, 20 charges

Electric Defense
This system electrifies the outer skin of the Pacifier, dealing 1d6 electric damage to anything touching it, plus the target must make a Fort save DC 12 or be shakened for 1d4 rounds. The system can only be active for 1 minute before it needs a 5 minute recharge and cool down, which also allows the mech to degauss the hull to prevent systems from being scrambled.

Puncture Resistance
The armour of the Pacifier is layered and treated to have greater resistance to piercing damage, gaining damage reduction 15 to piercing attacks.

Grapple Arm
These large four prong grabber claws are designed to grab large creatures and hold them. They are also fitted with taser-like emitters to stun large creatures. The grapple claws can be used to slam dealing 1d10 lethal damage, but are really designed for grappling. The claws provide an additional +4 per claw used to grapple, in addition to size bonuses, and once a grapple is achieved, the user can engage the lock feature which locks the claws shut, granting a +15 to grapple checks to maintain the grapple, in addition to normal bonuses.
As a free action as part of the grapple, or slam attack, the user can use the taser emitters to deal 2d6 electrical damage plus the target must make a Fort save DC 20, or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds. As the tasers are designed for large creatures, targets of medium size that fail the Fort save are paralyzed for 50% longer. If the target also has a Constitution lower than 10, a failed save requires another Fort save at the same DC, failure means the target is now dying (at near death and unconscious, -1 hit points, and needs to stabilize, or continue to lose 1 hit point per round) due to massive shock and damage to their heart. The tasers have 20 charges before requiring 5 minutes to recharge 20 charges again.

Dual Ammunition
The M-9 Chaingun has a split ammunition bay, allowing it to have two different types of ammunition. A standard load will be half normal bullets, half tranquilizer rounds, switching between the two is a free action only once a round. Comes standard with 2 belts of normal rounds (100), 2 belts of tranquilizer rounds (100).

Tranquilizer Rounds
These are special rounds of ammunition designed to deliver a powerful tranquilizer to subdue large creatures. Damage is reduced by half, plus the target must make a Fort save DC 20 or fall unconscious for 1d6+1 hours. A successful save, the target suffers temporary 1d4 Dex and Con damage for 2d4 rounds. As this tranquilizer is designed for large creatures, medium sized creatures hit and fail their save, are immediately knocked unconscious, plus must make another Fort save at the same DC or suffer 2d6 temporary Con damage. If the save was failed by 10 or more, and the character didn't die from the Con damage, they will permanently lose 1 point from their Con and suffer a permanent -1 to Fort saves as the chemicals have damaged their health and immune system.

Modified Class II Sensors
This modified version of the Class II sensors functions similar to the standard, except it has low-light vision, and instead of scanning nonliving targets, it gains the same information on living targets, where applicable. So a successful Computer Use check DC 15 will grant information about size, locomotive capabilities, present direction or trajectory, approximate health (healthy being full or near full hit points, slightly wounded 75%, wounded 50%, heavily wounded 25% or less), basic composition on defensive or offensive capabilities (large claws, teeth, heavy rough skin, thick scales or bone plates, quills, acid glands, etc).


The Subduer is the successor to the Pacifier, boasting enhanced systems and new technologies for nonlethal attacks and capture. The subduer retains the grapple arms of the Pacifier, only with improvements. Only one of the grapple arms retains the taser, while the other mounts a heavy gravity snare. The M-9 Barrage has been replaced with an extended range corona microwave beam with a stun module. Instead of the electric defense, the Subduer mounts a tangler launcher system.

