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D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] The Lands of Harqual (Updated: Feb 3/2022)


World of Kulan DM
Rumors and News II: In Mid 749 N.C.

Pre-Flood Season

The Month of Hela (7th)
Rumors continue too circulate, in this month, regarding the war that seems to be erupting in the western lands. It is said that war has engulfed the Storm Peninsula, completely, and that both the Monarchy of Avion and the Aerie Holds have been pulled into the conflict. There are even stories that say that the war is moving east and that the city-state of Shaule might be next, then the Kingdom of Izmer. If true, it will only be a matter of time before the conflict spreads to the west.

Another, even stranger, rumor has reached the ears of Cauldron City’s citizens. It is said that the strange fog that appeared in the Month of Thorn has had a mysterious, magical effect throughout the Lands of Harqual. News has come in from all directions, each story more outrageous than the last.

--- To the southeast of the Baron of Liran and the Sovereign City of Yuln, a new city-state, built on bamboo-like stilts has appeared out of nowhere. Its citizens are strange, birdlike humanoids.

--- Rumors are circulating down from the northeast, through the Eastern Shores, that a dozen new city-states and smaller communities have appeared out of the mists of the magical fog east of the Greystone Mountains. These unknown communities are said to be home to odd humans, winged humanoids, and other, even more, exotic races that have never been seen or heard of before, on Harqual.

--- Far to the south, past the lands of the Chara Coast, strange new city-states, ruins, and creatures have appeared out of the fog that engulfed the Lands of Harqual. Rumors speculate that these newcomers wish to dominate the entire Nebral Peninsula.

--- It is said that an entire mountain range appeared to rise up out of the ground, overnight, far to the northwest, near the lands of the Old Sword Imperium. Such a thing would seem impossible, but rumor also has it that the mountains are filled with humanoids and that conflict has broken out between the mountain range’s denizens and the Imperials.

More disturbing than any of these wild speculations is that the King of the Kingdom of Thallin has died, and that his young, spiteful son has succeeded him. Varath, now King, was always known for his radical views, but now a wicked madness has overcome him. He has outlawed the worship of the North Gods & Demihuman Deities and has lifted the centuries old ban of several of the Sword Gods including Druaga, Mussin, Nether, and Xuar. He quickly proclaimed the Sword God of Hate and Tyranny as the Kingdom’s new state god.

His new Royal Guard, known as the Fury of the Dragon, has begun to wipe out resistance to their new King’s will, including the slaughter of peaceful, religious protestors. King Varath also had several ambassadors, from demihuman lands, put to death, as spies, including the ambassadors of the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves, the Kingdom of the Greystones, the Highlands, and the Highborn Lands. In response, the other ambassadors of the various Eastern Shore political powers leave Thallin, in protest. Elves, halflings, dwarves, and other demihumans living within the Kingdom of Thallin’s borders have either fled or gone into hiding.

During Flood Season

The Month of Seraph (8th)
During the Month of Seraph, news comes inform the western lands that the war engulfing the Storm Peninsula and the lands surrounding Lake Nest is osculating. Avion City and the cities of Anthmoor, Hutmallia, Ilasi, Nasundria, and Tallawan have all been sieged by the forces of the cat-men, now being referred to as “tabaxi”.

If it is indeed true that the Tabaxi have returned to the Lands of Harqual then the entire continent is at risk. What’s worse is that the tabaxi have help in the form of large monstrous humanoids that look like bipedal griffons, as well as mountain orcs, gnolls, and ogres. The catmen and their allies are rumored to have been seen as far to the east as the cities of Eversink, Shaule, and even Antius City and Sumdall.

King Varath’s treachery towards his former allies and his own people seems to have no limits considering the rumors that continue to trickle in from the northeast. It is believed that he has begun to negotiate with the bugbears of the Sunus Mountains, near Minar, and the orcish Black Kingdom of the Thunder Mountains, to the east, in order to form an alliance with the evil humanoids. There have always been rumors of bugbears and orcs attacking the lands of Minar, Wolffire, and the Thunder Lands, together, but now the Mad One of Thallin seems to be trying to unite the humanoids against the rest of the Eastern Shores and Thunder Lands.

Throughout the Thunder Lands, seasonal rainstorms continue to pound the region up until the second last week of the month. Temperatures turn from cold, to cool, to hot and humid throughout the lands of the Kingdom of Anoria and the Dominion of Cauldron. The growing season has seen tons of rain and bitter cold, but the heat wave dries out most of the lands crops in time for the harvest. For while the Fall Equinox falls on the 5th day of the Month of Seraph, this year, most of the regions crops aren’t harvested until the 20th day.

Post-Flood Season

The Month of Nessus (9th)
In this month, news continues to come in from the northeast regarding the vile actions of King Varath and his followers. The Fury of the Dragon continues to put down uprisings and entire communities of demihumans are said too have been put to the torch. The King has issued a ban forbidding demihumans from entering or living in the Kingdom of Thallin. In an act of ultimate evil, the King has sixteen elves hanged for just being elves.

