Leif's All-Eladrin DweomerFall Saga, [4E] [OOC 01] [full]


Registered User
In the future, non-stunning enemies would be nice. From a game design standpoint I appreciate why they're in there (they make sense), but from a different game design standpoint, they take away a player's fun and engagement. In a 4e game, where combats may take weeks or months, they're really a drag.

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Walking Dad

First Post
I know a game were they replaced stun with a combined dazed/weakened condition. That weakens the PC, but let the player to do something.

The rules as they are nearly require the one feat that gives you an extra save at the beginning on your round vs stun effects. :(

(But no fear, 5th edition is in the works ;))


Registered User
I wasn't talking specifically about D&D. In general, I think anything that eliminates player agency is bad.

Very curious about what 5th edition holds.


In the future, non-stunning enemies would be nice. From a game design standpoint I appreciate why they're in there (they make sense), but from a different game design standpoint, they take away a player's fun and engagement. In a 4e game, where combats may take weeks or months, they're really a drag.
Agreed, sorry, this is the first 4E combat I've run where stun effects are involved.
(no fear, 5th edition is in the works ;))
EEEEEEK!!! I protest!

Walking Dad

First Post
I know that they reduced the amount of stun effects in the later monster books. Both reducing the creatures powers to deal them to PCs and giving solo&elites often bonus saves or immunities to stun.


Sulannus will not even get to act next round. She'll get to save vs. the DAZED condition next round. STUNNED (save ends) becomes DAZED (save ends).
You can act while dazed, but you get not all your actions.

✦ You grant combat advantage.
✦ You can take either a standard action, a move action,
or a minor action on your turn (you can also take
free actions). You can’t take immediate actions or
opportunity actions.
✦ You can’t flank an enemy.
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Registered User
NOTE: I didn't mean my comments as a criticism of your DMery, so much as a discussion of 1) the fragile, glacial ecosystem of PbP D&D and 2) a flaw (as I see it) in D&D's design.

Did anyone chime in with their favorite D&D hallmarks at the D&D Facebook page? I picked 'followers and strongholds'.


NOTE: I didn't mean my comments as a criticism of your DMery, so much as a discussion of 1) the fragile, glacial ecosystem of PbP D&D and 2) a flaw (as I see it) in D&D's design.

Did anyone chime in with their favorite D&D hallmarks at the D&D Facebook page? I picked 'followers and strongholds'.

Oh go on and criticize his DMery. I do it all the time. ;)

Seriously, I do understand your point. But Leif is good about hustling things along in combat.


NOTE: I didn't mean my comments as a criticism of your DMery...
Oh go on and criticize his DMery. I do it all the time. ;)

;) Seriously folks, Scotley and I have been criticizing each other for so long now (+/- 29 years, give or take!), that I was much more shocked by his positive comment about my DMing skills than about the ubiquitous criticism.


NOTE: I didn't mean my comments as a criticism of your DMery, so much as a discussion of 1) the fragile, glacial ecosystem of PbP D&D and 2) a flaw (as I see it) in D&D's design.

Did anyone chime in with their favorite D&D hallmarks at the D&D Facebook page? I picked 'followers and strongholds'.
Please, please, please, just hang in there this time, ok? If I have anything to say about it -- and I have a vague idea that I just might ya know -- we're not going to have to ever worry about this kind of thing again! Or I'll at least give you an out next time, or something....

But, having said that, let me concur with your assessment and observe additionally that having your PC charmed, fascinated, immobilized, or otherwise unable to act fully during combat just sucks!


First Post
And yet, it can happen. Just like dying can happen. Just saying...not every ball swings our way in combat.

The real problem in PBP is that combat can take so long. So it feels like you're stunned forever when really it's just a round or two.

...says the guy who's holding things up right now. :(

Sorry about that. I expected to lose my turn, and now I'm not, so I have to decide what to do. I promise I will post today with that, though it may not be until the evening since my ability to post at work is curtailed. I do apologize for that, but there's not much I can do about it.

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