Pacifier (PL6-7)
Size: Large (-1)
Bonus Hit Points: 100
Superstructure: Duralloy
Hardness: 15
Armour: Resilium
Bonus to Defense: +6
Armour Penalty: -5
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +8
Dexterity Penalty:
Speed: 30
Purchase DC: 41 Res (+2)

Helmet Cockpit
Torso Cockpit
Left Arm Grapple Arm with taser
Right Arm Grapple Arm with heavy gravity snare
Shoulders Extended Range Corona Microwave Beam
Back Modified Class III Sensors
Boots Tangler Defense
Comm System

Standard Package Features: Tangler defense, puncture resistance, stun module
Bonuses: +2 Navigate, +2 Spot, 90 ft darkvision
Weapons: Corona microwave beam 5d6 or stun, 20, fire or stun, 50 ft, s, -
Grapple Arm 1d10 slam, 20, blud, melee
Taser 2d6 + special, 20, elect, melee, 20 charges
Heavy Gravity Snare special, -, -, 60 ft, s, -

Tangler Defense
This system launches tangler grenades, either on command or set to defense mode where it will attack a target that strikes the Subduer. On command, the user can launch a tangler grenade at any target within 30 feet of it. If set to defensive mode, the system will launch a tangler grenade at any target that strikes the Subduer with a melee attack. The system strikes with a +6 attack roll. If the user is being grappled, the system hits automatically. The Tangler defense system contains 30 grenades.

Puncture Resistance
The armour of the Subduer is layered and treated to have greater resistance to piercing damage, gaining damage reduction 20 to piercing attacks.

Stun Module
The extended range corona microwave beam has a stun module installed. Switching to the stun setting is a free action once a round. The target must make a Fort save DC 20 or be stunned for 1d6+1 rounds.

Grapple Arm
These large four prong grabber claws are designed to grab large creatures and hold them. They are also fitted with taser-like emitters to stun large creatures. The grapple claws can be used to slam dealing 1d10 lethal damage, but are really designed for grappling. The claws provide an additional +5 per claw used to grapple, in addition to size bonuses, and once a grapple is achieved, the user can engage the lock feature which locks the claws shut, granting a +20 to grapple checks to maintain the grapple, in addition to normal bonuses.
As a free action as part of the grapple, or slam attack, the user can use the taser emitters to deal 2d6 electrical damage plus the target must make a Fort save DC 20, or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds. As the tasers are designed for large creatures, targets of medium size that fail the Fort save are paralyzed for 50% longer. If the target also has a Constitution lower than 10, a failed save requires another Fort save at the same DC, failure means the target is now dying (at near death and unconscious, -1 hit points, and needs to stabilize, or continue to lose 1 hit point per round) due to massive shock and damage to their heart. The tasers have 20 charges before requiring 5 minutes to recharge 20 charges again.

Heavy Gravity Snare
Built into the right arm, this heavy gravity snare is used to hold animals. Targets hit must make a Reflex save DC 15 to avoid its effects. On a failed save the target is entangled for 2d6 rounds, until the gravity ring dissipates. An entangled creature can escape the gravity ring with a successful Escape Artist check DC 40, or break free with a successful Strength check DC 35.

Modified Class III Sensors
This modified version of the Class III sensors functions similar to the standard, except instead of scanning nonliving targets, it gains the same information on living targets, where applicable. So a successful Computer Use check DC 15 will grant information about size, locomotive capabilities, present direction or trajectory, approximate health (healthy being full or near full hit points, slightly wounded 75%, wounded 50%, heavily wounded 25% or less), basic composition on defensive or offensive capabilities (large claws, teeth, heavy rough skin, thick scales or bone plates, quills, acid glands, etc).


Hailstorm (PL6/7)

The Hailstorm was designed to win major government military contracts during a design contest, however it proved to be more expensive than the government wanted to spend on a front line unit that's supposed to be 'expendable'. Although it proved to be quite an effective combat unit, the price tag does make it a rare sight amongst mercenary and private armies.
Armed with advanced weapon systems, including pulse lasers, rapid-fire mini grenade and rocket launchers, well armoured and comes with the ability to climb over obstacles and walls to give it impressive mobility and ambush capabilities.

