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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


Phar nods at Mazz, "I have no doubt we'll need water on a day like this. Is it usually so hot here? Makes me miss the cool shade of my homeland."

He shakes his head. Talking of the weather like some old farmer, he thinks to himself.

He continues. "I have enjoyed your hospitality and counsel good Mazz, but I think we must take leave of this place on the morrow and try to make some contacts who can help us." With a glance outside at the sun he adds, "Early in the morning I think." He glances to the others for agreement his elven eyes penetrating as if trying to read the thoughts behind their eyes.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
(OOC: Assuming Maur follows along.)

Maur stands in the doroway to the gnome earthen home. The house reminds him more of some hairfoot dwellings he saw in his youth in the northern lands near the city of Coldstone. The house is built to be half underground and it would be cozy if not for all the clutter. There are scrolls, books, and strange doodads scattered across every surface he can see.
He notes the look on Maur's face and laughs. "Come inside, champion. Try not to knock anything over."

He pauses. "Look there, on the wall, see that axe? It was a gift to me from the Lord of the Iron Depths himself. Of course, that was over 250 years ago when I was just a whippersnapper like yourself. The Iron Depths fell 100 years later. So sad. Have you heard of that delve? Dwarves and gnomes living side by side. Go ahead, take it down. It's not bolted to the wall, and you can't hurt it. It's not a relic or even magical, just an old axe that has gone dull."

Maur considers the axe. On the one hand, it is a treasure wasting away here on the wall. On the other, his own continued survival is questionable and the axe might be lost if he takes it. Then again, he may meet some surface dwarves at the fort they are apparently going to. And the axe definitely needs some sharpening and proper care.
"Thank you, elder, I will take good care of it and I promise I will find it home at a good dwarven place. I am interested in hearing its tale, though. When you have the time...it seems we will wait out this heat. If that's how it is at the surface, I need to prepare a spell to keep it out of my armor. I've heard about the delve, but I am not of the surface world, I don't know much."
He considers the axe for the moment, weighting it in his hand
"I came up to look for an artefact of the past. Two actually, but one is a personal quest, the other a mission from the church. In my research there was a mention that at a small town in Strandlands a dwarf may know the location of one of the items. Now I realize you're not a dwarf, but maybe the man who wrote the report didn't. Or maybe you just heard things over the years.

I'm looking for the Shield of the Resolute, lost relic of Moradin, lost well before our time. I'm also looking to complete vestments of divinity, I already have ephod of authority, lenses of revelation and cord of favor. I still need to locate Badge of glory and Phylactery of virtue. If you ever heard of such items."

OOC: Mechanically, if you didn't prepare anything special he can roll arcana or religion or bardic lore with DC 30 to know exact location of one of the vestments. 15/20/25 give progressively more info, Maur already hit 27 once. The relic is a story item, that's on you :)


World of Kulan DM
Phar nods at Mazz, "I have no doubt we'll need water on a day like this. Is it usually so hot here? Makes me miss the cool shade of my homeland."

He shakes his head. Talking of the weather like some old farmer, he thinks to himself.
Mazz looks at Phar and nods his head. "While it It can get warm in the eastern heath, today looks to be a hotter day than usual for late spring. Be glad we are not in the Month of Hela, young elf, or it would be scorching hot every day in the low shrublands. Not so much up here in the hills or higher up in the Dry Mountains but it can get unbearable. There is little rain here as most spring and summer storms sweep north of the Hazepoint into the northern lands before heading inland. When a storm does hit south of the peninsula, however, it can be powerful as it slams into the Eldermounts or across the Wasting Shores to the south."

OOC: Harqual's New Calendar (sometimes called the Ariagian Calendar) has 12 months that correspond (somewhat) to the months of the Gregorian Calendar. The names of the months are taken from the Divine Children of the North Gods who were killed (or trapped) during the Divinity War: Anon (January), Zealot (February), Sialic (March), Thorn (April), Truce (May), Hansa (June), Hela (July), Seraph (August), Nesus (September), Euphoria (October), Tulle (November), and Jaeger (December).

