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Legendary Evils Spoilers - Wow!


First Post
If THIS spoiler page is right, WOTC is actually putting some sweet looking visible minis in the upcoming Legendary Evils set. The Beholder Ultimate Tyrant and the Elder Green Dragon mean that I will be purchasing at least two boxes! Kudos to the folks at Wizards for improving the selection and quality of the visible minis!

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On first glance, I thought this thread was about "Legendary ELVIS Spoilers", like maybe where he's currently bagging groceries, or his comeback album or something.

Peter Lee

First Post
Sigh. You guessed it. We had to change the name of the set when I was forced to cut the "fried peanut butter and banana sandwich elemental" miniature.



Assuming these are PRODUCTION paints and not DEMO paints, then yeah! It will be a sweet set. But I doubt these are production paints. Even so, it will be a decent set I look forward to getting. My only problem is the draconians are RARES! How am I supposed to build a massive draconian army in my 3.5 Dragonlance Campaign with RARES? I don't have THAT kind of cash! :erm:


Some definite winners here, at least judging by the preview. Minis currently on my must-buy list:

  • Elder Green Dragon. I already have a Huge-sized dragon mini, but this one looks so incredibly bad-ass that I just have to get one.
  • Balor. Droooooool.
  • Beholder Ultimate Tyrant. Nothing wrong with purple.
  • Doom Dreamer. My current campaign involves an evil cult; these guys will fit in well, alongside the Blood of Vol Fanatics I use for the more warlike cult members.
  • Human Rabble. These guys will be perfect for bandits and other such fellows.
For the rest of the set:

  • Goblins: Both excellent.
  • Draconians: Don't like the Aurak, very much like the Sivak.
  • Dragons: Brown is pretty decent. Reserving judgement on the Iron until we get a shot of it that isn't face on.
  • Frost Titan: Doesn't do it for me. Too chunky, and I'm not generally a fan of minis that are primarily transparent. I wish WotC would lay off those.
  • Archons: Air mediocre (primarily transparent again), earth excellent.
  • Barghest: Looks solid from this angle.
  • Chillfire Destroyer: See previous comment on all-transparent minis. This one is doubly bad because it's two different colors of transparent. You'd think they'd have learned from the blazing skeleton.
  • Bolraza: Good mini, nothing special though.
  • Chuul: A very well-done and attractive mini of something I'm very unlikely to use in a game.
  • Djinn Stormsword: Okay, now this is how transparent elements should be used. I'm liking this one. Again, I don't use djinn much, but I might pick up a couple of these just on the off chance.
  • Duergar: Look good from what I can see, although since they're all black, what I can see isn't much.
  • Foulspawn: Like the hulk and seer, love the mangler.
  • Githzerai: Decent, not stunning. If I decide to make extensive use of githyanki/zerai, I'll probably pick some up.
  • Goristro: Can't make up my mind on this one. It looks distorted, its head is too big. But then it's supposed to, isn't it? The one thing I can say for certain is I'd like it better without the random spikes.
  • Hezrou: Oooh, very very nice. I want. Don't have a lot of use for it, but I still want it.
  • Hoard Scarab Larva Swarm: Okay, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say, "Huh?" Is this supposed to be a swarm or a treasure hoard? I don't get it. It's a nice-looking treasure hoard, if that's what it is.
  • Minotaur Thug: Good-looking mini, doesn't fill me with excitement, but I wouldn't kick it off my battlemat.
  • Psychic Sentinel: They may call it a psychic sentinel. I call it a Jell-O Elemental.
  • Remorhaz: This earns a resounding "meh." It's a fairly decent remorhaz. Remorhazes look so weird to begin with, it's hard to judge.
  • Rimefire Griffon: Very good griffon, if you need a griffon. Though I'm not sure about the all-white color scheme.
  • Salamander Firetail: Me like. This is a good one.
  • Scarecrow Stalker: Good scarecrow, nothing exciting.
  • Slaad: A new take on the slaad. These guys look a lot more toadish and a lot less humanish. I like it, make more of 'em.
  • Storm Titan: So-so. I like the pose, and good use of transparent elements (notice how they aren't part of the main figure). The dark blue skin with white lightning bolts doesn't do it for me though.
  • War Troll: Not sure how I feel about the new look of the troll, but this is a good specimen.
  • Yochlol: This one is just wretched, but that's not the sculptor's fault. As far as I know, no one has ever managed to depict a yochlol in a way that didn't look utterly stupid. "Pile of goo with one big eyeball" is never going to be an intimidating monster.
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I am very, very happy with this set. I think I am most impressed about the visible Huge minis. All of the Huge minis look great and most of them are pretty desireable minis. It's nice to know you won't have to buy a dozen boxes just to get a Huge Green Dragon. Having said that I'll probably be buying 1 of each visible at the very least.

Great job WotC!

Olaf the Stout

Voidrunner's Codex

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