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Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
OOC: I've decided that neither Tuck nor Breva went down into the secret passage, yet, since Tim didn't actually lead the way. The rope leading down is ready to be used and Tuck is making sure it is secure to the bars of the cell.

Akos is still not happy with the prospect of going down into the tunnels. With unknown rat-people in the underground, thieves guild that surely goes through the tunnels occasionally and now potentially foul sorcerers minions...and all of them knowing the underground better than the heroes...he really doesn't like it.

With Tim rushing out, he shakes his head. His skills could help unlock the doors that would otherwise remain closed...but he has no intention of rushing through the city yet again. He instead takes time to calm the irrate nobleman...
Mildly amused by the young nobleman accosting Roland the Guard, he does not respond to either...
The nobleman continues his tirade toward Roland. "In Old City, local merchants and nobles always come first! You should know that rule!"

"Sir, that is not a rule," Roland counters. "There is no official protocol for taking your request first over a visitor from beyond this district's walls. Each request must be judged on its own merit." Roland holds up his hand. "I'm not saying your request has no merit. There is only so much I can do for you right now. There aren't enough Regulars here to deal with your problem, but we'll get more help here soon."

"Where are the Elites?" The nobleman complains. "This problem should be handled by Elites!"

"The Regulars can handle a stolen goods complaint," Roland insists.

"I must insist on the help of Elites," the noble finally notices Akos. He raises an eyebrow in surprise at seeing the Loremaster 'working' at the Gate of Scales. "But, a local hero-."

"Loremaster Akos is currently engaged in a special mission for The Five," Roland argues.

"Then why is he here helping you?"

Roland sighs. "His mission brought him here. I can't tell you more."

The nobleman introduces himself to Akos. "Lormaster, I am Lord Griffith Samuel Reddish. It is an honor to meet you. I hope you can help with my lost goods. I own a nearby shop that was broken into this morning. The Sparkling Moons sells only the finest of textiles and shoes and boots. We have the finest leather belts, pouches, and sheathes in all of Old City." He pauses. "Imagine my horror to find the back door smashed open and half my inventory gone or in ruins. The louts also made off with a fine carving of Kulan's great twin moons, which is how I came up with the name for the shop. My shopkeeper, Frederik, is rattled beyond belief. By the gods, the bastards took his cat too!"

Akos can tell the man is quite rattled and seems to care about his business and his employee. Roland listens to the man's plea with more concern.

"You didn't mention that a beloved animal was taken," the guard says. "That is horrible behavior! We will look into this matter as soon as we can!"

Just as Roland finishes speaking, a female voice rings out over the crowd. "Make room! Regulars coming through!"

Akos recognizes Marina's voice. The crowd parts slightly and she and the other Regulars who had been watching over the dead bodies on the street. Mariana is carrying Odhran's body slung over her shoulder while the other two Regulars are dealing with the fallen Rising Swords. Daithí is dragging the bodies of Castañon de Durgos and another of the dead mercenaries. Zaquiel is carrying the last of the Rising Swords. The dead are wrapped in their cloaks but Zaquiel's burden is bandaged. Along with the guards are three locals carrying the castoff gear of the mercenaries.

"We couldn't wait any longer for the meat wagon," Daithí says to Roland. "The street was getting crowded."

"And, some damn thieves made off with a couple of the mercenaries' swords!" Zaquiel adds. "We looked away for just a moment."

"It's got to be the Golden Sabres," Mariana notes. "They are growing more bold beyond the canals of Sordadon."

"We'll worry about the thieves later," Roland replies. "Take the bodies into the post, quickly."

Akos notes that the gathered crowd of locals making requests thins out slightly. The sight of dead bodies sends the austere scurrying away with handkerchiefs over their mouths and noses. Even Lord Reddish steps back from the Regular's and their grim cargo, but the nobleman doesn't leave. Roland waves the nobleman to move back as Mariana and the other Regulars take the bodies into the guard post. The young locals with the gear follow the Regulars into the post. Sergeant Herleva tells them to put the dead mercenaries in the empty cell with the secret passage. The gear is put away into storage. Zaquiel puts the wounded mercenary on an old ragged cot before escorting out the old matron. Mariana puts Odhran's body on a long table and covers it with the fallen guard's cloak.

