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D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] Crisis in Bluffside PBP Campaign Guide

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Just dropping this here so I can link it to my Myth-Weavers sheet:



World of Kulan DM
Okay, so while Facebook and Instagram are pooched I'm going to work on more stuff for my campaigns including some more Hero Forge images. Here are the other ex-guards that the PCs just faced. First up is Loewenan. I wish there was an easy way to add wrinkles to a character's forehead.

Lowenan Wearne_Hero Forge.png
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World of Kulan DM
Bluffside Regulars
Regulars Encountered by the Exemplars
Nathaniel Aceron: A young human man who was assigned to the Gardens due to the importance of his family. He is completely corrupt and will take bribes. He turned a blind eye to Phelix’s activities in and near the Gardens while taking bribes from the Elite guard known as Geoffrey Suggitt. The Exemplars find him at the Black Cat Tavern in Old City and Akos forces the man to spill his guts about what he knows. The PCs have promised to escort him to his countryside family estate in exchange for the information he provides them.

Adalhard”: A human man who the Exemplars encountered on the foggy streets of Old City before the Exemplars fought Mani. The man recognized Big Tim and called out to the half-ogre knight by name.

Zaquiel Arechavaleta: A human man who is a member of Sergeant Astagnory’s patrol.

Herleva Astagnory, sergeant (“Street Sergeant”): A halfling woman who is a well-respected member of the Bluffside Regulars. She could easily be reassigned to become an Elite but she prefers the down-to-earth work of patrolling the streets of Old City. She first met Akos and Tuck while the kobold urban ranger was following up on a rat problem. She met and fought alongside the other PCs against the Risings Swords and then took charge of the Gate of Scales when it was found abandoned. She is likely back out on the streets, but the Exemplars haven’t seen her since they came out of the labyrinth.

Christos Abbate, sentinel: An old human man who is stationed at Wyndlasmere House as the guard post’s spiritual leader. He took the title “Sentinel” so that his commander couldn’t force him to retire.

Bronte Abelner, arcanus: Bronte is from a genderless race of people known as the Calsat who look similar to humans but with orange skin. Bronte is another guard who is stationed at Wyndlasmere House.

Mareike Alserda, guardian: A human woman who is stationed at Wyndlasmere House.

Danlen Cain: A half-elf man that is assigned to Old City and often works as a gate guard. Tuck knows the man well. Akos has met him as well while passing through one of the district’s outer gates.

Dradan: Fought at the Battle of the Crossed Candles.

Romanus Ducas: A human man who is a reluctant member of Sergeant Vonner’s patrol. He is the only one of them that tried to help Falen.

Boaz Emenheiser, lord: A human man who was once and Elite and the commander of the Palace Guard, but he was removed from his position due to evidence of corruption. Lord Mayor Hollingsworth took pity on the man and prevented him from being ostracized from Bluffside. He gave Boaz a position in the Honor Guard of the Lord Mayor’s Estate and a chance at redemption.

Émilienne: The elf woman known as Lady Émilienne is a renown Tower Wizard of the Seventh Order and devotee to the god known as Sky and Air. She has helped the Exemplars in their dealings to try to bring Phelix to justice, and she has even come under attack from the renegade’s agents. Since the PCs returned from under the Gate of Scales, they have not seen or heard from her.

Roland Fairclough: A human man who is Sergeant Astagnory’s second-in-command, although his rank is the same as the rest of the patrol. Roland fought alongside the PCs against the Rising Swords and then helped at the Gate of Scales.

Adalind Flaskforge, captain of Red Arch: A human woman who is the longtime commander of the guard post at Red Arch. While she wasn’t present when the Exemplars first brought Mani to Red Arch, she was there the next morning when some of them came to pick up the doppelganger and take him to the barracks.

Maena: Fought at the Battle of the Crossed Candles.

Maximin Gregoras, commander: A human man who arrived on the scene soon after the fight in the Silverbow Inn ended. He and his patrol took Shylock into custody and transported him to the Dungeon in New City.

Mariana Guerra: A human woman who is stationed at the guard post of Red Arch. She first met the PCs when they brought Mani to be locked up at the guard post. She later fought alongside them against the Rising Swords who tried to ambush them on the streets of Old City. She also helped at the Gate of Scales before the PCs descended into the labyrinth below. She is now back at Red Arch.