Anon was the god of righteous battle. Zealot was the god of rage & the frenzy. Sialic was the god of revelry & song. Thorn was a forest god of rain & sunlight. Truce was the god of oaths & scholars. Seraph was the god of barbarians, elves, fire, & serpents. Nesus was the god of archery & the dying wish. Euphoria was the goddess of happiness & joy. Tulle was the god/goddess of fish, lakes, & rivers. Jaeger was the god of honor & sainthood.

While Hansa and Hela are still alive, they are considered to be trapped deities. Hansa is trapped deep in the Underearth while Hela is trapped in the waters of Sword Gulf (off of the western coast of Northern Harqual). Hansa is considered a CN demigod of combat, earthquakes, soldiers, & the earth. Hela is considered a CG demigoddess of healing, peace, & the Sword Gulf.

(I'll post more about the New Calendar on the Lands of Harqual thread sometime later.)

Maur considers the axe. On the one hand, it is a treasure wasting away here on the wall. On the other, his own continued survival is questionable and the axe might be lost if he takes it. Then again, he may meet some surface dwarves at the fort they are apparently going to. And the axe definitely needs some sharpening and proper care.
"Thank you, elder, I will take good care of it and I promise I will find it home at a good dwarven place. I am interested in hearing its tale, though. When you have the time...it seems we will wait out this heat. If that's how it is at the surface, I need to prepare a spell to keep it out of my armor. I've heard about the delve, but I am not of the surface world, I don't know much."
He considers the axe for the moment, weighting it in his hand
"Yes, we will wait until the sun goes down and then share that wine," Mazz replies to Maur.

Maur stows the axe away carefully and follows after Mazz and Ivoron into the inn. The heat of the sun is brutal and he is glad to be quickly back inside. The dwarven champion is tempted to close the door, but it would block the breeze wafting through the inn. When Ivoron leads Aries back towards the house, the Soldier of Iron nods to Maur. "I am finished with my prayers."

Scotley said:
(Phar) continues. "I have enjoyed your hospitality and counsel good Mazz, but I think we must take leave of this place on the morrow and try to make some contacts who can help us." With a glance outside at the sun he adds, "Early in the morning I think." He glances to the others for agreement his elven eyes penetrating as if trying to read the thoughts behind their eyes.
"It has been good to have guests," Mazz notes. "When you are done at Fort Symas, I hope you will come back this way and tell us how your friend is doing." The old gnome muses for a few moments. "Hmm, I guess if you're going to see Summerwind, you will be heading west instead. There are no trails from the fort through the Roaringride into the Halfling Woods. Well, there are no trails I know of."

He rubs his chin thoughtfully. "You could come back this way and then travel the northern trail to the Forgeride Hearth and then to The Ghostgrass. Both of those inns were built much like the Hillwall, although they get less travelers than we do. Ranvan's inn is more of a tavern that caters to the halfling clan known as the Copperfellows and woodcutters of Rindwood Camp. A place to wet ones whistle. I'm not even sure The Ghostgrass is still operating."

"We might just fly over this Roaringride, as you call it," Aureus says to Mazz. Then, she looks towards Phar. "Can you cast a spell that will allow us to fly over a long distance?"

"Be careful not to fly over the deepest parts of the forest," Mazz warns. "There are more things in the Halfling Woods than halflings and a semi-friendly dragon. There is a massive manticore that lives in the southern part of the forest near the Green Mounts. Well... that's an old tale, but I've not heard that it has been killed or fled those woods. Be careful, regardless."

"Anything else?"

"Probably, monstrous vermin in those same mountains, as well as some insular hill & stone giants. There is a clan of vonakyndra living in the southwestern part of the forest, but they tend to be friendly. I wouldn't worry about them unless you mistakenly stumble through their sacred burial grounds. The forest is full of animals & birds, of course, so there could be monstrous versions of such creatures. Think owlbears and other such magical crossbreeds. But, I don't know for certain. It's been a long time since I visited that forest."

Mazz looks at Phar. "I'm sure you'll find it a pleasant place. It's less wild than the deepest parts of the Great Forest."

OOC: The Halfling Woods are considered to be temperate, for the most part. However, the southern part of the forest is warmer, especially around the Green mounts. It is, at most, subtropical, in the summer months. It rarely gets bitterly cold. More often, it gets a lot of rain from storms that sweep down from the north.

