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Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter X


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“… Make them suffer!” the high priestess Andress spat, blood dripping from her lips, self-inflicted wounds glistening. The blood mixed with the dark crimson and black of her robes; the scourge she was brandishing in her hand slick with it as well.

“Despair, you blind and suffering fools! Your pain and sorrow will be but wine in my chalice! You sought refuge in the hands of a weak god, but it is Loviatar who now holds your fate!” the deranged priestess prattled on maniacally.

Smoke from a large cauldron permeated throughout the chamber, an enormous skeletal creature stood menacingly near it, the soul of Chastity wailing from within its abdomen.

Rounding out the foes that faced the party was their old companion Andreas, the elven wizard now bent and twisted from torture, bent to the will of Andress and her cult.

The group fought on, for what felt like an eternity, their minds torn between the dangers of their situation and the torment of being forced to fight a friend, the agony of yet another’s pain filling their ears in the background.

Eventually Andreas fell, beheaded by the blade of the elven swordsman. Andress’ protection though, on the other hand, was a far larger problem. Her faith continued to be unyielding and soon all looked lost. It was then that a dark swirl of shadow appeared and a somber dirge began to play. Andress’ eyes became wide with fear and rage as she beheld the form of Ayden materialize out of the shadows. The priest looked different than the others remembered him, having seen him swallowed up by Broddy’s tome not that long ago. The man looked older somehow, Five, ten years or more, they could not tell. He looked grizzled, hard… cold. His chin rested on a wicked looking violin as he played a sinister song.

“No!” shrieked Andress. “This cannot be! She would not interfere!” The distraction was all that was needed, at least it appeared to be so anyway, as Sielwoodan’s arrow pierced the high priestesses’ heart.

With the priestess dead the creature itself fell not long after and Chastity’s soul had been saved. At least that’s what the companions had hoped. While they had been successful in extracting her soul from the creature and returning it to Chastity’s body, that soul was forever scarred by the experience. The girl meandered around for weeks, a hollow look in her eyes, never saying a word. It was those haunting eyes they generally remembered when they thought back on how they found her, one short month after her “rescue,” dead in a corner of her room, eyes gouged out; an obvious suicide.

It was this that tore them apart. No one was the same anymore after that. Calenthang was growing darker and more morbid by the week; growing restless at the lack of drow to slay. To say that Ayden’s relationship with Broddy was tense was an understatement and the priest-dirge refused to explain his mysterious reappearance or his new aura.

The party decided to go their own way shortly after but forces beyond their control have brought them back within close proximity of each other, within proximity of a great event; a great evil. Will they be able to rejoin and co-exist with each other in order to stop it?

Lolth has fallen silent.

Each midnight, the priestesses in their darkened chambers send their pleas to the Demonweb Pits, but they receive no answer. They gain no spells. They hear no reassurances that Lolth has not abandoned them, still watches over them, or even remains alive.
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The day havn't yet come. The horizon is blue and teh sun is about to appears. But it is already an hour that Sielwoodan is awaken. He is in the stable, taking care of Felmir. Taking a brush he is rubbing the mule's back, but the mules tries to catch the brush with his teeth. Also, a large scare appear on his back. It is fresh but it will heal with time.

"Relax Felmir. I didn't saw the drow. I'm happy you have seen it, or I would have been backstabbed and I might be one of the death." The mule seems to ignore Sielwoodan and continue to bite in direction of the brush. "Relax." The ranger put his hand on Felmir necks and start to rub him behind the ears. Felmir starts to relax, but he seems to continue to ignore his master. "Thank you Felmir, I owe you one." As he finish to rub the mule, he takes out some carrots out of his backpack. "Here for you, you earned them." The Mule seems happy and start to avidely eats his reward.