"We promised them some coin to help us," Daithí says to his sergeant about the three locals.

Herleva goes into her own pocket and gives out handful of coppers and silvers to the young lads. She thanks them for their help.

"Glad to chip in," the oldest boy says. "You call on us if you need anything else, eh, Street Sergeant."

"Yes, thank you again," she says with a wry smile.

The boys leave the post and the old matron does as well, not wanting to be near the dead bodies. Roland asks the boys and Zaquiel escort the elderly noblewoman home.

"What a day," Roland says. He sighs again. He seems very tired.

Then, everyone hears it. A sound that rises high above Old City. Turning towards the sound, Akos and Falen watch as a colossal construct rises above the district. It reaches out towards something, lifts it high into the sky, and then pulls it to its form and disappears downward, it seems, into the ground.

"By the gods!" Lord Reddish exclaims.

"I can't believe it! The Five have opened the Iron Gate!" Roland exclaims.

The few remaining locals who had been seeking help from the Regulars are soon rushing off either towards their homes or north towards the the scene that just played out in the distance. Daithí and Roland seem to be in shock.

Inside the guard post, Breva and Tuck hear the ungodly racket. Tuck knows the sound immediately. He heard the sound of the Iron Gate being opened once before when the city was under siege from the Underearth. He had been very young, barely out of his hatchling stage. The gate was opened to allow the Palace Guards and Regulars to get to the walls surrounding the Old City Rift more quickly. Morlocks had tried to use the Great Gate Construct as a ladder to the city above. The gate has never been opened again since that day. The tunnels the morlocks had used were either sealed or collapsed during the ten-day siege.

"The Iron Gate," Tuck says. Mutt sits close to his packmate and is unusually quiet. "It stands open."

Sergeant Herleva can only nod.

OOC: Since Akos, Breva, and Falen aren't from Bluffside, they would need to make a successful Knowledge (local) check to know about the Iron Gate. Knowledge (architecture and engineering) would be useful, as well, but more for inspecting the Iron Gate and the Great Gate construct.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Commander Mildenhall said:
He sighs and shakes his head before raising his eyes towards Big Tim. "I assume you haven't captured him yet, Sir Valencia? Yes, I know who you are. You're quickly becoming a local celebutante here in Old City... whether you wish it or not. Regardless, Lord Commander Oakfirst has told me and the other commanders of your group and your mission to bring the Renegade to justice."

Tim salutes Commander Mildenhall, while keeping Mani's limp form on his shoulder, "Nay, I haven't caught him yet, but I give ye my word of honor that I will. I owe him one for singeing my eyebrows with that fireball trap of his. I was sore for two days. Lucky for me, I'm a quick healer. But I won't kill him, unless he forces the matter. I'd rather bring him back to you, sir, and watch him face a tribunal. But first things be first; would ye kindly allow us into the barracks, and show us a proper cell where this creature can be kept? He has magical powers which must be dampened. He is extremely dangerous."


World of Kulan DM
Tim salutes Commander Mildenhall, while keeping Mani's limp form on his shoulder, "Nay, I haven't caught him yet, but I give ye my word of honor that I will. I owe him one for singeing my eyebrows with that fireball trap of his. I was sore for two days. Lucky for me, I'm a quick healer. But I won't kill him, unless he forces the matter. I'd rather bring him back to you, sir, and watch him face a tribunal. But first things be first; would ye kindly allow us into the barracks, and show us a proper cell where this creature can be kept? He has magical powers which must be dampened. He is extremely dangerous."
"If you'll allow it, commander," Captain Launceleyn says. "We should put him in the Prison Tower."

Tim notices that she motions to a tall tower behind a high wall, which sits alongside the northeastern tower of the barracks. Tim notes that barracks is more like a castle than guard house. He'd seen the building over the inner wall dividing the Barracks Ward and the Golden Ward, but only the fortresses top ramparts. In truth, it is small in comparison to the massive Palace of Old city, but then everything in Old City is small compared to the Ancients structure.

