Legacy of Death Part V: Dead-eye of the storm


5ever, or until 2024
Buckthorn’s patience pays off!

Dept "My brother has little warning..."

G.Master: "We would of course give them a chance to surrender. When they see we have almost 800 troops, and many artifacts, they will have little choice . And thats not even including the Abomination"

They also discuss the possibility of a siege.. you should be able to guess the target of the attack.

Dept "This is our chance to cleanse ourselves of this twisted half men"

G.Master: "We will offer exile in the deadlands and escort them there personally. They will have a chance to pick up some new mutations before finally dying off"


Buckthorn keeps his nerve.

They chat on this and that…time passes.

Forge is fighting all the Arks, but eventually it is broken up. Buckthorn is still in the tent.

Dept “Normally I would not trust some exalted lizards, but there is something about their leader”

G.Master “Yes, I get the same feeling. He has an arresting vision, and can certainly be trusted.”

Dept “Yes, completely I feel. Still, after the fighting”

G.Master: “The sleeths will have their domain, and we will have ours. We will subjugate any animals that come under us, as will they.”

Dept “This ‘ultimate’ artifact with the sleeths”

G.Master “Ultimate weapon”

Dept “Have you seen it, does it work?”

G.Master “Oh yes, I have seen it. The warhead has been connected to the missile, but they are still trying to make sure the control system is operational. The incident, that we followed up on, led to some delay”

Dept “But we would not seek to use it”

G.Master “There are two issues. Right now, we have only one. Second, it can still only be used against fixed targets, and would cause great loss of life. It would be shame to use it on Burlin, for example. But…”

Dept “It’s a special type of artifact”

They turn to the man in the chair, Buckthorn follows their view, while still shrouded in shadow, when the man speaks, Buckthorn is sure who it is!

Wald “They believe it is a particularly advanced ‘new-tron’ bomb. Capable of killing all life within approximately 300 meters of the blast. Materials, building, equipment, etc are hardly affected.”

Wald “Combining our lore with the sleeths”. Pauses “We should be able to address those other issues.”

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Assuming Buckthorn and Forge return quickly, and Buckthorn disseminates the information: "They don't seem have had any contact with undead from our world. I suppose we have two choices, return to Burlin and warn Lord Dilliard or try and find this powerful artifact and stop it ourselves. Perhaps the sleeth prophet can be found there as well, and we can determine the nature of his visions.​"


First Post
Buckthorn will very carefully and quietly slip out of the tent, having heard enough. He will return to Nar and the rest of the party and relay everything he has heard. "I agree with Nar about the two choices. Of the two, I think we should try to find this "warhead" and destroy or disarm it. It sounds like a nasty bit of business. It must be the artifact that the prophet has been assembling. We have some idea of where the facility is they are rebuilding. I suggest we go there and see if we can neutralize this destructive artifact they are building. Perhaps we could try to send a message to Burlin and Lord Dillard so we don't lose time trekking back to Burlin."


5ever, or until 2024
Kan'Ka gives you that look again.

"You are sure you wish me to take you to the stronghold of Tak Ha'Sssth now, after all these days? You must know of the great peril involved. And you know you have done nothing to prepare for it."

"You are sure you do not wish to go to Burlin while you still can?"


"Sounds like the "warhead" is a last resort, and the threat of a ground attack on Burlin is more pressing. We should leave immediately to warn Lord Dilliard."


First Post
"Sounds like the "warhead" is a last resort, and the threat of a ground attack on Burlin is more pressing. We should leave immediately to warn Lord Dilliard."

"Why exactly do we give a rat's ass about this town? We're only out here because we thought these jokers had a connection to our dead friend. Looks like they don't so before we go off trying to disarm some weapon or even go back to Burlin, we need to have a think about what we're trying to do here."


5ever, or until 2024

"You seem disappointed by something. I understand not what that is.

"Did you not seek out the Lord and accept his mission? Did you not succeed in gathering vital information? Do you have others who will help you besides him or those other in Burlin?

"What if you head your own way and fail to find what you seek, what will you then have?"

He pauses. Looks squarely at Forge.

"And are you not a warrior?"


"I think there is still a possible connection between the sleeth prophet and Acerack. Also, earning and maintaining a valuable ally here could be quite helpful. Finally, I will not stand by with this knowledge and allow the lives of so many innocents to to be threatened.​"


First Post
OOC: Anyone else find what happened to this website depressing? Can't imagine how upsetting that would be to have your site completely wiped out. Anyway...

"I'm all for helping a fellow man or beast out, but my own clan on my own homeworld is in danger and if we can't find a way to stop Acererak, more will be lost than a single ruined town on another world. We need to press the Lord of Burlin to provide us more help in exchange for this information. Perhaps we can convince him that our troubles are related and that he needs to take an active part in getting us where we need to go. We need to decide whether we are going to take a side in this war and what the consequences to our original goals this may have. Do we intend to fight alongside Burlin even if that means risking our homes and families? I have seen no evidence of the inherent goodness of the Lord of Burlin. Perhaps Nar has more information than he has chosen not to share with us? As for you, Lizardboy, warrior yes, servant no. I'd be happy to show you the difference." Forge assumes a hostile posture.


First Post
"Fine, let us go to Burlin then. Perhaps you are right - this will show our worth to Lord Dillard. Perhaps he will be able to provide additional aid to help us get to this temple or whatever it is in the Badlands without dying. Or growing another arm." Buckthorn waggles the third arm. "Let us be quick about it though. I do not think we have any time to spare. To Burlin then."

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