News from the eastern lands is less troubling. The tabaxi attacks seem to have lessened, as the months continue to pass. The Storm Peninsula continues to be an angry bee’s nest, however, just waiting to be jostled. Tabaxi patrols and raiding parties are commonplace throughout the southern lands near the Monarchy of Avion, the Aerie Holds, and the Cadra Forest. Tabaxi sightings become almost non-existent east of the City-state of Eversink. No one is sure what happened to stop the tabaxi expansion, but one rumor has the monarch of Izmer coming to Avion City’s aid at the last second.

News from farther north becomes less and less as winter once again descends on the northern lands. The first heavy snowfall, which will likely remain until the spring, blankets the lands of the Northlands and as far south as the northern reaches of the Northern Heartlands, as well as far west as the Ragik Peninsula (the Old Sword Imperium). Any additional news from the north will have to come by slow, overland travel or by magical means, as the land turns cold. The Southern Heartlands, including most of the Thunder Lands, remains free of heavy snow, for now.
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World of Kulan DM
Rumors and News III: 749 N.C. (New Calendar)

Month of Euphoria (10th)
1. (Meryn hears the following rumors in Cauldron City, before he leaves.) a) Three weeks ago, a kitt peddler named Erf met Alek Tercival at the Lucky Monkey. The avenger of Bast was helping the carpenters to repair the building, and helping them he was indeed. He could split logs with his bare hands and carry a draft horse’s load on his back; b) Cauldron’s City Council has raised taxes to buy a powerful artifact that will permanently protect Cauldron City from future floods; c) The Stormblades will be named “champions of Cauldron” because they recently completed a dangerous mission in the tunnels below the city; d) The giants of Fortress Mountain, west of the city, are getting restless and plan to invade Cauldron this winter.

2. While in Mor’s End, you heard rumors circulating that war has broken out in the Duchy of Minar, to the northeast, and that the aggressors are the bugbears of the Sunus Mountains. Details are sketchy at this time, but it is said that the bugbears have the help of giants and ogres. Several battles have been fought just north of the City of Tian.

3. While in Mor’s End, you hear tales of a clan of humanoids, made up of mainly orcs and goblins, which are infamous throughout the Thunder Lands. An enigmatic orc barbarian named Gorgo Ironbone leads this group, which is known the Red Ghost Clan. The clan is the scourge of trading caravans and travelers along the Thunder Road.

4. While in Mor’s End, you also hear tales of a very tall tower that stands in the desert to the south, known as the Great Expanse. The tower is said to be visible from the Town of Farva, which is on Harqual’s eastern coast. The tower is said to have been grown, not built and it doesn’t have any visible entrances when viewed up close. Only when you view the tower from a distance does it seem to have windows near the top of the structure, glowing with an eerie, yellow light, during the night. It is said that all that have tired to climb the tower have failed.

5. The latest news from the western lands is better than it has been in months. The tabaxi seem to be retreating, due to strong resistance (and the cold weather), and rumors are circulating that an alliance has been struck between the Queen of Izmer and the Queen of Avion. News from the lands of the Storm Peninsula, south of the Monarchy of Avion, isn’t as good. The tabaxi continue to stalk the citizens of the City-states of Tallawan, Hutmallia, and Anthmoor.

6. Dire news reaches your ears, during your stay in Pretensa. Something foul has taken up residence in the southern part of the Great Forest of Harqual (known as the Knotwood). Rumor has it that demons and strange reddish green-skinned humanoids have attacked the communities of the Midlands and the Barony of Calot, just north of the Kul Moren Mountains. Could these demons and evil humanoids be in cahoots with the bugbears of the Sunus Mountains?

7. On the 22nd of Euphoria, the first major snowfall blankets the Northern Heartlands. Snow covers the entire Great Forest, from the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves to the lightly wooded lands of the Midlands. The snow doesn’t fall south of the northern tree line of the Verdalf Forest. Winter appears to be coming with a vengeance, this year.
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World of Kulan DM
Rumors and News IV: Late 749 N.C., Early 750 N.C.

The Month of Tulle (11th)
1) A rumor filters south that the decapitated, frozen bodies of several demon hunting paladins were found near the edge of the Great Forest, somewhere in the Eastern Shores. It is said that the paladins were half eaten and left for nearby villagers to find, as a warning.

2) Major snowfall from the 20th to the 25th of Tulle. The snowfall covers all of Northern Harqual from the city of Vapaa on the western edge of the Ragik Peninsula all the way to the Wind Plains in the Eastern Shores. And as far south as the city of Ilasi in the Monarchy of Avion, in the west, and the southern edge of the Barony of Liran, in the east.

The Month of Jaeger (12th)
3) Someone has attempted to assassinate the Mad King of Thallin, or at least that’s the rumor. Little is known about the assassination attempt other than it involved a magical attack.

4) The Time of the Honorbound is celebrated everywhere the Pantheon of the North holds sway, from the 6th to the 11th of Jaeger. (This is a yearly festival that celebrates the sacrifice of the deceased North God, Jaeger.)

5) Rumors continue to filter south, from the northeast, that war continues to engulf the Duchy of Minar, and that unrest has begun too spread into the streets of capital city of the Kingdom of Stonn. Rumors of mass riots in the Kingdom of Thallin, as well.