Neurotic said:
"I came up to look for an artefact of the past. Two actually, but one is a personal quest, the other a mission from the church. In my research there was a mention that at a small town in Strandlands a dwarf may know the location of one of the items. Now I realize you're not a dwarf, but maybe the man who wrote the report didn't. Or maybe you just heard things over the years.

I'm looking for the Shield of the Resolute, lost relic of Moradin, lost well before our time. I'm also looking to complete vestments of divinity, I already have ephod of authority, lenses of revelation and cord of favor. I still need to locate Badge of glory and Phylactery of virtue. If you ever heard of such items."
Mazz shakes his head. "Hmm, I've never heard of that shield... your lost relic. I don't think I'm this dwarf you're looking for either. But, I think I know who you're looking for and the city she lives in. Dwarven cities tend to be massive places, so your author is probably referring to one of the Strandlands smaller cities. There aren't large numbers of dwarves living in the land's smaller towns. Well, there are some in the mountain towns & villages surrounding Ironwatch Keep, but those are mainly miners. There are pockets of hill and sundered dwarves living in a few of of the larger towns but those communities are full of farmers and fishers."

Mazz rubs his chin again. "The author of this report your referring to could have been thinking Ironsoul. It is the seat of the senate and is considered to be the capital of the Strandlands. While it's not a city, it's quite large for a town. Around 500 dwarves live there, if I'm remembering correctly. It's one of the few places where they do a census every decade." He looks at Maur. "But I don't think your dwarf would be living there unless it is Yustaren Earthguard, the senator for the City of Blackwater. She lives half of the year in Blackwater and the other half in Ironsoul. But.. she's a sundered dwarf, not a hill or high dwarf, so I doubt she has this shield or knows where it hidden.

"Helt is the smallest true city in the Strandlands, but there are only around fifty sundered dwarves living there. It is doubtful that the dwarf you're looking for is from there... or Belporte." He shakes his head again. "No, I'm fairly certain you need to travel to either Blackwater or Oxshore. Probably the former even though it a much larger city than Oxshore."

"Oxshore?" Aureus scratches her head. "I know I haven't been in these lands long, but I've never heard any of the locals refer to such a city."

"That doesn't surprise me. It is only nominally considered to be part of the Strandlands by those living on the mainland. It is located on a island far to the south beyond both Blackwater and the coastline known as the Graven Wastes. The island is called Belgrel. The city came into existence only 300 years ago after the senate had Strand Keep built on that island as a southern bastion to keep an eye on the denizens of Nesin Island. Some thought the city would break away from the Strandlands after The Transformation and ally with either Chaja or Selquin, but Thomas Stangassinger quickly reaffirmed the city's loyalty soon after that magical conjunction. He's Oxshore's senator. Yet, he rarely visits Ironsoul himself. He assigns a proxy elder to go vote for him in most cases."

Aureus pulls out her makeshift map and shows it to Mazz. "Where exactly?"

Mazz uses his spectacles to look at the map and shakes his head. "No. This is very poorly drawn." He has her lay the map on the table next to him and he takes a piece of bread and places it where the island is located far beyond the edge of Aureus's map. "The island is here." Then he places a bigger piece of bread next to it. "This would be Nesin Island, and, here, this where Chaja is after it was brought to Harqual during The Transformation. It is a city-state of birdfolk. They were skittish at first, but soon made allies of Yuln. Lord Harian Mal has signed a mutual protection alliance with them."

"Selquin. Where is that?" Aureus asks. "I've heard of it."

"Farther south along the coast," Mazz picks up a grape and holds it well off the table in his good hand. "About here, I think. It has been a long time since I've been there. More than 150 years, give or take. It is a vital trading port between the north and the Far South." Mazz moves the grape back onto the table and places it west of another grape, 'Chaja'. "This is where Yuln is located. It's not part of the Strandlands, but there is trade between the Yulnish and these lands. Yuln is a massive city of over 45,000 souls and its population is not just human. All manner of people live in that city and the lands it has sway over."

"That's a big city," Aureus notes.