"Yes, putting this creature in the tower is probably the best idea," Mildenhall agrees. "However, the Prison Tower is usually reserved for prisoners with foreign political ties. Putting it... him in there could cause a debate about whether or not an enemy of Bluffside set him on Old City as a means of sabotage or sowing chaos. Also, The Five has final say on who is sent to the tower."

"I don't think they'll mind," the captain notes. "It's better he be locked away where he can't do any more harm. And, I don't think the Elites would want to tend to him every day. Best to let the Custodians handle this one."

"Let's hope so," the commander motions for his Elites to take Mani into custody. Three tough looking guard with Elite sashes take the doppelganger off Tim's hands. "I think a Mid-Level cell will do. One of the enhanced ones."

He and the Elites lead the captain, Tim, and Vincenzzo around southeast tower of the barracks towards the walled in tower. Tim can see that there is a stone walkway that leads from the upper part of the barracks to just above the midpoint of the tower. At the base of the wall surrounding the tower is a small gate guarded by four men decked out in breastplates. Each have longswords, daggers, and crossbows of the finest quality. They salute Commander Mildenhall as he approaches.

"Sir! What can the Custodians do for you today?" One of them says.

"I have a prisoner for the tower," Mildenhall replies. "It is a special case." He motions to the doppelganger. "This is the Old City Killer. We need to lock him away in an enhanced cell. Mid-level. Away from any other prisoners until charges can be brought at the Tribunal."

"Yes, sir." The man takes a closer look at the doppelganger. "Hmm, a shapeshifter. I have two cells that can probably hold him. The best one is High Level but The Five want us to save it for the Renegade, once he's caught. There is another at mid-level, but its wards aren't as strong." He ponders and then nods his head. "It will do and can get the Wizard Council to come and strength the magicks."

"Good, good."

Without any fanfare, the gate is opened and all head inside. The courtyard is stark and spotless. The tower itself is shaped like a pentagram and its walls are made of smooth rock that doesn't allow for any handholds. Tim doesn't see any windows. A set of double doors leads into the tower and Tim doesn't have to duck his head.

"This tower was built to house a variety of foes..." the captain says while smiling at Tim. "There are cells big enough to house a large dragon but those are underground and rarely used anymore. Access to then is through the Old City Rift, but the cells are considered to be part of the tower."

"Bluffside has had many enemies over the centuries," Mildenhall adds.

"This way sir."

The Custodians lead the way up a central spiral stone staircase. Beyond its stout iron handrail is open air except for the wide stone walkways that lead to the outer walls of the tower and rings of doors with barred windows. The place is surreal and enigmatic.

"The Prison Tower used to be a wizard tower back when Old City was first founded," the custodian says. "But the tower's original builder and owner, Zibarin, moved to the Wizard District soon after it was built. He left the tower to the Bluffside Regulars in his will. The barracks were added later."

"I'm always impressed by this structure," Mildenhall says.

Tim finds that the tower was built to accommodate a large girth and he is able to climb the stairs with ease. Just before reaching the top of the tower, the custodian leads them out onto a stone walkway that leads to the tower's northeastern wall. There sit three cells with iron doors. The custodian orders for the central cell to be opened and Tim watches as the guards and Elites take Mani inside. Soon, the door is locked and the half-ogre knight is looking at the doppelganger through a small, barred window.

"If he can escape from here," Captain Launceleyn says to Tim. "It's very unlikely there is any cell in Bluffside that can hold him."

"As long as he's in that cell, he won't be able to change shape," the custodian says.

"Good enough, I say."


Breva listens to the Loremaster's tale of theft with interest, but before he can comment he starts at the great din of noise. "The Iron Gate you say? Forgive my ignorance, but I am but newly arrived in the city. What is the significance of that?"

Vincenzo exhales slowl
"If you'll allow it, commander," Captain Launceleyn says. "We should put him in the Prison Tower."

