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Legacy of the Stone Assembly, Chapter I: The Cabal, The Quill, and the Concord


"Hey...guys, catch you back here later, right?"

"Uhh, yeah, see you guys later," said Gabriel. Jeremiah just shrugged.

* * * * *

[sblock=Making an assumption here]For brevity's sake, I'm going to assume you guys want to look around the house, so I'm going to go ahead and describe things in a general, anyone-looking-casaully-would-notice-this way.[/sblock]
Inside, the house smelled faintly of mold, charcoal and incense, coupled with the stuffy, settled smell of a place left abandoned for many weeks. Couches with cat-scratches in the sides dating back to the 1970s slouched against the walls, and a stained mattress lay in the center of the room, surrounded by melted-down candles. The wind shook the windows, covered over with black garbage-bag plastic, with a muffled rattle. A scratched wooden table teetered on uneven legs in the dining room, surrounded by dusty, mismatched folding chairs.

The mold smell, they soon learned, came from the kitchen, where unwashed dishes sat in cloudy, stagnant water. A tan and green pile of something that once was food grew out of a paper plate next to it. The cupboards contained just three things: a ceramic bowl, a promotional coffee cup from Cambridge Realty ("The Name You Know and Trust") and enough packages of Cup o' Noodles to feed an army of grad students for a month. The drawers were empty but for a phone book and a ritual athame, superficially similar to the one Levanna carried. The avacado-colored refrigerator was empty, and surprisingly clean.

A hallway connected the kitchen, living room, and master bedroom, with a bathroom along the way. The bathroom flickered under a yellow fluorescent light that magnified its sparse utilitarianism. It consisted of a bathtub with a steel showerhead and no curtain, a toilet without a seat or lid, and a sink beneath an open medicine cabinet. The mirror had been removed. Further down the hall, the master bedroom was completely empty of any furnishings whatsoever, although it did boast an ample closet.

A stairway from the living room led up to the second floor, where two more empty bedrooms lay waiting. One had a Disney Princesses poster and scratch marks on the wall, while the other had a window giving access to the roof. Another, larger bathroom between those rooms had a bright pink shower curtain, but no mirror.

The cellar doors out back were nothing more than plywood with rusty metal handles, chained up and locked with a simple padlock opened by one of the keys on the Snoopy keychain Arathnos had given them. The basement was all concrete, ductwork and wooden beams, without walls dividing it into smaller rooms. The young mages felt the hair on their arms stand up as they moved about the center of the room, where a single 100 watt lightbulb shone through five crystals, which created dazzling prismatic effects on the walls with the breeze generated by people walking about.

[sblock=OOC]You're now in the basement. Discuss and explore at will, and if you want to make changes to the Sanctum, we'll have that happen "off camera" over the course of a few weeks. No need to have you roll Dexterity + Crafts every time you want to swing a hammer :p[/sblock]

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First Post
Thorn flops heavily into one of the folding chairs by the scratched table once the tour's complete.

"This is some creepy *stuff, right here," she declares.

After a moment of silently contemplating the mattress surrounded by candles, the young mage adds, "We have to talk to her before we do anything else on this."

(curse you Enwoooooooorld!)

* - Expletive was Smilied by Enworld, so I toned it down. Thorn would normally swear more. :)
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Prometheus will recast his faded mage sight, and examine the mess in front of him.

"Agreed, Mage's seem to have odd taste when it comes to protecting their abodes, and it would not do to explain to the returning cabal members the reason for our suspension in mid air of some other oddity."

Conjunctional Mind 1/Prime 1
Gnosis 3 + Prime 3 = 6 dice (recast if fails up to 3 times)

Examine Resonance (assuming nothing completely important and obvious)
Intelligence 3 +Occult 5 + Resonance 1 +/-Density ? = 9+/-


Levanna followed the others around the house in relative silence, glad to have made it this far and not become involved with the mage politicking so far... as far as she knew.

"Nothing a bit of elbow grease won't take care of," she said in response to Thorn's declaration. "Gods... I may have to use some Life magic to deal with some of that mold though. Magic anomalies and mage cloak and dagger stuff aside, we have another pressing concern - like who gets what room. I prefer the one with the roof access, for escaping from knife weilding attackers who may have a hockey mask," she joked. But then, more seriously she added "Three rooms is not enough for all of us to have one privately. And roommate choices are serious business."