"Indeed, but you do not need to go there," Mazz laughs. "I think the place Maur needs to go to find his mysterious dwarf is Blackwater. while it could be Oxshore, I'm sure the author who wrote that tale about this shield is referring to that city and its population of seacliff dwarves. Yes, there are sundered dwarves living there too, but the seablooded have stronger dwarven traditions." Mazz points to the spot where the city is located on the map. "It more north than you have here. Did a human create this map?"

"I don't know," Aureus sighs. "I bought it in Belporte while Phar and I were traveling to Carnell." She looks at Phar. "You were right, I shouldn't have bought it."

"The people of Belporte tend to think of themselves as being more important than anyone else in the Strandlands. They can be a bit arrogant, especially the city's human nobility," Mazz rolls his eyes. "Look how big the cartographer has made Belporte on this map. Only the citizens of Sandbreak are more full of their own hot air."

Mazz looks at Maur. "I'm certain the dwarf you are looking for is Belleva Stormeye. She is a cleric of Lyesthel and is one of the elders of her people. If Senator Yustaren ever steps down or dies suddenly, the dwarves of Blackwater will push for her to take Yustaren's place. She is respected by many in Blackwater, especially the city's fishers and sailors. If any dwarf in the Strandlands knows where this shield is located, it is her."

"So, its a city of sea dwarves?" Aureus asks.

"No, roughly half of the city's population is human, but dwarves make up a significant part of the rest of its citizens." Mazz looks towards the ceiling and tries to remember. "There are just over a thousand dwarves living in Blackwater, I think. It's been a while since I've been there. Most of the city's dwarves are considered 'sundered', but the rest are the seablooded. There are a large number of elves in that city too, urbanites and islanders -- well over a thousand of them for certain. There are halflings, kitts & rakastas, and half-elves & half-orcs. It's not as cosmopolitan as Yuln, of course. I don't think there are any dragonborn living in Blackwater." Mazz chuckles. "But I wouldn't be surprised if there are some hadozee working on its docks."

OOC: Lyesthel is homebrewed dwarf god who is the patron of the Seacliff Dwarves of Kulan. He is a god of fishing, sailing ships, and ocean voyages. There is another homebrewed dwarf deity that Maur would have heard of too: Naldielle is a goddess of female dwarves, radical thinking, and chasing dreams. 😁

Neurotic said:
OOC: Mechanically, if you didn't prepare anything special he can roll arcana or religion or bardic lore with DC 30 to know exact location of one of the vestments. 15/20/25 give progressively more info, Maur already hit 27 once. The relic is a story item, that's on you :)
OOC: Knowledge (arcana) isn't one of his specialties and the religion check was very low (less than 10). His Knowledge (local) check was very good, however, which is how he knew of Belleva Stormeye. ;)


the magical equivalent to the number zero
The old gnome claps his hands and waves the letter to Maur. "I knew it was here somewhere."

He an Ivoron work to disconnect him from the mechanical system and he is soon back in his chair. They take off the artificial leg but opts to keep the hand on. Ivoron wheels him out of the house and the two of them don't wait for Maur to decide if he's going to take Mazz's gift. The duo reenter the inn and Mazz rolls himself towards Caerth.

"Here they are," the old gnome hands the book and a letter to the half-orc druid. "Those are for Summerwind. This," he holds up another letter. "Is for you to read. your father wrote it to me years ago about how he found you and also asking me to look into your bloodline. It took many years, but I did discover your orc father's name. He called himself Eógan. He was swordborn not an agrestic or goblin orc. He was born a slave in the Rozar Kingdom in the western half of the Thunder Mountains." Mazz notes the surprised look on Caerth's face. "I forgot to send the letter to Aeron. I forgot about it, and I forgot about you. My mind isn't what it used to be. I am sorry."

Mazz seems gloomy for a moment and then sighs. A moment later he yawns and his neck creaks under the strain. He looks tired but he is soon smiling again. "I hope you will gain some insights about Aeron from his letter and my reply. I wish I could have found out more about Eógan but there is only so much I can learn from here. I couldn't find out anything about you mother, but I think Aeron might know her name or her origins."