6) In Cauldron City, a riot breaks out, after a man named Maavu Arlintal publicly criticizes the city’s government of corruption. The city’s taxes have been raised, and the man accuses the government of using the money improperly. The “tax riot” broke out after several half-orc mercenaries, hire by the city, tried to arrest Arlintal. Several people are killed during the riot, as arrows were fired into the crowd, and an unseen arcanist summoned an elemental to attack the guards. The man disappeared into the crowd, and hasn’t been seen in the city since.

7) A powerful ice storm hits the region known as the Eastern Shores (on the 13th of Jaeger). It is said that hail as big as an ogre’s fist came down for nearly an hour, and snowstorms have left the Jagged Peninsula. Half buried.

8) In Thallin, the new knights known as Nether’s Deathtide, begin too hunt down arcanists. It is believed that several arcane guilds and schools are ransacked, and that pitch battles between the clergy of Nether and arcanists are becoming commonplace in the oppressed kingdom. It is said that the famed Bard College of Fruen is razed to the ground, its staff and students executed by the Deathtide. The King’s own mother, an arcanist, is also put to death.

9) On the last day of the month, civil war is officially declared in the Kingdom of Thallin. The Mad One has recruited evil humanoids and giants to fill out his army, including ogres and frost giants. It is whispered that the King is a pawn of the evil group known as the Opposition.


The Month of Anon (1st)
10) In Cauldron City, the lord mayor goes missing. Fearing the worst Orbius Vhalantru, an elven merchant lord, steps into help run the government and find out what has happened to Severen Navalant. Unrest continues to be a problem in the city, and more half-orc mercenaries are hired to help keep the peace. It is said that Lord Vhalantru’s leadership is the only thing holding the city together.

11) Rumors continue too circulate through the streets of the city that a vampiric creature is stalking Cauldronites. The creature is said too be made of mist and that it completely drains its victims, who are left as desiccated, frozen husks, and that is only attacks on nights when the city is draped in fog.

12) Rumors arrive on the wings of an airship, from the west, that the war near the Monarchy of Avion has ground to a standstill, as the tabaxi seem unwilling to attack the north while it is so cold. Both Avion City and the City of Nasundria, in the Aerie Holds, are preparing for an onslaught, come spring. News from the Storm Peninsula isn’t as good, as the tabaxi continue to harass the citizens of the City-state of Tallawan and the communities of the Storm Domain.

13) Embril Aloustinai, the high priestess of Wee Jas has fled Cauldron City in shame. No one knows why.

14) News spreads south slowly from the lands known as the Barony of Calot and the Midlands. That area continues to have problems with demons and blood elves, and several pitched battles have been fought just north of the Verdalf Forest. It is said that the lands’ citizens are getting help from the hunter elves of the Verdalf Forest, which could mean the situation is dire, as the hunter elves almost never get involved in matters beyond their forest.

15) A pair of young Cauldronites saw a huge shadow pass under them while ice fishing on Crater Lake. Could some monster have swum up from the depths of a flooded region of the Underearth?

16) Strange lights have been seen in the sky above the northern half of the Great Expanse. The lights do not seem to be a natural phenomenon, such as borealis, and murmurs of some new danger is spreading through the streets of the City-state of Caloric, south of Mor’s End.

17) The high taxes have driven many of Cauldron City’s citizens out of the city. Many of the adventurers who use to call Cauldron home have moved on to bigger cities and richer prizes.

18) Rumor has it that the High Lightservant of the temple of Jalivier in Caloric, a man named Eddanar Westergard, is touring the Thunder Lands inspecting the various temples dedicated to the Sun’s Champion. It is said that this priest is conducting this inspection to make sure that no corruption has infested the communities of the Thunder Lands. He is said to currently be in the Free City of Yuln, and that he has ordered the reorganization of the Temple of the Dawn.

The Month of Zealot (2nd)
19) Rumors are rampant in Cauldron City, as to the fate of Severen Navalant. Some say that he has traveled to Mor’s End to plead for aid from that city’s Matriarch, an enigmatic woman named Lady Adriana Kelvin. Others believe that members of the Last Laugh thieves’ guild assassinated the Lord Mayor. The wildest rumor is that the Opposition, in order to ransom him back to the city, has taken the Lord Mayor prisoner.

20) Rumors begin to circulate, from the southwest, that there has been a major slave revolt in the City-state of Sange. These slaves are said to be trained soldiers and gladiators and that they have escaped the city, attacked Sange Castle and then fled into the Great Expanse.

21) No one in Cauldron City has seen the group of adventurers known as the Stormblades in several months. They are believed to have either perished while adventuring or have left the city in shame. The parents of one of the Stormblades, named Zachary Aslaxin II, are very concerned about their son’s disappearance. They are offering an award to anyone who finds out what has happened to their son. Applicants should contact them at “The Coy Nixie”.
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World of Kulan DM
Rumors and News V: Early to Mid 750 N.C.

The Month of Sialic (3rd)
1) News comes from the northeast that the conflict in Minar is beginning to heat up, as winter shifts to spring. The conflict has spread south and west and all of southern Minar is under siege by evil humanoids, led by the charismatic bugbear chieftain, Brulok. It is rumored that Brulok has begun negotiations with Thok Sidesplitter, the chieftain of the Thunder Orc Tribe (located in the Thunder Mountains). If true, then the Thunder Lands could be facing hordes of bugbears, mountain orcs, gnolls, and ogres before the end of the year.