Anton Kappel: A human man who is stationed at the guard post at Red Arch. Tuck tried to help Anton’s cousin with a rat problem in the man’s bakery. The rats came back and Tuck has promised to look into it, once he has time.

Sampson Lichefield, sergeant (“Sergeant Dragon”): A human man who is the second-in-command of the guard post at Red Arch. He gave the Exemplars a hard time when they brought Mani to be locked up at the guard post. Nathaniel Aceron says that Sampson is totally corrupt and often takes bribes to look the other way.

Kasel Mildenhall, commander: A mountain dwarf man who is the commander of the barracks in Old City. Big Tim met him while taking Mani to be locked in the Prison Tower at the barracks. While the Exemplars are questioning Nathaniel Aceron, the young guard tells them he doesn’t think much of Commander Mildenhall.

Morse”: A young human man stationed at Wyndlasmere House. He grew up on the streets of New City and was brought into the Regulars by Sentinel Abbate.

Alel Monderand, commander: A kindred dwarf man who is Towermaster of Wyndlasmere House. He is an old friend of Custodio’s.

Odhran McKenna (deceased): A human man who fought alongside the Exemplars against the Rising Swords. Mani killed him with a mental blast during that fight.

Bertram Pare, captain: A human man who is Captain of Masque Arch. He and five members of his squad (*) came to assist the Exemplars with the citizens of Old City after the PCs returned to the district from the temporal labyrinth below the Gate of Scales. *A PC can remember all their names with a successful DC 20 Knowledge (Local) check.

Jaquan Ravenwater: A young half-elf man who is stationed at the guard post at Red Arch.

Roman the Younger, tower wizard: A young half-elf man stationed at Wyndlasmere House.

Zavier Rosson: A human man stationed at Wyndlasmere House.

Silagord, ex-tower wizard: A young human man who is a member of Commander Wearne’s traitorous group of guards who fell in with Phelix Del Cannitha. He went along with the Elites mainly due to pressure from his commander and the promise of wealth.

Adhara Simmus, guardian: A sixam ieuna woman stationed at Wyndlasmere House. She is responsible for patrolling the skies above the walls of Old City near the Gardens.

Daithí Sowards: A human man who is a member of Sergeant Astagnory’s patrol.

Isabella Svend: A half-elf woman who is a notable tower guard from a very wealthy family. She is assigned to the towers around the Gardens.

Maggard Vonner, sergeant: A vicious human man who was once drummed out of the Regulars of New City. Somehow, he has been reinstated and it was him and his patrol that accosted Falen in New City when unseen seer first arrived in Bluffside. Lord Commander Oakfirst is looking into how the man got reinstated.

Torcull”: A very young human man who is a rookie Tower Wizard and Detch Appolyon’s apprentice.

Wymond the Lucky: A human man assigned to the guard post at Red Arch.

Vexander: Fought at the Battle of the Crossed Candles.

Vilmos Vass: A human man who is a member of Sergeant Astagnory’s patrol.

Other Regulars the Exemplars have Heard of
Théodore Auvray: A human man who is third-in-command at the guard post of Red Arch. The Exemplars didn’t meet him when they first took Mani to the guard post, and he was in the cellar guarding Mani when they arrived to pick up the doppelganger. (Only Vinccenzo met him at that time [run by me at the time] and it was a very brief encounter.)

Horatius Demos Atticus, captain: An elderly human man who is infamous for his peacock-like appearance and need to follow traditions to the extreme. Many in Bluffside consider him to be a loon who should be forced out of the Regulars and even the city, but he's so beloved by the nobility and The Five that it would be nearly impossible to ostracize him.

And, Captain Atticus is Lady Samantha Pomander's great uncle on her mother's side of the family. He might be a crazy old fool, but he's her “beloved” crazy old fool. Lady Pomander is smart enough to ensure he doesn't get any serious assignments, however.

While Tuck saw him on the street recently, the kobold urban ranger decided against meeting Captain Atticus.

Maitland Causer: A halfling man who is assigned to Wyndlasmere House. The PCs never met him but have heard that he’s also gone missing.

Russell Cowden, captain: This human man was once the commander of the Dungeon of Bluffside in New City. After nearly dying at the hands of Phelix and his Loyalists in a battle at The Winsome Heart, he went into semi-retirement at his home in New City. The original PCs fought alongside him in that fight before the Exemplars took up the fight against Phelix.