Sielwoodan walks back inside the Inn. He takes a seats next to the fire and start to relax. He removes his sleaves and starts to put a balm on a wound on his arm. Nothing serious thought the archer, just the backstab that have miss the heart. Sielwoodan had turned around and avoid most of the blow when Felmir shout when the drow appeared behind him. The archer had to push the assassin who falled on Felmir and the drow's blades scratch the Mule on all his back as he falled. Felmir didn't liked it and crush the drow head. The archer had to put an arrow trhough the heart of two others. He was on his way to Daggerdale region after he had recieved a message.


Your bow is needed. Come to the Valiant Gryphon. There is trouble in the Daggerdale region. Drows are...

That was all. The message had been almost burned and the messenger had been killed on the way. It is another person who found him, a scout working for Sielwoodan. The scout had found it on the body of an harper scout. The symbol at his neck was clear on his position in the organization. Sielwoodan had accepted a position for two years in the elven army. He had taken this decision to change his mind. Chastety fate had disturbed him. Not because she killed herself... but because he had expected it. He needed to change his mind and for that, he needed to be occupied. So he had trained with the elite guards. His duty was about to finish and he couldn't leave before that time. When it come to an end, Sielwoodan was happy. He never felt good in the organization. He liked his solitary nature and being at the head of a small scout patrol wasn't the kind of responsability he liked. He always prefered to leave the position of authority to other... to Ayden for example. But nothing could be done for now. Broddy told if he could find something from his book, he would warned him. He got no news about it yet. Sielwoodan always wondered what really happen during there fight against Andress. How could Ayden appeared in the mist of the fight?

So he left and travel to the Daggerdale Region, alone with Felmir. That makes him feels good. He came at the sight of a small town by the night. It is there he got attaked. He could have get killed against the drow skirmishers, but support quickly came to his help. And that support had a familiar name. Calenthang. It seems to the ranger, the elven warrior hadn't changed... or maybe it has. The elven warrior seemed to put even more fervor into his fight, he seems more violent and darker. Sielwoodan knew that instinct. Hatred against an enemy. He don't know why the warrior had such an hatred against the drows, but that wasn't his concern.

Two others groups of skrimishers had been stopped. Teleri was among the ones who protected the village. Sielwoodan saw her last night, as she was attending at some wounded. Sielwoodan heard others was here. He didn't knew who yet, but they would come here this morning. That would be strange. After two years...

He wonders, how the group will be able to rebuild over the ash of so many lost friends. This group seemed cursed, and no leader had emerged from teh last moments of teh group, since the lost of Ayden... who will be able to keep that group together... maybe the one who wrote down that message.
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First Post
~ Interlude ~

Kaus'beyod was not a big dwarven city by any standards and the populace was strongly anything but; it was only a "dwarven" city because of who governed it, a hoary veteran from Citadel Felbarr who ventured into the Underdark and claimed a piece of land as his own.
A bastion of the goodly races, Kaus'beyod attracted those few adventurers, merchants, and passing soldiers that needed shelter from the darkness beyond. It was here Calenthang decided to return so often between his visits to the wild to gather intelligence on nearby surface raids and drow contingents in the tunnels. It was here a lone Harper agent contacted the elven warrior.
Calenthang was immediately impressed with the half-orc. Clearly more powerful than he, Calenthang didn't bother getting offended when Jhul sat down at his otherwise empty table.
"Daggerdale" was all the Harper had to say for Calenthang's ears to perk up. "Drow" made his eyes narrow and set him on his course for the realms above. A land he had not visited in a little under two years.

~ Ambushed ~

Calenthang grinned as the three dark elves came around the bend in the tunnel, chatting silently in their rapid handtalk. The wood elf could make out a few of the words they exchanged with eyes that had finally adjusted to the lightless Underdark. He understood that one of the three, clearly the leader, was breaking off from the others, unknowingly leading them right in front of the hidden hunter.
Drow are not as easy to fool as some of the lesser races wandering in the World Below, as Calenthang learned in his first few weeks there, but drow are arrogant; they never expect to be hunted by iblith and they never expected the copper-toned elf to be magically invisible.
The hunter’s grip on his sword tensed as his prey came closer.

A surface elf, the most hated of all the races, appeared before the dark elf just as a hand closed over its mouth and an impossibly sharp sword slid into its ribcage, behind the sternum.