2) In Sumdall, the capital city of the Kingdom of Izmer, several high-profile arcanists and nobles have been robbed. Most believe the thefts were perpetrated by the infamous ne'er-do-well known only as “The Pouch”, who is rumored too be in Sumdall, in order to steal the Queen’s personal jewels and her virtue. [The PCs have met The Pouch once, in Pretensa, and chased him off. (He was there to steal the Pricesses' jewels and virtue.) They don't know who he is, which I have fun plans for.] :p

The Month of Thorn (4th)
3) The civil war in the Kingdom of Thallin has entered its 4th month of bloody conflict. The city of Cabaret continues to be under siege by the forces of King Varath, but they are repelling the ogres and priests of Nether with the help of the inhabitants of the Highlands (just south of the city) and the citizens of the city of Rivenwood (roughly 30 miles north of Cabaret). The city of Raell has remained loyal to the King, but most believe that is only due to that city’s close proximity to the capital city of Fruen. The other more southern communities have remained relatively neutral about the conflict, but it is only a matter of time before the city of Redbrick will have to choose a side.

4) With spring comes a renewed hostility between the lands surrounding Lake Nest and the tabaxi of the jungle of the Storm Peninsula. Several columns of tabaxi, including their griff slaves have attacked the southern communities of the Monarchy of Avion and the Aerie Holds. The number of catmen in the armies has shrunk, but it seems that the tabaxi have been recruiting from the humanoid tribes of the Reth Mountains, as the Storm Armies (as they’re being called) are being filled out by mountain orcs, ogres, and gnolls. The city of Ilasi easily beats back the army that attacks the city’s walls, but several smaller communities are razed to the ground.

The Month of Truce (5th)
5) Rumors circulate in from the southeast that a fleet of unknown merchant ships recently petitioned to anchor in the harbor of the City-state of Selquin. The ships passengers claimed to be from another continent to the east, which seems impossible to believe, as everyone knows there is nothing beyond the Black Storm Sea. Yet, these strange humanoids are obviously not human, even though they appear similar to humans. It is whispered that they are “elementals” from another plane of existence and that The Transformation brought them to Kulan. Could the magical event have affected the entire world? (These ships come from the continent known as the Fallenlands, and the "elementals" are jann.)

6) Heavy rain, once again, threatened to cause Cauldron City’s central lake to overflow, but the various temples of the city, having learned from last year’s disaster, are ready with more than enough wands of water control. Severe flooding does occur near the lake community of Kingfisher Hollow, however. The banks of the Fire River threaten to overflow near the City of Pretensa, in Izmer, and sandbags are brought out and walls of stone are placed to protect the city, just in case.

The Month of Hansa (6th)
7) A strange, squid-shaped sky ship docks at the Blue Spire of Naramore, in the City-state of Caloric. The ships crew moves through the city under large, billowing cloaks and hoods, for several days, before departing for parts unknown. The city-states populace whispers in fear, that the ship’s crew was made up of mind flayers. (Naramore is the last name of a powerful noble family in the City-state of Caloric. They make the Taskerhill’s of Cauldron City seem like paupers.)

8) News circulate throughout the lowlands of the Dominion of Cauldron that a tribe of gnolls has been raiding the farms and ranches near Kingfisher Hollow and Hollowsky. The tribe is said too be led by a huge flind with fiendish blood. The death toll, so far, has been low, but several farmsteads have been razed to the ground and several herds of cattle have gone missing. [These are castoffs (and deserters) of the Bugbear War.]

The Month of Hela (7th)
9) A huge meteorite streaks through the night, over the City-state of Caloric passing through the city’s many towers and spires. The meteorite rips through the center of one tower, causing it to crumble to the ground. Several air balloons and sky ships are destroyed as the tower collapses near the edge of the city. The meteorite impacts the ground nearly 40 miles outside the city. A patrol is sent out to see if the meteorite’s mineral core can be salvaged, but they find only a smoking crater and strange tracks leading away from the impact site. The tracks are definitely not bipedal! (The tracks were made by a group of clockwork horrors. Guess which article in Dragon Magazine I read before coming up with this idea.) :p
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World of Kulan DM
It was soon after this that the PCs defeated the Cagewrights, and the conflict with Anoria and Flamerule began. The PCs took over a year and a half off from campaigning, before going to war against their enemies, and it is now the Month of Sialic, 752 N.C.

I need to come up with some new rumors to send their way, regarding events outside their general region, and I'm looking for some inspiration from my fellow EN Worlders. Look to "News and Rumors V" for ideas to expand upon.


--- The tabaxi are relentless in their pursuit of the domination of the entire Storm Peninsula. With their evil god to lead them, they are still a major threat. (Tu's godly realm is on the material plane; a black ziggerat that stands in the heart of the City of Tattenger.) The tabaxi haven't yet attacked the Monarchy of avion, again, but most believe it is only a matter of time. There are reports of tabaxi longships landing near the Kingdom of Izmer and the island of Hawkgard.

