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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Chapter 4- The Second Invasion)

Deuce Traveler

Phly looks around his pack and does have a small hammer, which he pulls out of his bag. "I doubt I have enough strength to put a real dent in these statues, however."

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"Let me give it a try." Barok takes the little hammer in both hands and start bashing it repeatedly into the weakest point where the chain is attached to the statue.

(ooc: seems Silas with a str of 15 is the strongest character in the party :lol:, not what I had expected. Whatever happened to that barbarian we had for a while?)


First Post
Caramip Ashhearth

"Don't look at me!" States Caramip as she waves off the hammer. "Silas, how about a more powerful fire spell on the casket? It elluded that fire could be used to release this Lord?"

Deuce Traveler

As Barok repeatedly strikes the nearest statue's hands where the chain meets stone the salt mephit becomes increasingly agitated, holding its head in its hands and mumbling frantically, "No, no no no... but it was a war... a war...!"

Barok begins to make headway, causing several large cracks to form along the hand, which in turn causes the white aura of the chain to glow brighter from each strike. Finally the chain snaps away from the hand and the aura dims to a low glow as the entire arm of the statue crumbles, but the mephit shrieks soon after and leaps at the rogue, claws extended.

Phly had the creature trained with his wand, and fires before the creature can get far, and Barok easily dodges the nearly dead creature. Silas steps in next, finishing the pitiful thing off with a swing to its head. It twitches and lays dying at the abjurer's feet.

A snapping sound brings the party's attention back to the sarcophagus, and the group turns to see that in addition to a now-slack glowing white chain, the links of the red-glowing chain are somehow being stretched and are popping off almost as by an invisible, giant hand, causing this chain to also glow slack and become dimmer. The further half of the chain with the blue aura is suddenly completely shattered, and fragments of it land all around you as the remnants of the chain near its statue also flickers and fades.

The lid of the sarcophagus is slowly forced open by something inside, and you have difficulty seeing for a moment as fire can be seen inside the small crack that is steadily pushed wider. However, this fire also slowly dims and is extinguished, causing the room to grow darker. Phly lights a torch and tosses it to the ground, while returning a double grip to his staff, but in the mixed light of the dimming auras from the chains and his torch you can now see a hand grasp appear from the sarcophagus and grasp the side of it while accompanied by a large intake of air, as if someone took one deep intake of breathe.


Silas sighs and looks down at the mephit lying dead at his feet. "I wish I hadn't had to do that," he says quietly. A loud snap draws his attention back to the sarcophagus and he flinches as the last chain shatters and pelts him with the broken links of chain.

Silas fidgets as he watches the Geomancer slowly slide open the sarcophagus. He slips his hand inside his oversize cloak pocket and distractedly scratches Thebu's back. Finally, he takes a deep breath and steps toward the sarcophagus to get a better view.

Deuce Traveler

The hand is followed by a head and upper torso the size and shape of a gnome, and yet this dirt-colored creature seems to be made of sand and earth rather than flesh and bone. He looks at you with indentions that might be eyes and says something in a language you cannot quite place. As he gets no response, he leans forward as if to look at you in a more focused manner and suddenly falls forward over the side of the sarcophagus.

His head disappears into a column of pouring sand, followed by his torso, then waist and legs until a large cylindrical pyramid of earth rests at the base of the coffin. Suddenly the earth writhes and takes the form of the gnome-like creature again, but this time his features seem more definitive as he leans in a sitting position against the artificial structure behind him. He speaks once more, and the language seems gnome-like and familiar, and yet still too alien.

He sighs, then says, "How about this language? Ah, yes... you understand me. So my nightmares were true after all and this is the language of the new masters of this land. So tell me, children of the Locusi and grandchildren of mine, are my possible saviors so wicked in purpose that they would slay one so loyal?" He looks at the mephit as it dies by Silas' feet and suddenly the sand that makes up the gnome-like creature's flesh turns into facets of dull, blue turquoise, a sad color matched by his pupils with a sudden change into sapphire-like eyes. "Is slaying those that would stand by me for so long pleasing to you or do you plan other atrocities?"


