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D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] The Lands of Harqual (Updated: Feb 3/2022)


World of Kulan DM
AD&D 2E Trading Card NPCs


Stats: hm / 7th level ex-cleric / lawful good
Homeland: Kingdom of Ahamudia
Source: D&D 2nd Edition 1993 Trading Card #429
Personality: Pious, forgiving, and troubled.
Description: As a young priest, Ahmintam offended his god, Satiria, by refusing to aid someone he did not deem worthy. (As a result, the injured party died.) Ahmintam now spends his days in repentance by giving aid to all who ask. He hopes that soon Satiria will see him as worthy again and once more grant him spells. (So far, the spell atonement has failed to work for him.)

Alea Thegal
Stats: hf / 6th level fighter / chaotic neutral
Homeland: The Northlands
Source: D&D 2nd Edition 1993 Trading Card #28
Personality: Boastful, ferocious, and untamed.
Description: Alea Thegal was raised in a matriarchal barbarian society in the frozen wastes of the Northlands. She left her tribe to discover the world around her and to make a name for herself as a swordswoman. Alea is proud of her fierce combat skills and does not hesitate to brag about them.
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World of Kulan DM
Alexander Songmaster
Stats: em (forest) / 4th level wizard, 6th level rogue / chaotic good
Homeland: The Forest Domain of Cadra
Source: D&D 2nd Edition 1993 Trading Card #494
Personality: Distant and withdrawn.
Description: Alexander Songmaster is a reclusive forest elf from the Cadra Forest, aloof even to his long-time traveling companions. An animal lover, he refuses to ride a horse, preferring to run. While he doesn't have any family or a familiar, he is extremely close to his pet cat, Maltinuial.

Audrianna Adayr, The Golden Archer
Stats: em (silver) / 12th level ranger / chaotic good
Homeland: The Forest Domain of Cadra
Source: D&D 2nd Edition 1993 Trading Card #141
Personality: Adorable, honorable, but haughty.
Description: The elven princess Audrianna Adayr is called the “Golden Archer” both for her deeds and her gold-colored elven chain mail; her main weapons (see below) represent the height of elven craftsmanship and are magical relics past down through her noble family.
Secrets and Notes: Audrianna wields two unique magical weapons, Hawksblade (+4 dancing flaming long sword – can cast detect evil [at will], cure light wounds [3/day], and cure critical wounds [1/day]) and Heartseeker (+4 seeking longbow [+3 Str] w/6 unique slaying arrows that only kill creatures that have a physical heart).
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World of Kulan DM
Basa Lianin, Spelljamming Patrician
Stats: hf / 8th level wizard (illusionist) / chaotic good
Homeland: The Rock of Bral
Source: D&D 2nd Edition (Spelljammer) 1993 Trading Card #37
Personality: Truthful, outspoken, and optimistic.
Description: A noble landowner on the Rock of Bral, with holdings in the City of Pretensa, in the Lands of Harqual, on the World of Kulan; Basa runs a small merchant company trading in silk, spices, and rare woods. A pirate captain founded her family in the early days of Bral, but Basa is an honest woman. She is a champion of good causes.

Bertilde the Brazen, Amazonian Bard
Stats: hf / 11th level bard / neutral
Homeland: The River Plains
Source: D&D 2nd Edition 1992 Trading Card #237, D&D 2nd Edition Rogues’ Gallery
Personality: Bold, unabashed, and fierce.
Description: An Amazon tribe of the River Plains, who found her as a wee babe and admired her size, raised Bertilde. Even then she was beefy and strong. She had a lusty voice, too, which she later put to use by inspiring her tribe in battle. When Bertilde learned she was a foundling, she left her sisters to seek her true identity, but never found it. She eventually settled in the Town of Haulia, where she supplements her meager earnings by wrestling a trained bear. Now, in her twilight years, her voice and muscles often fail her. Bertilde has become a friend to the hunter elves of the Verdalf Forest as ties between Haulia and the elves are cordial if not truly friendly. She has been spending more and more time in the forest, visiting with the elves and Halvarth, in particular. The Hunter Elf King has become her closet friend, in her waning year, although their relationship is platonic.
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World of Kulan DM
Griffon Broadleaf
Stats: hm / 11th level druid (the Daghdha) / neutral
Homeland: The Hallowed Lands
Source: D&D 2nd Edition 1993 Trading Card #267
Personality: Analytical, prideful, and mindful.
Description: A proud person, Griffon Broadleaf doesn't allow anyone (his companions included) to slander the Tenets of the Balance or his deity, the Daghdha. Defamation often happens because Griffon tends to over-analyze all situations, trying to gauge their importance to the Balance. However, Griffon strives to maintain an equilibrium wherever he goes as he knows that the Balance requires chaos, evil, good, and law as well as neutrality.

