L4W Discussion Thread V

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The Missing Professor, DM by HMG, is stuck in the same round since July 27th... does anyone know what is happening to HMG and if he is suppose to show up soon?

Voda Vosa

First Post
Hi all. I have a lot of apologizing to do. I've been entirely overwhelmed with RL since January, and this summer it all came to ahead. I kept telling myself I'll make it back to ENWorld, but alas it has not yet happened.
[MENTION=46559]covaithe[/MENTION], [MENTION=79620]Ozymandias79[/MENTION]: I need to take a hiatus, but I don't want to leave my players hanging any longer than necessary. I'll send you a prospectus on the basic story lines for my two ongoing adventures, with instructions on how to best close them out. I fear that it will not be terribly detailed. If you are busy, please delegate this responsibility to someone who has the ambition to do so.

I did so want to finish this story out, but I am simply not going to have the time until some time next spring, and that's too long to ask anyone to wait.

Thanks for many memories, laughs, adventures, and general comraderie. I will never forget, and I WILL BE BACK!

I suppose you read this? You gave him xp for it so...

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
I'm for just resolving them, giving xp and whatnot. I'll be taking an indefinite break from L4W soon, but it'd be nice to get some completion for all my characters before I go should I want to return in the future.

Voda Vosa

First Post
I'm waiting for someone to do that for Land Ho! So that Sheng may return to actively play. Namely the appointed champions, [MENTION=46559]covaithe[/MENTION] or [MENTION=79620]Ozymandias79[/MENTION]


First Post
Hey I got a quick question, a judge pointed out that my character doesn't have a Background or a Theme. What are they?
I'm guessing they're different from the character's backstory. Is there a list of them you can choose from?

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