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Kulan: Bard's Gate PbP Campaign (IC) [Game Cancelled]


"Dongar of Ffelsal," the big dragonborn replies. "Moved here two summhars ago. When Durst wake, I will tell im that yhar helped."

Aileen looks at Sarten with a smile. Then she gives him a big hug and peck on his head. "You are always welcome here, Sarten."

"Glad to me you, littleblood." Dongar replies in Draconic while shaking Sarten's hand. "You have quite the healer's touch. And if you ever need a good piece of ironwork, I'll cut you a deal. Anything for what you've done for Durst. He's a good friend. Hmm, more stew?"

Before Sarten can reply, Aileen runs to the back and brings two huge bowls of stew and breaks two eggs in each bowl. "Sit. Eat. It's on me." She hugs Sarten again and then, surprisingly, hugs Shrough as well.

"Thank you, though that wasn't necessary. I just hope he recovers well and quickly." Sarten wasn't kidding about it not being necessary; one egg was enough for him, and what she'd brought seemed a bit much even for a human to eat.

To those leaving with the sergeant he says "Good luck. See you soon."

"Dongar, well met! I appreciate the offer. You appear to like it here, which I'm glad to see. Would you like some of the stew?"

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Jagr offers up the bottle. "I have seen this back in my homeland. The main ingredient is a type of benign flower petal that produces a sweet taste when cooked. The rest of the ingredients are mainly intense herbs, as well as raw coconut. The dangerous ingredient is some kind of root that is toxic to eat -- nearly instant death. The name escapes me. When cooked, crushed, and filtered through liquid, it is less toxic but still dangerous. It is quite strong, so when mixed with alcohol, it has quite the punch. The flower petal is added to hide the root's acidic smell. The drink itself is often used as a test for young warriors or given to an enemy in attempt to kill them on the sly. It is not unexpected that some could drink it with only intoxication while another who drank more might become ill as Durst did. He did drink more than the others I believe. Still I would be in your debt for you inquiry into the matter. Durst has been a good host and I would not see him ill treated." His voice is rich and thickly accented of some distant exotic land. His grasp of the language is adequate, but clearly he is not a native speaker.

He takes the offered hand in his large furry one. "I am Jagr Misthunter, currently residing in this establishment. I thank you all for your timely assistance. Are you residents of this Bardsgate? I need to find a man, Wilie at the Market Bridge. Since my host seems to be stable I would seek him now."


World of Kulan DM
"Hmm, let me see that bottle," the sergeant asks.
Jagr offers up the bottle. "I have seen this back in my homeland. The main ingredient is a type of benign flower petal that produces a sweet taste when cooked. The rest of the ingredients are mainly intense herbs, as well as raw coconut. The dangerous ingredient is some kind of root that is toxic to eat -- nearly instant death. The name escapes me. When cooked, crushed, and filtered through liquid, it is less toxic but still dangerous. It is quite strong, so when mixed with alcohol, it has quite the punch. The flower petal is added to hide the root's acidic smell. The drink itself is often used as a test for young warriors or given to an enemy in attempt to kill them on the sly. It is not unexpected that some could drink it with only intoxication while another who drank more might become ill as Durst did. He did drink more than the others I believe. Still I would be in your debt for you inquiry into the matter. Durst has been a good host and I would not see him ill treated." His voice is rich and thickly accented of some distant exotic land. His grasp of the language is adequate, but clearly he is not a native speaker.
The watch sergeant listens to Jagr's words carefully. "That information will help Lady Mar greatly. It was good that you were here. I may have more questions for you later. If you feel the need to travel on, speak to Camson first, so he can send you my way before you leave the city. Enjoy you stay in Bard's Gate."

"Well Cal, should we go with the man then?"

"Dongar of Ffelsal, It is a pleasure and an honor to meet you and to be of assistance to your friend. I would say and chat longer, but the constables here require my presence for a statement."

Then to every one that would be interested, he waves goodbye and insure he will return soon.
Longmantle waits for Vak'tiel to finish off his whiskey and then leads Cal, Shrough, and the tiefling along the edge of the Grand Plaza until they come to a fine two-story shop. The sign reads Mar's Magical Poultices in the darkened window. The shop is obviously closed for the night but candle light flickers through a shuttered window. The sun has set completely and a chill fills the night air.