First Post
Thorn looked at Levanna, then at Prometheus, then down at the table where she ran her fingertips over the deep-etched scratches in its surface.

"We really need to talk to whats-her-face," she repeats. "Not because of traps. I mean, look around. All the mirrors gone. Living off Cups O Soup. Mattress is downstairs surrounded by ritual candles. Before she ran off, there was some serious *stuff happening here. Whatever it was will probably happen again, so we should find out what it was so we'll be ready for it."

Prometheus ponders how Thorn would view his own abode, well former anyway, with enough instant ramen to feed a grad student for a year, various antiquities under scrutiny, and a rectangle of empty flooring for a bed.

"Certainly it takes a different sort to turn to one of these magic convents this Miss Jane took to, although I can understand that not all mages live the life of a graduate student."

[sblock=ooc]Could we get a map of this place. I don't really do well with verbal-ish descriptions.

Also, did the results for Prometheus' Academics check on the Heirarch come in? I don't think I got them. ( 7 dice).[/sblock]


Conjunctional Mind 1/Prime 1
Gnosis 3 + Prime 3 = 6 dice (recast if fails up to 3 times)
3 successes.
Examine Resonance (assuming nothing completely important and obvious)
Intelligence 3 +Occult 5 + Resonance 1 +/-Density ? = 9+/-
7 successes in 3 rolls.[/sblock]
Prometheus's supernatural senses rushed into him like a gust of winter wind through an open door. All around him, the walls of the house shot out in a crystalline structure of sharp spikes, dripping with unreasoning fear. He sensed this was a conjunctional spell of Space and Spirit, a ward that would keep out all but the most powerful beings of the intangible world.

Could we get a map of this place. I don't really do well with verbal-ish descriptions.

How about a bullet-point list? There's no need for you to visualize a detailed map of the place; knowing what rooms exist should be sufficient.

  • Living room with two couches and a stained mattress
  • Kitchen
  • Two bathrooms, one upstairs and one downstairs, both without mirrors
  • One large-ish master bedroom downstairs
  • Two kids' rooms upstairs
  • A cellar accessible from the back yard (this is where the hallow is)
Also, did the results for Prometheus' Academics check on the Heirarch come in? I don't think I got them. ( 7 dice).

Sorry about that! As you've probably noticed, my spare time for posting has dropped off recently, and I'm missing things here and there. I'll try to be more observant of rolls.

3 successes[/sblock]
Henry David Caranton was a bachelor (some say homosexual) playwright and poet, most prolific around the turn of the century. He went missing in 1922, and a year later a widely-attended funeral was held, although no body was ever found.


First Post
"No, you're not..." Thorn blew air out her nose, frustrated at her inability to get her point across. Verbosity had never been her strong point.

"Alright, it's...everything fits together, okay?" she tries again. "The Nemean's test. Miss Jane. The Stone Assembly. The house and how we found it. They're all like...points..."

She taps a finger in midair, describing four little dots in a row.

"...in one of those connect the dots things. And when you draw in the lines..." Thorn stopped here, not sure how to phrase what was in her head.

This house was a castle, a castle under siege. Spirits of the Alpha roared and raged outside, giving her no peace, even though her spells and the gauntlet kept them out. She even had to ward her dreams at night. But the mirrors. Why the...

"They were doors," she said, appropos of nothing. "Alpha, beta...two worlds like reflections." Then her eyes focused on Prometheus. "I will bet you these spirits can use mirrors as doors into our world. I will bet you a car."

"I somewhat understand what you mean, a ward such as this one would not have been constructed for no reason, and the connection to the Nemean's test leaves little doubt about the importance of spirits to the Heirarch. The connection to that old novel seems tenuous at best though, although the visit to Mrs Jane will certainly show one way or the other. Although if that particular book does bear influence, it would make an excellent place to begin our search. In any case, I will certainly not bet you to be wrong at present, but I should like to further examine the property itself. No, that can wait, especially if what you say is true."

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