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Kulan: Bard's Gate PbP Campaign (IC) [Game Cancelled]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=dm]Sorry for being mia, pain filled weeks. You know the story.[/sblock]

Shrough only takes a moment to decide, then takes off after the fleeing man in a rooftop chase.

Caste Haste on self then run after Jagr and the running man and climb the ladder to the roof, his feet swift as the wind

climb check: 1D20+6 = [8]+6 = 14

. . . . .

ooc: to keep up it appears he need to have two jumps . . . .

jump vs dc 15 with haste [sbock]If your speed is greater than 30 feet, you gain a +4 bonus for every 10 feet beyond 30 feet. [/sblock]

jump with haste: 1D20+18 = [1]+18 = 19

second jump

jump with haste: 1D20+18 = [1]+18 = 19

[sblock=movement] normal movement with double move: 60; with haste: 120 feet/round **whooosh**!!

I am not sure if the math is right. jump bonus is +4/10 feet above 30. is that above the base 30, and with haste it is now 60-double move or single move, or is it +4/10 above 30 period - as in: double move would be a +12, double with haste is +36?[/sblock]
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The healing magic surges into the woman and her cuts stop bleeding. She remains unconscious, as the smoke has overwhelmed her. When Sarten checks the man on the floor, he discovers the human is dead. Fire laps at the man's body once again, as the smell of charred flesh wafts into Sarten's nostrils.

OOC: Do you want Sarten to pull the man's body away from the fire?

Moving back to the woman, Sarten expends another charge to heal the woman. The cuts on her body close and her eyes open. She looks at Sarten and gasps in terror at the sight of the kobold warmage. She faints dead away.

The nearby canopy bed is free of flames but won't be for long. Flames reignite the doorway, and Sarten can see that a banister beyond the room is completely engulfed in flames. Another pyrotechnics spell gives him the time to gather up the bed's sheets and tie them together. It is a simple matter to tie one end to the bed post and throw the other end out the window (avoiding the sharp glass). The tied sheets nearly reach the ground.

OOC: Assuming that you'll allocate the second charge to the woman since the man is dead. Sarten can either force the woman awake or carry her down himself. She's not a big woman, so he can make the Climb with her over his shoulder on a DC 20 check.

I guess she's never seen a warmage before! Sarten taps the woman awake, and tells her "Climb down to the ground using the sheets."

He lugs the dead man's body over to the window, and tosses it out once she's down and clear.

He then climbs down and heads into the open doorway. Inside, if he sees fire, he'll try another pyrotechnics spell to fight the fire from below.


First Post
Cal flys after Vak'tiel trying to keep up. When he reaches the ladder, he tries to climb the ladder (roll below) (14), once up on the roof I will try to locate the runner. If I spot him (15), I would like to take a shot with my bow, 16 to hit. Once i fire a shot, I will continue after him. Jump checks are prolly not gonna get across with a 12,22 . If I fall I will get up and try to continue in the same direction that he was going and try to find him, spot of a 8. If I make it I will continue after him and try another shot with a 25. If I can catch up with him then I will start hollering to inform my friends where we are.

[sblock]climb then two jumps _: 1D20+4 = [10]+4 = 14
1D20+4 = [8]+4 = 12
1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23

spot _: 1D20+2 = [13]+2 = 15

ranged attack _: 1D20+11 = [5]+11 = 16

second spot _: 1D20+2 = [6]+2 = 8

second ranged attack _: 1D20+11 = [14]+11 = 25



World of Kulan DM
The Chase:
Vak'Tiel gets up from the ground certain he has lost the man. He looks around for any way he might be able to get back up and cut off this mysterious man's escape.
The two-story building Vak'tiel failed to jump to has what appears to be a wooden walkway leading alongside the west side of the building next to the canal. Along the east side of the building is the street, leading north. In front of him are two small windows with shutters.

The southern building behind him, that he jumped from, has a large barn-like door, which is closed. The area he fell into is fenced off with stacks of crates leaning up against the southern building. There aren't any crates near the northern building. A gap in the fence leads to the canal walkway.

Jagr moves in the direction the man fled and tries to catch site of him again.
Jagr's keen eyes cut through the darkness as he runs around the western edge of the nearest building and hunts for the man on the rooftops. He finds himself on a wooden walkway that runs along the edge of the canal. He can see ahead that the walkway ends in a set of wooden stairs that rises alongside the next building. He comes to a large gap in between two buildings closed off by a fence, except for a same gap. A man catches the corner of his eye and he almost turns and shoots his bow directly at Vak'tiel, on instinct.