He shrugs and a bone pops in his shoulder. It seems to ease his discomfort. "I don't know for sure. He was reluctant to talk more about it. It probably has something to do with his own heritage in the Wind Cities north of Thallin. He is Vindi. Did you know that. He has all the traits of those rugged people, although I sensed he didn't grow up wild on the Wind Plains but in one of the land's cities."

Caerth reads the letter. he immediately can tell the bulk of the three-page letter is in Aeron's handwriting, although there are notations on it in another language that he doesn't know. Mazz's reply is tacked on at the end and runs over onto the back page. He writes of Caerth's blood father and his growing up a warrior slave in Rozar. He was a gladiator like Quinn and he lived and died in the arena. He became famous in Rozar and even fought it the great pits of the Chara Cities, Quinn's homeland.

"Hmm, looking at you..." Mazz looks at Caerth through his monocle. "Your human bloodline. Anorian, I think not... not Vindi either like your adopted father. A western bloodline, yes, more likely. Not Charan... nor Taal, no, not definitely not from Deepwater. But, hmm, maybe Ervenik... or even Shaulite. Yes, one of those two or a blending of the two."

He sighs. "I'm sure you mother's people are out there somewhere. If she was of noble birth, and Aeron told me he believed she was, then it is more than likely she came from one of those two city-states, Eversink or Shaule. That is a long way to come to drop off a baby but maybe she knew Aeron and didn't trust anyone else." Mazz grins at Caerth. "Aeron was very well traveled in his youth."

"Lorien told us Aeron visited Silverleaf more than once, as well as another elven city called Harrowleaf," Aureus adds. "The two of them were good friends back then, but Lorien wouldn't tell us more." He nods to Phar. "He said it wasn't his secret to tell."

"Hmm, perhaps I've said too much," Mazz wonders out loud. He shakes his head. "No, your father wanted you to know about your orc father and even your third family... eventually. His Vindi clan, I think. But, Aeron never told me the name he went by in his homeland. 'Aeron' is not a Vindi name. It was hard for him to think about them."

"This is all fascinating, but I did promise Ivoron that I would purify your food stores and fill your well with more water," Aries says. "I would like to keep my promise."

"Oh, thank you, thank you, Ivoron can show you to the food cellar. And I never turn down free water," Mazz replies.

Ivoron leads the Soldier of Iron from the inn. The man is not wearing his armor. Outside, the sun bakes the ground parch as the temperature rises.
So many emotions wash through Caerth. Anger at Aeron and, unreasonably, Mazz for not telling him about his orcish father and the letter. Shame for never looking further, himself. Joy at discovering his father's name. A burning anger for even more secrets and mysteries from his former mentor. Hatred, fueled by the dagger Kang and his orcish nature. And confusion, not just about all the information he just received, but at all those feelings mashed into one.

An old coping strategy rears his head, and with a roar Caerth pushes over the nearest table, his face contorted with rage. For a second he stands, intimidatingly large and with darkness in his whole being, before pulling himself away, with effort, before he hurts someone.

Then, still angry, the half-orc rushes out the door.

He doesn't even notice the heat. Doesn't even acknowledge his owl companion Screech, who flies towards him before noticing the druid's foul mood and instead flies off towards the roof of the tavern.

Only after walking for a while does Caerth calm down somewhat. He discovers the letter still in his hand, although he does not read it again. Not yet.

Away from his companions, he kicks a pebble hard, and it skits across the ground. The lack of effect frustrates him even more, and he roars loudly, voicing his pain. Only then does he feel the wetness of tears running down his cheeks, and Caerth finally allows it to overtake him.

Crying and sobbing, he drops to his knees. All those people and their power over him; the lies about his parents, the mysteries surrounding everything in his life, but also the bond he now feels to his allies. How do people live this way?

"Eógan," he whispers his orcish father's name, then more loudly repeats it, once, twice, thrice.

Speaking it out loud helps focus his thoughts. He knows his father's name now, perhaps even his approximate location.

Caerth looks around for a natural pool of water, impulsively deciding to find Eógan through his druidic magic. It may not work; all he has is a name and some details, but perhaps with a bit of blood from his son...

Preparing the pool hastily, the druid repeats the process he did yesterday, but this time carefully using the magical dagger to draw a drop of blood from the back of his hand. Accidentally --or perhaps Kang drove the blade more than Caerth would like to admit-- the cut is bigger than intended, and several drops of blood fall into the pool.

