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Kulan: Bard's Gate PbP Campaign (IC) [Game Cancelled]


World of Kulan DM
The Market Bridge:
Borya watches as the others follow his cousin out of the inn. Not wanting to be left behind he follows Kisep and Jagr to the bridge.

As we are walking cal asks vak'tiel, "Have you had a turn reading the note willie had? It seems that it has a message for everyone that reads it. Try your turn and see what it says." Cal keeps an eye open for anything out of the ordinary as they are walking back to the market bridge. "I really hope this isn't some kind of trap!"

"I have not, perhaps I ought to have a go at that."

Jagr leaves off contemplating what Kisep might taste like and watches with interest as another person takes up the arcane note.
Once Kisep has finished studying Wilie's note, he allows Vak'tiel to take it to read. The note shifts to read in Infernal for him and the final postscript changes as it did for the others: "Vak'tiel Andrasei, I am glad you have arrived safely. You are the sixth. Sarten was the first. Jagr Misthunter was the second. Shrough d'Aringeir was the third. Caldrin Auvreaundlin was the fourth. Kisep was the fifth. Please gather with them on Market Bridge now that six of you have arrived in Bard's Gate. You will receive directions that will guide you in the quest that must be completed. Please make sure Mr. Wilie is there as well. He can direct the last two once they arrive if the rest of you do not wish to wait."

The seven adventurers gather on the Market Bridge as instructed by the note. Several onlookers stare at them with concern before being assured by Wilie that there isn't a problem. For several minutes nothing happens and Wilie wonders out loud if "we're all the horse's end of some cruel joke." Then it happens. A magic face appears on the cobblestones of the bridge under the adventurers feet. The cobblestones appear to shift to form wizened eyes, a mouth, and a short beard.

"Please step back and listen," it says. "I have been placed here to give you instruction in the quest that my creator wishes you to complete. You may call me Vectēvs. I cannot tell you anything about my creator, but he is certain that you will discover his identity at some point. If you must have a name for him, you may call him 'The Gezgin'.

"The trials ahead are yours to complete however you see fit. All that he asks is that you work together to resolve each crisis in a timely manner and consider an occasional special request, with compensation. He will not magically compel you to help but hopes that your natural instincts will drive you forward. And there will be a great chance for wealth and fame, if curiosity isn't enough of a motivator. My master may ask for one or two items for himself, if the riches are vast."

As Vectēvs speaks, a crowd of citizens gathers around the adventurers. All are shocked by the magical effect taking hold of the bridge. Some whisper but most stand in awed silence.

"By now, most if not all of the Eight have gathered here to hear these words. There may be others listening who were not called to this place. If you are not one of the Eight or the halfling known as Wilie, I will not be able to hear or respond to you. You may stay and listen or offer advice to the Eight, but you will not be able to interfere with this message.

"To the Eight. First, thank you for coming. I know my master's written messages to each of you didn't give you much to go on, but your curiosity has brought you this far. Second, your first quest. There is a man who lives in the Guild District on the street beyond this bridge. His name is Kalier Goloda. My master considers him an old friend, although Mr. Goloda does not know my master as The Gezgin. In fact, my master has removed Mr. Goloda's memory of him. My master did this ages ago to protect Mr. Goloda from his enemies. It has come to my master's attention that Mr. Goloda was recently approached by a man named Odals Alzota about a medallion thought to be connected to an infamous wizard named Yenejg Togan."

Several of the nearby onlookers gasp in horror. Most of them run away. One man says, "By the gods, I've not heard that name in decades!" He looks at the adventurers. "If you know what's good for you, you will not pursue this!" He runs away screaming. Another local calls out for the Lyreguard. The situation is tense. Wilie tries to calm the onlookers down, as Vectēvs speaks on without concern.

"That name is well known in Bard's Gate, and it will cause some fear. This is to be expected, as Yenejg was quite the tyrant in the region over 70 years ago. You, the Eight, will have to deal with the situation as best you can. Some will consider you cursed while others might champion your cause. My master's main suggestion is to remain calm and try not to cause a panic. Speak the words, 'Vectēvs, protector of the bridge', and this message will repeat, if the Market Watch or the Lyreguard demand an explanation from you.

"To any others listening, do not worry about Yenejg. He is dead and he is not coming back from the dead. Well, my master is fairly certain if not absolute in his reasoning. For the Eight, the bigger concern is Odals Alzota. My master is certain that he is up to no good and scrying has told my master that Mr. Goloda suspects the same. My master isn't sure how his old friend will respond, but he's sure Mr. Goloda has already put his own plan into place. You should proceed across the bridge onto Guild Street and seek out Mr. Goloda. He is know in the city, so any citizen that frequents the Guild District should be able to point out his manor. Mr. Goloda might be in over his head, and my master would hate for anything to happen to him."

