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L5R Riddles


OK so the L5R Enlightenment challange is thus:

“The smith who can craft a helmet strong enough to shatter one thousand blades shall keep the Book of Earth. The scholar who can contain one thousand years of learning on a single parchment shall keep the Book of Air. The warrior who can defeat a thousand enemies in a single stroke shall keep the Book of Fire. The general who can lead his armies from one end of the Empire to the other in a single night shall keep the Book of Water. The sage who can perform a task greater than these four things combined shall keep the Book of the Void. And to the truly enlightened soul who can complete all five of these tasks shall become the Keeper of the Five Rings.”

What ways of solving these tasks do you think there are?

The same story that featured the riddles has 1 possible solution for the Riddle of Air. (A Warrior stopped a war by tearing up the former treaty)

Any other creative suggestions for solving the tasks?

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