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Legend - a 3.5 improvement (doing it right - PF is now obsolete)

Myth and Legend

First Post
OK knowing the large fanbase that PF has I will say that the title is a joke and I don't really play that system so I wouldn't say I have the scholarly background to pass judgement on it. However, the fans over at the Giant in th Playground forums made their own homebrew (newsflash: PF is homebrew, but you pay for it) free improvement to 3.5.

Get the book here.

I just downloaded the PDF and I'll read it now. But I read brief descriptions and I'm already drooling over the character customization options. Want to make a warrior/wizard? Or a rogue/fighter? No problem! It's as easy as grabbing some of the core defining features of each class you want (aligned in nice little independent packages) and slap them together.

You get versatility! And also balance. Excuse me but my main fault with PF was that it failed to really do any balance. It nerfed some Wizard/Cleric spells but they still rule the game. It didn't fix Fighters much (just gave them more numbers). It still made the Monk inferior to a 3.5 Swordsage.

This is:

1. Crated by fans
2. Those fans are very, very knowledgeble about 3.5 and what makes it tick. The PF crew still lacks some basic ideas of how and why 3.5 is imbalanced.
3. It's free
4. It just came out but more stuff will be released, so even if there are kinks to work out, they'll errata right away
5. It's free
6. It's much easier to get a grasp on it if you know 3.5
7. It gives you unparalleled versatility in character creation within a D20 frame

Anyone want to give it a shot? I'd run a game to test the waters out, or participate in one if someone else steps up.

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First Post
I'm confused...where's the link to the actual PDF on that site? It seems like they lead to attempts to BUY the thing, when the text on the site says it's now free.

I'm feeling very dense at the moment...what am I missing?


First Post
I'm confused...where's the link to the actual PDF on that site? It seems like they lead to attempts to BUY the thing, when the text on the site says it's now free.

I'm feeling very dense at the moment...what am I missing?

Just left-click on the "Download Legend Now" logo. Don't right click and save as like it says, as those are the wrong instructions.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Link to get it is here. I've had this thread up for a while (as you can see), and the views went up but no one replied. I was seriously thinking no one liked this :D

I still have to finish reading this, I guess I'll have time tomorrow at work.

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