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Lego Marvel Super Heroes


I'm not a game jockey or nintendo addict. In fact, from that last sentence, it is probably quite obvious how out of date I am with console games. However, I have enjoyed most of the lego games since Lego Star Wars (1), and for the most part, they keep getting better.

LSW1: good
LSW2: better
LSWSaga: great balance, overall improvement to both of the previous versions of the levels
LIndiana Jones: good fun
LBatman: Better
LIndiana Jones 2: awful
Lego Harry Potter 1-4: I don't even like Harry Potter, but I enjoy the game(s), so I have to say pretty darn good
LSW3--CloneWars: bitterly disappointing, but playable
LHP2 (5-7): about the same as LHP1, but some nice improvements
Lego Pirates: shares the lighting problem from LSW3, where the brightness has to be adjusted in order to play certain levels (just to be able to SEE), and there is no "Glow In The Dark" option.
LBatman 2: Outstanding. They did a great job with this one, and it is probably the best eye-candy wow and decent play (with the exception of level13).
Lego Lord of the Rings: Not as eye-popping, but still a very enjoyable game, almost as much as LBM2
Lego Undercover: An absolutely stupid idea to release a game for only one platform (especially since it was one I didn't own, and I wasn't going to buy a different console for just one game)

Now, we get to Lego Marvel.
Story: (based on levels 1-15 of 26) so far, a little disappointing. Because they are trying to include so much, they are bouncing all over the place, and there isn't much coherence. It's like when there was a cross-over story between all the annuals, so you had to buy issues of comics you didn't collect to find out what was going on? Or trying to get all the related issues with the Secret Wars 2 mention in it (even if it was just that Beyonder appeared in a background scene that was irrelevant to the issue's story).
I think a better choice would have been 5 levels of Avengers missions, 5 X-men missions, 5 Spider-Man missions, and 2 Fantastic 4 missions, and then some bonus level(s) to tie the stories together. Maybe even bring back the concept of Villain levels from LBM1.

LMSH is set in New York, so the architecture and street layout is meant to resemble Manhattan Island as much as possible. In this, they do a good job, but the color scheme is very bright, almost painfully. Also, much of the time there is geometry getting in the way of seeing what the characters are doing, or what the hazard is, both running around the sandbox, and during levels.
Game Play seems to have modified somewhat annoyingly from LBM2. Vehicles are very erratic to drive, and racing them is painful. Flying has changed and is inconsistent. Up on the control stick can mean up or "forward". 3-d flying gets very messy when racing. O-button can mean "slowly lower down" or "back up", and tap twice to drop. Compared to LBM2's flight system, this is very frustrating, especially during racing. There are only 11 "Red Brick" power-ups to find, and unlike previous games (where there was 1 per level, or their locations were obvious), there doesn't seem to be a consistent pattern to finding them.
Levels: there are 26? The first 14 follow the usual pattern, and you can then unlock 15 by going next to the Daily Bugle building and building the bonus level door. What unlocks 16-26? no idea.
Performance: This is the kicker. The system is so busy doing so many things, that my PS3 is constantly seizing up. So when you get to one of those save-points, whatever you do, SAVE!!! Maybe it's just my system, but I tried out a couple of different games and had no problem whatsoever. Now it is having trouble with free-play some of the levels--it just locks up during the load screen.
Hopefully these are glitches that can be sorted out in future patches. At the moment, I face starting from scratch and hoping for better results, or hoping that this is actually a broken console, and... oh yeah, starting from scratch. I really hope this is just a programming glitch.

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I took a month off, and replayed one of the other games, and came back to this.

Holey crap is it buggy!
This is a disgrace to programming and playtesting!
So, there are 10 canisters you are supposed to collect on each level. But, there's a bug, and on two levels, I was able to collect 11! And now the game is telling me that I didn't solve that part of the puzzle, because 11/10 canisters is not the same as 10/10 (so obviously I didn't get them all). !?!?!?!???
I finished one level, and got booted out to the PS3 main system menu! So I had to replay the last part of that level.
Other levels still crash for no reason, but at least they are different levels, so I can continue to play. Sort of.
I sure hope to hell they plan on fixing this with a patch soon, because this is disgraceful.

Bad marketing execs! No Donut! No Gold Parachute.
Time to start waiting for the bugs to be all found and fixed BEFORE sending the games to market!

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