Type: Construct
Size: Large
Hit Points:  5d10 +20 (50)
Init: +2
Speed: 30 ft, climb 20 on ferrous surfaces
Defense: 18 (+6 equipment, +3 dex, -1 size)
Hardness: 15
BAB/Grp: +10/+17
Attack: +12 ranged Pulse laser 3d10 and +7 ranged pulse laser 3d10, or +12 ranged rocket varies and +7 ranged rocket varies, or +12 ranged pulse laser 3d10 and +7 ranged rocket varies, or +8 ranged pulse laser 3d10 and +8 ranged pulse laser 3d10 and +3 ranged rocket varies, or +17 melee slam 1d6+7
FS/Reach: 10 ft/10 ft
Special Qualities: Construct qualities/immunities, reinforced construction
Special Attacks: Barrage
Saves: Fort +2, Reflex +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 16, Con -, Int , Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: Balance +9, Hide +8, Listen +6, Navigate +6, Search +6, Spot +6 
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficency, Advanced Firearms Proficency, Exotic Firearms Proficency (rocket launcher), Two weapon fighting, Strafe, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot

Frame: Armature
Locomotion: Legs (Multiple 4)
Superstructure: Duralloy
Manipulators: None
Armour: Resilium
Sensors: Class V Sensors
Skill Software: Spot 6 ranks, Search 6 ranks, Listen 6 ranks, Balance 6 ranks, Navigate 6 ranks, Hide 6 ranks
Feat Software: Firearms Proficency, Advanced Firearms Proficency, Exotic Firearms Proficency (rocket launcher), Two weapon fighting, Strafe, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Accessories: Skill Progit x6, Feat Progit x2, Weapon mount x2, magnetic feet, chaff launcher (10 bundles), Oracle Targeting System mk III, pulse lasers x2, multi-launch mini-rocket launcher x2 (20 frag and 5 explosive rockets each launcher), Dexterity Upgrade X4, intergrated power supply
PDC: 32 Mil (+3)

New Equipment
Chaff Launcher
A scaled down version of chaff launchers used by aircraft. 
Chaff consists of a cloud of millions of tiny metal strips or particles. This detritus interferes with sensors and missiles. Deploying chaff is a move action. The chaff fills a 50 foot square with these strips or particles. Sensor scans directed at anything within the square take a -10 penalty, and scanning something on the direct opposite side of the chaff field to reach incurs a -5 penalty. Any missile that passes through the chaff field to reach its intended target suffers a 30% miss chance (as though the target has three-quarters concealment)
Purchase DC 19 for chaff launcher and one chaff bundle, 14 for each additional chaff bundle
Restriction: Licensed (+1)

Multi-Launch Mini-Rocket Launcher
This rocket launcher is designed to launch multiple rockets at once for barrages and heavy suppression and area denial attacks. The multi-launch system is fully capable of firing a single rocket at one target.
Barrage: Target a square and it launches five rockets surrounding it to overlap the explosive areas of the warheads to maximize damage potential.
Blast radius is 2.5 times the radius of one rocket. So if rocket has a 20 ft blast radius, barrage radius is 50 ft.
Anyone caught in the blast radius takes 1.5 times normal rocket damage, Reflex save DC is increased by +5. A rocket's ability to ignore hardness/DR is ignored unless target within takes up half or more of the blast radius.
Purchase DC 25
Holds 25 mini rockets

Intregrated Power Supply
This accessory allows robots to tie an intregrated weapon system be powered by the robot's power supply giving it unlimited ammunition. This only works on energy weapons, such as lasers or plasma weapons.
PDC 15  

VX3 Scout Robot

Small, quick, quiet and smart. The VX3 is perfect for your scouting needs. Only about the size of a dog, the VX3 can be air dropped and allowed to roam around scouting out your targets, relaying all its data live or in bursts to prevent it from being detected as quickly. Although unarmed, the VX3 has advanced sensors to detect and avoid enemies before they can find it. Plus it comes with advanced stealth systems, plus it can hide in virtually any place, including the ceiling of caves and can disguise itself to look like rocks or even a large bat, for instance. Thrusters in the legs add to its maneuverability and ability to reach areas some people may not think to look for a small four legged droid. For stealthy movement, the VX3 has a new experimental flight system that allows it to move very quietly, although slowly.