Bertram Cropp: A human man who has spent time walking the streets of both New City and the Undercity. Tuck has heard of him and none it was good. The man has a vicious streak that often blinds his judgment when dealing with non-humans.

Finnola Jardine, ex-arcanus: A human woman who was league with Phelix Del Cannitha. She was stationed at Wyndlasmere House but disappeared soon before the Exemplars arrived there to explore the Old Growers’ Tower. She then led an ambush on Lady Émilienne alongside several Loyalists. They were defeated by Émilienne and Finnola is now imprisoned in the Dungeon in New City.

Titan Razeart: A young human man who deserted his post and left Bluffside to try to help an elf woman he is love with who has gone missing in the Coldwind Forest.

Ethan Steelhawke, commander: The leader of the Bluffside Regulars out on Sordadon.

Anja Vång: A young human woman who once served alongside Custodio in New City. She was captured and tortured by members of the Rising Swords and Phelix’s Loyalists. The experience broke her mind and she has been living at the Asylum ever since. Custodio feels responsible for her.

Ivan Wildore, captain: A human man who is second-in-command of the Regulars of the barracks in Old City. Many in the city consider him a hero. Nathaniel Aceron tells the Exemplars that Captain Wildore is completely corrupt, takes bribes to look the other way, and would like nothing better than to take control of Old City. Challenging him in public without real evidence could cost the PCs some of their prestige or could get them into major trouble with the nobles of the district.

Ganna Wolfbreaker: A young human woman who is assigned to the Garden tower watched over by Arcanus Detch Appolyon.

Ulbran Wolfbreaker, sergeant: A human man who is the Night Watch Sergeant of the Gate of Lilies attached to the Gardens. Ganna is his sister.

Zaos the First: Another human man who is assigned to the Garden tower watched over by Arcanus Detch Appolyon.
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World of Kulan DM
Bluffside Elites
Elites Encountered by the Exemplars
Detch Appolyon, arcanus: This old human man is both an Arcanus and a Tower Wizard of the Highest Order. He could easily be on the Wizard Council or an Elite Commander, but he prefers to work alongside his fellow Elites stationed near the Gardens. When not on duty, he loves to walk the gardens and spend time chatting with visitors. Most of the other Tower Wizards consider him to be a mentor.

Haulfrun Breedon, captain: A human man who is the captain responsible for the Quill Gate, Silver Gate, and the walled corridor known as The Trench in Old City. His well known and well liked by the citizens of Old City. The Exemplars have met him several times as they’ve moved through Old City from place to place. He always has a smile and “hello” for them.

Burchard: One of Oakfirst's personal Elites. He fought alongside the PCs at the Battle of the Crossed Candles.

Valentine Camburn, Elite captain: A renown Elite captain who is well known for being a great teacher. He fought alongside the Exemplars at the Battle of the Crossed Candles. He died during the battle, but is raised from the dead soon afterward. The man is respected by both nobles and commoners alike. He tends to be quite strict when it comes to protocols. While he will not step outside of the law to "get things done", when a fight break outs, he will not give mercy to those who fight without honour.

Arnona Chittenden, lady, ex-Elite gate guard: A human woman who is now a disgraced ex-Elite gate guard who chose to follow her commander into the service of the Renegade. She is the daughter of an important noble family and if her disgrace becomes public knowledge, her family could be exiled from Bluffside.

Akia Covington, lieutenant of the Elite of Riftwatch: A human man who is known among the Bluffside Elites for his great intelligence and his lack of personality. He is considered a renown investigator. Even Custodio had heard of him before the Exemplars met him briefly by the Gate of Scales after Lord Commander Oakfirst chewed the man out for insubordination.

Emelia: One of Oakfirst's personal Elites. She fought alongside the PCs at the Battle of the Crossed Candles.

Hendrix of the Tower, an Elite member of the Custodians: A virtuous human man who is second-in-command of the Prison Tower at the Barracks of Old City. He is in line to become the Head of the Custodians when his mentor, the half-elf woman named Iveleia Darksky retires.

Leadda: A tower wizard assigned to the Golden Gateway. She fought alongside the PCs at the Battle of the Crossed Candles.