Tim notices that she motions to a tall tower behind a high wall, which sits alongside the northeastern tower of the barracks. Tim notes that barracks is more like a castle than guard house. He'd seen the building over the inner wall dividing the Barracks Ward and the Golden Ward, but only the fortresses top ramparts. In truth, it is small in comparison to the massive Palace of Old city, but then everything in Old City is small compared to the Ancients structure.

"Yes, putting this creature in the tower is probably the best idea," Mildenhall agrees. "However, the Prison Tower is usually reserved for prisoners with foreign political ties. Putting it... him in there could cause a debate about whether or not an enemy of Bluffside set him on Old City as a means of sabotage or sowing chaos. Also, The Five has final say on who is sent to the tower."

"I don't think they'll mind," the captain notes. "It's better he be locked away where he can't do any more harm. And, I don't think the Elites would want to tend to him every day. Best to let the Custodians handle this one."

"Let's hope so," the commander motions for his Elites to take Mani into custody. Three tough looking guard with Elite sashes take the doppelganger off Tim's hands. "I think a Mid-Level cell will do. One of the enhanced ones."

He and the Elites lead the captain, Tim, and Vincenzzo around southeast tower of the barracks towards the walled in tower. Tim can see that there is a stone walkway that leads from the upper part of the barracks to just above the midpoint of the tower. At the base of the wall surrounding the tower is a small gate guarded by four men decked out in breastplates. Each have longswords, daggers, and crossbows of the finest quality. They salute Commander Mildenhall as he approaches.

"Sir! What can the Custodians do for you today?" One of them says.

"I have a prisoner for the tower," Mildenhall replies. "It is a special case." He motions to the doppelganger. "This is the Old City Killer. We need to lock him away in an enhanced cell. Mid-level. Away from any other prisoners until charges can be brought at the Tribunal."

"Yes, sir." The man takes a closer look at the doppelganger. "Hmm, a shapeshifter. I have two cells that can probably hold him. The best one is High Level but The Five want us to save it for the Renegade, once he's caught. There is another at mid-level, but its wards aren't as strong." He ponders and then nods his head. "It will do and can get the Wizard Council to come and strength the magicks."

"Good, good."

Without any fanfare, the gate is opened and all head inside. The courtyard is stark and spotless. The tower itself is shaped like a pentagram and its walls are made of smooth rock that doesn't allow for any handholds. Tim doesn't see any windows. A set of double doors leads into the tower and Tim doesn't have to duck his head.

"This tower was built to house a variety of foes..." the captain says while smiling at Tim. "There are cells big enough to house a large dragon but those are underground and rarely used anymore. Access to then is through the Old City Rift, but the cells are considered to be part of the tower."

"Bluffside has had many enemies over the centuries," Mildenhall adds.

"This way sir."

The Custodians lead the way up a central spiral stone staircase. Beyond its stout iron handrail is open air except for the wide stone walkways that lead to the outer walls of the tower and rings of doors with barred windows. The place is surreal and enigmatic.

"The Prison Tower used to be a wizard tower back when Old City was first founded," the custodian says. "But the tower's original builder and owner, Zibarin, moved to the Wizard District soon after it was built. He left the tower to the Bluffside Regulars in his will. The barracks were added later."

"I'm always impressed by this structure," Mildenhall says.

Tim finds that the tower was built to accommodate a large girth and he is able to climb the stairs with ease. Just before reaching the top of the tower, the custodian leads them out onto a stone walkway that leads to the tower's northeastern wall. There sit three cells with iron doors. The custodian orders for the central cell to be opened and Tim watches as the guards and Elites take Mani inside. Soon, the door is locked and the half-ogre knight is looking at the doppelganger through a small, barred window.

"If he can escape from here," Captain Launceleyn says to Tim. "It's very unlikely there is any cell in Bluffside that can hold him."

"As long as he's in that cell, he won't be able to change shape," the custodian says.

"Good enough, I say."
Vincenzo exhales slowly in relief at now seeing the enchanted creature in confinement. A small smile of victory curls on his mouth. He looks to Tim and says, "well done."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tim nods, "So be it. If he escapes, and I have to go after him again, I shall imprison him in the realm of Death, on that I give my word of honor. Now, my liege, I ask your forgiveness, for we must now leave as quickly as we came. We left things in disarray, I'm afraid, and we must follow the new lead and strike while the iron is hot."