VX3 Scout Robot (PL6)
Type: Construct
CR: 1/2
Size: Small
Weight: 100 lbs
Hit Points: 2 1/2d10 +5+3, 23 hp
Init: +5
Speed: 40 ft, 20 ft climb ferrous surfaces, 60 ft (good) fly Flight system, 20 ft flight (poor) stealth flight system
Defense: 18 (+3 equipment +4 dex +1 size)
BAB/Grp: +1/+1
Attack: +1 melee (1d2 piercing lethal, bludgeoning nonlethal, 2 tentacles)
FS/Reach: 5 ft, 10 ft with tentacles extended
Special Qualities: construct traits, Darkvision 180 ft, energy resistance acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10, 
Special Attacks: none
Saves: Fort +0, Reflex +4, Will +3
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 19, Con -, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 1
Skills: +7 Balance, +4 Bluff, +4 Climb, +11 Computer Use, +11 Disable Device, +7 Disguise, +10 Escape Artist, +12 Hide (+20 when Optic Camouflage engaged), +7 Knowledge Tactics, +7 Knowledge Technology, +13 Listen, +8 Move Silently, +13 Navigate, +11 Search, +13 Spot, +11 Survival, +6 Tumble
Feats: Track, Urban Tracking

Frame: Biodroid
Locomotion: Legs Multiple (4)
Manipulators: Retractable Tentacles x2
Armour: Duraplastic
Sensors: Class VI Sensor System
Skill Software: Language Chip (English), Skill Progit (Balance 4 ranks, Bluff 4 ranks, Climb 4 ranks, Computer Use 8 Ranks, Disable Device 8 ranks, Disguise 4 ranks, Escape Artist 4 ranks, Gather Information 8 ranks, Hide 4 ranks, Knowledge Tactics 4 ranks, Knowledge Technology 4 ranks, Listen 8 ranks, Move Silently 4 ranks, Research 4 ranks, Search 8 ranks, Spot 8 ranks, Survival 8 ranks)
Feat Software: Feat Progit (Track, Urban Tracking)
Accessories: AV Recorder, AV Transmitter, Dex Upgrade x3, Str Upgrade x1, Magnetic Feet, Self-Destruct System, Survivor Array, Extendable Sensor, Flight System, Gimbaled Joints, Int Upgrade x3, Robot Scale Chrysanthemum Laser Array, Anchoring Spikes, Optic Camouflage, Advanced Construction, Stealth Flight System, Wis Upgrade x3, Modified Programming
PDC: 42

New Equipment

Flight System
The VX3 uses a series of vectored thrust jets mounted in the legs to provide it with flight. These are also used to allow the VX3 to land safely when being air dropped. 
Benefit: The system provides a fly speed of 60 ft with good maneuverability, with about 10 minutes of continuous flight time, requiring about an hour to recharge. Alternately, the flight system can be used instead to make jet assisted jumps instead, adding a +10 to jump checks, with no limit to length or height limited by the robot's size.
PDC 24

Robot Scale Chrysanthemum Laser Array
This is a robot scaled version of the mecha system. Not quite as powerful, but still quite useful for defensive purposes. The system is also designed to not burn out after each use, allowing for multiple discharges.
Benefit: As an attack, the robot can deal 4d8 damage from lasers (fire in RAW or whatever type you have lasers as) to everything within 30 ft of it. Reflex DC 25 for half
PDC 23 Mil (+3)

Anchoring Spikes
These are spikes used to anchor the robot into place. Equipted with laser drills, these anchors can drill quickly into almost any surface to fasten the robot to.
Benefit: Grants +8 bonus against being bullrushed/overruned. This makes the robot immobile while the anchors are deployed, but allows it to hang upside down from any surface that isn't ferrous.
PDC 4 plus one-half robot base price 

Enhanced Communications System
The VX3 comes with an enhanced communication system, which allows it to transmit and receive data to a range of orbit. It's recording systems also record of up to 72 hours. This system also includes cryptography decryption and encryption software and other ECM and ECCM system. Grants +5 bonus to any checks relating to counting jamming, encrypting and decrypting transmissions, and radio communications. PDC 21

