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Left 4 De&d - A D&D Zombie Apocalypse

Holy Smokes

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My first 4E Fantasy Heartbreaker post! B-) /snicker

I mostly just have the color text so far. I have specific ideas about implementing the Infected crunch. However, with the Japanese leak of Open Grave, it looks like I need to wait a couple more weeks before trying to duplicate Wizards' effort. In particular, the monster throng looks particularly applicable to L4D. Muy bueno!

In the meantime, here is my L4D fluff. Feel free to comment, and/or offer your own fluffy or crunchy L4D ideas...

About Left 4 Dead: L4D is a bad-ass cooperative zombie shooter from Valve (PC & XBOX 360). The intro movie features all the special infected zombies described below.

  • 09-01-09: Added L4D link (above) for those unfamiliar with the source.

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Holy Smokes

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Left 4 De&D


Once upon a time, there lived an ambitious human necromancer, who dreamed of being a true Lord of the Undead. His greatest challenge in realizing his dream was not in his technical skills; indeed, his zombies in particular were very serious creations to be feared. Instead, he lacked the essential wisdom required to put his creations to work with any great result. All his plans to rule a world of undead were for naught, whether through poor design, maladroit execution, or simple bad luck.

He was a loser at unlife, but his ambition could not be contained. He eventually found his way to the Court of Orcus, Demon Prince of Undead, where he sold his proverbial soul. He purchased the insight required to devise a truly cunning plan, capable of achieving his greatest aspirations. The results of his new rites and creations would engulf the mortal world into an inevitable zombie apocalypse.

What the hapless necromancer failed to overcome was the essential futility of his dream; his failure would simply not be denied. Orcus collected on his debt, and the mortal world never entirely succumbed to the necromancer's Zombie Infection scheme.

The Tome of Infection

The ill-fated necromancer's notes and formulae survived in the form of a nameless book, lost but not forgotten. Cultists of Orcus in particular desire this book, which they call the Tome of Infection. Over the centuries, it has found its way into many hands, some more successful putting its contents into action than others. However, because of the rapacious nature of the resulting zombie plague, they were all inevitably thrown down by their intended victims. Few human mortals wish to become zombie slaves, an inconvenient fact that lies at the root of their would-be master's ends. Still, in its own way and time, the book has passed from one mad necrophile to another, seeking those willing to risk its price for undead ascension. Just as the demonic prince had intended.

Holy Smokes

First Post
Tome of Infection - Heroic Level

This dusty, tattered, and dog-eared book is bound in black leather made from a human face. It has no title, author, or introduction. It can be read by any human; its contents appear to be gibberish to anyone else. The book contains the arcane notes and formulae required to perform rituals unique to this book. These rituals cause a plague of undeath that can quickly spread through human populations. The deaths caused by this plague feed necrotic energy back to the owner of the book. This energy is used to open a portal to the Shadowfell, where the book's owner can assume control of a special domain linked to this tome.

The Tome of Infection acts as a +2 orb when held in your hands.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 damage per plus

Property: You gain resist 10 radiant.

Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to saving throws.

Power (At-Will, Close Burst 2): Minor Action. Undead allies in the burst area gain resist 5 radiant until the end of your next turn.

Power (At-Will, Close Burst 2, Necrotic): Minor Action.
  • Targets: Each living mortal in the burst.
  • Attack: Intelligence vs. Will.
  • Hit: Intelligence modifier necrotic damage.

Power (Encounter): Minor Action. You gain a +4 power bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will defense until the end of your next turn.

Goals of the Tome of Infection
  • Attach itself to a human arcane ritual caster with a taste for necrotic power.
  • Locate a site linked to the Shadowfell in or near a human settlement.
  • Gather necrotic energy by starting the zombie infection plague.
  • Open a portal to the Shadowfell; maintain the portal by spreading the plague as far as possible.

Roleplaying the Tome of Infection

The Tome of Infection is a highly focused and single minded artifact, dedicated to implementing the zombie infection plague, and making its owner master of the Zombie Apocalypse. Any actions not furthering this goal irritates it in the extreme; outright resistance to this goal results in harsh countermeasures.

