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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
"Brutus, defend Caerth with the Ax. ", Says Quinn once he advances up the steps. He sees the rook with the jeweled eye and takes aim, then looses his arrow. He draws another to shoot at the next chance.
The arrow flies true to the female rook cleric and penetrates deep into her thigh. The bird woman howls in pain. Wieland follows Quinn up the stairs but finds there is no where for him past Phar.

On the stairs below, Timmins finally gets Quinten moving up the stairs. The young archer is able to slip into the room and stand next to Caerth near the spiral stairs. Timmins steps up behind Wieland and waits for room to advance.

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World of Kulan DM
The rook closest to Brutus and Gareth lets out a horrifying caw. You know this sound well and steeled yourselves against it. You even forewarned you new companions. However, you can tell that most of them succumb to the magical effect. Both Brutus and Gareth begin shaking.

The rooks press the advantage. One steps towards Brutus while unleashing a wicked looking club. It swings it at the young half-ogre, but the weapon bounces harmlessly off the big lad's studded armor. Another hisses in rage and charges Quinn with its claws. Quinn easily dodges the clumsy attacks. The rook standing next to that one steps 5 feet so he can clearly see Caerth and throws a dagger at the druid. The weapon digs into the floor.

One of the rooks near the other end of the room takes flight and streaks through the air and lashes out at Phar with a claw. It scratches the elf's face and is forced to circle high back through the room. It had tried to fly over Phar and out of the tower but failed.

The other rook looks at you all and then its leader. It hisses and decides to flee. It moves towards the old dumbwaiter in hopes of scrambling up the shaft and away from you.

Just after, Aureus slips into the room. The rook-harpies don't see her until she springs from the shadows to attack the rook attacking Brutus. The rook crumbles to the floor with a thrust of her short sword.

OOC: Aureus' Hide and Move Silently while Shaken: Hide > 1d20+13=31; Move Silently > 1d20+13=26
Her attack roll: 1d20+9=15+2=17 (hit); 1d6+3+4d6=19 (damage)


World of Kulan DM
OOC: @Scotley, I'm going to assume you don't want to take an AoO, so instead of having Phar move past the one rook and fire at the rook at the dumbwaiter, I'm going to say you shoot at the one 10 feet in front of Caerth. If you're willing to take the AoO, I'll change this reply after you confirm.

Phar flinches from the claws raking his face, but recovers quickly and draws his bow letting fly an arrow at the Rook attempting to flee into the dumbwaiter.

bow attack: 1D20+10 = [18]+10 = 28
damage: 1D8+2 = [8]+2 = 10
The rook heading for the dumbwaiter disappears behind the wall dividing the room circular tower room from the stairwell before Phar can loose his arrow. He could risk moving into the room but decides to take his shot at the rook that threw its dagger at Caerth.

The arrow flies over the big druid's shoulder and finds its mark in the rooks forehead. The beast's eyes roll back into its head and it crumples to the floor.

"Cover your ears!" yells Caerth, appearing to not notice the rooks' dreadful song.

OOC: I'm sure saying that is a free action I can take when it's not my turn, right? ;)

That Will save was a piece of cake for Caerth... :)
Caerth will save: 1D20+11 = [20]+11 = 31
OOC: No worries. ;)

You're up, by the way.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Realizing that taking out the Alpha probably discourages the whole flock from keeping up their attacks, Caerth runs forwards, over the body of a dead rook, and readies an arrow.

"You're mine," he whispers, then lets the arrow fly, hitting the gem-eyed creature perfectly.

Then, without thinking about it, his free hand moves to his belt where the dagger Kang is.

OOC: Move forward in order to shoot at the Alpha.
Caerth attacks the alpha Rook: 1D20+10 = [17]+10 = 27
1D8+5 = [7]+5 = 12


World of Kulan DM
Realizing that taking out the Alpha probably discourages the whole flock from keeping up their attacks, Caerth runs forwards, over the body of a dead rook, and readies an arrow.

"You're mine," he whispers, then lets the arrow fly, hitting the gem-eyed creature perfectly.

Then, without thinking about it, his free hand moves to his belt where the dagger Kang is.

OOC: Move forward in order to shoot at the Alpha.
Caerth attacks the alpha Rook: 1D20+10 = [17]+10 = 27
1D8+5 = [7]+5 = 12
Caerth steps over the dead rook with ease and the arrow finds its mark even easier. The Alpha takes the arrow directly in the chest. It opens its beak to shriek but no sound comes out. The bird-beast falls over dead. Most of the other rooks don't take notice. The flying one looks frightened, however, and the rook by the old dumbwaiter scrambles to empty debris blocking the egress.


World of Kulan DM
After the Alpha dies, the fear from the other rook's frightful caw takes hold in the hearts of several of your companions. Both Gareth and Brutus run amok in panic. Brutus runs right past Aureus to the other side of the room and then cowers against the wall. The rook in between Aureus and Quinn lashes out at the young half-ogre with its club but the rook misjudges its swing.

Gareth turns and runs right towards Phar, almost knocking the elf back. Once past Phar, Gareth runs past Wieland and up the stairs and out of sight. Phar also see Meridith run down the steps past the sheriff, pushed by the fear, and she keeps on running down the spiral stairs to the basement below.

OOC: Rook's AoO vs. Brutus: 1d20+7=17 (miss)


World of Kulan DM
Quinn ponders his next attack; he'd like to shoot down the flying rook but he's got two others near him. He puts the idea out of his head, steps back from the two rook and readies his spiked chain. He lashes out at the one with burns and it crumples to the floor dead. His second attack hits the other rook hard as well and it hisses at him.

Wieland steps forward to where Caerth had just been standing and takes aim at the flying rook. His bow sakes as he fight through the magical effect of the rook's caw and fires a shot into the rook's shoulder. The rook squawks, hits the wall, and then falls to the floor.

The fear takes a hold of Quinten and he turns and runs off the stairs, literally. He falls to the ground with a thump and doesn't get up. He just lies there with his teeth chattering.

"Damn magic," Timmins says. He steels himself, moves up the stairs past Phar, and moves to help Quinn. He moves in and slashes at the rook with his longsword and manages to hit the bird-beast, although it is only a glancing blow.


World of Kulan DM
The rook snarls at Ol' Timmins and thumps the warrior over the head with its club. The blow staggers the aged warrior and he shakes his head.

"Ooff, that hurt."

The rook trying to get into the blocked dumbwaiter is having no luck. It looks back and see the Alpha Female dead on the floor. It sees the look in Caerth's eyes and it drops to its knees and squawks out "I give up, don't kill Roobite."

Aureus moves to help Timmins and manages to score a critical hit with her short sword versus the last fighting rook. The bird-beast grimaces as its dark blood flows out onto the stone floor of the tower. It hisses again and clutches at the wound with its off hand.

"Surrender, you are outmatched," Aureus says.

The bird-beast just hisses at her.


World of Kulan DM
Phar senses the rook isn't going to lay down its club. He moves and takes aim and fires his bow. The arrow sinks into the rook's chest and it slumps to the floor.

The last of the rooks, the one calling itself Roobite, sees its fellow rook fall and drops down with its head on the floor and squawks in fear. It covers its head and begs for its live. "I surrender! Please don't kill Roobite! I will tell you anything you want to know!"

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