"What the in the 'blades of blue' is going on here?" A man dressed in the uniform of the Lyreguard demands as he steps onto the bridge. (*)

"Third, each member of the Eight, as well as the halfling named Wilie, can ask me two questions. One question must be about the current situation while the second can be about anything that my master might have knowledge about. I cannot promise that he has gifted me with proper answers, and I will not speculate. Once you all have asked your questions, I will no longer be able to provide insight and the command phrase to restart this message will no longer function. Choose your questions wisely. Proceed any question with my name, so as not to accidentally activate me while conversing amongst yourselves."

With that, the face grows silent.

"What is that," the guard exclaims. "Wilie, I need an explanation. Now!"

"That might be difficult to answer," Wilie replies. He motions for Vak'tiel to give up the magical note to the guard. "Wilsk, these are the heroes I told the Market Watch about. They are finally here. Read the note this time."

"You didn't mention anything about them defacing the Market Bridge with this magical mischief!"

"They did not do this!" Wilie retorts.

"They are agents of Yenejg!" A loud local shouts from the plaza. "Kill them before they conjure up his ghost!"

"Shut up, Rodrick. You're drunk." Wilsk orders.

"I know what I heard!" Two members of the Market Watch grab a hold of Rodrick and haul him away before he can shout anything else.

"The rest of you disperse. The Lyreguard will handle this." All of sudden eight more men dressed like Wilsk appear as out of nowhere. If they arrived magically, it was hidden by powerful magics. "Now, someone else besides Wilie had better have a good explanation for this magic or you're all in for a rough night."

OOC: I forgot to mention that when each person takes the note and reads it, the language of the note shifts into the native language of the person holding it. If two or more of the PCs hold onto the note at once, it will either shift to a language that they both know or to Bravatin (the common language of Bard's Gate). | * Blades of blue means the same as blue blazes.
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Kisep nods. "Allow me to introduce myself," the kenku says to the guard captain as he steps forward. "My name is Kisep, a wandering minstrel and part-time adventurer, and these fine folk are my new friends. We have all received a note from a mysterious person, almost certainly a powerful wizard, who wishes to employ our services. His instructions were to gather on this bridge, which we did, and our arrival prompted this magical face to form and speak. We can instruct it to repeat its words so you know exactly what it said."

With a quick look at the others, Kisep states solemnly, "Vectēvs, protector of the bridge."


Jagr shakes his head. "Could not this message have been delivered in an empty alley just as easily? If his instruction to 'try not to cause a panic' was serious this is not the way to go about it. Any element of surprise we might have had on this hunt is also lost." He shrugs and glowers at any who are not guards or party members that get too close. He watches the crowd trying to remember the faces of those who take an interest in the proceedings while his companions make their excuses to the Lyreguards.

Borya catches up with the group, and immediately hears the words Yenejg Togan.

The name fills him with much fear and had hoped to never again hear it in his lifetimes.

He sees the kenku trying to darndest to talk his way out of the guard's gaze, so Borya immediately head's over with his customary beaming smile in the hopes that a friendly face will help with the situation. :)

"Ah, you old bird, why are you bothering this hard working fellow?"

(O.O.C. if you need a bonus to your dip, let me know).

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
It appears that all that needs to be said is being said by the others, so Shrough remains silent for the moment, although Jagr makes a disturbingly valid point.


First Post
Agreeing with Jagr and Shrough. Cal will keep silent and wait for all the hub bub to calm down. He does ask Willie "have you heard of this Kalier Goloda? Or Odals Alzota? If so could you point the way?"


World of Kulan DM
"Perhaps we should allow him to hear the message?"

Kisep nods. "Allow me to introduce myself," the kenku says to the guard captain as he steps forward. "My name is Kisep, a wandering minstrel and part-time adventurer, and these fine folk are my new friends. We have all received a note from a mysterious person, almost certainly a powerful wizard, who wishes to employ our services. His instructions were to gather on this bridge, which we did, and our arrival prompted this magical face to form and speak. We can instruct it to repeat its words so you know exactly what it said."

With a quick look at the others, Kisep states solemnly, "Vectēvs, protector of the bridge."
The magical face says, "I acknowledge the command words from Kisep the bard", before it repeats the message word for word.