--- The war against the bugbears is over for the most part, but the Duchy of Minar is still dealing with raids from scattered bands of bugbears and gnolls. Plus, the City of Tian is considering the idea f breaking away from Minar.

--- The conflict between the hunter elves of the Verdalf Forest and the blood elves of The Knotwood is escalating out of control, and the Midlands and the Barony of Calot are caught in between.

--- The civi war in Thallin has spread beyond it's borders, and the old treaty of the Eastern Shores has been broken. Only the Kingdom of Stonn has managed to keep the evil priests and knights of Nether at bay. The lands of the Wind Cities are hard pressed, and several other, smaller lands, have been conquered. King Varath plans to take his war all the way to the captial cities of the elves of the Great forest and the dwarves of the Greystone Mountains.

--- Mass migrations of gnomes and halflings are occuring from the southern lands to the Thunder Lands and the Kingdom of Izmer. No one knows why, but most believe it is a ramification of The Transformation.
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World of Kulan DM
A few bad guys...


“Grey Shadow”, Thrall of Taitava (CR 18)
“Grey Shadow” was born under Fortress Mountain, but has lived his entire life in the City-state of Flamerule. The duergar was sold into slaver as a child after a rival clan murdered his parents. Grey Shadow's mind was always quick and untamed. So when his mistress, the Erinyes devil known as Taitava, forced the duergar into training that would unlock the potential in his mind, it didn't take long for the gray dwarf to develop psionic power. He is the only known psionicist in Flamerule. However, he's relatively unknown beyond its city walls, unless wants someone to remember him.

