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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Chapter 1 - Homeless)


Kel ponders whether he should still be involved in this venture, he has after all done what was asked of him, he has escorted the rabble to the ruins and has found them a home. The thought of ridding the world of some goblins though does hold a certain amount of appeal.

"Hmm, a back door would make things simpler" he concurs.

OOC: That'll learn me for living over the other side of the world and not being able to particpate as actively (because no one is online to reply). I check daily (except on weekends) and post when appropriate, when something new has happened or to respond to people - oh well 50xp behind, it's a challenge to catch up now ;). I'll have to brush up on my roleplaying. I thought the running, verbal sparring with Rix was appropriate (but seeing as though we had a crash all evidence of that has now gone) and, seeing as though Kel doesn't actually like these people and just wants them out of his life (and his people's woods), not getting involved in what the party is getting up to is very astute roleplaying ;) but, if it's going to cost him xp by playing in character, I'd best be changing tactics :D

Apologies for the delay in reposting the PC, I'm still catching up on creating PCs and am very busy at work.

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Deuce Traveler

Your kobold guide, Linds, considers you for a moment before answering. "Maybe there is a secret exit that leads from the leader's living chamber (room 10) to somewhere behind hill. Is rumor I heard from All-Watcher's woman, once, but only All-Watcher would know and maybe goblin leader knows, maybe not. Another tunnel goes from animal pens (room 2) to leader's throne room for possible escape. Is on east wall. A real kobold finds no problem. And you no need to sneak. You have big ones with. They chop slice!" The kobold, Linds, makes some quick jabbing and cutting motions with his knife. "Oh, and traps too difficult for dumb goblins. Except for pit trap in front of throne room (room 9), by south door. That drops with switch at throne."

You pocketed the journal before.

Land Outcast

"Yeha, we "chop slice"..." Alexander smiles to himself, even though vicious, these kobolds can lighten the mood when they are not trying to bite a piece off you

"To me it seems settled, we take out the guards at the entrance silently, then sneak inside to the eastern room. That way we get to the Scum Chief's room in no time, then it becomes her turn" -touches his sheathed scimitar with his punching dagger (which by the way, is a broken blade tied to his forearm with leather underneath)-

"Are we ready to go?"


Rix nods, for once he and the half-orc are in agreement about something. "Let us go then." He thanks the kobold helping them with the map in draconic, also sending his regards to the All-Watcher for their cooperation.


Kel stands back and watches the exchange, feeling even more an outcast than previously "Seems the orc and kobold are starting to form a friendship" he thinks to himself as he waits.

"I am ready, let's cleanse the kobold home of goblins so we can move the refuges in here" the elf druid says tersely.

Deuce Traveler

The party moves onward, with Rix in the lead. You approach the crest of the green hill and see what looks like a cave opening topped by a ceiling of red stone. From your vantage point at the end of some bushes, you can make out the shapes of two hunched goblins who are tossing around a game of dice. One is armed with a spear, while the other has a short sword attached to his hip. The goblin with the spear is sitting on a rock, his back towards a line of brush.


Rix unslings his light crossbow, holding it at the ready, he examines their surroundings. How far away are the goblins? Is there concealment that circles around to both sides? How close does concealment get us to the goblins? Any way to circle around to get atop the hill over the cave entrance?

Speaking in a hushed tone, "if we pincer them in a crossfire from either side, they'll have little chance to respond adequately."

Deuce Traveler

The goblins are 50 feet from your location at the edge of a series of bushes. It looks like you can circle around the hill and climb onto the rock above the goblins, but it would also be harder to remain silent on the bare rock that tops the entrance. The bushes continue to the right in a crescent shape until becoming 18 inch tall dry brush that gets you right behind one of the goblins. The left side of the hill is bare up and would not give concealment.

Land Outcast

Under likewise hushed tones, Alexander adds "I circle the hill and get on top of them ready to drop" he looks at Rix "you get in the bushes, behind that goblin" and shifts to look at Kel "we attack when the first arrow falls upon the goblin to the right side of the hill"... "We must be brutal and swift"

He nods emphatically.

I'm used to do things my way... do they disagree? let them complain

"Anything should go awry and the yellow midgets give the alarm... we move to the top of the hill"

There we can, as well as run away, hold our ground, depending on my mood... and how much these two can stand


"I'll take the hill, I can cover the area more easily from up there. You'll just make a racket climbing it anyways. Better to have you on the ground where you can do some good." Rix smirks at the half-orc, better to put him in the way of danger than myself.

OOC: Are we really down to 3 characters?

Voidrunner's Codex

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