Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Vincenzo can tell the man who backed away from him is hurt badly, but the Loyalist should not have given the Sectarian an opening to strike with his magic. A quick intonement of arcane magic and four magic missiles spring forth from Vinny's hand to slam into the man named Gattas. The force missiles hit unerringly and make the man grit his teeth in pain.

"Damn, not good," he says to himself just loud enough for Vinny and Rockhorn to hear. Vincenzo can see the man is worried, but he still seems to more concerned with the silent knight standing next to the Sectarian. "This... not the mission."

His eyes dart from the knight to Parch before finally settling on Vincenzo. he begins to speak to Vinny in Draconic. "Nymuer ve kagh Kampiun, Wevethix. 'Grapwolic Tepohaic wer Thrinzilk Nixala Shafaer wer Mekisr...' "

Parch glances at Gattas like the soldier has grown a second head. The Loyalist leader is shocked to hear Gattas speak Draconic at all let alone fluently. "What!?"

Sir Tymbeck doesn't hear the conversation behind him as his focus completely on the woman between him and Custodio. The Tall Knight rains blows down upon her one by one, and her defenses are almost adequate against his sword strikes. She blocks the first two swings, but the third overcomes her. She is not able to bring her shield up to block it and Big Tim's greatsword slams into her chest and opens up a grievous wound that leaves her staggered.

Custodio tries to take advantage from the other side, but she manages to right herself and swing her shield around to block his warhammer strikes. The woman's breathing is laboured, raspy, so when Tuck unleashes another volley of crossbow bolts, she is unable to block them all. One gets through and embeds in her chest. She gasps in pain and looks like she is about to fall to her knees. Yet, somehow she remains standing.

OOC: @ScottDeWar_jr...
Hear me and understand, wizard. 'For ages has The Palace stood on the cliff...'
Gattas seems to be speaking to Vinny in code. It is used among the Sectarians, as well as the personal guards of The Five. Vinny knows that the proper reply is as follows:
In Cliffspeak: 'And forever will its enemies fail to tear it down'.
In Draconic: 'Kagh Malrak geou coita Wistui Fortrog ekess Krikvlic coi Vhira'.
Also, feel free to roll a Knowledge (local) check. :D

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World of Kulan DM
The bugbear cleric notes that the woman fighting the large knight and two clerics looks ready to fall and that 'Redcap' might fall as well. He sighs and takes a step towards Mitrik who is slowing dying on the floor. He calls forth healing magic and bring the thug back from the edge of death with a touch of his hand.

"Get up and keep fighting," the Cleric of Darkness orders. "Your time has not yet come to a end. Try to deal with the genie, if you can. Or go help Lithia."

"Khagron," the man replies with a gasp. "Have the others come yet?"

The bugbear shakes his head. "No, and they won't be joining us here, it seems. not unless your master has another way to send them here." He glances at Akos. "They have closed the dark portal." The bugbear is unconcerned that Akos can hear them speaking.

"He will find a way."

OOC: Mitrik remains prone.


second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011
Vincenzo can tell the man who backed away from him is hurt badly, but the Loyalist should not have given the Sectarian an opening to strike with his magic.

OOC: @ScottDeWar_jr...
Hear me and understand, wizard. 'For ages has The Palace stood on the cliff...'
Gattas seems to be speaking to Vinny in code. It is used among the Sectarians, as well as the personal guards of The Five. Vinny knows that the proper reply is as follows:
In Cliffspeak: 'And forever will its enemies fail to tear it down'.
In Draconic: 'Kagh Malrak geou coita Wistui Fortrog ekess Krikvlic coi Vhira'.
Also, feel free to roll a Knowledge (local) check. :D
Vinny tries to hide his surprise then returns with, In Draconic: "'Kagh Malrak geou coita Wistui Fortrog ekess Krikvlic coi Vhira'."

Then he adds in cliff speak, " so if quarter yo want, I will give it with conditions" he then gives a wink with his left eye.

Rockhorn manages to fight off sudden onslaught of mental static. Spritewing neighs and shakes his head, stomping in place. Calming down, the pair faces Loyalist leader again.
"OK, so you got some grit in you. Let's see how you fare now that others are surrendering!"

The pair goes into their routine, but this time it is planned. Swings go wide, corraling the Loyalist and the last swing is covered by Spritewings wing until the last moment.

The strike goes directly into the helmet of the loyalist leader, ringing it like a bell.
Spritewing attacks with his hoof trying to push Parch away.

Both Rockhorn and Spritewing save against the altar attack
Swift: activate gauntlets of giantfelling
Full attack: Rolled 23, 14 (misses) and 35 (confirmed crit with 31) for 35 damage (1d4+5+1d6)x3
Spritewing attacks even if Parch falls: hits 25 for 9 damage


second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011
A burst of mental static assults Vincenzo but due to the training by his mentor in times past he effortlessly pushes it from his mind, and is further calmed by the difficulty blessing provided by Vitus


World of Kulan DM
Vinny tries to hide his surprise then returns with, In Draconic: "'Kagh Malrak geou coita Wistui Fortrog ekess Krikvlic coi Vhira'."