The drow elf was dead before Calenthang removed his sword from its chest and as she, for the scouting elf was definitely female, fell to the cavern floor with a muffled thud, the hunter ran to the adjacent rock wall and quaffed his remaining potion of invisibility with no time to relish the kill.
The two dark elves that held back set into motion as soon as they saw their former leader hit the ground, stunned by how quickly she was dispatched. One fired a notorious hand crossbow just as the fleeing murderer winked out of existence.
Calenthang circled around to his original position after avoiding the poisoned dart and crouched against the stones, again waiting for his prey to come to him.
The heavily armed drow flashed a command in their intricate sign language at the archer, who might also have been a spellcaster. The archer signed back just as quickly something meaning a “lack of knowledge” or a “lack of memory.” They locked glares.
A wizard, then.
The fighter moved forward and checked the pulse of the dead woman. He started to shake to let his companion know she didn’t make it, but his head was plummeting into the darkness before he could finish the gesture.
Visible once again, Calenthang had nowhere to hide and his enemy was already taking advantage. A small dart stabbed into the hunter’s shoulder and he could feel his limb starting to go numb. The hardened warrior shook-off the effects of the drow poison, pulled out the dart forcefully, and bore-down on the wizard who wasn’t expecting him to remain conscious.
The mage cast a barrage of energy missiles at the approaching menace and one, two, three they pulsed into Calenthang’s body, doing little to slow him down.
The sword made by Shevarash’s faithful, made extra potent against dark elves, slashed a deep gash into the wizard’s abdomen. He stared down in horror as so much of his insides were bared and couldn’t concentrate enough to cast another spell, this one to transport him far from the faery elf that carried such a cruel blade.
Calenthang finished him with another downward slash and left his heaped remains untouched. Let the carrion crawlers sort it out.

~ Reunion ~

Calenthang reached the surface two hours later than he had intended, a few hours before dusk, but was ultimately glad for the dark elven obstacle from earlier that morning because the setting sun was at once a welcome sight and a painful endeavor. His eyes were made for the surface however, and he soon blinked the stars away.
With quite a distance yet to travel, Calenthang set a pace he could maintain well into the next morning, leaving him plenty of time to think on the things that passed and that were sure to come.
It was odd enough that the drow had posted a guard at one of thousands of entrances into the black labyrinth below, but the slain female, a generic priestess of the demon-spawn Lolth, didn’t put up much of a fight in the hunter’s view. Perhaps she was not as powerful as he thought, what with such a small retinue of bodyguards. Certainly not worth the two hours of patient study Calenthang invested before drawing the three drow from their camp to slaughter. He stuck a feather in his metaphysical cap all the same; proud to trample on Lolth’s clergy.
Dusk came and went and the trees had thinned behind him hours ago, and it was then that he noticed the soft indentations spaced around the trail of some equestrian animal and its owner. Arrogance made the drow less careful on the surface. Arrogance gave their tracks away as sure as an ogre’s lumbering stride.
The dark hunter, bane of the Underdark denizens, rose from his crouched inspection and hurried across the plateau at a sprint, after the drow raiders. Not knowing or caring who or what their intended target was, just meaning to spoil their plans.
After a few miles, the tracks seemed to slow, seemed to have shorter spaces between them. They had found their quarry…but by the close-set pattern of the other sets of tracks, the quarry was just as aware of the drow as they were of it.
Calenthang narrowed his eyes in consternation and kept moving, straining his ears to pick up even the slightest sounds of battle. They couldn’t be far now.
The view over the next rise shed some light on the situation. Only miles from bustling Daggerdale, a lone rover and his pet mule were fending off a small party of dark elves, the animal putting up as much of a fight as its owner. Calenthang knew few that could hold-off four drow raiders, but he didn’t know any drow raiders that could hold-off one Calenthang. So he charged into a skirmish for the first time in two years and not for the last time did he revel in the blood that sprayed across his face when he opened the spine of the first raider he came to.
The first raider crumpled to its knees and the other three, all showing gashes here and there the wanderer must have produced, one even with an arrow jutting from its thigh, turned red eyes to the wood elf. Calenthang’s vision went black as he was engulfed in a magical globe of darkness, but the trained warrior just barked a laugh and killed with his eyes closed.
In the end, Calenthang knew who he fought beside. His former ranger companion always fought with measured grace, never letting ego or emotions get in the way.
“It has been a long time, friend Sielwoodan.”
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First Post
Teleri left the house of healing, stretching to relieve muscles cramped by hours of tending to the wounded, courtesy of the drow raiders who had attacked the night before. Her now silvery-white hair gleamed in the fading light and her bright blue eyes were haunted by past memories.