And Caerth Heart-of-Oak, son of Eógan, watches...


World of Kulan DM
Caerth looks around for a natural pool of water, impulsively deciding to find Eógan through his druidic magic. It may not work; all he has is a name and some details, but perhaps with a bit of blood from his son...

Preparing the pool hastily, the druid repeats the process he did yesterday, but this time carefully using the magical dagger to draw a drop of blood from the back of his hand. Accidentally --or perhaps Kang drove the blade more than Caerth would like to admit-- the cut is bigger than intended, and several drops of blood fall into the pool.

And Caerth Heart-of-Oak, son of Eógan, watches...
The pool of water swirls and Caerth thinks for a moment he sees something, but then all there is in the pool is what looks like blowing sand. A moment later, the spell fails and the pool of water grows dark. The water trickles out of the hastily created pool.

Kang senses Caerth's frustration and the half-orc druid can feel the sentient dagger urging him to kill... anything... anyone.


World of Kulan DM
Ivoron leads Aries into Mazz's house and to a back room that is nearly as cluttered as the rest of the strange dwelling. Aries notes a trapdoor in the floor and Ivoron nods to him. The doorman opens the trapdoor, which leads down into a small, tight cellar. Aries can smell that the cellar is dry but stale. The stored foodstuffs haven't rotted away but there is no doubt that the food is no longer fresh. The cellar is cool, which has helped.

Aries settles himself and casts his prepared spell that will purify the stored food and any drinkable liquid as well. He should be able to purify the bulk of the goods stored here. He concentrates on one corner of the cellar where the bulk of the crates and barrels are stacked together. His prayer is a simple one and soon the smell in the cellar is refreshed.

"That will have to do," Aries says to Ivoron. "All of this has been purified, but I could not get those crates over there within the range of my magic. I could try to purify more tomorrow."

"Those crates are full of old clothes and childhood keepsakes." Ivoron chuckles. "Items that Mazz has set aside that he doesn't want mixed in with everything else upstairs. I thank you for what you have done."

"I still need to fill your-"

Then they hear Caerth's roar.

Without thinking, Aries rushes up the ladder from the cellar and weaves through Mazz's cluttered home. He comes out into the blazing heat and shields the sun from his eyes. He doesn't see anyone attacking but he clearly sees Caerth storming off from the inn. Aureus is standing at the door to the inn. She watches her friend leave to find some solace with a shake of her head. Her face is somber, but she doesn't look worried.

Aureus sees Aries and her somber look becomes a glare. She gives the man a dirty look and then goes back into the inn. I can't really blame her, he thinks.

"What has happened?" Ivoron is soon standing right next to Aries.

The ex-cultist didn't even hear the man approach. Aries glances towards the doorman with a newfound respect. "I will go talk to Caerth and see if he's willing to talk about it. He seems, troubled."

"It probably has something to do with one of the letters Mazz gave him. It was a personal matter between Mazz and Caerth's mentor." Ivoron heads back into the inn.

Aries knows he should probably leave Caerth alone, but he stalks after the half-orc druid, regardless. He finds Caerth bent over a pool of water, and he can tell that the druid is trying to cast scry on... someone. He stays back so as not to distract Caerth. He watches and waits.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Maur reacts to the roar by grabbing his hammer, but seeing the orc storming off begins to settle back down before seeing Aries following.
"Angus, it might be smart to watch that man, Caerth has Kang and we don't want one-on-one situation where one can go missing. I'm too slow, too loud, and frankly too hot to just follow blindly."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
After things settled and the sun went down, Maur went into his room and returned in full priestly regalia and ritual paraphernalia. He went out looking for that perfect spot, looking at the mountain, having solid stone under his feet, and being in the darkness finding a suitable underhang in the deeper shadow.

He set up a small anvil, made a fire in preparation for making small simulacra of a forge, and prayed as he waited out the fire until only shimmering embers remained. When finally everything was ready, in the deepest darkness of the night he took out a small silver hammer and struck the anvil seven times nameing one of the greater gods of the dwarves with each strike in a deep, resonant chant.