Sergeant Longmantle bangs a mailed fist on the shops door and then steps back to look up at the window. He waits two minutes before banging on the door again and calling up to the window, "Mar! It's Thudun!"

"Not now," Cal and the others hear through the shutters. "I'm... busy."

"Is Helman up there again?" Longmantle sighs. "What am I saying, of course he is."

"That's none of your business," the feminine voice mocks.

"Mar, this is an official request, by my beard! Durst drank some weird liquor that poisoned him! Now get your skinny butt down here!"

Cal and Shrough note several low elven swearwords before the shutters open. Light spills out on to the street. An aged yet attractive half-elven woman steps into the window and glares down at the sergeant. The woman is dressed in nearly nothing and is covered in intricate tattoos. "You better be on the level or I'm going to hurt you!"

"Mar!" the sergeant looks up and down the square before waving at her to back inside "Put something on, by the stones of my kin!"

"I've seen your stones, and you've seen much more than this," Mar laughs. Several onlookers note her in the window. She gets several hoots and cat-calls. She blows several of them kisses and then follows it up with an obscene gesture.

"Mar! This is not the Canal District!" Longmantle bellows. "I will have you arrested!"

"You're such a prude," Mar sighs. She closes the shutters. Several minutes later she is opening the door of the shop. She is bundled in a robe and a shawl. Helman stands behind her buckling his belt. As he leaves, Mar bends down and gives him a kiss, "Later, sweetie."

Longmantle's face is as red as Vak'tiel's skin.

Helman sees Cal and the others and looks like he's going to say a friendly hello. Then he looks at Longmantle's face and scurries out of the shop and back across the plaza to his bar.

"Hells to that little Lothario," the sergeant says through gritted teeth.

"Stop being a jealous old goat," Mar flicks his white beard before motioning for them all to step inside.
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
As he is Politely shown the door, Shrough snags the wine bottles he had purchased, in case he gets thirsty at the precinct.


World of Kulan DM
He [Longmantle] turns to Aileen. "As long as he is truly okay, you should get him upstairs to bed. Someone should keep an eye on him. I'll have Lady Mar come check on him after she's done her alchemical tests."
Borya keeps watching his patient looking for clues to assist.
Aileen asks Dongar to carry Durst upstairs, and she asks Borya to watch over her husband. Dongar lifts the snoring innkeeper up and easily carries him up the stairs with Sylnry leading the way. Once upstairs, Borya notes that inn has a nice cozy feel to it. It reminds him of home. Dongar leads them to the far end of the inn. A closed door opens up to the outside of the building and then up a short set of stairs to another door. Sylnry lets them in and Dongar puts Durst into a big bed.

Dongar shakes Borya's hand before heading down back to the common room. Sylnry puts wood on a smouldering fire and then asks Borya if he needs anything before going back to her work.

"Thank you, though that wasn't necessary. I just hope he recovers well and quickly." Sarten wasn't kidding about it not being necessary; one egg was enough for him, and what she'd brought seemed a bit much even for a human to eat.
"Well, I did mean for one bowl to be for, Dongar. He has quite the appetite too." Aileen remarks. "I didn't think you were that hungry."

Sarten watches as Dongar carries Durst up the stairs. The big dragonborn is gone for only a few minutes.

"Dongar, well met! I appreciate the offer. You appear to like it here, which I'm glad to see. Would you like some of the stew?"
When he returns, he sits with Sarten and eats the second bowl of stew. "So, tell me, littleblood, what brings you to Bard's Gate? You don't look like a merchant, so I'm guessing you're an treasure seeker of some kind. We get lots of those here in the city."
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Aileen asks Dongar to carry Durst upstairs, and she asks Borya to watch over her husband. Dongar lifts the snoring innkeeper up and easily carries him up the stairs with Sylnry leading the way. Once upstairs, Borya notes that inn has a nice cozy feel to it. It reminds him of home. Dongar leads them to the far end of the inn. A closed door opens up to the outside of the building and then up a short set of stairs to another door. Sylnry lets them in and Dongar puts Durst into a big bed.

Dongar shakes Borya's hand before heading down back to the common room. Sylnry puts wood on a smouldering fire and then asks Borya if he needs anything before going back to her work.

Borya sits by his bedside and prays.