The past two years had changed the young elf, both from without and within. War and death and constant conflict had matured her, some would say rather too quickly.

Those who knew her from before would hardly recognize her, save for the mithril sword strapped to her back, a sword that had never left her side since she had found the enchanted blade.

Ye be getting too maudlin over things that ye couldn't stop. Knock it off girlie. A pint'll do you good I be thinkin. The gruff voice of the former dwarven princess echoed in her head.

You're probably right. . Teleri replied silently with a wry, inward smile.

I'm always right. The dwarf-possessed blade shot back.

Teleri entered the local tavern and ordered her usual dwarven stout and after a few months of coming regularly to the place, the bartender didn't so much as blink at her odd choice of drink. She also ordered a good meal of hearty stew and dark bread and settled down at a table to eat and drink, hopefully in peace, thinking about the attacks from the night before.
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[sblock]Just getting things started here guys. Feel free to back-post to describe how everyone met back up if you like, but as the scene opens to start the adventure, you all have gathered together in the same room for the first time in 2 years, called individually to come together before Randal Morn. With that said, let's get this show on the road! :) [/sblock]


You have received an urgent summons to the hall of Lord Randal Morn, ruler of Daggerdale. Randal Morn has governed the war-torn dale for more than four years now. Under his wise guidance, much of the damage done by the decades-long Zhent occupation has been repaired, and the folk of Daggerdale have begun to prosper again. The heroic story of Randal Morn's resistance against the Zhents and the restoration of his throne is widely known throughout the Dalelands.

The Lord of Daggerdale does not stand on ceremony, and he personally greets you at the doors of his hall. Leading you to a comfortable study lined with bookshelves, he calls for refreshments. Shortly fine wine is served, deep blood red in color. "I thank you for coming so quickly," he begins. "I'd heard that the lot of you have a past together, and you have a reputation as courageous problem-solvers. Well, I think I have a problem that needs solving."

"Seven days ago, a band of drow raided several farms and freeholds about ten miles south of here. A number of people were killed, and the marauders caused much damage. Local militia tracked the drow band to the vicinity of an old set of crypts on the western edge of the Dagger Hills. Rumor has it that those crypts conceal an entrance to the Underdark."

"Three nights ago, the drow raiders returned and caused even more damage. I think the time has come for some experienced and capable adventurers to put a stop to these raids. We haven't had trouble with drow in Daggerdale for hundreds of years, and I have no idea what has stirred them up now. So the question begs... Can you help me?"

~Elsewhere - Deep in the Underdark~

The man's feet dragged across the chiseled stone floor as the drow on either side of him pulled him into the chamber. They held him up roughly and it was then that his eyes caught sight of her. Such a bizzare appearance. A drow, female, skin so white as if it were made of porcelain. Her perfectly shaved head shone like a moon in his eyes. She scared him. All drow scared him, obviously, but there was something about this one, so alien, that terrified him. The smile she wore didn't help matters...

"You will help me..." she chided. "But please, before we discuss business, do join me for a drink..." The man's eyes widened as the drow raised her hand to him, brandishing on her hand a wicked looking finger cuff, the end sharpened to a razor's edge. A young female servant was by her side, holding a silver goblet, which she raised towards his neck. The man was totally helpless as he stared, into nothingness trying not to scream as the albino drow dug skillfully into his neck, not deep enough to kill, but enough for his lifeblood to flow freely.

