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Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
OOC: I've spent today going through this game, both the OOC and the IC thread, so here I am now. Hopefully I can get to the Crow God game tomorrow or Thursday.

I've found that the Discord chats are going to fast for me to keep up with regularly, so if there's something important there, notify me here please.
OOC: No worries. Everyone at their own pace. I'll take a glance through the Discord to see if there is anything important poste there that didn't make it onto the OOC thread here on EN World. Probably not.

The most important details were the XP and the fact the PCs will have, at least, 12 hour of downtime after the end of the battle. Since Phelix has time on his side, literally, you guys can choose to just make it just eight hours, but you can also risk taking longer if you want (up to 24 hours). The PCs will have a min. of 12 hours, however.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Loremaster comes back from his fascination with the monster and looks around. Except for few guards there aren't really people to motivate. But who knows how many are lurking in their homes in fear?

He nods at Tuck
"We'll talk about the divinations later."
He follows the original order to go into the tower. As he walks toward it, he prepares for the speech, his armor rolls back revealing his normal robes. He casts light on the robes once he enters the tower to be visible from further away and to look a bit radiant even in full daylight. His goddess given grace left him at some point in the fight, but his personal magnetism remains.

He looks at the guards in the tower as he passes them by
"Either go out to help or follow me to the walls again to re-establish the watch. Bind the traitors and take them with you."

Once he's up on the walls he nods at the guards remaining quickly gauging if anyone needs immediate help. Once satisfied he looks down on the street shortly, but speaks generally to the watchman on the wall with him, raising his hands and more importantly his voice to be heard across the plazza.

"Guardsmen, Elites, Sectarians! Citizens of Bluffside! Hear me!

We prevailed! The battle is won!
Today, we stand here, not as individuals, but as one resilient community. The shadows of despair may loom over us, but remember this: We have faced the abyss, and we have emerged stronger. The darkness that swept through our streets may have shaken our foundations - literally, but it will never break our spirit.

We are honored to stand beside you in this darkest hour. There were casualties. There were sacrifices. Let us not forget the true heroes who rose from within. Captain Camburn. Unthar the Elite. Ela de la Camoys. Burchard. Petronille. Zenpher. Too many to count. Let's not forget the monster slayer, a new hero, a guardian who emerged from the wilderness. Rockhorn, who showed unyielding courage when the monster's terror gripped our hearts on his equally brave pegasus.

In the face of chaos, we found unity. In the midst of destruction, we found strength. We are survivors, warriors, protectors of our beloved city. Let this horrific trial be a testament to our resilience, and let it inspire us to rebuild, stronger and more united than ever before.

Together, we shall rise from the ashes. Let Rockhorn's bravery be our guiding light, and may we stand as a beacon of hope for all those who call this city home. Our resolve is unbreakable, our spirit unwavering. We are Bluffside, and together, we shall conquer any darkness that dares to challenge us. Citizens, join the defenders! Strengthen the guards! And guards who lost your way, for whatever reason, repent!

We say to those who sow seeds of chaos: Not today! Not ever! We are Bluffside and you have pushed too far! We are Bluffside!"
neurotic: D20 + 25#akosdiplomacy → 38 (13 + 25)#Akos diplomacy

Vitus Ortepi

Rockhorn looks over bustling humanity, essentially everyone bigger than himself and talks calmly to the guard.
"That is all very well, but the man might be dead before I get there and back. I apologize, good sir, this may cause some trouble. But it needs to be done."
He jumps up on Spritewing, looks around and says to Spritewing in dwarven
"Flare up!"
The pegasus whinnies loudly and extends his wings upward, fully opened. Rockhorn bellows out full strength.
"Listen up everyone! One of the Exemplars is dying of poison after we killed a monster in the city. I need someone who has restoration prepared right now. I'll take potion if I must or a scroll and you'll be paid in full, but I need it. RIGHT. NOW!"
"Well, I could probably help you."