Harlo Everwinter
Stats: hm / 7th level bard / chaotic neutral
Homeland: City of Baermos (Wind Plains Region)
Source: D&D 2nd Edition 1992 Trading Card #235, D&D 2nd Edition Rogues’ Gallery
Personality: Glib, trendy, and catlike.
Description: Harlo began his career as foot soldier, for the militia of Baermos, but he retired after slicing off half his own foot in a battle. Thereafter, he devoted himself to entertaining, mostly to pay his bar tab. His musical talents are modest, but he compensates by spinning a great yarn while strumming his guitar in a manner that greatly enhances his story.
Secrets and Notes: Harlo always carries a hat of disguise with him.
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World of Kulan DM
Jeryth Sterrob
Stats: hf / 2nd level rogue / neutral
Homeland: The City-state of Deepwater
Source: D&D 2nd Edition (Forgotten Realms) 1993 Trading Card #267 [Justina Sittas]
Personality: Contemplative, straightforward, and resolute.
Description: This beautiful woman's job includes approaching every ship at the Deepwater piers every day to collect dock taxes. If taxes are not paid, the ship must leave port immediately. If the tax evaders refuse to leave the docks, she calls 2-8 constables who arrive in 2-20 rounds to arrest the fee dodgers.

Lady Elorelei
Stats: hf / 4th level bard / chaotic neutral
Homeland: Unknown
Source: D&D 2nd Edition 1992 Trading Card #234, D&D 2nd Edition Rogues’ Gallery
Personality: Accomplished, avaricious, and stormy.
Description: “Lady” Elorelei is only noble in appearance. Her parents were traveling performers, now retired. During the family’s travels, she saw many strange sights and learned every trick in the book. Her parents took great pains to see that Elorelei received a complete education including some handy “professional” skills. Nimble-fingered, this “lady” is a consummate thief who often pilfers from beguiled males, strolling through a crowd of patrons, as she performs.
Secrets and Notes: Elorelei’s dress of amazement gives her a +5 competence bonus on Sleight of Hand checks while she is using the Perform skill or her Bardic Music ability. The dress also adds 2 points to her Charisma score. The dress can take on any form, style, or color that she desires, but always appears of the finest quality. The dress doesn’t function without a light source nearby and a darkness spell negates any effect from the dress.
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World of Kulan DM
Miola Waites
Stats: ½ef / 5th level sorcerer / neutral evil
Homeland: The Belin Confederacy
Source: D&D 2nd Edition 1993 Trading Card #310 [changed class from wizard to sorcerer]
Personality: Spoiled, vindictive, and likes to take chances.
Description: Miola Waites is an embittered teen with a strange aptitude for magic. At the age of only 15 years, she has already achieved a great deal as a wizard. She is spoiled, always used to getting her own way, and she will not hesitate to kill those who get in her way.

Quallos de Vries, The Rake
Stats: hm / 2nd level swashbuckler / chaotic good
Homeland: The City-state of Deepwater
Source: D&D 2nd Edition (Forgotten Realms) 1993 Trading Card #304 [Artemus Dimartius]
Personality: Openhearted, prideful, and zany.
Description: Quallos de Vries is a swaggering buffoon with a good heart. He's far better at telling tales to impress the ladies in the bars of Deepwater than performing deeds of derring-do, but his skills are improving. His last 'duel' was with a thief that stole a lady's purse.
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World of Kulan DM
Stats: hm / 9th level sorcerer / lawful good
Homeland: Unknown
Source: D&D 2nd Edition 1993 Trading Card #92
Personality: Antic, indulgent, and talkative.
Description: Rethral is an oddball where wizards are concerned; he can be found anywhere where there is a large group of people that he can talk to. He sometimes overindulges with his wine.

