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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Final Chapter)


Dartis staggers in giving a nod to his cousins and the dwarvish contingent. He stops by the gnomes though.
"My friends I bear a message of regret and remorse from Astraughlay Kondeeistreigh. I have spoken with him recently and understand his actions now. He did indeed act of noble intentions and regrets and pain he caused his people."

Dartis shuffles forward to Kel, shaking his hand before collapsing in a chair." I have much to tell my friend, much will have to wait to see if I live, otherwise the stories will be told by Cara here. In any case I am glad to hear you are busy. I bring to important pieces of news, one, the elves have captured Silas Erystan and hold him for questioning. Secondly, a large army marches from the south, the last army of Tallione. The march to wrest the cure from the elves for they know the truth as well. I am pleased to know it was a small faction of the elves who did this, and that my friends are indeed my friends."

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Deuce Traveler

The gnomes look at you both curiously, but before Caramip can explain Dartis' words, Phly Loughphray stops her with a look and says impassively, "After the brief."

Cal scratches his chin thoughtfully, then asks for a debrief. After Dartis gives as much information as he knows, the young noble says, "Kyle, let's send a scout to that Tallione army. Ironically, we may be on the same side. As for the two of you adventurers, know that we are going to move out at first light. Dartis, I am putting you in charge of our few cavalry forces while Kyle will be taking over the infantry. Caramip, it is up to you whether you wish to stay with Dartis or with Phly. Either way, your talents will be a boon to their commands. The gnomes and dwarves will command their own men, with the gnomes providing light infantry, illusionists, and crossbowmen and the dwarven forces mostly consisting of tough axe-men. If the Tallione forces and elven resistance join us, then I don't see how we can lose. Kel will handle trying to re-establish communications with his elven comrades that still side with us."

After a few other details are discussed, the two heroes make prepartions.

Phly pulls you aside and asks, "What was that about?" The gnome seems much different, with his skin a shade closer to an earthen coloration and his speech dry and unemotional. You wonder how much his contact with the geomancer might have changed him and also ponder how much more change you will endure.

You find Barok in a small hut that was given to him for his use, for his service to the refugees. You find him cleaning parts of a broken, yet once exquisite blade, one that was meant for a member of the Dorinthian noble officers core. Barok sees you looking at it and grins at you, "Do you like it? I got it from the Radnal estate along with a journal while we were last together. I was thinking about selling it to him, or at least getting it to him and hoping for a reward, but now I'm thinking that we might not be around much longer to enjoy such material things, so what the point?" He hands you the parts of the sword, which brings memories of your own family's blade, now likely lost due to the Tallione invasion. It looks as if the blade was broken on purpose.

Three parts of the final chapter complete.
Dartis' XP: 3,800 added
Caramip's XP: 3,500 added


Dartis takes the blade and journal from Barok and reads through the journal a bit as he walks. He heads over to find Kyle.

He finds Kyle directing troops as usual and greets him. Dartis strides up far more somber.
"Kyle, something has come to my attention. And this needs to be addressed now, for tomorrow it will be too late. Kneel before me."

Kyle looks at Dartis strangely."You can't be serious, look Dartis I have way too much to...."

"Kneel!" commanded Dartis almost shoving Kyle to the ground. Kyle complied but barely, if only to see what madness had taken hold of Dartis. Kyle's men had begun to gather around to see what was happening. Dartis motioned them to draw closer.

"Gather around Sons of Dorin. I, Baron Dartin Kalnian wish to make a proclamation. As one of the last of the noble lines of Dorinthia, I hereby invoke my rights to revoke and refuse the revocation of titles, honors and citizenship. These may yet be our last days, but they will not be without honor nor without tradition, and they will not be without justice!"
Kyle begins to protest and Dartis shoves him back down.

"A great injustice was done many years ago. An injustice that lead to the downfall of our people and our land. King Rasnem the Betrayer squandered our
heritage and wealth. Many good people, noble and common tried to do what was right and our people were oppressed. The man who kneels before me was one such man. Loyalty, honor and courage, always the hallmarks of our great cavalry, these attributes this man displayed in defending the name of his father. King Rasnem the Betrayer forced this man to leave his duties, to abandon his family and betray his own honor. But he refused! He instead renounced his title and position to preserve his family's honor. Now I, Dartis Kalnian, one of the last nobles of Dorinthia, do hereby refuse that renounciation. And witnessed by the Sons of Dorin that stand here today, restore the titles, honor and lands of Baron Kyle Radnallin."
Dartis pulls his sword and kneels himself before Kyle who is looking either very angry, very confused or something in between. Dartis signal his men tyo start cheering who begin to do so with gusto and Dartis whispers to Kyle to rise. Kyle draws Dartis's sword as he rises.

Dartis holds his hands up to the crowd to quiet them. "One last thing Sons of Dorin. We stand before a noble of Dorinthia, newly restored to his rightful place. But I have one last gift for the Baron. For few have served the Rider so well. And I know as few could that the Rider wished to have his servants properly attired. Therefore with all due respect Baron Radnallin, I present you with the Sword of the Rider, the symbol of the Paladins of the Rider." so saying, Dartis again kneels and from behind his back pulls out a bundle and unwraps it to reveal the pieces of the sword. The crowd begin to cheer again.

Kyle stands there stammering between "But how did you.....", "Where did you...." and other incoherent thought until Dartis just embraces him "Welcome back cousin."

OOC: Dartis does wish to seek out Nicolas before the night is done, but we'll finish with Kyle. I hope you don't mind my NPCing him, just made things a bit faster.

Deuce Traveler

OOC: No problem. Nice post.

Kyle looks at shock at the broken blade and journal that Dartis hands to him, his features a mask of several conflicting emotions. "Survivors... you've been to my family manor, Dartis. Were there any survivors?" The fighter's look answers Radnal before he is swarmed by congratulations from the populace and confused questions from those that have served him loyally for the last couple of years.

As Dartis steps back he feels a tap on his shoulder and sees a cheerful and familiar priest standing behind him as Caramip comes also to join the group. Nicolas says, "Well, well. I suppose that you just can't help being on the move, Dartis. Within the first hours of your return you create a fourth baron struggling for leadership of the Dorinthians... not that Kyle hasn't vied for influence and power in his own popular way. He has created a persona of a peasant leading the peasantry, so we'll see how he handles it now that his noble heritage is known."


"Confusion and dust are all that greet those who fall behind the Rider" says Dartis invoking an ancient Dorinthian saying.
He then smiles and warmly greets Nicolas. "It is good to see you again my friend. I agree that my arrival has caused some confusion. But hopefully also hope and joy. And it was the right and honorable thing to do. Besides. I doubt I shall survive my brambled path, so this will leave the score even for the Dorins." says Dartis with a weary smile.

"I have much to tell you to have you write down should I live the coming weeks. But I ask Nik, have you had any other visions?"

Deuce Traveler

"Not here." Nik says as his head sweeps left to right as if looking around. The heroes realize that despite his missing eyes, he does seem to be able to see. Nik leads you to a quieter area.

"I have seen things, Dartis, although you have already made the hard decision and involved the Tallione Empire, welcoming them instead of keeping them as enemies. You also somehow survived your other trial, and your decisions will aid in the battle to come. But the battle has already started, and the elves are already dying in a civil war. You will need an army to get you into the elven lands in time, yet in the end victory does not have to be won by force of arms. I have seen a large crystal, which if employed can decide this conflict for good or for ill."

Voidrunner's Codex

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