Dartis steps forward "Our apologies Goreallis Sundhearterfirebaneundermaster. But your servant was slain only defense of ourselves, though he may have been trying to save you. I think your long sleep may have alter your sevant's judgement though as we came in peace and were attack by them without provocation. Our purpose though is most dire. We were sent here by the Fey Queen Illinia. In here we were told was the key to undoing a terrible wrong. For you see, we, that is I, through the best of intentions and without knowing the full implications of my actions, have set free The Lord of the Mountain, Land's Death. Sealed so long go. The creature is awake and destroying the land. The Fey can put it to sleep again, but cannot seal it within it's tomb. For the sake of all those beings you have brought into being, can you aid us in reining in this creature?"

Deuce Traveler

When Dartis mentions the Fey, Goreallis' eyes become green while his body turns into what looks to be jade facets. "So it was the Fey Queen and her people which had me set free. It is not well to owe a debt to creatures such as the Fey, and it is only slightly worse than them owing you a boon. And still, you freed me as well as they, and so I owe you so much... and I feel my strength returning. I can probably handle this Land's Death, or at least trap it." He gets up, and for a moment his legs look wobbly and his body looks like it was about to collapse into sand once more but the Geomancer steadies himself as his skin reddens.

"And before I go visit the Fey, and as I feel my power return, I sense that there are other debts that must be repaid. I almost forgot what kind of power it would take to bind me, afterall." So saying his eyes become a crimson color and his skin takes on the appearance of a faceted ruby. He bends down and grasps the middle of the white chain and you can see electricity spark against the Geomancer's skin. He seems to concentrate for a moment before a return arc of electricity travels back up the chain and into the statue that still holds it, causing the statue to crumble to dust. As Goreallis' skin flickers to blue and then back to red the chain in his hand flickers and the white aura fades. He places it on the ground almost reverantly and moves to the next statue, speaking to himself as if quoting.

"And then came the Third Betrayal, for the grandchildren gave up the last gifts of the forebears and became more like the Avariel, foresaking their heritage. With heavy heart, they were declared enemies of the land and were harvested like wheat in the field. The other lesser races were employed in the killings, and a great war broke out which would only end in the annihilation of these rebellious and poorly-made gnomes," the Geomancer mumbles as he walks up to a second statue and considers it for a moment. Finally he throws his fist into it and it crumbles under the impact and the use of his own powers. The blue chain that was attached to the statue's arms clatters to the floor, flickers twice and then its aura fades into nothingness. Gorreallis' skin turns blue once more for a while longer before back to red as he turns and slowly walks towards the last and final statue; the female one.

"Up until now the children of the land had kept neutral, but now came the Fourth Betrayal as the children changed the course of the war by turning against their own parents and siding with the gnomes, for in their blindness caused by the Avariel they could not see their creations for the abominations that they were. So sons turned against their father, aided by Avariel magic, and so with such sorrow were we brought low." He seems to have stopped quoting as he touches the face of the last remaining statue and asks, "But it wasn't just son against father, was it Allinastal, but also daughter for that was what you decided to become during a previous betrayal. And so you and your brothers sacrificed yourselves to protect your own children and made this your prison as well as my own. The years did not treat our kind well, my daughter, and I doubt you thought it would end like this. Me unknowingly freed by two of your gnome children, why your sacrifice unwittingly undone. But don't worry. Unlike you I remember my debts and I will not hurt them, so in that you have won." It seems for a moment that two tears somehow form on the statue's eyes and suddenly the statue seems to seem more detailed and real. Gorrealis' skin becomes a brighter red as he grips the remaining staute underneath its chin and whispers hoarsely, "Goodbye Allinastal. Goodbye daughter. I wish I could forgive, but that was never an emotion I learned." The statue crumbles in his hands and the red chain attached to it flickers and then its aura is gone like the others.

Gorrealis seems older for a moment and his skin and eyes take a blue colorization once more. "That... I would rather never relieve that, but what is done is done and old debts repaid. Is there anything else I can do for my liberators?" He is standing straighter now, and it seems that his strength has greatly returned.
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First Post
"It depends on how much value you place on your freedom." Barok's eyes shine with greed. "If you could use your powers over earth and stone to show us where the earth is richest with gold, gems and lesser minerals, close enough to the surface to be mined, I'd consider that a fine down-payment. If you could conjure up some of that gold and gems right now I think I may be willing to write off your debt altogether."


First Post
Caramip Ashhearth

Caramip stares at the foreign Geomancer with a complete and utter look of awe. She cannot even tear her gaze away from the creature when she leans in close to her fellow Gnome and whispers, "'Rebellious and poorly-made Gnomes'? Do you think he means us? And why would he want to harm us?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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