L4W Discussion Thread III


First Post
I think I agree. Not to mention by putting a limiter like that on things you encourage people to play through the slow times and the lower levels. Because as much as I love making a new character I'd much rather watch him quickly skyrocket to epic tier.

I think third would be fine. For most people you'd have to be in the community steadily for probably 6-8 months to achieve third level I'd imagine. Maybe a bit less or bit more if you hopped into a larger adventure.

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First Post
The following sources have now largely been approved, with some adjustments:
  • Forgotten Realms Player’s Guide
  • Martial Power
  • Wish Upon A Star (Warlock article)
Ahhhh []D [] []v[] []D. (Yah, that's right, I'm going back 12 years with that one.)

I do feel that a player should have reached a level threshold before starting a second character. Otherwise the adventures are going to be flooded with the same people and it appears this forum are strapped for judges/DM's. When I browsed the active PCs, only a small group have been edited in 2009.


First Post
I'd like to hear from stonegod as well when they added 2nd PC's to Living Eberron? I don't have an issue with adding a 2nd PC, but I agree that it might swell the #'s in the tavern.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'd like to hear from stonegod as well when they added 2nd PC's to Living Eberron? I don't have an issue with adding a 2nd PC, but I agree that it might swell the #'s in the tavern.
It was roughly 6-8months after. The tavern was a bit empty w/ everybody out on adventures.


First Post
My idea with second characters has always been that there's a strong suggestion that if you have one PC on an adventure and one at the tavern, and there are players with only one PC who are looking for adventure at the tavern, you let the one PC players have the adventure slots first. It's just courtesy.

I don't mind a "wait till your first PC is level 2" limit. I think level 3 is a bit long given the pace of PbP, but wouldn't worry overmuch if that's what folks think is the right level.


First Post
I do feel like the "wait till your first character is level x" is a good choice. It both limits the rate of entries, and gives a "prize" os sorts to people who stick with the community for longer. I'd go with level 3, but eh...


First Post
I'll be on vacation and away from the internet for a week, and should be back to posting on 3/15. Try not to finalize any proposals without me! Especially ones that relate to oversized weapons! :)


First Post
Have fun, relax and enjoy the weather (I hope you're going somewhere tropical... wait you live in LA... nice and warm there, not like the Great White North

Lord Sessadore

Have fun, relax and enjoy the weather (I hope you're going somewhere tropical... wait you live in LA... nice and warm there, not like the Great White North
Yeah, but there are some things you can do up here you just can't down there in sunny-ville. Like tobogganing. Mind you, tobogganing down a hill with 50km/h winds blowing up the hill when it's -20C can be a bit ... chilly ;) (I was doing that Thursday night, haha.)

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