TODO: add concordance and features.
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Holy Smokes

First Post
The Zombie Apocalypse

The Tome of Infection is linked to a special domain in the Shadowfell, similar to a Domain of Dread. Technically, this domain was created by Orcus, who linked its control to the Tome. The demon prince could reclaim or destroy this domain at will, but this fact was lost forever with the loss of the original author.

Infected Zombies can be summoned into the mortal world from this domain by means of the Tome. Every time a mortal human is killed by an Infected Zombie, a necrotic impression of that person is sent back to this domain. This provides the energy pattern for a new Infected Zombie. Thus, a necrotic image of every human who was ever killed by an Infected Zombie is recorded in this domain, ready to be summoned anew as Infected Zombies themselves.

Rite of the Locus

Before a new owner of the Tome can summon up Infected, they must locate a place in the mortal world somehow linked to the Shadowfell. It is less important how this affinity was created, as long as it is strong, and is in or near a human community. The Tome must be used in a ritual to anchor the necrotic energy flows required to summon Infected. This locus will eventually become the site of a portal to the Infection domain.

Rite of the Master

Once the locus is established, the Tome's owner can summon a small crowd of Infected Zombies, who complete the ritual by attacking and killing their summoner. If the rite is successful, the summoner rises as a special Infected called the Infected Master. Unlike all other forms of Infected, the Master retains the memories and personality they had in life, and can now continue the scheme in undeath.

As an Infected Zombie, the Master must start the Infection plague by killing some humans. Even though the Infection domain in the Shadowfell contains virtually limitless zombies for summoning, until the portal is opened, the Master can only summon Infected created by the new plague. As more Infected become available for summoning, the plague grows stronger and finds more victims.

Rite of Apocalypse

As the plague grows, necrotic energy is collected at the locus. Provided that sufficient victims are at hand, no insurmountable resistance forms, and the Master remains safe, the final rite may be performed within two weeks of the plague's beginning. This ritual consumes the plague energy at the locus, creating a portal to the Infection domain. Once the ritual is completed, the Infected Master passes through into the portal, assuming control of the new Zombie Apocalypse.

Each time a new portal is opened into the Infection domain, it is remade into a mirror plane of the mortal world the portal is anchored to. This new nightmarish domain is an exact physical copy of the mortal world, except that it clearly lies withing the Shadowfell, it is always night, and that it is inhabited solely by every Infection Zombie that ever existed. The Infection Master cannot shape the physical reality of the domain like a true Domain of Dread. However, the Master controls all the Infected in the domain; they appear wherever and whenever desired, and there is a nigh inexhaustible supply of them.

Completing the Cycle

It is critical that the Infection portal remain open from this point forward. If the portal is closed for any reason, the parallel Zombie Apocalypse world will collapse in on itself, destroying the Master entirely, and ejecting the Tome of Infection randomly back into the mortal plane. To remain open, the portal continues to consume necrotic energy, and thus the Infection plague must continue to spread at a steady rate. However, the Master now has access to the entire Infection Zombie domain to send back through the portal, with fewer limits on the forces brought to bear against the living.

Besides closing the portal outright, the plague may only be stopped by 'starving' the portal of the necrotic energy it requires, or killing the Master. If the plague deaths can be slowed down to a hundred a day or less, the open portal will start draining power directly from the Tome, which acts as a kind of necrotic battery for the portal. Closing the portal this way require several days of starvation; half as many days as the portal has already been open under full power.

Finally, the most successful Infection Masters inevitably draw the attention of powerful heroes. A truly apocalyptic zombie plague that swallows cities whole will certainly draw paragon and even epic heroes to its locus portal. Mortals that enter the portal are trapped in the Zombie Apocalypse, and cannot escape or pass back through the portal. Thus committed, they must slay the Master to survive. This will also cause the domain to collapse, thrusting the surviving mortals back through the closing portal. The Tome of Infection is randomly ejected back into the mortal plane, where the cycle can begin anew in another place and time.

Holy Smokes

First Post
Infected Zombies

The ranks of the Infected plague mob take a number of forms. Most are basic human zombies, but special forms that greatly enhance the danger, versatility, and sheer horror of the plague also exist. The Infection plague only affects humans in the mortal world. A small percentage of humans are immune. Humans that are damaged by Infected and survive are still exposed to the necrotic plague, and may still die from it, unless they are immune.