hp 149 (18d6+72 plus 12); DR 10/psionics while in ectoplasmic form
Male duergar wilder 18 1
NE medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 120 ft.; Listen +8, Spot +8
Languages Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Infernal, and Undercommon
AC 32 (+6 Dex, +9 armor, +3 shield, +4 deflection), touch 24 (+4 Cha), flat-footed 26; +4 dodge bonus against Giant type
Immune Paralysis, phantasms, poison
SR 20; PR 30 with power resistance manifested
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +13 (+15 against spells & spell-like abilities)
Weakness Light sensitivity
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee +4 psychokinetic burst heavy pick +22 (1d6+11 plus 1d4 ectoplasmic/x4) or
Melee +4 psychokinetic burst heavy pick +22/+17/+12 (1d6+11 plus 1d4 ectoplasmic/x4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +13; Grp +18
Atk Options Aligned Attack (evil), wild surge (+5), surging euphoria (+2)
Combat Gear Elixir of healing (CL 10th; 4d8+10; 2,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds (x2)
Wilder Powers Known (ML 18th; Power Points 319; Max Level 9th; Base Save DC = 15 + power level)
--- 9th — assimilate
--- 8th — psionic mind blank
--- 7th — ultrablast
--- 6th — mass cloud mind
--- 5th — power resistance
--- 4th — psionic dominate
--- 3rd — heavy earth 2
--- 2nd — earth walk 2
--- 1st — conceal thoughts, force screen
Psi-Like Abilities* (ML 18th)
--- Once per day — expansion, invisibility
*These abilities affect only Grey Shadow and whatever he carries.
Abilities Str 20 (+5), Dex 22 (+6), Con 18 (+4), Int 14 (+2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 19 (+4)
SA Psionics, wild surge (+5)
SQ Elude touch, naturally psionic, psychic enervation, stability, stonecunning, volatile mind (3 pp)
Feats Aligned Attack (evil), Combat Manifestation, Craft Cognizance Crystal, Expanded Knowledge (psionic dominate), Inquisitor, Psionic Body, Psionic Meditation
Skills Autohypnosis +19, Bluff +22, Concentration +22, Escape Artist +9, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (psionics) +20, Listen +8, Move Silently +10, Psicraft +20, Sense Motive +19, Spot +8
Possessions +4 ectoplasmic 1 mithral breastplate, +4 psychokinetic burst 1 heavy pick (+3d6 ectoplasmic on critical hit), +1 heavy steel shield, amulet of health +2, cloak of resistance +2, cognizance crystal (11) 1, gauntlets of ogre power, ring of protection +4, torc of free will 1, and a belt pouch containing 240 gp & 130 sp.
1 D&D Expanded Psionics Handbook
2 D&D Races of Stone
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World of Kulan DM
Zaethir Varnum, Diabolist of Bel (CR 18)
hp 106 (10d8+30 plus 5d4+15); DR 10/magic
Male half-fiend 1 cleric 10/diabolist 5 2
LE Medium outsider (augmented humanoid, native)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Listen +8, Spot +8
Aura Evil and law
Languages Abyssal, Axiomatic, Common, Draconic, and Infernal
AC 25 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, +8 armor, +2 deflection), touch 13, flat-footed 24; AC 27, touch 15, flat-footed 26 with shield of law spell; AC 31, touch 15, flat-footed 30 with magic vestment and shield of law spells
Immune Poison
Resist Acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; PR 15; SR 25
Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +16 (+18 with owl’s wisdom spell)
--- (+4 bonus on saves against illusion (pattern) spells, spells with the light descriptor, and any light effects that cause blindness)
Speed 30 feet (6 squares); fly 30 ft. (average)
Melee +5 keen greatsword +22 (2d6+15 plus 1 vile/17-20/x2) or
Melee +5 keen greatsword +22/+17 (2d6+15 plus 1 vile/17-20/x2)
Melee Claw +16 (1d4+7 plus 1 vile/x2) or
Melee 2 claws +16 (1d4+7 plus 1 vile/x2) and
--- Bite +11 (1d6+3 plus 1 vile/x2)
Ranged Mwk light crossbow +13 ranged (1d8-1/19-20/x2, 80 ft., with silvered bolts)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +9; Grp +16
Atk Options Diabolism 2/day (+2d6), smite good 1/day (+15)
Special Actions Rebuke undead 5/day
Combat Gear Elixir of fire breath (3 times; 4d6 fire; 25 ft.; DC 13 Reflex half), elixir of healing (x2; CL 10th; 4d8+10; 2,000 gp), potions of cure serious wounds (x4; CL 10th; 3d8+10), potion of owl’s wisdom, potion of resist energy (cold) (30)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 15th; save DC 14 + spell level; save DC 16 + spell level with owl’s wisdom)
--- 8th (1+1/day) — power word stun *, shield of law
--- 7th (2+1/day) — greater scrying *, mass spell resistance 4, Reached harm
--- 6th (3+1/day) — blade barrier *, energy immunity 3, plane shift, true seeing
--- 5th (4+1/day) — divine agility 4, divine power, flame strike *, morality undone 2, Reached inflict critical wounds (4d8+15)
--- 4th (5+1/day) — assay resistance (swift) 3, Corrupted searing light (half of damage is unholy), damning darkness 2, freedom of movement, Reached inflict serious wounds (3d8+15), status *
--- 3rd (6+1/day) — cure serious wounds, devil’s eye 2, invisibility purge, magic vestment *, Reached death knell, ring of blades 3, shriveling 2
--- 2nd (6+1/day) — align weapon, augury *, bear’s endurance, cure moderate wounds, curse of ill fortune 4, darkbolt 2, Extended sorrow 2
--- 1st (6+1/day) — angry ache 2, cure light wounds, deathwatch *, heartache 2, protection from evil, resurgence 4, sanctuary
--- 0th (6/day) — cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic, guidance, resistance, virtue
* Domain spell. Domains: Planning (Extend Spell as a bonus feat), War (bonus weapon feats)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 15th; save DC 13 + spell level)
--- 1/day — blasphemy, contagion, desecrate, horrid wilting, unhallow, unholy blight
--- 2/day — darkness, poison, unholy aura
Abilities Str 24 (+7), Dex 16 (+3), Con 16 (+3), Int 16 (+3), Wis 18 (+4), Cha 16 (+3)
SA Diabolism, divine spells, rebuke undead, smite good
SQ +2 to rebuke undead checks, imp familiar, spontaneous casting of inflict spells
Feats Alertness B, Combat Casting, Corrupt Spell 2, Disciple of Darkness (Bel) 2, Evil Brand 2, Extend Spell B, Martial Weapon Proficiency (greatsword) B, Profane Boost 4, Reach Spell 4, Weapon Focus (greatsword) B
Skills Concentration +17, Diplomacy +7 (+9 against evil creatures), Intimidate +7 (+9 against evil creatures), Knowledge (religion) +17, Knowledge (the planes) +17, Listen +8, Profession (soldier) +18, Spot +8, Spellcraft +17, Survival +4 (+6 on other planes)
Possessions +5 keen greatsword, amulet of natural armor +3, belt of giant strength +6, lenses of darkness 3, mwk light crossbow w/ 20 silvered bolts, mwk mithral full plate, ring of protection +2, vest of resistance +1 3, vile weapon ring 2, a pouch containing 30 pp
Diabolism (Ex) Zaethir can choose to grant one of his spells greater magical power twice per day. Any spell Zaethir casts that affects a target or area (one that does not include himself) gains the evil descriptor a deals +2d6 points of unholy damage to any good character affected by the spell.
Imp Familiar (Ex) Zaethir has an imp as a familiar. The imp has all the special abilities of a 5th-level wizard’s familiar: +3 natural armor; Int 8; alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch spells, speak with master.
1 D&D Monster Manual
2 D&D Book of Vile Darkness
3 D&D Complete Arcane
4 D&D Complete Divine
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World of Kulan DM
Murgol Firehand, High Priest of Laduguer (CR 16)
hp 125 (16d8+48)
Male duergar 1 cleric of Laduguer 16
LE Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 120 ft.; Listen +5, Spot +5
Aura Evil and law
Languages Common, Dwarven, and Undercommon