The voice comes from behind Rockthorn and as the dwarf turns around he sees an older, human teenager, who is wearing a simple brown tunic with a simple sash representing the Ticinum delegacy across his shoulders. He has a ratty old backpack slung to his back. He's tanned with dark hair and brown piercing eyes that seem to glint with the wonder that comes with youth. Despite that, his mannerism is serious.

"Restoration is a powerful spell. I don't have a potion but..." he shifts awkwardly, pausing for a brief second before deciding haste is more important than evasiveness, "I can cast it."

Character is 80% done. But I thought I should post so nobody is waiting.

Here's the sheet:

Let me know if it works. It's supposed to be a view only spreadsheet that I can edit as I go.
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Rockhorn didn't expect this, especially not immediately. "Erm...Ummm...." the kid doesn't look nearly powerful enough to cast mighty spells, but who knows what kind of disguises wizards can do. No, clerics.

"He's dying from the effect of the poison, currently only a spell or two are keeping his vitality. We must hurry. Hop on."
Thinking for a moment he adds
"And if you're a charlatan that hopes to gain something and we lose a companion because of lost time, you will be charged with murder. Just so we're clear."

He makes a room for the youth before realizing that young or not, he is almost as big as Spritewing.
"Forget that I said that. Follow me. Spritewing, on foot this time."

Rockhorn salutes the guard.
"We will need more of this later, please inform the temple that we're buying scrolls and potions of restoration as soon as we can get there. Thank you for your help."


As the dwarf makes room on the pegasus, the youth replies,

"You ask for help and now you're threatening the person who offers it? Sounds a tad ungrateful to me."

There's a moment of disappointment when Vito realizes the pegasus is too small but then he has a flash of inspiration,

"Wait! I can help!"

He unslings his bag and opens the back pocket and a potion practically appears in his hand. He shows it to the dwarf and then swigs it down. He instantly becomes smaller.

In a tiny voice he says,

"Let's GO! "
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World of Kulan DM
Candle Street:
Tuck looks all around him. The people are scared, wary, paranoid. And the urban ranger cannot blame them in the slightest.

"Akos, I've heard the name of one Kelik come up several times now," he says to the Loremaster quietly. "I am not sure if that is his true name, but is there some sort of spell that can track down a person by using their name? I fear Waldo has terrible magical traps in place if we use his name, but one of his underlings may just give us an opportunity."

The kobold studies Falen for several moments, intrigued by the man. Earlier he spoke in the kobold tongue to Sobla and Tuck, which is something very few non-kobolds ever did. The ranger also remembers that Falen changed his appearance at least once during this battle, and during their mission in the tunnel below, his method of fighting was more akin to a spy than an honourable knight. Even if he offered mercy where the kobold would not. Tuck is sure that there is a lot more to Falen than meets the eye, but for now he is content to let the man have his secrets. After all, there is no denying that everything Tuck has seen him do was for the good of the Exemplars and the City.
Instead of following Vinny to the bazaar, Tuck decides to stay close to Mutt and Sobla. Ela and Breva will look after Vinny.

As Mutt stays close to him, Tuck notes that Sobla seems to have finished helping and is standing around waiting to say something to him. She gets in close and pats Mutt on the head. "Don't worry, I didn't forget."

The big dog seems fidgety.

She waits until Tuck and Akos are standing together and then casually moves in and whispers to Tuck. "I'm not sure this is the right time to tell you what we found at the well, but it is something you'll want to know. And him, as well."

She waits as Tuck finish speaking to Akos.

JustinCase said:
Then, after his musings, he turns to Akos once more.

"Perhaps you can give the people some hope again?"

Tuck grins at the Loremaster, knowing that Akos loves inspiring the citizens of Bluffside just as much as the kobold enjoys watching the inevitable show.
Loremaster comes back from his fascination with the monster and looks around. Except for few guards there aren't really people to motivate. But who knows how many are lurking in their homes in fear?