Stealth Flight System
The VX3 comes with a secondary flight system which it uses for stealth movement. Using the new GMR technology, the VX3 floats anywhere from 1 inch to 5 feet above the ground. This system is completely quiet, and is doesn't activate land minds, even those designed to be triggered by GEV (gravity effect vehicles, such as hover jets and forced air duct systems) as there is no air movement. Unfortunately the system is draining on the VX3 and can only be used for 5 minutes at a time, requiring an hour to recharge. However if used in short stints in conjunction with jumping, can double or triple the time between recharging. The GMR system doesn't provide forward or directional movement, just the ability to float. Thus the VX3 uses a series of tiny maneuvering air jets to provide thrust, along with pushing off against objects with its legs and retractable tentacles. For space movement the air jets can be replaced with tiny thrusters or just have a container of compressed air which provides about 30 minutes of continuous thrust. Fly speed of 20 with poor maneuverability, PDC 41

Retractable Tentacle
Based on those used on armours, these highly flexible tentacles can be used to manipulate most objects. A -2 penalty for tasks involving manual dexterity and have a 10 ft reach. Use Pincer on the manipulator damage chart on page 182 of d20 Future. PDC 6 + one-quarter base purchase DC of robot's frame.

Modified Programming
The VX3 can use its Wisdom instead of Cha for Gather Information and Disguise checks. PDC 15
New Technology

GMR PL 7, experimental usage in PL6
GMR, or Gravi-Magnetic Resist systems use special room-temperature super conductor plates which have a magnetic repulsion, or levitation, against the Earth's magnetic field, which allow for a reactionless and thrustless form of anti-gravity. These devices are susceptible to  fluctuations in the magnetic field of the Earth, which and cause erratic flight for the device, imposing a -4 to piloting checks. On smaller devices, such as hover carts, small robots, GMR systems usually only allow up to a couple of feet floating off the ground, and on larger devices like hover cars or aircraft and achieve far greater heights of hundreds of feet, which space craft can reach thousands before needing to engage their main drives. This allows for far 'greener' forms of flight, or at least lift than most drives. These systems do not create directional thrust, only lifting power by scaling up or down the power which increases or decreases the repulsion to the planet's magnetic fields. 
If used on other planets than Earth, the system will have to be calibrated to the new planet's magnetic field. This can take about 3d20 minutes and a Computer Use DC 20 for planets not already programmed in the system. Most GMR drives if used on devices that expected to be used on multiple planets can store up to 5 different planet magnetic fields and just have to be told which one to use. If the drive is also tied into the sensors of the device, such as on starships or some robots, the time to calibrate to the new planet's magnetic field can be reduced to 3d10 minutes with a Computer Use DC 18. To shorten the time in half, must beat the DC by at least 10. PDC 10 + one quarter base PDC of device to be installed on for heights up to 1000 ft, 15 + one half device pdc.

Dervish (PL6/7)

A woman in loose fitting clothing approaches you with a friendly smile on her face. She suddenly bursts forward impossibly fast, raising a hand which seems to split and reform into a blade, aimed directly for your face, while the other arm splits open and a barrel of a weapon extends from behind the wrist.

A Dervish is a very advanced combat robot, built for infiltration, assassinations and other covert ops, able to quickly blend in with the local populace after the mission is complete to escape. Using the most advanced neural nets and materials available, these robots are able to alter their physical appearance and shape, as well as create various weapons from their very bodies. With their advanced neural nets, a dervish can learn from its experiences, becoming all the better at what it does. Many pick up noncombat skills so that they may blend into crowds or find alternate methods of getting to their target without being discovered. On such incident of such a case is when a dervish assassinated a military leader while at a show. The dervish was part of the orchestra and at the climax of the show, leaped from it's chair playing a violin, up to the balcony and shot the military officer square between the eyes then quickly decapitate his guards before disappearing into the crowd. Some dervish have even taken their morphic abilities beyond what the original designers intended, making some of the more experienced units quite unique in their abilities.

Dervishes usually look like fairly average to above average women or men. Usually favouring easy to discard or flowing clothing that doesn't interfere with their morphic abilities. So simple pants, shirts, cloaks, robes are usually the norm for these robots.