AC 25 (+1 Dex, +10 armor, +4 shield), touch 11, flat-footed 24; AC 28, touch 14, flat-footed 27; +4 dodge bonus against Giant type
Immune Paralysis, phantasms, poison; critical hits and sneak attacks with heavy fortification armor
Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +10 (+12 against spells & spell-like abilities)
Weakness Light sensitivity
Speed 20 feet (4 squares)
Melee +4 unholy warhammer +18 (1d8+5 plus 2d6 unholy/x3) or
Melee +4 unholy warhammer +18/+13/+8 (1d8+5 plus 2d6 unholy/x3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +12; Grp +13
Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack
Special Actions Turn undead 2/day
Combat Gear Potion of cure serious wounds (x2)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 16th; save DC = 14 + spell level)
--- 8th (2+1/day) — antimagic field, quickened divine power, power word stun *
--- 7th (3+1/day) — dictum, earthquake *, mass cure serious wounds, Quickened searing light
--- 6th (3+1/day) — greater dispel magic, Quickened stone fist 2, stoneskin *, word of recall
--- 5th (4+1/day) — break enchantment, earth hammer 2, flame strike *, slay living, spell resistance
4th (5+1/day) — death ward, dimensional anchor, freedom of movement, giant vermin, spell immunity, spike stones *
--- 3rd (6+1/day) — bestow curse, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, meld into stone, protection from energy, stone shape *, wind wall
--- 2nd (6+1/day) — align weapon, bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, enthrall, resist energy, silence, spiritual weapon *
--- 1st (6+1/day) — bane, cause fear, cure light wounds, detect good, magic stone *, protection from good, shield of faith
--- 0th (6/day) — cure minor wounds, detect magic, guidance, light, read magic, resistance
* Domain spells. Domains: Earth (turn or destroy air creatures 2/day), War (bonus feats)
Psi-Like Abilities* (ML 16th)
--- Once per day — expansion, invisibility
*These abilities affect only Murgol and whatever he carries.
Abilities Str 12 (+1), Dex 12 (+1), Con 16 (+3), Int 10 (+0), Wis 18 (+4), Cha 8 (-1)
SA Divine spells, psi-like abilities, turn undead
SQ Naturally psionic, stability, stonecunning
Feats Cleave, Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Martial Weapon Proficiency (warhammer) B, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Weapon Focus (warhammer) B
Skills Concentration +13, Knowledge (religion) +14, Listen +5, Move Silently +0, Spot +5, Spellcraft +14
Possessions +4 heavy fortification banded mail, +4 unholy warhammer, +2 heavy steel shield, holy symbol of Laduguer
1 D&D Expanded Psionics Handbook
2 D&D Races of Stone
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World of Kulan DM
Brilmara Steelshadow, The Black Sorceress (CR 16)
hp 60 (16d4+16)
Female half-duergar sorcerer 16
NE Medium humanoid (dwarf, human)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages Common, Dwarven, and Undercommon
AC 23 (+3 Dex, +5 natural, +5 deflection), touch 18, flat-footed 20; AC 33, touch 18, flat-footed 31 with mage armor and shield spells
Fort +6 (+8 against paralysis and poison), Ref +8, Will +10 (+11 against spells and spell-like abilities; +13 against phantasms)
Weakness Light sensitivity
Speed 20 feet (4 squares)
Melee +3 vile dagger +15 (1d4+3 plus 1 vile/19-20/x2) or
Melee +3 vile dagger +15/+10 (1d4+3 plus 1 vile/19-20/x2) or
Ranged Touch ray spell +11 (x2) or
Ranged Touch ray spell +11/+6 (x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +8; Grp +8
Combat Gear Potion of cat’s grace, potion of cure serious wounds, potion of eagle’s splendor
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 16th; save DC = 14 + spell level; save DC = 16 + spell level with eagle’s splendor)
--- 8th (3/day) — polar ray
--- 7th (5/day) — prismatic ray, sword of darkness 1
--- 6th (6/day) — chain lightning, fiendform 1, Tenser’s transformation
--- 5th (6/day) — baleful polymorph, greater fireburst 1, teleport, wall of force
--- 4th (7/day) — blast of flame 1, enervation, ice storm, shout
--- 3rd (7/day) — fireball, fly, greater mage armor 1, lightning bolt
--- 2nd (7/day) — Melf’s acid arrow, resist energy, see invisibility, scorching ray, wall of gloom 1
--- 1st (7/day) — feather fall, lesser orb of sound 1, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shield
--- 0th (6/day) — acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, detect magic, ray of frost, mage hand, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue
Psi-like Abilities** 1/day – expansion or invisibility (ML 16th)
**These abilities affect only the half-duergar and whatever he carries.
Abilities Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 10 (+0), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 18 (+4)
SA Arcane spells, psi-like abilities
SQ Naturally psionic, stability, stonecunning, summon familiar
Feats Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (dagger)
Skills Bluff +12, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +4 (+6 to act), Intimidate +6, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Move Silently +5, Spellcraft +12
Possessions +3 vile dagger, amulet of natural armor +5, gloves of dexterity +6, ring of protection +5
Mixed Blood (Ex) For all special abilities and effects, a half-duergar is considered both a dwarf and a human.
Naturally Psionic A half-duergar gains 1 bonus power point at 1st-level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
Stability Half-duergar are exceptionally stable on their feet. A half-duergar receives a +2 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground.).
Stonecunning This ability grants a half-duergar a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework, traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. (See the duergar entry in the Expanded Psionics Handbook for more on this ability.)
Skills Half-duergar have a +2 racial bonus on Move Silently checks and a +1 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft checks related to stone or metal; these bonuses are included in the stat block.
1 D&D Complete Arcane
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World of Kulan DM
Tarasus Oliverio, Flamerule Army Captain (CR 16)
hp 160 (16d10+48 plus 16)
Male human fighter 16
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages Common and Infernal
AC 29 (+1 Dex, +13 armor, +5 shield), touch 11, flat-footed 28
Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +8
Speed 30 feet (6 squares)
Melee +5 shock warhammer +27 (1d8+11 plus 1d6 electricity/19-20/x3) or
Melee +5 shock warhammer +27/+22/+17/+12 (1d8+11 plus 1d6 electricity/19-20/x3) or
Ranged +3 flaming composite longbow (Str 18) +20 (1d8+7 plus 1d6 fire/x3) or
Ranged +3 flaming composite longbow (Str 18) +20/+15/+10/+5 (1d8+7 plus 1d6 fire/x3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +16; Grp +20
Atk Options Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Mounted Archery, Mounted Archery, Power Attack
Combat Gear Elixir of healing (CL 10th; 4d8+10; 2,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds (x4)
Abilities Str 18 (+4), Dex 12 (+1), Con 16 (+3), Int 10 (+0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 10 (+0)
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (warhammer), Improved Mounted Archery 1, Improved Toughness 1, Iron Will, Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Power Critical (warhammer) 1, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (warhammer), Weapon Specialization (warhammer)
Skills Craft (weaponsmithing) +12, Handle Animal +15, Intimidate +15, Ride +15
Possessions +5 full plate, +5 shock warhammer, +3 composite flaming longbow (Str 18), +3 heavy steel shield
1 D&D Complete Warrior