His normally jovial mood goes solomn, as if he was remembering something very painful but taking it in stride.

slowly the prayer beads are swayed over the patient as if there was more then a simple poisoning at stake.

(if anybody wants rp potential, barge into the room)


World of Kulan DM
Lady Mar's shop:
As he is Politely shown the door, Shrough snags the wine bottles he had purchased, in case he gets thirsty at the precinct.
Shrough soon find himself not at a precinct, but at an alchemist's shop. He watches the conversation between the sergeant and Lady Mar and notes the onlookers that call out to her. The half-elven woman's openness annoys Longmantle. She comes down to open the door, and the halfling named Helman, Wilie's friend, leaves while giving Shrough a knowing wink and a smile.

Vak'tiel looks to Caldrin and says "Boy am I glad my skin is already red."
Lady Mar ushers the trio of adventurers into hr shop, which seems typical for an alchemist. Her business seems to be salves and balms designed for those seeks cures to what ails them. There are long tables filled with vials of unknown liquids, aromatic soaps, strange-looking talismans, and pouches of what smells more like incense than curatives. Two large counters sits against the back of the shop with a gap in between that leads to a curtained doorway. Several other counters are arranged together in a square in the center of the shop. One of the counters is shorter than the others, which allows Lady Mar to slip into the open space in the center. Longmantle places the bottle and glasses in front of her.

"This is what Durst drank," the sergeant says.

Lady Mar takes the bottle and pous some of it into a tube. She swishes it around for several minutes and then pours it back into the bottle. She takes up one of the glasses and note that there is still a small bit of the liquid in it. She uses a finger to dab some of it on her tongue, tasting it, before spitting it out back into the glass.

"Feverroot," she says. "I'm fairly certain. It's quite toxic on its own." She pulls a bottle of something from behind the counter, uncorks it, drinks a big gulp, and then places it on the counter. "Give Durst some of this. It will purge him of the root, although it won't cure the painful hangover he's going to have. How much did he drink?"

"I'm not sure, more than they did," the sergeant replies. He motions to the adventurers.

"How much did you all have?" Mar asks.

[sblock="For Shrough"]Shrough sees little that would make Lady Mar a true sage of the arcane arts. He does see several interesting looking potion bottles locked up in a cabinet behind the main counter. Some are filled with a light blue liquid while the others have a strange purple-black misty-like substance stoppered in them.[/sblock]
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First Post
Cal will reply"I have only had one shot of that liquor. I feel fine, I think! It seems that it really only had that affect on Durst. Do you think there may be any other side effects to this stuff?"


World of Kulan DM
The common room of The Felled Ogre:
After the sergeant leaves with Cal, Vak'tiel and Shrough and Dongar carries Durst upstairs (with Borya keeping an eye on Durst), the mood in the Ogre lightens. Aileen is tasked with doing her duties, as well as playing host. Camson handles the bar while Sylnry the gnome handles any special requests for those staying at the inn as guests. A few locals head home while others curl up next to a long hearth that warms the room even with the inn's front door wide open. The sun has completely set outside and a chill pushes against the warmth.

While Sarten sits, talks, and eats with Dongar, one of the local bards tries to 'one up' Kisep's tale, but he is booed out of the place. In truth, he was so drunk that all he did was slur his words and fall down a few times. Two members of the Market Watch scoop him up outside and escort him home. A large woman calls out to Kisep, "Tell us another tale, birdman." A lute player with some skill tries to encourage Kisep to spin a tall tale by providing a quiet background tune.

Jagr stands nearby his hand outstretched in the direction of no one in particular. (Kisep is sure he heard the catman mention something about a note and Wilie.) Dongar notices Jagr as well, and he motions for the catfolk to sit down. "Come, come, furry one. Sit and eat with us." He speaks to Jagr in Draconic. "There is plenty." Dongar then lends his support for Kisep to tell another tale; he even flips the kenku an oval, silver coin. "Beeh bolhd," he encourages in broken Bravatin.

Just then, Wilie enters through the inn's open door. He notes that not all of the heroes are present, which seems to make him glum. He walks up to Sarten and asks, "Where is Borya? I though he and the others would all be here. I brought the note I received. I thought it might give you all a clue as to why you've been brought here by this S.H. fellow, whoever he is." Wilie produces a medium-sized piece of parchment from his pocket, unfolds it, and puts it down in front of Sarten.
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