Then he adds in cliff speak, " so if quarter yo want, I will give it with conditions" he then gives a wink with his left eye.
Gattas relaxes while keeping one eye on the silent knight. He nods and drops his sword on the ground and holds his hands up for all to see. He makes sure the knight knows he is surrendering. "I will accept your conditions, Vincenzo d'Lucio."

"Damn you, Gattas! Traitor! I'll kill you myself!" Parch screams at the other Loyalist.

Then the living altar's mind in freed and it lets out its rage on the room with the Loyalists as the main targets. The power of its mind hits both Gattas and Parch and both manage to bear it without issue. Lithia is not as lucky. While the blast doesn't kill her outright, the mental energy hits her hard enough to knock her off her feet. She falls unconscious on the floor in between Custodio and Sir Tymbeck.

Vitus was disappointed that his hunch wasn't going to pay off when, suddenly,
Knightfall said:
"YES! Freedom at last!" The crystal exclaims in a tinny, childlike voice. It emits a soft light and spins in the air wildly.

The altar's powerful telepathic mind booms out for all to hear. "Loyalists! You now face my wrath for your hubris and crimes against the Ancients!"

The power of the living altar's mind threatens to overwhelm those in the room.
Vitus raised his arm triumphantly but, almost immediately, his hand went to his head as he doubled over in pain,

"Akos, it workedeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
What initially feels like an onslaught in the cleric of Tyche's head subsides into a intense buzzing that makes his head spin but doesn't tear through his mind. Vitus senses that the living altar aided him and the Exemplars against the mental attack. Both Custodio and Big Tim seem to shrug off the worst of the mental blast. Tuck as well.

"If that had been a more powerful blast," the Vanquisher cleric says while shaking his head. "I'd be on the floor too."

A burst of mental static assaults Vincenzo but due to the training by his mentor in times past he effortlessly pushes it from his mind, and is further calmed by the difficulty blessing provided by Vitus
The attack causes Vinny's ear to buzz but that is all.

Akos looks at the squire, first with a smile then immediately with concern. Still, the warning came just in time, his mind was ready for the assault and the will honed through hours of prayer, negotiations and best of all, fey mind games easily rebuffs the mental attack.
Akos notes a buzzing sound but little else besides some mild discomfort.

The two thugs and the bugbear cleric aren't as lucky. A moment after the cleric heals Mitrik, the wave of mental energy slams into the prone thug and causes him to scream and grab at his skull. Redcap, as well, is nearly overwhelmed by the power coming from the living altar.

The bugbear gasps at the sudden pain. he then growls and looks towards the altar. "Phelix told me not to destroy you, construct! But if you do that again, I will smash you to pieces!"

"I will burn your mind and body to ash, evil one!" The living altar's mental shout is heard by everyone but the deaf-mute knight who is looking around confused.

Akos notes that Eeldai staring at the altar intensely. "So, it is intelligent."

OOC: @Neurotic, when you can, I still need your actions for the unicorn and Akos. Unless I missed them somewhere?

OOC: After Akos turn...
Rockhorn manages to fight off sudden onslaught of mental static. Spritewing neighs and shakes his head, stomping in place. Calming down, the pair faces Loyalist leader again.
"OK, so you got some grit in you. Let's see how you fare now that others are surrendering!"

The pair goes into their routine, but this time it is planned. Swings go wide, corraling the Loyalist and the last swing is covered by Spritewings wing until the last moment.

The strike goes directly into the helmet of the loyalist leader, ringing it like a bell.
Spritewing attacks with his hoof trying to push Parch away.
Distracted by Gattas' betrayal and the mental static of the living altar's assault, Parch fails to keep all his focus on Rockhorn. So, the wild dwarf's third attack catches the man off guard. The blow sends him reeling and he crumples to the floor. Spritewing's hoof only kick at air.
Last edited:


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos considers the cleric swathed in the power of his god. He blasts the cultist in front of him and the blast jump toward the cleric, but fizzles even before it reaches the protective aura.
"If you want me, come and get me, bugbear. You could at least introduce yourself. And not let your allies do that for you."
Akos retreats around semi-active circle and toward the genie.
"Excuse me, lady, I need to move into no magic zone, I am not a threat."
Changing to Sylvan, he calls out to the unicorn.
"Your mission with the altar is done, go heal the ranger and his mount. After that, help as you can. Use your magic circle to protect the big fighter and the casters. Or attack the enemies."