He nods at Tuck
"We'll talk about the divinations later."
He follows the original order to go into the tower. As he walks toward it, he prepares for the speech, his armor rolls back revealing his normal robes. He casts light on the robes once he enters the tower to be visible from further away and to look a bit radiant even in full daylight. His goddess given grace left him at some point in the fight, but his personal magnetism remains.

He looks at the guards in the tower as he passes them by
"Either go out to help or follow me to the walls again to re-establish the watch. Bind the traitors and take them with you."
All of the guards in the tower are going through the motions, but Akos arrival lifts their spirits slightly. Several of those who ran from the top of the tower follow him back to the top. The archer named Thiudimer, however, stays in the tower and makes sure all the traitors are bound and gets all of those who can help to do so. He has recovered from his fear faster than the others.

Neurotic said:
Once he's up on the walls he nods at the guards remaining quickly gauging if anyone needs immediate help. Once satisfied he looks down on the street shortly, but speaks generally to the watchman on the wall with him, raising his hands and more importantly his voice to be heard across the plazza.

"Guardsmen, Elites, Sectarians! Citizens of Bluffside! Hear me!

We prevailed! The battle is won!
Today, we stand here, not as individuals, but as one resilient community. The shadows of despair may loom over us, but remember this: We have faced the abyss, and we have emerged stronger. The darkness that swept through our streets may have shaken our foundations - literally, but it will never break our spirit.

We are honored to stand beside you in this darkest hour. There were casualties. There were sacrifices. Let us not forget the true heroes who rose from within. Captain Camburn. Unthar the Elite. Ela de la Camoys. Burchard. Petronille. Zenpher. Too many to count. Let's not forget the monster slayer, a new hero, a guardian who emerged from the wilderness. Rockhorn, who showed unyielding courage when the monster's terror gripped our hearts on his equally brave pegasus.

In the face of chaos, we found unity. In the midst of destruction, we found strength. We are survivors, warriors, protectors of our beloved city. Let this horrific trial be a testament to our resilience, and let it inspire us to rebuild, stronger and more united than ever before.

Together, we shall rise from the ashes. Let Rockhorn's bravery be our guiding light, and may we stand as a beacon of hope for all those who call this city home. Our resolve is unbreakable, our spirit unwavering. We are Bluffside, and together, we shall conquer any darkness that dares to challenge us. Citizens, join the defenders! Strengthen the guards! And guards who lost your way, for whatever reason, repent!

We say to those who sow seeds of chaos: Not today! Not ever! We are Bluffside and you have pushed too far! We are Bluffside!"
neurotic: D20 + 25#akosdiplomacy → 38 (13 + 25)#Akos diplomacy
Akos finds that most of the guards have minor wounds, but the tower wizard, a woman named Leadda, is hurt more than the others. She was one of those rallied by Petronille's arrival. As the Loremaster begins to speak, all of those who returned to the top of the tower stand and listen to his words.

His words echo across Candle Street and beyond to the open plaza beyond the candle shop. The guards stop what they are doing and looks up at the charismatic man. All are enraptured by his voice. Ela looks up at him and wonder if he is using his innate fey magic to sway the people.

The few citizens that have risked coming out of their homes and shops begin to move towards the Golden Gateway. Akos voice seems to reverberate through the air even more than normal. Could this tower be placed perfectly for acoustics, or is Titania helping him reach a larger audience. Even Vinny and Breva can hear his words all the way to the Sublime Market, as can the frightened merchants there. They stand and listen, wondering where the voice is coming from.

Akos looks down to see that all of the guards are completely transfixed by his words. While he didn't pour any magic into this speech, there is something... more than just him pouring his words out to the people of Old City. Akos' eyes blur as he nears the end of his speech. He looks down to see a strange glow that is emanating from both Mutt and Sobla, but no one else seems to see the glow -- not even the young female kobold or Tuck's dog.

He hears a strange female voice in his head, "Do not worry, child of Titania. Come find me when the time is right. The kobold girl and the hound will guide you to me in the Otherside."

"Titania?" Akos thinks.

"No, but I am one of her kin. In ancient times, the people of this city once worshiped me as Rigantona. But you will know me by the name your goddess gave me."