Narzissa Lexer, ex-Elite and Rising Swords mercenary: A human woman who was once a member of the Elite before she was disgraced and exiled from Bluffside. She fell in with the Rising Swords and was among the mercenaries who tried to ambush the Exemplars while they were taking Mani to the barracks in Old City. She is currently incarcerated in the Dungeon in New City.

Christean Launceleyn, lady, second captain of the Elite of Riftwatch: A human woman who is second-in-command at the guard station known as Riftwatch. Captain Launceleyn is the person who ordered for the Iron Gate to be opened when Big Tim and Vinccenzo took Mani to the barracks in Old City. She was chastised for her actions by Lord Commander Oakfirst.

Castellana Noguera, arcanus of the Elite of Riftwatch: A young human woman who Lord Commander Oakfirst assigned to the Exemplars while they were exploring the labyrinth under the Gate of Scales. When violence broke out, she retreated to try to get help but she was gone when the PCs came back up. They haven’t seen her since.

Reginald Oakfirst, lord commander: Lord Commander Oakfirst is the head of all of Bluffside’s Regulars and Elites. His position in the city is a unique one and he has considerable influence in not only Old City and the Military District, but also the other districts (except the Wizard District) of Bluffside. Oakfirst has known most of the PCs, past and present, and he has relied on them extensively to help try to bring Phelix Del Cannitha to justice. It was he who first assigned Custodio to work alongside the previous group of PCs and now the Exemplars.

He had lent the Exemplars his childhood home to use a base of operations in Old City, but it was ransacked by Phelix’s Loyalists while the PCs were in the labyrinth under the Gate of Scales. Since they have returned from that time altering underground complex, Oakfirst left them a message at the old Oakfirst Manor with instructions to head to Stormgrove Manor. He fought alongside the PCs at the Battle of the Crossed Candles.

Petronille: She fought alongside the PCs at the Battle of the Crossed Candles.

Kaleb Raupach, sergeant: A young human man and Tower Guard. He is working towards becoming a Bluffside Mountain Ranger. He saw the false guards (the disguised Loyalists) along the eastern pathway at night and tried to confront them with another guard. His fellow guard was killed and he barely survived due to the intervention of the unknown creature in the Gardens.

Kaleb’s father is the retired soldier known as Lord Hugo Raupach, Lord Master of the Sword. Kaleb also has an older brother named Oskar.

Demetrios Zinon Aris Rhodes, ex-Elite and ex-convict: A human man who was born the son of a nobleman. Demetrios (often called “Rhody” by his friends) was once a rising star among the Elites until his father, Tjaard, unleashed an unnatural horror in the Military District. While what happened wasn't Demetrios' fault, he did defend his father when the Bluffside Elite tried to take Tjaard into custody. Rhody was likely dominated by his father, but he was jailed without a trial for political reasons.

He first met both Custodio and Big Tim at the old Oakfirst Manor when the ex-guard was recruited to work alongside the PCs before the Exemplars came together as a group. When Terger was reassigned by the Dark Lanterns, he took Rhody with him. It is rumored that the tough fighter is still working alongside Terger (and the Bluffside Mountain Rangers) out in the wilderness.

Rhilaseth, ex-Elite gate guard: A human man who followed his commander into the service of the Renegade. He was more willing than the other guards and when Sir Breva used his detect evil ability in Stromgrove Manor, Rhilaseth had an evil aura.

Zenpher Stillcloak: A sergeant assigned to the Golden Gateway. He fought alongside the PCs at the Battle of the Crossed Candles. Zenpher is a halfling.

Geoffrey Suggitt, tower guard: A young human man who is the son of a disgraced noble family. Nathaniel Aceron has told the Exemplars that Geoffrey is in league with Phelix. The PCs first met Geoffrey while investigating the incident in the Gardens where two Elites were attacked by Phelix’s Loyalists (who were then attacked by the unknown creature). Geoffrey’s current whereabouts is unknown.

Elvira Thalmann, captain: A human woman who is the commander of the Southeastern Tower of the Gardens. She first meets the PCs to ask them to try to find one of her missing guards, Titan Razeart.

Thiudimer: A tower guard assigned to the Golden Gateway. He fought alongside the PCs at the Battle of the Crossed Candles.

Alumban Tinkerfoot: A steam gnome woman who Breva met at one of the gates leading into New City.

