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Legacy of the Tempest, Chapter I: Artful Beginning


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It's only a game...
For those who can leave the game,
For those who have homes to go to when it's over.
For those whose lives don't depend on it.
It's only a game... some will say
To be played for fun,
To pass the time.
To show your skills.
It's only a game...
You can tell yourself that.
You can lie to yourself.
You can pretend to play.
It's only a game...
You can try to convince yourself.
You can let it own you.
You can think you own it.
It's only a game...
Unless your beaten,
Unless your owned,
Unless your the prize.
It's only a game,
Unless it's your life that depends on your play.
What did I do wrong?

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Six millennia ago, the borders between the material and the demon world were at war. The borders between the worlds were shattered, the cosmic vibrations of which isolated the two realms from all others. Separated from their gods and the elemental planes of magic, the creatures of the material world were forced to make war without access to all but the most mundane powers. During this span of time, many ancient races were annihilated by the demon scourge. Only the most powerful of warriors were able to destroy the demon invaders. These warriors would never be enough, however, as they could never match the full force of the greatest of the demon lords. That is until one day, when a Demon woke up to Justice, and turned on his kind.

Known as the Ra’a’shul of the Demon Legions, he aided the humans by drafting the demonic souls of fallen Demons into great weapons of destruction. The Ra’a’shul, wanting to bring true chaos to his own kind in the form of death, turned these awesome weapons over to pathetic demons to be used against the humans. When one of these demons would be felled, the blade would drink their power and add it to their own. When one of these demons was felled by a human, that weapon would put a great deal of power into mortal hands, power with which to fight the greater demons.

The human warriors empowered with the cannibalistic powers of the demon weapons, brought war upon the demon realm. Shattering the swarms of hell, they made their weapons unbearably bloodthirsty. The weapons themselves turned on the weak of will, now with a sentience created by the mixed souls of many powerful demons within, dominating and destroying the souls of the weaker warriors. The strong forced on, with bloodthirsty weapon in tow, and forced the darkness back until it was the demons that were being hunted, no longer the hunter.

It is then that another great power made its way to the war-torn realm of mortal and demon. This power, unlike any other magic before it, tore a portal into the world, and sent great fleets of flying vessels to make war with the demons and the men. This force, empowered by what was known as technology, and magic from within, annihilated the demons and the mortals alike. They ripped entire planets in half with their new, misunderstood, and grandiose power.

The demons, in an attempt to spare their greedy selfish existence from destruction, made use of a set of forbidden artifacts. They started an incantation that would have separated themselves from the world of mortals and the alien invaders. They sought to be separate, and so the greatest of them gathered these artifacts. Their attempt to flee, however, was not as they desired. The Tempest, the name given to the aliens, followed the demons into their new universe. The Demons separated themselves from the crushed mortal races, but brought their most fearsome enemy with them.

In years since, the human race has suffered at the hands of cruel rulers armed with the hated demon weapons of the ancient warriors. Some of these rulers were those ancient warriors themselves, immortalized and tainted by their conflict with the demon scourge. They made bloody war on each other, to let one demon weapon drink of another. To simply be used to draw blood, the weapons dominated their masters and made them insane. This madness would not be understood for countless centuries, until well after these last few demons would fade from history and knowledge.

Over the five millennia that have passed since the demons separated their world, most of this saga was forgotten, except in the relics of the ancients. The void between the dimensions was eventually repaired by the mightiest and most good gods, bringing the worship of divinity and magic back to the material world. The mortals, only a seldom few races of which still exist, have learned to bicker of petty differences and beliefs again. To have the happiness of ignorance as they once had. The cycle of time had come full circle, and things returned to their perpetual norm. This is all just history, however, the things that are happening right now are far more surprising...
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The world has been torn apart, at least on the surface, by the invasion of the race calling themselves the Tempest. The civilizations, the cities, the culture of the people that lived here at one time have been broken apart. Now, six of the remaining groups of survivors conveen to discuss what should be done in action with the Tempest's invasion.

Mixed between these six groups are a number of individuals and pairs that have only happened upon this meeting. Three hundred fourty six people in total, to add to the already massive meeting of six hundred thirty one. This group, possibly the last survivors of the societies that once lived on the surface now wearily conveen. They hope that their enemies do not take notice of their organization, they pray for time.

Now a council of twenty three individuals (all characters included) conveen in one of the only standing structures from before the times of the Tempest, a small town hall belonging to a hamlet that was never targeted by the invaders before. The meeting is just beginning...

