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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
In the old armoury, Aureus looks at Caerth as she draws her magical short sword. "I hope you've got a plan."
"We join the others," Caerth replies to Aureus, knowing there is a better chance when they all stay together to deal with this threat.

He motions for the hutaakan to move before him, drawing his trusted bow and shooting an arrow at the spider that came upon his ally.
Aureus seems a bit frozen in fear. If, indeed, the 'spiders' of her world are actually magical creatures that all breathe fire, then her fear is understandable. She could have stepped back, but she didn't.

"I... d-don't... like... s-spiders..." she stammers.

Caerth doesn't want to leave her in the room alone, but he need her to snap out of her fear.

OOC: Caerth drawing his bow is his one action for the Surpise Round. He cannot fire an arrow, as well. So, I'm going to assume you'll want him to keep his staff in hand to fight against the spiders. Caerth is out of melee range. You can choose to have him take a 5-ft step towards the spider and attack it once, but I'm betting you don't want him to move into the room.

"Aureus and Cearth, move out of the building, if you can."
The hutaakan doesn't reply to her friend.

Qi replies. "Something is wrong! In her mind... she is terrified! She won't take to me!"

Phar tries to remember if he and her have ever faced spiders before. He doesn't think so. If it is a true phobia for her, she's not going to be in real trouble.

Phar really wanted to cut off one of the exits with a wall of force to prevent the spiders from surrounding them but every avenue to do so was blocked.

Instead, Phar stepped 5 feet over to see past the huge stone door and peered into the webbing hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious being that lurked within, ready to cast a spell.

"Cearth, and Aureus, please hold those arachnids at the threshold of the door and I will endeavor to block that exit."
At first, Phar can't see anything. There are too many spiders and webs in the way. Then, something very strange happens. The webs seem to shimmer, shift, and part to allow the paragon elf to see the Nightshade. The creature seems to sense Phar's presence and his intent. This, indeed, an intelligent foe. There is malevolence in its eyes.

"The elf, eat the elf!" Its voice is like a scream. "Break through! Eat him! Eat him! Kill!

The spiders are entranced by the Nightshade's voice. They bristle and shudder under its power. The large one closest to Angus makes a strange hissing noise.

OOC: @Tellerian Hawke, you're up for Angus.

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World of Kulan DM
use the attack roll for a melee attack with the staff instead (+14/+8). I'll roll the appropriate staff damage dice (d6's) in addition to the bow's.)

1D20+12 = [18]+12 = 32 (with staff)
for 1D8+5 = [4]+5 = 9 damage

Additional attack roll for staff if appropriate: 1D20+8 = [8] + 8 = 16
In that case, damage dice: 2D6 = [6, 2] = 8 (so 1d6+6/1d6+5 means 6+6=12 and 2+5=7)[/ooc]
OOC: Hmm, I'm not sure if Caerth would be able to attack with both heads during a surprise round. :unsure:
Probably not.
The first attack is a hit, regardless. 12 damage. (And, if he can use the second head, it is also a hit.)


World of Kulan DM
"Dae nae be hissing at me!" Angus yells at the spider in front of him. He brings his family's shield down on the spider's head. He hears a satifying crack on the spider's hard exterior, but the spider doesn't die. "Yer tougher than ye keek! A' th' better!"


World of Kulan DM
Phar keeps his focus on the Deadly Nightshade. He prepares to send the creature back to the Shadowstar Sea, but then the webs under and around the extraplanar spider seem to come alive. The webs move and and shift and carry the nightshade out of his field of view. The webs in the corridor shift on the floors and on the walls. They flow forward over the broken down doors and out into the courtyard just in front of Angus.

The centaur's front legs soon have webs crawling up them. He finds himself partially entangled. "Whit's this noo?"

The webs also shift and move towards Maur and Aurues in the hollowed out cavernous wall. The webs don't reach them, but they flow to where the walls are broken.

The webs flow under and around the spiders. It doesn't harm them. In fact, the spiders closest to the nightshade are carried along with it as the webs move under the spider.

"You will have to try harder than that, mage," the nightshade says. It makes a hissing sound that resembles laughing. The nightshade is soon beyond Phar's ability to see.

OOC: The PCs will have to continue to roll Spot checks each round in order to see the nightshade. These checks are active Spot checks that require a move action. (The normal monstrous spiders remain visible, however.)

The webs under the nightshade are an living web spell that has a symbiotic relationship with the nightshade. It has its own stats, but unlike a normal living spell it is unique in that it works alongside the nightshade and its enthralled spiders.

