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L2: The Dragon's Maw (Erekose13 judging)


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scratching his head in utter confusion. kermis has no idea if he should respond or if he was even being addressed to begin with. shrugging very deeply kermis simply gives the others a look of concern regarding the crazed elf and simply slinks a bit closer to valan.

ooc - just fyi kermis isnt a half orc. although by rights i shouldve made him one.

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Josef Graner

After a considerable wait, a door finally opens to reveal a man. He is not particularly hadsome, and his clothes though not particularly fancy or expensive looking, are made of materials not common among the other people of the town.

"I am glad that Mr. Dez has arranged matters so quickly in Orussus." The man pauses and gives the group an appraising look. "You should all do fine in completing this simple task. Mr. Dez should have informed you that you will be retrieving an item of personal property that was stolen from me, and hidden."

"I have arranged for you to question the miscreant. You surely must have questions pertinate to this work."

Then without a pause, the man turns from the room, apparantly leading you once more outside.


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starting to ask a question kermis is suddenly silenced as the man quickly turns to leave the room. he glances about and follows the man.


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Valan also follows, matching step with Kermis as well as one could.
"Ah, looks like we get to question someone! Kermis, I'll be doing some talking while we're questionging him, I need you to look big and mean. Of course you're not mean, but we're going to try to intimidate him."

OOC: [sblock] All of my will power not so say "Valan follows the slightly descript man out"[/sblock]


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kermis smiles entirely too broadly at the prospect of having to look 'Big and Mean' turning back towards valan he says "KERMIS KNOW WHAT TO DO VALAN." enthusiastically nodding his head. turning back to the man who was speaking to them, tapping the man roughly on the shoulder kermis boldly asks"WHERE MISS KREE ANT." mispronouncing the name of the person.

ooc - lol...i forsee many vaugly described NPCs in our future. but anyways. does the man actually lead us to another person or where is he taking us.
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As the party follows the man from the house, who BTW ...

stands about 5' 7". His hair is a rather dull brown, and shines with sparse blond or grey hairs. It is slightly receding, forming a barely recognizable peak in the middle. He has an odd nose, wide at the bridge, but then narrows and eventually flairs again towards the tip. His brown eyes never seem to make contact with any of the adventurers, and reveal no great intelligence, but present a distracted air. His chin slopes nearly unnoticeably into his neck, which itself is indistict, giving the impressesion that his head is a child's top that has been stuck on his body.

He wears a coat over his shirt and vest. His fingernails are long but well groomed. A large green stain marks both the palm and back of his left hand.

His coat is brown, his vest blue, his shirt white, his pants brown, and as he walks his socks can be obversed to be egg yolk yellow. His clothes are all clean and well pressed; however, his brown shoes are scuffed and marked.

His gait is fairly even, though his gaze rarely leaves the ground. Close observation reveals that his head slightly weaves as his turns.


The man does not lead the party back into the middle of gregsport or towards the harbor, but further along his own street, bringing you eventually to a building whose architecture reveals it to be a temple.


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taking absolutly no notice of the man leading, kermis is awed by the new sites, including the temple. "OOOH" he murmurs

ooc- do we know which god the temple belongs too?


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Hmm says Valan thoughtfully I was expecting a stockade, maybe the lad is a son of a preacher?

OOC:[sblock] :heh: :eek: :confused: :D :lol: O, man it's not good to laugh that hard at work for seemingly no reason.[/sblock]


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Aazwen Shadewood - L1 Perfectly Normal Ranger

The trek to the temple was uneventful. Aazwen enjoyed the trip as he waltzed--literally--along the street, taking up the rear guard, as it were, for the group. He could use some social dancing lessons, but at least he remained upright, stepped on no one's feet but his own and graciously stopped waltzing when arriving at the temple's facade.

That he stopped ostensibly because he ran rather forcefully into the temple's facing wall itself, should really bear no impact upon the otherwise quite adequate performance.

Rubbing his nose as he peers at the temple's interesting construction from but a scant fraction of a finger's-breadth, he says in a very prophet-like manner, "Tremble all ye sinners! For ye're days are numbered! Enter yon temple at ye're peril if ye not intends to be absolved and drawn back to the path of righteousness!" He then slips around behind everyone else, relative to the temple's entrance and says in a little pipsqueaky voice, "After ye...you."

Voidrunner's Codex

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