Type: Construct
CR: 6
Size: Medium
Hit Points:  3d10 + 20 (37)
Init: +4
Speed: 50 ft, climb 20 ft
Defense: 19 (+6 equipment +3 dex)
Hardness: 15
BAB/Grp: +10/+5 / +13
Attack: +13/+8 melee morphic weapons 1d10+3, or +13/+8 ranged laser carbine 3d8 or any weapon carried.
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft (can get up to 10 ft)
Special Qualities: Darkvision 180 ft, resistance acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10, morphic, morphic defense, blade defense, stealth shielding, adaptive neural net
Special Attacks: morphic weapons, self destruct (2d6)
Saves: Fort +2, Reflex +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 17, Con -, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 11
Skills:  Balance +11, Bluff +8, Climb +9, Computer Use +8, Disable Device +8, Disguise +10, Drive +7, Escape Artist +5, Forgery +8, Gather Information +8, Hide +11, Jump +11, knowledge (tactics) +4, Listen +10, Move Silently +11, Navigate +10, Repair +8, Search +8, Spot +6, Survival +4, Tumble +9 (+13 when falling)
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Power Attack, Cleave, Two-Weapon Fighting, Lightning Reflexes
Frame: Biodroid
Locomotion: Legs (pair)
Superstructure: Duralloy
Manipulators: Hands
Armour: Resilium
Sensors: Class VI
Skill Software: 2 skill nets 4 skills at 8 ranks, 1 skill net 4 ranks
Feat Software: 2 feat nets with 4 feats, 2 feat progits
Accessories: Internal storage unit (20 lbs), survivor array, oracle targeting system mk IV, gimbaled joints, advanced construction (+2 HD +100% bonus HP), reinforced construction, magnetic feet & hands, two weapon mounts holding laser carbines, feat web, feat net x2, skill web, skill net x2, core programming affinity (military), feat progit x2
PDC: 34

The Dervish is built out several layers of metametals and materials, memory materials and stores of nanites, which allow it to alter its form into various shapes or tools. A dervish can alter its frame's size and shape, increasing or decreasing its height by up to 6 inches, and girth by just as many, going form a short larger frame to a tall and lanky if it so desired, can also alter the colour and tone of skin and hair. The dervish can also alter its voice at any time as well, or mimic other people or sounds, with a +10 equipment bonus to Bluff. It can alter its shape to better withstand an attack, or trim it for better maneuverability and speed. It can also form shields or melee weapons from its hands or feet. For altering its shape and size, the Dervish gains a +10 to Disguise checks to look like a different person. Takes a move-equivalent action for minor changes, and a full round action to do more drastic changes, like changing height and girth.
If the dervish happens to fall, it can extend a series of flaps to slow and control its decent somewhat. Treat any fall as being 30 ft less than it actually is when the dervish falls, and gains a +4 equipment bonus to Tumble checks to lessen the damage farther.
The dervish can alter its hands and feet to aid in climbing, giving it a climbing speed, even when not on a ferrous surface, also granting a +5 bonus to climb checks. The dervish can alter its hands and feet for climbing as a swift action.

Morphic Weapon
Due to the morphic design of the dervish, it is never without a weapon or defense. The dervish can alter its hands to various weapons, from small piercing knife like blades, to slashing sword like blades, or curved scythe blades or axe heads, or to skull crushing hammer heads. The dervish can extend its reach by 5 ft with bladed weapons but not with bludgeoning weapons. If it alters its hands to a weapon that has abilities like a flail's ability to disarm or trip, the dervish is able to do so as well. Takes a move-equivalent action to switch from a hand to any weapon, or back.

Morphic Defense
The dervish can expand armoured plating and thicken its outer shell, granting a +2 bonus to hardness and +4 Defense, but suffers a -2 penalty to Dex and speed reduced to 30 ft. Alternatively, the dervish could extend its legs, trim its frame, reducing its hardness by -2, reduce Defense bonus by -2 and increase speed by 20 ft, bringing it up to 70 ft. Takes a standard action to alter frame to either form or back. 
The dervish can also form a shield on either arm, form a buckler to a large shield, or riot shield size. The hand is still available, but any penalties to attack from having a shield on the same hand still apply. 