Horgar Hammerhead, Thrall of Tarasus (CR 15)
hp 101 (15d8+30)
Male half-duergar psychic warrior 15 1
LE Medium humanoid (dwarf, human)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages Common, Dwarven, and Undercommon
AC 22 (+1 Dex, +9 armor, +2 shield), touch 11, flat-footed 21
Fort +11 (+13 against paralysis and poison), Ref +6, Will +7 (+8 against spells and spell-like abilities; +10 against phantasms)
Weakness Light sensitivity
Speed 20 feet (4 squares)
Melee +3 humanbane battleaxe +17 (1d8+5/x3) or
Melee +3 humanbane battleaxe +17/+12/+7 (1d8+5/x3) or
Melee +3 humanbane battleaxe +19 (1d8+7 plus 2d6/x3) against humans or
Melee +3 humanbane battleaxe +19/+14/+9 (1d8+7 plus 2d6/x3) full attack against humans or
Melee Unarmed strike +13 (1d3+2/x2) or
Melee Unarmed strike +13/+8/+3 (1d3+2/x2) or
Ranged +2 collision composite longbow +14 (1d8+7 /x3) or
Ranged +2 collision composite longbow +14/+9/+4 (1d8+7 /x3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +11; Grp +13
Atk Options Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Psionic Fist (unarmed strike deals +2d6 damage when psionically focused), Psionic Weapon (melee weapon deals +2d6 damage when psionically focused)
Combat Gear Potion of bull’s strength, potion of cure moderate wounds (x2), potion of owl’s wisdom
Psychic Warrior Powers Known (ML 15th; Power Points 82; Max Level 5th; Base Save DC = 12 + power level)
--- 5th — catapsi, oak body, psychofeedback
--- 4th — inertial barrier, psionic freedom of movement, truevenom weapon
--- 3rd — dimensional slide, mental barrier, psionic keen edge
--- 2nd — body adjustment, dimensional swap, psionic lion’s charge
--- 1st — biofeedback, conceal thoughts, thicken skin
Psi-like Abilities** 1/day – expansion or invisibility (ML 15th)
**These abilities affect only Horgar and whatever he carries.
Abilities Str 14 (+2), Dex 12 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 8 (-1)
SA Psionics
SQ Naturally psionic, stability, stonecunning
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Sunder, Improved Unarmed Strike, Focused Sunder 1, Narrow Mind 1, Power Attack, Psionic Fist 1, Psionic Weapon 1, Stand Still 1, Weapon Focus (battleaxe)
Skills Appraise +1, Autohypnosis +12, Concentration +10, Craft (weaponsmithing) +9, Knowledge (psionics) +10, Listen +4, Move Silently -3, Profession (soldier) +6, Spot +4
Possessions +3 banded mail, +3 humanbane battleaxe, +2 collision 1 composite longbow, mwk heavy steel shield
Mixed Blood (Ex) For all special abilities and effects, a half-duergar is considered both a dwarf and a human.
Naturally Psionic A half-duergar gains 1 bonus power point at 1st-level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
Stability Half-duergar are exceptionally stable on their feet. A half-duergar receives a +2 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground.).
Stonecunning This ability grants a half-duergar a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework, traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. (See the duergar entry in the Expanded Psionics Handbook for more on this ability.)
Skills Half-duergar have a +2 racial bonus on Move Silently checks and a +1 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft checks related to stone or metal; these bonuses are included in the stat block.
1 D&D Expanded Psionics Handbook
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