Teryss, The Rat Piper, The Resourceful, The Screech
Stats: em (urbanite) / 5th level bard / chaotic good
Homeland: The City-state of Caloric
Source: D&D 2nd Edition 1992 Trading Card #236, D&D 2nd Edition Rogues’ Gallery [level has been changed]
Personality: Imaginative, distinctive, and perplexing.
Description: Teryss has always had a taste for city life appreciating its baser elements. By night, he uses his pipes of sounding to create a complex cacophony that only a few appreciate. By day, he clears the same establishments of vermin leading them into traps with his pipes of the sewer. He’s still waiting for his “big break.”
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World of Kulan DM
Whoops! Forgot one.

Calla, Amazonian Wizard
Stats: hf / 3rd level wizard / neutral
Homeland: The Storm Jungle
Source: D&D 2nd Edition 1992 Trading Card #303, D&D 2nd Edition Rogues’ Gallery
Personality: Happy-go-lucky, clever, and sober.
Description: Calla grew up in the Storm Jungle. Although her mother raised her in the ways of the shamans of her tribe, Calla did not want the life of a tribal shaman. Instead, she began wandering the Lands of Harqual, gaining knowledge and generally having a good time. She’s been traveling through the lands of Izmer and Shaule for over a year now. However, she feels guilty for abandoning her tribe, after hearing that war had broken out on the Storm Peninsula. Thus, she is heading home with her snake familiar, Issa.
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World of Kulan DM
A new, completely original Harqual NPC!

Beasley, Onan Merchant, Gentleman Thief
Stats: hm / 3rd level expert, 10th level rogue / chaotic good
Homeland: The Onan Territories
Source: Original
Personality: Bold, decisive, and protective.
Description: The man known as Beasley is considered a champion of the downtrodden in the city-state of Onaway. He is also considered one of the city-state's favored sons – a fine gentleman and a well respected middle-class merchant. And while he is those things, he is also a thief.

Beasley is the head of one of Onaway's smaller thieves' guilds – a guild that has no true name – and he often uses his position to counteract the behaviors of the cruelest noble families in Onaway.

While he and his guild steal from the rich and help the unfortunate, Beasley realizes that his guild needs income, so a portion of the group's take is used to fill the guild's coffers. Bribery is is required evil in Onaway and Beasley has managed to save many of his guild members from the hangman's noose by bribing the right official at just the right time.

Beasley's guild has a alliance, of sorts, with the Tiger Guild located in the Eastern Shores. The agreement is a simple one – the two guilds share information back and forth. This has helped Beasley learn about the eastern lands and he now believes his guild needs to grow beyond Onaway in such an uncertain world.
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World of Kulan DM
And another...

Claris, The Mistress Arcanist of Onaway
Stats: hf / 2nd level fighter, 8th level wizard / neutral good
Homeland: The Onan Territories
Source: Original
Personality: Austere, coquettish, and resolute.
Description: Claris is enigmatic and extraordinary for an Onan woman. She started out her life simply as a member of the Onan Guardsmen. She would have likely continued on that path if she hadn't met an elven wizard, named Bactra Redwind, from the Eastern Shores. He and his companions traveled to Onaway to negotiate an alliance and in the complex negotiations that followed, Claris was exposed to arcane magic.

Bactra took on Claris as a student and lover even when he and two of his associates went underground in Onaway to uncover a plot by the Onan Senator Eagleon Hammervein, a evil dwarf who turned out to be the infamous villain known as The Fancy Bandit. She helped them uncover the dwarf's evil deeds and clear their names.

Shortly after the elven wizard left Onaway, Claris gained control of a crumbling tower in the city-state and became the first openly known arcanist in the Onan Territories. She has had to face prejudice from Onan society ever since, since arcane magic is shunned in the city-state. Her greatest supporter is the Lord of Onaway, Than LaMarche, who wants Onan society to learn to accept arcane magic. So far, it has been a struggle for Claris to find any willing apprentices.
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