Blade Defense
The dervish can as a free action extend a series of small plates in a similar fashion to armour spikes, but are small blades, dealing slashing damage. If an enemy grapples or strikes the dervish with an unarmed or a light melee weapon, such as a knife, take 1d4 points of slashing damage.

Stealth Shielding
The Dervish is shielded against scans that detect weapons and electronics, gaining a +15 bonus to Hide and Sleight of Hand checks to conceal weapons. Of course this bonus only works when the morphic weapon or the lasers are not deployed, or the dervish isn't using it's morphic ability to alter its appearance or form with the morphic defense, or the blade defense.

Laser Carbines
Built into the arms of the dervish are a laser carbine, which are essentially laser rifles with reduced range, dealing 3d8 fire damage with a range increment of 50 ft. The laser carbine deploys by the top surface of the arm splitting open and the weapon raising slightly with the barrel extending from behind the wrist. If the hand is turned into a melee weapon, the laser carbine can not deploy, but can if a shield is created.

Adaptive Neural Net
The most advanced neural net for an advanced AI is installed in the dervish. This allows the dervish to learn and better adapt to situations in its career. A dervish is able to take on character classes, usually NPC ones, and gain experience, and learn new skills. This does create a wide variety in many dervishes that have been in service over the years. However this does make many of them much better at their jobs. A few dervishes who ended up losing their owners have become free agents, selling their services as bounty hunters or mercenaries. A few have even retired from such activities and have gone on to become actor or actresses or singers or artists. Each dervish develops its own personality over time, but will remain to its owner no matter what unless sold to another, which transfers its loyalty to the new owner, or becomes free when death of owner is proven with medical records and no transfer of ownership is found in any wills.
A dervish can also reprogram some of its feats, erasing and programming a new feat with a Computer Use check DC 20 and 30 minutes of work. If it removes a feat that is a prerequisite for another feat, it is unable to use that feat anymore. It can only do this once a week. 
Designer Note:
The morphic ability looks kind of like how the Iron Man suit acted when it was testing the flight surfaces in Iron Man 1, or the suit that came out of the suit case in Iron Man 2, with plates shifting, lifting and the like, but when not active, looks like fairly normal human skin, but is artificially created.
Dervishes are built to be highly customizable, so if you imagine a dervish could shift into a quadraped form for greater speed in escapes or chasing, feel free to make a unique dervish do so. Or maybe give it the ability to shift its arms into wing like projections to allow it to glide, or add a jet pack to give it flight ability.

Crystal Serpent (PL7)

The crystal serpent was built on commission to be used as guardians for important facilities by a large corporation. Just before delivery, the corporation was bought out and the order cancelled. In order to recoup their loses, the creators produced several more and made them available for the open market. The crystal serpent looks like a very large metallic snake, with scales that have a slight crystalline look to them due to the crystal carbon armour that coats it. It was built with a modified version of the self-repair system that would repair the crystal serpent when hit by an electrical attack, as the original corporation that commissioned the serpent used extensive electrical based defense systems, which would constantly heal the serpents while still damaging the intruders. The crystal serpent is designed to move just like a snake, including burrowing underground and climbing structures that will support its weight. It can also hold itself in an upright position, especially around a large pillar and stay there, looking like a statue to guard a room.
A few crystal serpents have seen use on off world colonies, especially near desert areas where they lay mostly submerged in the sand, warding off predators and other threats to the colony.
Type: Construct
CR: 7
Size: Huge
Hit Points: 10d10 +40 (106)
Init: +10 (+1 equipment +9 Dex)
Speed: 40 ft, Burrow 30 ft, Climb 20 ft
Defense: 25 (-2 size +9 dex +8 equipment)
BAB/Grp: +7/+25
Attack: +13 melee bite 1d8 piercing plus 1d8+16 electricity
FS/Reach: 10 ft by 20 ft / 10 ft
Special Qualities: Construct traits, electricity healing, electricity resistance 10
Special Attacks: Constrict 2d8+10, improved grab, shocking bite
Saves: Fort +5?, Reflex +14?, Will +6?
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 28, Con -, Int -, Wis 13, Cha 1
Skills: climb +12, hide +11, listen +4, move silently +11, spot +4
Feats: Improved Grab, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack
Frame: Biomorph
Locomotion: Slither
Manipulators: Jaws
Armour: Crystal Carbon Armour
Sensors: Class VI
Skill Software: Skill Net (hide, listen, move silently, spot) x4 ranks
Feat Software: feat web (improved grab, dodge, mobility, spring attack)
Accessories: weapon mount (GE shocker series blade in jaws), electrical repair unit, energy-resistant coating (electricity 10), feat web
PDC:  39
Constrict: With a successful grapple check, a crystal serpent can crush a grabbed opponent, dealing 2d8+10 of bludgeoning damage.
Improved Grab: If a crystal serpent hits an opponent that is at least one size category smaller than itself with a bite attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity (grapple bonus +24). If it gets a hold, it can also constrict in the same round. Thereafter, the creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simple use its jaws to hold the opponent (-20 penalty on grapple check, but the crystal serpent is not considered grappled). In either case, each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically  deals bite and constrict damage.
Shocking Bite: A crystal serpent's bite deals 1d8+16 points of electricity damage in addition to the normal bite damage. The creature receives a +3 bonus on attack rolls against any opponent that is made out of metal, wearing metal armour, or carrying significant amount of metal.
Electric Healing: Because of the crystal serpent's electrical affinity, any electricity attack directed at it cures 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage it would otherwise deal. The crystal serpent gets no saving throw against electricity effects.