Race: Silver-Grey Elf Paragon
HP: 54/54
21; FF:18 T: 14
Mage Hand; Open/Close; ❏❏Detect Magi;❏❏Electric Jolt;❏❏Prestidigitation
Will: +8(10)
Refl: +8
Initiative: +3
Melee: +6/+1
1st [7+1](DC20) ❏Familiar Pocket ❏Feather Fall; [][]*Magic Missile; [] Protection from Evil; [] Slide []Feather fall
2nd[6+1](D21) ❏Cat's Grace (DC:21)❏Glitterdust [X][X] [] *Scorching Ray ❏Web; []Luminous Swarm
3rd[6+1](DC22)❏Dispel Magic ❏*Fireball ❏Fly; [ ] [ ]Haste; ❏*Lightning Bolt [] Summon Monster III
DEX: 17 + 3
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 22+7
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
XP: 65500/66000
(DC23)4th [5+1❏❏*Fire Shield ❏*Ice Storm [] [] polymorph []Summon Monster IV
5th(4+1) (DC24) [] []Dismissal ; []Wall of FIre; []Break Enchantment[] Wall of Force
6th (2+1)[DC25] []Disintegrate; []*Wall of Force; []Cacophonic Burst

"The elf, eat the elf!" Its voice is like a scream. "Break through! Eat him! Eat him! Kill!

"You will have to try harder than that, mage,"

"Well, that is disturbing...."

While Phar lamented the fact that he hadn't taken initiative and acted, he realized the creature had given him vital information: it could predict his intentions and; it was afraid of what Phar was capable of.

Hopefully, he wouldn't end up some spider's snack before he could do something.

Just some RP


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Maur considers ineffective beast next to him. The fact that the leader is targeting the mage is worrying and they may need more effort than was expected. But he needs to not kill the spiders until Caerth says so. First to defend.

He steps away from the spider to be able to cast and calls upon the sacred text of All-Father to fortify his allies.

Move: 5' step away (I think up-right is the only legal one) - if not possible, cast defensively

Standard: Recitation giving everyone +2 LUCK bonus on AC, attack rolls and saving throws.
+3 if you worship Moradin

10 rounds duration

@Knightfall if large shield +2 is NOT from Malotoch, Maur would leave his small +1 shield back there and now has AC 2 better. I'll edit RG with new stats for the level.

EDIT: just realized it is surprise round, I probably don't have full set of actions so:
Concentration DC 19: 1d20+13 = [11]+13 = 24

@Tellerian Hawke reminder that you have spell you can activate (Valiant Spirit) for +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, fort saves, str checks and str based skills
Last edited:


World of Kulan DM
Maur considers ineffective beast next to him. The fact that the leader is targeting the mage is worrying and they may need more effort than was expected. But he needs to not kill the spiders until Caerth says so. First to defend.

He steps away from the spider to be able to cast and calls upon the sacred text of All-Father to fortify his allies.

Move: 5' step away (I think up-right is the only legal one) - if not possible, cast defensively

Standard: Recitation giving everyone +2 LUCK bonus on AC, attack rolls and saving throws.
+3 if you worship Moradin

10 rounds duration
Maur tries to remember if he's encountered such an ooze before, but his mind is too distracted. When the dwarf champion steps back, he gets a clear picture of all the spiders, including the ones coming from the flank in the old armoury. But, he knows it is the nightshade and the ooze that are they real threats.

Hopefully, the monstrous spiders will go down quickly. They don't appear to be more than just vermin. Still, while they are enthralled by the nightshade, they will have a hivemind. That makes defeating them more tricky.

End of Surprise Round


World of Kulan DM
Start of Round One
The large spiders continue to surge forward. The spider in the corridor tries to overrun Angus.

The two spiders in the old armour rush to attack Caerth, and another comes through the wall with another large spider coming up behind it. The spider spits out webbing at Aureus, but she manages to avoid the sticky substance. The spider beside her tries to bite her, but Maur's magic helps her keep the vermin's fangs from finding her skin.

The hollowed out corridor near Maur continues to fill up with more spiders. There doesn't seem to be and end to them. In the other corridor, one of the spiders tries to dig through the wall leading out into corridor. It has little luck, as the walls are too thick.

Seeing endless numbers of spiders, Litrix decides to use one of his most potent items. He calls upon the power of the marshals throughout the ages, leading incredible charges against overwhelming number of enemies.

He immediately puts the aura to good use, pushing forward with punishing strikes that resound solidly over the area, encouraging his allies for even more heroics.

Note: in addition to +3 to hit from the aura, you get +1 from hitting the enemy (+3 circumstance +1 morale bonus)

Swift: activate rearguard's cape power, increasing aura effects by 2
Full attack vs small spider: 1d20+16+3 = [4]+16+3 = 23; 1d8+6+1 = [8]+6+1 = 15;
1d20+11+3 = [16]+11+3 = 30; 1d8+6+1 = [7]+6+1 = 14

If first hit kills the spider just south of Litrix, he would 5-foot step into that square if possible and attack the big one too (or the little one to the left on the map if the big one is already out)

Modifiers for all (within 30'):
+3 circumstance bonus to attacks
when flanking: +8 circumstance bonus to damage
(optionally, bonus to penetrate spell resistance, but you'll need to tell me)
+1 morale bonus to Will saves
after Litrix hits an enemy: +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and saves against fear effects for 1 round

Voidrunner's Codex

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