Necrotic Infection - Level ? Disease

Spread by attacks from Infected Zombies, this disease attacks the victims living spirit with necrotic energy. Those who succumb give rise to a new member of the Infected horde. Those who survive the disease, or who successfully save against the initial exposure, are now immune to future infection.

TODO: add disease statblock.

Infected Zombie

The mass of the Infected horde are made up of simple human zombies, which can swarm in great numbers. They retain their appearance from life at the moment of their death at the hands of other Infected. Blood, wounds, and torn flesh all appear fresh, as if they had just been killed. Infected Zombies come from all walks of life, and may be dressed as common folk, soldiers, priests, or nobility. Over the centuries, all types of humans have succumbed to the Infection plague. Unlike some other forms of zombies, the Infected are unusually strong and fast, regardless of the original human form. They are all fundamentally identical creatures, manifest of the same necrotic energy.

TODO: add minion statblock & tactics.

Infected Boomer

The Boomer is a special form of Infected which has a huge, grotesquely swollen and pustulent appearance. Though their bulk slows them down somewhat, they are capable of projectile vomiting a sickening, caustic stream of bile great distances. They explode in great gouts of bile when slain, blanketing their victims with blinding, green slime that attracts other Infected like honey. Boomers can summon other Infected into the mortal world, and thus lead the front line in the plague's advance upon the living. Fortunately, the Boomer is clumsier than most Infected, and can be heard ahead of their arrive by loud, incessant belching.

TODO: add artillery (leader) statblock & tactics.

Infected Smoker

At first glance, Smokers appear similar to ordinary Infected. However, a closer look shows the unmistakably long, tentacle-like tongue and aura of acrid green smoke. Their faces are obscured with leprous growths, and their posture is hunchbacked. Smarter than Boomers and run of the mill Infected, Smokers prefer to lay in wait, using concealment and timing to good effect in coordination with other Infected. Their tongues can grapple and drag victims great distances, and their smoky breath is stunningly acidic. Smokers can be very stealthy, but their smoky aura and occasional fits of coughing can give them away.

TODO: add lurker statblock & tactics.

Infected Hunter

If you spotted a Hunter before it attacked, its appearance would be unremarkable. They seldom show the kind of horrific damage most zombies affect, and could almost pass unnoticed among the living. Hunters are seldom spotted before their attacks, however. The fastest and most agile form of Infected, Hunters can jump great distances and climb vertical surfaces with ease. They often leap out onto their victims from high ground or concealment, and just as quickly retreat when outmatched. Hunters are adept hand to hand fighters, and are skilled at pummeling and overbearing attacks. Their blood-curdling scream can disorient foes.

TODO: add skirmisher statblock & tactics.

Infected Witch

The Infected most dangerous to humans is the Witch. Always appearing to be female, the witch is a gaunt, pale, dessicated creature. Long white hair obscures the Witch's glowing, blood red eyes, and she has foot-long claws for fingers. Uncannily strong and fast, she has a bewitching cry that lure her human victims. Hiding her face from view, the Witch sets an ambush for her prey; those that succumb to her siren cry believe her to be a survivor, and approach her unaware. Anyone looking into her eyes is marked for death. The Witch's death scream summons more Infected into the area.

TODO: add soldier (leader) statblock & tactics.

Infected Hulk

If the Witch is Infected the most dangerous to individual humans, the Hulk is the most dangerous to everyone and everything, including the local terrain. Always appearing male, the Hulk's musclebound physique has grown into a grotesque mountain of pale, greasy, destruction. Dull but brutal, the Hulk seeks the shortest path to his victims, destroying everything in his path, including even other Infected in his way. If his path is blocked, or his prey retreat from his fantastic strength, the Hulk can rip large blocks of his surroundings to throw at his foes. Masonry, boulders, wagons, large livestock, even great chunks of raw earth, if the Hulk can reach it, he can throw it great distances. The Hulk's arrival is always announced by the heavy tread of his lope, and his penchant for constant, random destruction of the immediate surroundings.

TODO: add brute statblock & tactics.

The Infected Master

TODO: add elite (leader) description, statblock & tactics.

Ending the Plague

TODO: add Left 4 De&D adventure guide; how to use the Infection cycle in game.
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