"Oh, members of Mordinsamman, hear me, your faithful champion, ordained in the Underearth, hammered in battle, tempered in the wisdom of the High Clans, and now being emblazoned with the fires of your glory, hear me.
Forgefather Moradin who created us, hear me,
Mya who kept the clans together as one, advise me,
Berronar, The Great Mother, bless this endeavor,
Dumathoin, Keeper of Secrets under the mountain, uncover the secrets for me
Clangeddin, Battle Lord, help in defeat of the worlds enemies,
Loremaster Brightmantle, help me discover the answers to the questions,
Haela Brighaxe, Luckmaiden, lend me your luck to end this battle.

I humbly seek advise on the questions I will ask in order. Hear me, wise ones, hear me."

After waiting for a sign of a successful commune, he asks in order:
1. Is Ta’kira’kerymor on Gurnard's Head?
2. Is tracking Eike as soon as possible better for Strandlands than going elsewhere?
3. Is Eike now a demonic entity?
4. Is talking with Summerwind easier than getting to other dragons?
5. Do Star arms cause calamities when they are together alone without evil or power-hungry wielders?
6. Are there forces other than us that are aware of demon Vok's predation on the mortal world?
7. Is there a way for us to save those souls taken by Druagaa?
8. Is lady Pandour still in danger from the blackmailer or the wererats?
9. Is the next step of my quest found at Blackwater?


OOC: I missed the missed the question about overland flight earlier. Sorry. Been very distracted by work of late. If we can can assume this was inserted above I'd appreciate it.

Phar nods in recognition of the spell of long distance fight Aureus mentioned. "I am familiar with the spell known as 'Overland Flight' and I believe I could cast it if I had access to it. Unfortunately, for now my knowledge is limited to a spell that only allows about 10 minutes of flight. Perhaps when I make contact with the local Magician's guild there will be someone there willing to trade for it."

To Mazz he says, "I look forward to seeing this wood. I sounds a place I will indeed enjoy. I have been long away from the forests."


World of Kulan DM
OOC: I missed the missed the question about overland flight earlier. Sorry. Been very distracted by work of late. If we can can assume this was inserted above I'd appreciate it.
OOC: No worries. ;)

Scotley said:
Phar nods in recognition of the spell of long distance fight Aureus mentioned. "I am familiar with the spell known as 'Overland Flight' and I believe I could cast it if I had access to it. Unfortunately, for now my knowledge is limited to a spell that only allows about 10 minutes of flight. Perhaps when I make contact with the local Magician's guild there will be someone there willing to trade for it."
"Well, I guess that means we're riding," Aureus replies. "If we can gather the horses."

"I will help you," Ivoron offers. "But not in this heat. The horses will do better out there than we will. At sunset, we will find them."

Scotley said:
To Mazz he says, "I look forward to seeing this wood. I sounds a place I will indeed enjoy. I have been long away from the forests."
"It is a beautiful forest," Mazz replies.

Then, he rubs his chin thoughtfully. "As for that spell, I doubt it is one that Elaffaeh uses," Mazz notes regarding the arcanist of Fort Symas. "She's a warmage after all."

He shrugs. "There is a decent library in Helt, although it's more for the people than for wizards. Still, maybe. Blackwater has a library dedicated to wizardly magicks but it's not as good as the guild library in Sandbreak." Mazz peers at Phar through his monocle. "If you visit the fort, ask Elaffaeh. She will know."

Maur reacts to the roar by grabbing his hammer, but seeing the orc storming off begins to settle back down before seeing Aries following.
"Angus, it might be smart to watch that man, Caerth has Kang and we don't want one-on-one situation where one can go missing. I'm too slow, too loud, and frankly too hot to just follow blindly."
Angus nods from the doorway. "Aye, I'll watch out for him."

The centaur ranger first follows behind Aries, and then he watches both the soldier and Caerth from under a large, lone azure oak that provides him with some needed shade. Caerth's spell seems to fail and the half-orc druid is soon cursing at the pool of water in front of him. Aries notes Angus out of the corner of his eye and nods to the centaur. He looks at Caerth and then shades the sun from his eyes as he looks into the sky. There is not a single cloud and the air is still and hot. The horizon shimmers and the Soldier of Iron makes his way to the shade of the oak tree.