An awkwardly recieved dwarven man, wearing a mixture of armor and vestments of royalty stand in the center of twenty two other individuals. They sit in chairs and on benches from a time that seems infinitely long go. The dwarven gentlemen waits for the stillness of the room, then boasts, "Survivors of Archon! We're here not to drink the remainder of the Ale and see our lives wasted! We're not here to talk about hiding so that our children can survive and procreate! We're here to decide how we should crush those damned abominations! I've seen them killed, and I'm sure you've seen the same! They're so busy with the Drow and the Illithidkind, we can smash them on thier hinds while they've got their noses on the ground! You say that theres only so many of us, but I know better! I've seen one man take on a hundred of their best soldiers and live to tell the story! I've seen one man wrestle with their giant dragons, and pin those damn things! I've even seen one man smash their wizards without flinching from their magic! We can do it!"

Another man, this time a human in the vestments of a druid replies, "All the great heroes are dead. I know your father was a great man, but look what happened to them? They work in unison, they focus on the threats that they percieve first, and eliminate them one by one. Your father died because he was just one man."

The dwarf rebuttles, "That's the blasted point! We can work together, become strong enough to smash those bastards! All we need is to temper our brotherhood, our strength, and our will to fight! We can do it."

These two men, they lead the conversation. While one boasts of victory, the other shoots down the Dwarves ideas with snide remarks about the uselessness of trying to conquer a superior foe. Occationally one of the other men interject their own thoughts, but quickly those actions are becoming lost in the tediousness...


A tall graceful elf stands from the group and says "I say we can do it. I have made a life of studying there weaknesses, and they do have them. Why they even fall to thier own tech!"


The Dwarf, a surely man by the name of Tom Mithril, shouts out, "You hear that? The Elfsies gets the idea! We can take em', just like my father could take any giant alive! Problem is that we've been going about it in the wrong way, one dwarf may slay one giant... but it takes an army of dwarves to kill an army of giants!"


Another man stands, wearing the faded and torn remnants of a simple peasant's clothing. Turning to the Druid he pauses for a moment, as if putting his thoughts into proper order.

"Brother, I realize the task before us seems impossible, our goal unreachable.

But just an gentle wind and water can slowly wear away strong earth, or quench burning fire, WE can overcome the Tempest.

Just as a small acorn, given time, can grow to crack the strongest rocks, WE can break the Tempest, given effort.

I stand before you a man with little left in this world, as I am sure many others do. The Tempest has taken from me nearly everything. I say it is time we do the same to them.

Together we can overcome them ... but only that way. Together."

Having spoken his peace, he slowly sits down.

I hope those here can overcome their fear ... if we are too afraid to even fight back now, then the Tempest have already won ...


First Post

A well built man, his clothes spartan and his appearence unkempt, stands with a glassy look in his eyes.

"We CAN beat the Tempest. I have seen our victory, I have seen that we have a destiny to defeat the tempest, and I have seen that I can make this happen. I know times are bleak, but it is time to strike out, and make our destiny happen. My freinds, we have lived in fear too long, and now our victury WILL come. Let us bring our fate to reality, let us strike at the tempest NOW!"

He continues standing, panting slightly after the exertion of his speech, looking for any response from the crowd.

OOC: Nice picture, CS. Did you draw it?


[The picture is by the author of the webcomic Walking is Still Honest. I have his permission to use it for this game. It's not an excerpt from his comic, and doesn't have anything to do with that series.]

The Druid looks at the two loudmouthed younger men and announces, "Your just foolish and naive. You'll die out there, thinking like that. Do you know how many men like yourselves die in order to make one hero? Hundreds, if not thousands. It took four hundred years to kill the Tyrant Mogurst, but you wouldn't remember that, would you? It takes time, and if we go against their force while they are still so strong, we have no chance. Let them waste their energy on the underdark of Archon, I'll have nothing to do with this..."

The crowd is now split, 3 men on the side of the Druid, 8 people on the side of the Dwarf, and the rest abstain to comment on the matter.


A tall, well built man has sat quietly during the council so far, listening to the words of others. But now he jumps to his feet, angered by the druid's words.

"Pah!" Surtsey says forcefully. "You, druid! Your robes proclaim you to be a protector of our world, yet you would let these invaders despoil our earth. If there are any here who side against the Tempest, the I will stand with them. They would dare to risk life and limb to drive those accursed back, but you just cower in the dark, hoping to escape their gaze. Fear such as this will be our downfall, not the actions of brave men!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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