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Lack of Interest in MOTW?


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It seems like less people are discussing the release of this book then were discussing previous books, like S&S and T&B? Is this simply because thieves and bards are played a lot more than rangers, barbarians and druids, or have people simply gotten tired of the numerous class books? Anyone else find this as well?

Personally, I've been waiting half a year for this book to come out, hopefully so I can find a decent prestige class for my barbarian, but from what I've heard so far, the book focuses mostly on the ranger and the druid. I've pre-ordered it already.

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In fact there was quite a bit of discussion just a few weeks ago when the feats list was released. Since then, there has been very little info other than feat lists and prestige classes.

Once the book has been released into general circulation, you should see much more conversation about how broken it is. :D


That's Latin for "cool"

I'm not a fan of the class books. They tend to fall into the same pattern:

*Three pages of useful stuff that explains the trickier parts of the core rules in detail.
*Organizations that largely don't fit my campaign.
*Feats and Prestige classes that may or may not have been playtested.
*New spells that may or may not have been playtested.

For every problem the class books solve they seem to introduce another, if not two. And don't get me started on how bards were all but overlooked in Song & Silence.

That being said, I understand people like them and of course folks are free to purchase whatever they wish.


I've had the opposite impression. From what I've read on the boards there is a lot of interest about the book, from people discussing the new feats and spells to people impatiently inquiring about the release date. Seems like a lot of interest to me, but then again impressions are very subject.

I for one am more interested in this book than most of the others, probably because I'm interested in what goodies my lizardfolk druid may be able to acquire. :D


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Well, I was really excited about it and had been waiting basically since they announced class books to start with. I was cursing Wizards for not releasing it on Feb 1, because our campaign is in (in-game) winter downtime and I have a feat slot to spend and plenty of time for new skills and making new magic items. I wanted to have this book before I resolved that stuff and the campaign continued.

Unfortunatly, the guy who DMs my druid seems to have decided that all the cool stuff I've been reading about in there would make my druid too powerful and outshine the magic users too much*. The end result seems to be I won't actually get to make much use of the book, which has put a serious damper on my enthusiasm. It'll still be cool, but I'm just not quite as excited as I used to be.

One of my players is really looking forward to it since he's playing a ranger in both the campaign with my druid and in the campaign I run (where the other DM is a wizard).

* (Evidently, this is a problem even without MotW. I chalk it up more, in part, to everyone else being multiclassed characters (at least one of whom is triple-classed!) who dabble in magic while I'm a single classed druid, and also to the fact that the closest we have to a real wizard in that campaign is a specialist illusionist who can't do evocation, while this can be very effective, it still makes him seem less powerful than the druid who is slinging flame strikes and things like that. )


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I hope, Max that your DM at least waits until you have the book and he can read over the feats, spells stc before outright banning them.

I personally hate when a DM says that he won't allow this book or that PcC beacuse he 'heard' that it was unbalanced. Never read about himself mind you just 'heard' (probably from them )

And you are right - a single classed wizard/cleric etc. will always outshine the multiclassers when it comes to spell flinging.

For myself I have been very happy with the classbooks and do plan on getting MotW. I really couldn't care less if it has been 'playtested' or not since I will decide what to use and what to ditch based on my campaign. So far I have banned or altered about 10-20% of the feats & spells from my campaign (and altered one domain in DotF). The ones I've banned have mostly been because it either doesn't fit with my campaign or I think it is over/under powered (mostly over - Energy Admixture comes to mind)
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I've seen a copy. I haven't gotten to play with it yet of course.

My general impression is favorable. The mechanics updates are useful, thought the most important one IE: The wildshape rules are availible for free on the wizards website. The feats are cool. Some of them seem a little too powerful, and other seem to be there just because the author liked them, regardless of thier connection to MotW. Others are way past due.

Most of the Prestige classes are pretty good, in my opinion. There seems to be a pretty even mix of classes intended for Barbarians, Rangers and Druids. One of the classes would be way over the top except that you need to be able to cast 3rd level spells to get into it, and then it does not provide a single spell casting bonus or level. And the oozemaster might just beat out the alienist for sheer icky weirdness.

Some of the new spells are cool, though I don't think they really thought through the effects of the extend and persistant spell feats on the 'Regeneration' group.

Just my 2¢

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