Akos mind fades back to reality and he can hear the guards and citizens chanting "Bluffside" and "Exemplars" and "Akos." Nearly two hundred people have gathered in the streets on both sides of the gate's tower with hundreds more flocking towards where Akos is speaking from. Below, Tuck and Tim are looking around, slightly confused. They heard the Loremaster's words as he intended them. It was a good speech, but it shouldn't have reach that many people.

Akos will learn later in the day that Commander Oakfirst and Custodio heard his words just as they were passing the Tribunal and walking towards the Palace. His voice filled both wards on both side of the Golden Gateway, as well as Old City's Gardens.

"You ask for help and now you're threatening the person who offers it? Sounds a tad ungrateful to me."
"That was no threat, that was a fact. People occasionally try to do stuff that benefits them without considering consequences. In this case, it might be a death of man."
As the boy shrinks down, Rockhorn makes needed space.
"Hold on! Spritewing, gently, steady."

OOC: Knightfall: Feel free to roll something (Riding?) if you think there is a possibility of losing the passanger :)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos heals the wizard with a superior version of the basic healing spell and uses his healing belt to add some vitality to her after that. He's still a bit in a daze after the event on the wall.

Still, there is work to be done and he snaps out of it while checking the wizardess (in more ways than one).

"Alright, people, there are traitors to be brought in. And probably few new recruits to equip and train. I think the motivation went well, even if I say so. Let's go! The day is not over yet!"
He takes Leadda under arm and escorts her down on the street level. He takes his leaves there, kissing her hand and nodding to all the guards before departing toward Tuck and his group.
He graciously accepts any greetings, gratefulness or even insults or dissatisfaction, but doesn't stop for anyone in particular.

Reaching Tuck and Sobla he looks around
"We should probably wait for Rockhorn to return and stay together in the meantime. Do you know where they went with Vinny?"
Dropping his voice to a whisper he also adds
"Something happened during that speech. Sobla and Mutt it seems have a task for us. Can you talk here or should we wait for some privacy?"

1. Does Akos know anything about Rigantona?
2. Any sense of urgency from that communication?
3. He's willing to remain near the battle, both to see if any traitors are still around and try to do something and to make people feel better
4. Spent level 2 cure wounds (last 2nd level slot), keeping dispel magic just in case; Akos is almost out of magic
5. 3 more 1st level slots and 1 more charge from healing belt can go to the guards or other wounded (Tuck, Sobla, Falen)
6. There was a misunderstanding from my side about sorcerer / innate casting limits, that's why Akos didn't want to be part of the House of Enchantment which we discussed - I thought it will give too many chances of his bluff to be called and that there will be trouble after that. If there are virtually no consequences he would join no problem. Did you consider making the houses organizations like Paragnostic assembly with various benefits depending on the level and commitment?


"That was no threat, that was a fact. People occasionally try to do stuff that benefits them without considering consequences. In this case, it might be a death of man."
As the boy shrinks down, Rockhorn makes needed space.
"Hold on! Spritewing, gently, steady."
Vitus doesn't agree with the dwarf's logic. While he's trained in the finer art of diplomacy, Vito can't help but gently posit that the risk of jail time or punishment will dissuade people from helping those in need and will, generally, make the world a worse place.1

His argument is cut off, though, as the pegasus leaps into the air.

"Whoa." Vito looks down over the city rushing past, "Amazing."

Suddenly, his awe is tempered as they fly over the destruction in the plaza,

"What happened here?"

1. Vito was about to explain the Good Samaritan Law to Rockhorn :)
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World of Kulan DM
OOC: @Neurotic: regarding #6. Right, I'd forgotten that. Thanks for the reminder.

#5: Most of the "active" tower guard are down 4 to 6 hp. (Petronille is down 10; she is helping Vinny.) None of the fallen guards in the tower are dying, but there are two that are unconscious (but stable). One of them is a Regular who turned on his fellow guards. The other is another tower wizard who was nearly killed. (No names for them... yet)
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