New Equipment
Electrical Repair Unit
A modified version of the self-repair unit, combined with the modified crystal carbon armour on the crystal snake, allows it to heal itself from an electrical attack. If a source of electricity isn't readily available, the crystal serpent will brush its fangs against its body to electrocute itself to initiate repairs. Any electricity attack directed at the robot cures it 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage it would otherwise deal.
PDC: 25
Restriction: Res (+2)

Securbot A1

The Automechanic Securbot A1 is a relatively simple, cheap but effective security robot. Mass produced to allow many corporations, law enforcement and militaries to fill out the need for greater man power in emergencies without having to pay for extra bodies when not needed. They are programed with basic tactics and local laws, they follow orders and do have extra memory space for more advanced programming if so needed. They come standard with two short ranged, pulse lasers with stun modules mounted in their arms. The wide red visor contains it's main optic system, but it also contains some in the back of the head, which makes it difficult to sneak up on the Securbot from behind. One of the drawbacks to the Securbot's design is its main processors are located in the head, which does improve reaction time from what it sees, but a shot to the head does have a high chance of disabling the robot. Although this does make repairs somewhat easy as all that is needed is to replace the whole head unit.

Securbot A1 (PL6)
Size: Medium
Hit Points: 2d10+10
Init: +2 Dex
Speed: 20
Defense: +3 armour +2 Dex
BAB/Grp: +1/+3
Attack: Laser +3 ranged (3d8 fire) and laser -2 ranged (3d8 fire); or Hand +3 (1d3 nonlethal)
FS/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/ 5 ft
Special Attacks: Stun
Special Qualities: Weak spot
Saves: Fort + 0, Reflex +2 , Will +0
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: Listen +4, Search +4, Spot +4
Feats: Personal Firearms, Dodge

Frame: Biomorph
Locomotion: Legs (pair)
Manipulators: Hands
Armour: Duraplastic
Sensors: Class III
Skill Software: Skill progit listen +4, skill progit search +4, skill progit spot +4
Feat Software: Feat progit personal firearms, feat progit dodge
Accessories: Dex upgrade x2, AV recorder, vocalizer, weapon mount x2, laser rifle with stun module x2, internal storage unit, skill progit x3, advanced construction (+1 HD)
PDC: 26

Weak Spot
The Securbot suffers from a small design flaw where the main processors are located in the head. Any critical hit that doesn't destroy the robot has a 25% chance of striking the head and disabling the main processor, shutting the robot down until it is repaired.

The Securbot's lasers have stun modules. On a successful hit, the target must make a Fort save DC 12 or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.

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