With that, Tim salutes the commander, bows politely, motions for Vincenzo to follow, and turns to leave.


World of Kulan DM
Loremaster finds himself surprised and in wonder. How many secrets does this old city hold! And all his for exploration.
"A moment, young one, this is once in a lifetime opportunity."

Knowledge (local): 1D20+11 = [4]+11 = 15
Akos muses for several minutes as he goes over in his mind what he knows about the Iron Gate.

Akos did know that the inner gate known as the Iron Gate is considered not only vital to Bluffside's inner defenses, but also that it is only opened during political ceremonies or in times of great crisis. Otherwise, it remains closed. He also knows that only The Five can give the order to open the gate. For it to be opened means that either someone gave an order they shouldn't have or the crisis in the city is worst than Akos and the other know.

The Loremaster had absolutely no knowledge of how the gate is opened and seeing the Great Gate Construct (as he will soon learn it's called) rise above Old City is both awe-inspiring and frustrating to him. He is a Loremaster! How could he have not known about it! Those are the thoughts racing through his head. If he'd followed Tim and Vinccenzo, he could have seen it better.
Breva listens to the Loremaster's tale of theft with interest, but before he can comment he starts at the great din of noise. "The Iron Gate you say? Forgive my ignorance, but I am but newly arrived in the city. What is the significance of that?"
"The Iron Gate is meant to stand closed," Sergeant Herleva says. "It's a symbol of stability... both from a military and a political standpoint."

"Gods, for it to be open," Mariana muses. "Perhaps another member of The Five has died?"

"More than likely they opened it for Tim after seeing the doppelganger and hearing what's transpired here," Tuck says. "As to who opened it... someone might lose their position or their head for using the Construct."

"Let's hope no one died or loses their head," Herleva notes. She shes the look on Breva's face and goes into more detail as they step out of the guard post and see the stunned looks on the faces of many in the crowd, which has thinned out. "The Great Gate Construct was built generations ago by the steam gnomes. At first, it was merely a curiosity and barely moved at all. Over time, the gnomes and the Wizard Council enhanced it to be able to perform more complex movements. It used to stand in the center of The Grand Gallery in front of the Palace. It was moved into the Old City Rift for maintenance and never came out again. Morlocks tried to invade Bluffside through the rift and after they were repelled, the Construct was repurposed to stand guard near the top of the rift and open the Iron Gate."

She notes the look on Roland's face and Akos pacing back and forth deep in thought. "You saw it."

"It was... amazing. And frightening."

"I can hardly believe it," Lord Reddish says. "M- my shop can wait, I think."

"I think the Regulars can spare some time to help you while this is going on, Lord Reddish," Roland replies. "Work must go on even as The Gate stands open."

"Loremaster, are you troubled?" The Street Sergeant asks Akos, a bit worried.

OOC: Changed the color I'm using for Sergeant Herleva. Using light green for Tuck while posting for @JustinCase.

BTW, the designation of Street Sergeant is a bit like how there are Street Judges in the Judge Dredd comics and movies. However, they don't have free reign to pass out sentences but are relied on to keep order throughout Bluffside. Herleva is one of the nicer Street Sergeants. :D


World of Kulan DM
Elsewhere in Old City...
Custodio wonders if he being punished by the gods. He knows being forced to sit through the tribunal process about the disaster that occurred in New City is meant to be a punishment by Sir Silvon for his lack of decorum as a member of the Purifier's temple. Yes, he'd had to testify about what he saw and did during that crisis, but he had expected to be discharged from the proceedings afterwards. Instead, both his Temple Master and Lord Commander Oakfirst had insisted that he sit quietly and learn something about chain of evidence and proper procedure. The d'Elite of the Vanquisher is ready to pull his hair out by the time the Lord Commander is called to testify.