"'Tis a shame we only have one cup," she teased. "But I, Irae T'ssaran am ever the cordial hostess. I will allow you the first drink, I insist..." her smile ever widening. A cold shiver ran down the man's spine.


First Post
~Ten minutes prior~

His throat felt as if it had been a fortnight since any liquid had touched it, even though an untouched wine glass sat full beside him at the table. He did not know if his nerves would handle the strain of seeing them all again, not after what he had done to them.

To Her...for her...

Morn had welcomed him with no questions, no doubt his entrance was smoothed out well in advance by those who Harp, but he kept his hands refused to cease their slight tremor when the man looked at him with those battle hardened eyes that kept Daggerdale, and her people, secure from harm. Then the others began to arrive and he had to bury his hands under his cloak to hide the shaking.

~Be reborn...or be damned...the choice is yours and this will be the last chance either of us get...~


Morn's gaze sought out each of those who had answered his call and when the gaze settled upon him, his first thought was to say that those assembled would be of more help than he could ever offer. Each had came into the meeting hall with their weapons and armor, ready to charge out in a moment's notice if that was what was needed of them. There was a time when he would have done the same, smiling at the prospect of them dressing as heroes from a minstrel's tale, but those memories belonged to a different man, a better man, a man who would not have betrayed those he once called his friends.

~You convinced her...you watched her....then you fled...~

Pulling the hood back from his face, the man looked at Morn and nodded his head as his raspy voice, a hollow sound from a shade of the man they all recognized.

"I will give what help Finder can provide..."

~And only what Finder can give, as Ayden has nothing left...~
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First Post
Teleri walked into the room, after Morn's messenger's came to the house of healing. She was dressed simply without much ornamentation or frills. Two rings, one a signet ring, another her holy symbol and another silver holy symbol hung from her neck were her sole decorations. As she had changed, so had her former companions. The now silver-haired elf started forward as the cloaked man pulled back his hood.

"Ayden?" she gasped, looking at the pale, gaunt and weary man before her, like he had seen and been through the absolute worst anyone could go through and lived. If you could call it living.


First Post
The concern in the priestess' voice cut through Ayden like a knife, and the urge to run back to his sanctuary was a strong one to resist.

~You were released...if you return, they may grant your request this time...~


Ayden's dry voice managed to stay steady, but as Morn looked at the exchange between the two of them, Ayden hoped the man who asked them here had not pried too deeply into who the Harpers would send.


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~Ten minutes prior~

Sielwoodan walks in the hall way, in direction of teh room where the Lord is suppose to meet the group. He hears the servants steps on the marble floor, there whispers fills the room that echo back all of it. The noise humans do is annoying to the elf's ears. At the opposite, he walk without a sound, someone next to him coudl barely hear him breath. It is a second nature to the ranger who always liked the silence of the nature, where the noise of the river and the cricket mix into a melody. Humans are just noise.

When he entered the room, Sielwoodan stop a moment. He would have expected many person in this room, but not him. For quick moment, it disturb him but that moment was gone like a ligtning bolt in the stormy sky. He walks toward the two priest without a noise. As he approach, he felt something between teh two. It seems the unexpected meeting was disturbing the young elf.

Ayden only felt an hand on his shoulder. It was calm and gentle. "Welcome back, friend." tells the archer. As Ayden turned around, he could almost swear he has seen a smile on the ranger's face... or was it his imagination?


First Post
Teleri let her gaze fall on Seilwooden and Calenthang, knowing that two years would mean little to those who lived centuries and then turned back to Ayden, their former leader. "We parted on fell terms, didn't we?" she asked quietly, her voice one of regret and haunted memories. "I am sorry for what happened my friend. It wasn't your fault." she smiled a little, but it was sad.

Though for her, two years seemed like such a small amount of time, most of those who knew her from before are struck at how much she has changed. She seemed steadier and much more in control of herself, as if ten or even twenty years had been compressed down into two.
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