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Legacy of the Silver Dragon: Chapter 1 (Chickens, Demons, and a Missing Girl)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
OOC: Two down, one to go! Following Antares' "Mysthyr?", Myst will hear:

"You really mean to ignore... all this? You- you are just going to leave me here?" He... cannot quite believe it. "Why?"

<Response Mysthyr?>
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In abject frustration, Myst turns to Antares. "I mean to get Anna back to the surface, where it is far safer. Then I mean to question her as to what lead to the circumstances we found her in, but I don't intend to ask those questions until we are safely on the surface. As for leaving you, that is your choice. You may come with us, and perhaps we'll return later to investigate these mysteries. If you choose to stay now, Stellan has already said he will guard you. I'm not sure why you sound so incredulous. I came down here for Anna. Now that I have her, I intend to see her safely back to town and perhaps get some answers. Only then may I return here." Myst then nods to Antares and Stellan, and then continues retracing the path back to the surface with Anna, Bosco and Muzdim.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"I'm not sure why you sound so incredulous. I came down here for Anna. Now that I have her, I intend to see her safely back to town and perhaps get some answers. Only then may I return here."
Antares frows at him, a smidge of outrage slowly mixing with the puzzlement: "Could it perhaps be because you had just finished turning your back? Started walking out without a single word after I spoke long on dangers and knowledge and actions? Or was it perhaps this puzzling insistence that the well being of a chance-met girl be the one and *only* thing that matters, should matter, will ever matter -- as if we were suddenly geased golems with but a single scroll burning within our clay heads?" (He casts a guilty look at Anna - really and truly glad they succeeded in rescuing her - and he almost tells her so... but he yet cradles former-Anna's cooling form, and the moment is on him like a tide: ) "And what of this sudden decision that you know more of transmutation, transformation and the reversal thereof than, for example, those who have actually spent a day studying it, or, perhaps even better, have dedicated their lives to its understanding?"

Are *those* reason enough to sound incredulous? questions the lambent emerald of his expressive eyes.

"That thing you cradle as if it were your own child had Anna captive down here and was intending her harm. That alone is enough for me to have destroyed it. And yes, you know more of magic than I, but that matters not to me. Getting Anna out of here is my mission. I'll be able to sleep at night without solving the mystery of this place and these creatures. I may have been willing to return here when Anna is safe but your continued insistence on arguing with me is sorely testing my patience. I am ready to wash my hands of this entire affair. Pelor guided us to Anna and may he guide us safely to the surface now."

Must turns and hurries from the room after Bosco, Muzdim and Anna, disappearing from Antares' sight.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"I... would prefer never to return to this place at all..." whispers the elf somewhat dejectedly. "Stellan?" he softly inquires of his last remaining friend. "Will you remain at least long enough for the runes to be scribed, and perhaps a quick look around as well?"

<Etc. Leading us to:>

"Hm?" Puzzled, the elf looks up, contemplating the small firmament of runes that dominates him, Stellan and the room...

<See this post for the details of his examination of the runes with Detect Magic. [MENTION=11033]gambler1650[/MENTION]?>

OOC: Aaaaand we're moving forward once more! :)
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OOC: Hi guys. Sorry for the major slowdown. With the forums being fown for a bit, and craziness at work and holidays I just haven't managed to schedule the time for an update. If I can beg your indulgence for one more week, I will aim to post something by next Thursday at the latest.


[ooc[For purposes of speeding this along, I'm going to assume a couple of things. The group intends to go out as quickly as possible. A dwarf underground (Muzdim) will be able to find his way out with little problem. I will get you a full map very soon of what you've explored so far.[/ooc]

Stellan turns to Antares, "I will, of course help you my friend." Turning back to the others, he says, "I wish you well, and hopefully we can work together again on some new adventure! Keep good care of the girl." Anna appears disoriented as she's led from the room, her skin shimmering slightly in the light. She does turn back before the main group heads out of the room, whispering, "Thank you." to both of the men who stay behind, before she continues on.

[sblock=For Antares]The active detect magic continues to assault the young elf's ears. As he continues to focus, words almost come to his ears. But each time he thinks he's about to understand them, they slip away. The tone seems hungry somehow. The sounds do draw his eyes in a pattern, and the chaoticness of the sigils appear to spiral inwards towards a single rune at the center, a branching 5 lined symbol. The cup doesn't radiate any magic, but a spiral appearing sigil does adorn the inside of the cup at the bottom. While the cup itself is dull, the edges of the sigil itself are still sharply cut.[/sblock]

[sblock=For the main Group (Muzdim, Myst, Bosco + Anna)]You find your way back with no major problems. No sounds other than your own walking and the slight clink of metal or coins comes to your ears. Anna appears weak, and stumbles often but keeps up with a little help. You arrive eventually at the well. It feels like it's been days since you've been down in the tunnels, but there's enough light filtering into the tunnel through the ruined floor and the collapsed roof of the house, that you can easily tell it is still daylight - maybe early to mid afternoon. Anna pauses at the entrance to the well, an odd expression crossing her face. "I don't want to go out there..."[/sblock]

[sblock=For Bosco]You had found 118 GP worth of treasure at the second Gelatinous Cube treasure area.[/sblock]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
In the water-producing cave

"This seems to be the source," muses Antares, laying long fingers upon the... star? (Strangely enough, when he began reading he had somehow, irrationally, feared that the words 'blood' and 'Eliaesel' were in his immediate future. It is somehow a... relief that these were only phantasms born of an overimaginative mind.) Yet what is the link between this symbol, the altar and Former-Anna? How did she end up down here in the first place? Most importantly: "What qualities do we have, we five, that we may decide who lives and who dies, friend Stellan? That this harm to our community merits death, while lesser punishment balances that one? If 'that thing', as he said, had been twisted only in mind and not in body, would his judgment have been the same...? I fear that it might have been, and yet is it only youthful folly that makes me think actions one does not choose for himself should not be held against one's soul? In ultimate analysis, would not her kidnapping and forceful transformation have been poetic justice, perfect symmetry to her kidnapping and forceful transformation of poor Anna?" pleads the young elf.

<Response stellan?>

OOC: - Does Antares have any knowledge of the central symbol, Gambler? For example, does he get the impression that it's an entity, a place/concept, or just the keystone/driving principle of the water-producing magics?

- Right now Antares is thinking that the runes (and altar) are providing a connection to... something represented by the five fold star. In his professional opinion (Spellcraft or equivalent) can that connection be severed from this end and if so what would be the best way -- deface/draw over/scratch out/modify the runes/the central rune, break the altar, a priestly exorcism maybe?
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Voda Vosa

First Post
"Really? Don't make me loose more time lass, or we might well leave you to rot in this infested and putrid hole." The dwarf knows no manners, and pushes Anna to the light. His actions, however, hide certain suspects. Perhaps the elf was not as nuts as he would allow himself to believe.

Voidrunner's Codex

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