Custodio Vecchi, d’elite: D’Elite Vecchi has been working to help find and capture Phelix Del Cannitha since before the Exemplars were brought together as a group. He has fought alongside Terger and other former PCs and the current group of heroes trying to find a way to defeat Phelix and his allies. He takes the hunt for the sorcerer very personally, as he believes the man is responsible for most of the evils now plaguing the city. He can be a bit of a hothead, but his heart seems to be in the right place.

Custodio got his start walking the streets of New City, and he has witnessed, firsthand, the devastation Phelix, his Loyalists, the Rising Swords, and the renegade’s other allies have wrought on Bluffside. He is also a Vanquisher cleric of the Purifier and often has to walk a fine line between being a member of the Elites and a member of the Castle of Purification. Currently, he isn’t officially working as a guard, so he isn’t bound by the organizations rules. He does have to file reports to both the Lord Commander and Sir Silvon Silas, the leader of the Purifier’s faith in Bluffside.

Karsten Vinther, sergeant: A human man who was discovered sickened by the temporal effect by Big Tim in the guard post at the Gate of Scales. He and his fellow Elites (Bridget, Josias and Myles) were healed by Akos.

Lowenan Wearne, ex-Elite gate commander: A human man who decided to betray Bluffside and side with Phelix Del Cannitha. He is a sorcerer like his mother before him. He considers The Five to be corrupt and the city will be better off if they are overthrown. The Exemplars first met him and the guards who chose to follow him in the labyrinth below the Gate of Scales.

He was betrayed by the evil gnome, working with Phelix, named Musummaar. It is not known if Phelix ordered the betrayal or not.

Brychan Yarwood, ex-Elite and Rising Swords mercenary (deceased): A human man who was once an Elite in Old City. He was disgraced and exiled from Bluffside and fell in with the Rising Swords. He was one of the Swords who tried to ambush the Exemplars while they were taking Mani to the barracks of Old City. He accused a well-thought-of nobleman named Maxim Vandewiele of framing him for murder and having him ostracized.

Other Elites the Exemplars have Heard of
Mathias Caspersen (deceased): A young human man who died after he and his fellow Elite were ambushed by the Loyalists in the Gardens. Those Loyalists were, in turn, killed by the unknown creature living in the wild part of the Gardens. The Exemplars encountered his anguished father near Quill Gate in Old City.

Shantilayla Chalsarda, lady captain: A female nevae elf who is now Captain of the Dungeon of Bluffside. She was promoted to her new position after the fiasco in New City. She is now the head of the Bluffside Elite in the New City. Lord Commander Reginald Oakfirst considers her a good guard but a bit overzealous when it comes to her choices in the defense of the city. She is known for taking great risks and breaking the chain of command.

Denitiian Half-Blood, lieutenant: A male half-elf who helped defend several diggers during the incident in the ruins of Sem La Vah. He personally saved two diggers from near death and carried the Lord Commander to safety. He watched as the paladin named Thistle gave her life to save two other diggers. Oakfirst had Denitiian promoted for his bravery and he is now a key member of the Elites assigned to protect the Temple District.

Selwyn Mattick, sergeant: This human man is one of the best among the Elites of New City. He was once a member of Captain Patenaude’s personal squad of Elites and Regulars but after the man left Bluffside in disgrace, he was reassigned to work with Captain Chalsarda. Most believe that he should be promoted and reassigned, but his new captain has managed to keep him under her leadership. He is widely known for his extensive tracking skills through the streets of New City.

Erwan Patenaude, ex-captain: This human man was once a renown member of Elites of New City. He first met the former PC named Gralf while the two of them were fighting alongside each other versus a basilisk and an undead minotaur that arose out of the ruins of the dungeon complex underneath Phelix’s pretend home in New City.

Patenaude worked with the original PCs (including Terger) up until their confrontation with the Quartermaster of the Rising Swords (Magnus the Trapmaster) in the secret Rising Swords complex in the Undercity. He objected strongly with Terger’s choice to try to strike a deal with the man instead of killing him outright. After that, he gave up his position as an Elite Captain and willing chose exile from Bluffside.

Jessamin Trembath, lady commander: A human woman who is in charge of handing out duties to the Bluffside Elites working out of the barracks of Old City.
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