Custodio watches Lady Pomander out of the corner of his eye. She sits next to him under a deep robe and hood. No one else but he and the Lord Commander know she is there watching the proceedings. The Magistrates tear into Oakfirst about how he could let key figures from the crisis just pick up and leave the city. Of course, they are referring to Terger, as well as Gralf and Pekko. There are threats of ostracization, which causes a murmur in the crowd. Lady Pomander giggles under her hood. Several others try to suppress laughter. There would outrage if the Magistrates tried to ostracize Lord Commander Oakfirst.

The murmur dies down and then there is shouting heard rising in the distance... coming from the north of the Tribunal. That is the one problem with having an open-air courtyard for legal proceedings, the risk of interruptions. Custodio becomes tense. This is no minor disturbance. Something major has happened. The shouting become screams that continue to rise and fall in the distance. Custodio thinks he hears someone say 'gate'. He looks at the Lord Commander and can see he is worried too. Lady Pomander stands and looks towards the north. "What has happened now," she says to herself.

"Bailiff! Find out what in the Nine Hells is going on!" Lord Brynmor Rosson shouts over the noise. "By the gods, we will have order in Old City!"

Custodio knows that Lord Rosson is all about law and order and hates to be interrupted when he is trying to improve his political position in Bluffside. The man put in a bid to become the newest member of The Five, although Custodio doubts the man realizes he'd have to give up being a Magistrate if he did win the position. The bailiff salutes Lord Rosson and rushes away from the Tribunal with several other members of the Guards of the Tribunal. A handful of Elites go with them. The murmuring returns and quickly turns into outright chatter.


The murmuring continues for several minutes. Eventually, the bailiff comes back. He is white as a sheet. "L- lord Ros- son," he can barely get the Magistrates name out. "The Iron Gate stands open!"

"What!" A different Magistrate yells. "May the gods save us!"

Lord Rosson turns bone white and nearly falls trying to get up out of his chair.

Oakfirst turns to look at Lady Pomander. His eyes are wide. She shakes her head and pulls off her hood. The gathered crowd gasps and begins to panic and shout.

"I do not know why!" She yells.

The shouting stops. The gasping increases and some of those in attendance begin crying. Custodio gets up out of his chair and looks at the Lord Commander.... then at Sir Silvon. The paladin nods and Custodio knows his punishment is over. Oakfirst turns back to the Magistrates and speaks.

"My lords, this tribunal is over, for now."

"You, you don't get to decide-" Lord Rosson tries to say.

"Lord Rosson, the tribunal is over!"

"Yes, yes mi' lady."

Lady Pomander nods to Oakfirst and then motions for him and the Elites to go find out what has happened. "Go Custodio. He will need your help."

"Yes mum," Custodio says. He rushes out of the Tribunal with the other Elites and is soon running beside the Lord Commander. In all there there two dozen guards heading towards the Iron Gate.

"It has to be them," Oakfirst says. "I hope they caught the Renegade."

Two of the other members of The Five watch from the Palace of Bluffside as the Great Gate Construct rises from the Old City Rift and opens the Iron Gate. It is either one of the other members of The Five making a play for power or someone has made a grave mistake that will cost them their life. Lord Wilton Blander fumes in silence while Lord William Wellington III watches the colossal construct do its work with fascination.

"At least we know it still works," Lord Wellington muses. He is grinning from ear to ear. "I never thought I'd get to see it work again."

"This cannot happen! Only I- WE can open the Iron Gate!"

"Calm down, Wilton."

In the Gardens:
The dragori-fehr watches as the Great Gate Construct rises up over Old City in the distance. The other tenders had tried to keep him from scaling one of the Garden's massive trees. Sylemis wonders what all the fuss could be about. He ponders and then thinks of Tuck and the kobold's new allies and friends. Yes, they seemed like his friends. Perhaps they caught the sorcerer. "I hope you are well, my friends." He looks over the expanse of the gardens and watches as many of the citizens of Old City rush back into the district, proper.

Through the looking glass:
"This is not the chaos I want for Bluffside!" Phelix Del Cannitha yells at the crystal mirror in front of him and rages over the events transpiring in Old City. "They will rally everyone to their sides! I must stop them!" He turns to one of his Loyalists. "Go! Stop them! Bring me that doppelganger!"
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