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The product is written so that it works equally well with 3E, 4E, or D&D Next. You download a document containing the statistics for each of those options.

I was able to see the product today, and it is really beautiful. The DM screen is really cool. On one side it has a map of the city with gorgeous shots of Baldur's Gate tied to that map. This lets the players easily know the layout of the city. It also has pictures of key NPCs. On the inside, the screen has DM's maps plus several tables to help you flesh out the city on the fly. The idea of a DM screen specific to the adventure is really excellent.

You then also get the adventure book (providing a very cool open play experience the PCs help to shape... but also providing the handholds any DM would want so the narrative will proceed) and the campaign guide (providing great details on the city and referenced by the adventure). Realms buffs will dig this, but it is also just a how-to on fleshing out a city and creating a city-based campaign.

Unlike previous Encounters seasons, anyone can buy the adventure. You can run it at home or just use it as inspiration for your own city campaign. You can also run it as part of the Encounters program in stores, receiving some benefits for doing so (plus you help further the hobby, meet new players, encourage people to DM, etc.).

I would like to see more DM incentives, but the product is excellent and well worth the cost. For everyone that wanted to see WotC get back into published for-sale adventures, they've come back with an amazing offering.

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I'm running that at Gencon, and can't wait to see this. I would love to see WotC go back to their roots and be a bit more like Paizo. I know its sacrilege, but the model works and it works well. Not too happy that I have to pay for pre-release DnD Next stuff, but since its good for all the editions, this should be worth it.


I'm running that at Gencon, and can't wait to see this. I would love to see WotC go back to their roots and be a bit more like Paizo. I know its sacrilege, but the model works and it works well. Not too happy that I have to pay for pre-release DnD Next stuff, but since its good for all the editions, this should be worth it.
It isn't sacrilege. Wizards created the model, including several of the Wizards staff who eventually went to Paizo. Paizo knows its a good model. To their credit, Wizards has tweaked their own model and tried new approaches. While some aspects of LFR did not work, others were important corrections - such as drawing in a lot of casual players and preventing a "good 'ol boys" feel. Those are aspects that still are issues for PFS. Encounters has been a tremendous success. I have a strong suspicion we will see more tweaking over time. And, I do hope that WotC will return to a stronger "living" model for non-store (or even in-store) play.


There was a question about the Murder in Baldur's Gate launch event. It is August 17-18, and stores ordering the packet will have the adventure packet. The packet does not require the MiBG product, though the product can provide some information for DMs to know more about the city.

The packet includes the adventure, a full-color battlemap, statistics for 3E, 4E, and D&D Next, and information on the August-October season of Encounters.

The product page for MiBG includes two downloads. These are for the product themselves, not the launch event. One file provides additional adventure events. The other is included in the latest playtest packet and provides 3E/4E/Next statistics for the adventure.

Also worth noting that there is a Sundering web site collecting the information and providing a video. The site explains that each session of D&D Encounters will provide a means for players to register their actions. The most common actions will drive what actually takes place and help shape the results of the Sundering.

The site already provides information on the next Encounters season. Legacy of the Crystal Shard. The Launch Event page provides dates, which I'll copy to the main page.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
The product page for MiBG includes two downloads. These are for the product themselves, not the launch event. One file provides additional adventure events. The other is included in the latest playtest packet and provides 3E/4E/Next statistics for the adventure.
Just pointing out that the files available from the product page aren't quite the same as the ones in the latest playtest packet. The playtest files only contain the D&D Next stats, while the files on the product page include 3.5, 4e and D&D Next stats.


I updated the first post for the latest season, Legacy of the Crystal Shard. As with Murder in Baldur's Gate, it began with a launch weekend event (we had a great time with it).

The season is again a for-purchase product containing a DM's screen with information useful to running the adventure, the adventure itself, and a booklet with campaign information on the region of Icewind Dale and Ten-Towns. The season ties into previous events in the region (such as those in the famous novels like the Crystal Shard and the Icewind Dale computer game). Monster statistics are downloaded from the event or product page. At least one preview for the adventure has been added to the Wizards site.

This article talks about the Sundering events and has the trailer summarizing the result of the Murder in Baldur's Gate season and launching the Legacy of the Crystal Shard. The trailer is also on the Sundering site. i09 also shares the trailer and other details.


I have a question:

These Lair Assault and D&D Encounters materials, are there print versions of these, or are they electronic only?


Shirokinukatsukami fan
These Lair Assault and D&D Encounters materials, are there print versions of these, or are they electronic only?
They were all distributed in print format to participating stores, often with extras (Fortune Cards, dice, etc.) that could be handed out to players and DMs. The first four Encounters seasons have subsequently been released as PDFs on DNDClassics, and three more of the Encounters adventures were reformatted and included in issues of online Dungeon. None of the Lair Assaults have been released in electronic form so far.

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