Then another sound draws Jagr's eyes back towards the stairs ahead of him. The man runs along the rooftop to another building and hops down onto the stairs. He doesn't see Jagr at first. When he does, Jagr watches as he starts running down another set of stairs leading north away from the catfolk. There are several boat along the canal and a barge that is floating down the waterway towards Jagr. The runner does a quick jump over the railing and lands near one of the moored boats.

OOC: Jagr has a clean shot as the fleeing man before he runs down the stairs and can take a second shot through cover (+2 to the runner's AC). Range is 60 feet.
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World of Kulan DM
Shrough only takes a moment to decide, then takes off after the fleeing man in a rooftop chase.

Caste Haste on self then run after Jagr and the running man and climb the ladder to the roof, his feet swift as the wind.
Shrough rounds the corner just in time to see Jagr's second arrow miss. The catman runs around the western edge of the nearby building out of sight. Climbing the ladder, Shrough gets to he top of the building just in time to see Vak'tiel jump and fall out of sight.

Shrough jumps from one building to the next and then makes the jump that Vak'tiel missed. Once across, he notes that Vak'tiel has dusted himself off and Jagr appears along the canal. The world is a blur around him.

He sees the runner on another building ahead of him. The man's movements seem as fluid and as swift as Shrough's. The man jumps down out of sight just after Shrough reaches the next roof.

OOC: Shrough was less than 60 feet away before the runner jumped down out of sight.


World of Kulan DM
The Fire:
I guess she's never seen a warmage before! Sarten taps the woman awake, and tells her "Climb down to the ground using the sheets."

He lugs the dead man's body over to the window, and tosses it out once she's down and clear.
It takes nearly a minute for Sarten to wake the woman. She seems exhausted to his eyes. Once roused, she nods at him hesitantly before heading to the window. She climbs down to the ground where more guards have gathered. They help her out of the way before Sarten heaves the body out the window. Several guards try to catch what they think is the man jumping out the window.

He then climbs down and heads into the open doorway. Inside, if he sees fire, he'll try another pyrotechnics spell to fight the fire from below.
Sarten climbs down and nearly accosted by the guards until the woman says, "He saved me! Let him be!" She begs one of the Lyreguards to heal her manservant, the dead man, but he tells her, "He's with the gods now."

Once the guards realize Sarten isn't a suspect, they let him enter the house. The guards gather up the man lying near the doorway and take him out to the street just as Saten enters the manor. There is a lot of smoke, which makes it hard for even him to see. The air is hazy but Sarten is certain he can see a man running toward him carrying a small child. Once closer, he sees it's Linus.

"There are more back there," the guard yells as he runs by with his precious cargo.

Down a short corridor is a double doorway that is wide open. He can see a reddish glow beyond the doorway but not actual flames. A male voice cries out for help from somewhere deeper in the manor. Then a wave of hot air rushes towards him threatening to blow Sarten off his feet. Flames rush out from the doorway from out of nowhere.

OOC: Reflex save (DC 15): On a failed save, Sarten is knocked prone and takes 1d8 fire damage. Save for half damage.


World of Kulan DM
The Chase, continued:
Cal flys after Vak'tiel trying to keep up. When he reaches the ladder, he tries to climb the ladder (roll below) (14), once up on the roof I will try to locate the runner. If I spot him (15), I would like to take a shot with my bow, 16 to hit. Once i fire a shot, I will continue after him. Jump checks are prolly not gonna get across with a 12,22 . If I fall I will get up and try to continue in the same direction that he was going and try to find him, spot of a 8. If I make it I will continue after him and try another shot with a 25. If I can catch up with him then I will start hollering to inform my friends where we are.
Cal tries to outdistance Shrough to the ladder but the eldritch knight moves unnaturally fast up the ladder before Cal even reaches it. Jagr disappears around a nearby building.The elven rogue climbs up to the roof just in time to see Shrough jump from an adjacent building to another one. He sees no sign of Vak'tiel, however. Cal looks for the runner and sees him off in the distance well beyond Shrough. He takes aim with his bow and fires well over Cal's head to try to hit the runner. The arrow fails to arc down in time to hit the man, as Cal misjudges his aim.

Cal tries to jump to the nearby roof, but missteps at the edge and comes up short. He manages to grab on to the edge of the building with one hand, dangling precariously.

OOC: Cal's attack roll misses. The man is more than 120 feet away (roughly) from where Cal shoots from. The first Jump check is a failure. Cal would only fall (25 feet) on a failed Reflex save (DC 15) since he didn't fail by 5 or more. Reflex save to grab the edge: 1d20+10=19 (success). Cal ends up hanging on to the edge of the first building he tries to jump to. Roll a Climb check (DC 15) to have him pull himself up (move action).

Voidrunner's Codex

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