Wilsk and the other members of the Lyreguard listen intently while studying the heroes. When Vectēvs mentions Kalier Goloda's name, Wilsk says, "Hmm, a friend of Goloda's." When the magical construct mentions Odals Alzota, Wilsk says, "Never heard of him." When Yenejg's name is spoken, one of the guards makes a hand-gesture of personal protection. Wilsk remains silent until the rest of the message finishes and once again goes silent.

"Well, this is quite the situation. I'm tempted to take you all in for questioning, but it seems you were brought here without knowledge that this would happen. I should have taken Wilie at his word when he came to me a week ago."

"Yes, you should have," Wilie remarks.

"I apologize for discounting you out-of-hand. It is just that there are always so many strange rumors circulating through the city, it is hard to be sure what to take seriously."

"Sir, we should investigate this Odals Alzota fellow," a guard says. "If the man is in the city and causing trouble..."

"First, we must contain the flow of information. Even false rumors of Yenejg coming back from the dead could cause a panic. Gods, I even have family that originated from Shapic! Kara's uncle grew up there!"

Several of the guards are fingering their weapons and looking around fitfully. All of the other townspeople have abandoned the bridge in fear, although a few stragglers stand on either side of the canal, watching and half-listening. A small crowd has gathered outside the Felled Ogre, watching events fold out on the bridge.

"Find out all you can from this thing," Wilsk says to the gathered adventurers. "I'll keep two guards at the end of both sides of the bridge to keep onlookers away while you ask your questions." Wilsk says to the guard who spoke. "Marcus, stay here with them. Note everything this Vectēvs says. We will have to make a detailed report by morning."

"Yes sir."

Wilsk looks at each of the gathered adventurers. Then he does so again while, it appears, silently counting. "Not eight. Only seven. Do any of you know who the eighth in your company is supposed to be? Wilie?"

"It not me," Wilie says nervously. I hope not. But my cousin, Borya. He's one." Wilie points out Borya amongst the others.

"So, this is the human cousin you've mentioned."
He sees the kenku trying to darndest to talk his way out of the guard's gaze, so Borya immediately head's over with his customary beaming smile in the hopes that a friendly face will help with the situation.

"Ah, you old bird, why are you bothering this hard working fellow?"
"It's no bother," Wilsk says while shaking Borya's hand. "I guess you are another tale of Wilie's that is also true. He speaks highly, and often, of you and your family."

OOC: Another post coming right up.
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World of Kulan DM
Jagr shakes his head. "Could not this message have been delivered in an empty alley just as easily? If his instruction to 'try not to cause a panic' was serious this is not the way to go about it. Any element of surprise we might have had on this hunt is also lost." He shrugs and glowers at any who are not guards or party members that get too close. He watches the crowd trying to remember the faces of those who take an interest in the proceedings while his companions make their excuses to the Lyreguards.

It appears that all that needs to be said is being said by the others, so Shrough remains silent for the moment, although Jagr makes a disturbingly valid point.
"I quite agree with you," Wilsk says. "This Gezgin fellow has put you all in quite the pickle. I'm certain the city's guildmasters will want to speak with all of you at some point. The next meeting at the Grand High Symposium is set for six days from now. I'm sure Master Goloda will have to appear before them as well. He is city's treasurer, after all. If he's been swindled, it would be a black eye for Bard's Gate."

He signals his men and four of them move to guard the bridge. "Linus, go to Goloda's house. Bring him to the Keep District just to be safe."

"Yes sir," Linus replies before heading off into the Guild District.

"I must go see the leaders of the Lyreguard and let them know what is happening. Marcus will stay with you and can lead you to me after you've learned all you can from this thing." Wilsk sets off into the Guild District with three guards in tow. Marcus steps back and allows the adventurers to question Vectēvs.

OOC: Third reply coming up. :D


World of Kulan DM
Agreeing with Jagr and Shrough. Cal will keep silent and wait for all the hub bub to calm down. He does ask Willie "have you heard of this Kalier Goloda? Or Odals Alzota? If so could you point the way?"
"As Wilsk said, Goloda is the city's treasurer." Wilie replies. "Well, he one of several who handle the city's extensive coffers. He works out of the Offices of Commerce and Trade in the Keep Quarter." Wilie points towards the center of the city. "I don't think I've ever met him personally, but I have received official documents from his office regarding the collecting of the bridge toll. He lives just up there." He points towards Guild Street where Linus is banging on a large gate to a walled estate.

"I've never heard of Odals Alzota. Unfortunately, I have heard of Yenejg." He looks at Borya with great concern. "I d-don't want you to d-die, cousin."

Voidrunner's Codex

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