He takes out his waterskin and drinks down a huge gulp. "Better to stick to the shade today. It's way too hot to travel in metal armor."

Much Later:
The day is long and hot. The temperatures grow to sweltering and soon even insects are taking shelter in the inn from the heat. Far beyond the sweltering hills and the heath, you can hear the sound of thunder over the sea. A storm rolls northward away from you towards Carnell and the Hazepoint. The storm doesn't even provide a cool breeze.

Mazz retires to his house, which is kept cool by its design. His potbellied pig goes with him. Both sleep most of the afternoon away.

Aries fills the inn's well to full, and he and Ivoron fill as many bottles and other containers with water. The doorman goes into the refreshed stores of food and prepares a good meal during the evening. The fare is mainly bread, good cheese, and some salted meat. There are a handful of good 'desert greens' to go along with the meal.

After things settled and the sun went down, Maur went into his room and returned in full priestly regalia and ritual paraphernalia. He went out looking for that perfect spot, looking at the mountain, having solid stone under his feet, and being in the darkness finding a suitable underhang in the deeper shadow.
When sunset comes, it is a huge blessing. The temperature drops slowly, however, and Maur waits until the sun has gone down completely before heading out of the inn.

Aries isn't sure if Maur will let him watch the dwarf champion perform his ritual, so he doesn't follow after Maur unless the dwarf motions for him to come along.

Aureus is curious to find out more about the dwarf's faith, so she follows along with Maur if he lets her come, sit quietly, and watch. "I don't think these Mordinsamman exist on my world. The Bitran of Maran -- that's what the dwarves and gnomes call themselves -- worship a god called Maldar... or sometimes Wotan."

OOC: Maldar is a homebrewed Lesser Deity based on the Mystaran Immortal known as Kagyar. Wotan is what Odin is called in Kulan's post-Ragnarök cosmology.

Neurotic said:
He set up a small anvil, made a fire in preparation for making small simulacra of a forge, and prayed as he waited out the fire until only shimmering embers remained. When finally everything was ready, in the deepest darkness of the night he took out a small silver hammer and struck the anvil seven times naming one of the greater gods of the dwarves with each strike in a deep, resonant chant.

"Oh, members of Mordinsamman, hear me, your faithful champion, ordained in the Underearth, hammered in battle, tempered in the wisdom of the High Clans, and now being emblazoned with the fires of your glory, hear me.
Forgefather Moradin who created us, hear me,
Mya who kept the clans together as one, advise me,
Berronar, The Great Mother, bless this endeavor,
Dumathoin, Keeper of Secrets under the mountain, uncover the secrets for me
Clangeddin, Battle Lord, help in defeat of the worlds enemies,
Loremaster Brightmantle, help me discover the answers to the questions,
Haela Brightaxe, Luckmaiden, lend me your luck to end this battle.

I humbly seek advise on the questions I will ask in order. Hear me, wise ones, hear me."
"Ask, Son of the Sonnthord, and we shall answer," The Voice that resounds in the air seems to come from high above on the mountain. Maur knows that it is Dugmaren who is speaking for the Mordinsamman.

Neurotic said:
After waiting for a sign of a successful commune, he asks in order:
1. Is Ta’kira’kerymor on Gurnard's Head?

Neurotic said:
2. Is tracking Eike as soon as possible better for Strandlands than going elsewhere?
The Luckmaiden blows you a kiss.

Neurotic said:
3. Is Eike now a demonic entity?

Neurotic said:
4. Is talking with Summerwind easier than getting to other dragons?

Neurotic said:
5. Do Star arms cause calamities when they are together alone without evil or power-hungry wielders?
Hard to see, but improbable.

Neurotic said:
6. Are there forces other than us that are aware of demon Vok's predation on the mortal world?

Neurotic said:
7. Is there a way for us to save those souls taken by Druagaa?
Bring the Dawnstar to Inanna.

Neurotic said:
8. Is lady Pandour still in danger from the blackmailer or the wererats?

Neurotic said:
9. Is the next step of my quest found at Blackwater?

Voidrunner's Codex

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