Standard: neurotic: D20 + 9 + 1 + 4 + 2#akoschainblastvsredcap → 25(9 + 9 + 1 + 4 + 2)#Akos chain blast vs Redcap - touch attack, should be a hit for 16 damage
neurotic: 3D6 + 2 + 4#damagevsredcap → 16( (3 +5 +2) + 2 + 4)#Damage vs Redcap

neurotic: D20 + 9 + 1 + 4 + 2#akoschainblastvscleric → 17(1 + 9 + 1 + 4 + 2)#Akos chain blast vs Cleric - LOL

Move: NE-N(into anti-magic)-NW(double move)-N-NW - end in upper right corner of genie space

Move: through Vincenzo and the knight to stand over Parch
Standard: neurotic: D8 + 4#unicornhealforspritewing → 8(4 + 4)#Unicorn heal for Spritewing

Unicorn lasts total of 7 rounds this should be 5/7 if I'm counting correctly. He used Neutralize poison, Cure serious and 3x Cure light. That's it from his special abilities, he can be source of magic circle if someone gets dominated and he can charge.


World of Kulan DM
Akos considers the cleric swathed in the power of his god. He blasts the cultist in front of him and the blast jump toward the cleric, but fizzles even before it reaches the protective aura.
"If you want me, come and get me, bugbear. You could at least introduce yourself. And not let your allies do that for you."
"I am not just here for you, Loremaster," the bugbear cleric replies. "If you wish to be last to die, so be it. I'll deal with your large friend first."

The devil-touched bugbear turns his head towards Sir Tymbeck. "It seems I must kill you now while your friend hides in terror. Come large one, do your worst. Let's see if you can live up to your reputation on this world, if not the one you call home. Almagra, correct?"

Neurotic said:
Akos retreats around semi-active circle and toward the genie.
"Excuse me, lady, I need to move into no magic zone, I am not a threat."
Eeldai only gives Akos a silent nod as she continues to look at the living altar with intense curiosity.

Neurotic said:
Changing to Sylvan, he calls out to the unicorn.
"Your mission with the altar is done, go heal the ranger and his mount. After that, help as you can. Use your magic circle to protect the big fighter and the casters. Or attack the enemies."
The unicorn neighs once and then moves to help Rockhorn and Spritewing. Standing over the dying form of Parch, the mini-unicorn heals the fellow dungeonbred magical beast with its horn.


World of Kulan DM
OOC: @MetaVoid and @ScottDeWar_jr.

Gattas speaks to Rockhorn and Vincenzo. "Do not underestimate that damn cleric," he is stronger than he looks and has been enhanced with magical spells. He motions to the dead and dying Loyalists on the floor. "They... we... were all enhanced with magical spells before we came through the portal."

He looks right a Vincenzo. "If you can dispel some of his protections, he will be easier to kill... but, as I said, do not underestimate him. He has powerful innate abilities." Gattas sighs. "I don't know what they are, but he bragged about his devilish bloodline and the number of men he's killed."

Gattas holds his hand over one of the worst of his wounds. "I will fight alongside you, Sectarian, if you and your fellow Exemplars will allow me too. I know you have no reason to trust me, so I will stay back out of the fight if that is your wish." He looks up at the disable portal near the ceiling. "It's good that the portal has been dealt with... more Loyalists would have come through it."

Race: Human
HP: 38/52 SD: 3
22; FF:19 T:14
[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +12
Refl: +6
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [X]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) [X]Avoid Planar effects; [X] Benediction; [X] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ X] Stone Shape [X]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [X] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
1 Longstrider
2XLocate Object
2Shield Other
3xXProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
4XXDim Door

The psychic damage was a surprise but, as Vitas shook his head, he realized it resulted in little more than a ringing in the ears and a slight headache. It seemed to have had a more powerful effect on the enemies of the altar.

Seeing several of the opponents fall or surrender, Vitas decided to take advantage of the situation - especially now that the woman beside him had fallen and could not retaliate against him.

"Falen, I'm coming! Wait for me!"

Vitas planned to run towards the thug and help Falen flank him.

First: Rockhorn, MK, Vincenzo and Custodio get 1hp

Second: @Aust Thale If you move 15 feet and then ready an attack, Vitus will move next to the cleric, behind the bandit to get in a flanking position and give you sneak attack. Which should also enable the Mute Knight or the Genie to flank the cleric
Vitas move.png

Attack on Mitrik
Attack:+6 base, +1 Bless, +1 Strength, +2 flank. No bonus for dagger: 1D20+6+1+1+2 = [4]+6+1+1+2 = 14 (boo!)

2 points of dodge from dagger into AC. AC is 24

If Falen does something different, Vitas will still take the same course of action but only hits AC 12.

Active Spells:

Benediction (Rockthorn): 56 mins, 9 rounds
Protection From Fire (Tellerian Hawke Big Tim): 7 Minutes -protects from 96 points of fire damage
Invisibility Purge 7 minutes and 1 rounds
Avoid Planar Effects 72 rounds
Mass Lesser Vigor: 21 rounds:
Bless : 77 rounds

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria

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