Leif's "Hold of the Sea Princes" Greyhawk Alpha Game [AD&D 1E] [IC 01]

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Leaving the Hell-Bridge Temple

The adventurers make their way cautiously out of the temple. Once outside, they see that the sign does, indeed, say Temple of the Frog. Curious, no!


Cam will look back in through the door. Are the creepy ass cultists and blood writing still visible?
The doors closed behind you and you can no longer see in. Honestly, though, even when you did have a clear line of sight, the smoke in the air and the darkness limited visibility to just a few feet, for anything more than just picking out general forms.


Steeliest of the dragons
"Thank the Oak that went well. I had no desire to enter into a fray with those guys." Shiyana gives a visible shudder. "Creepy."

She will scan the outside of the temple and, though confused, is more than happy to descend the stairs and begin heading back to the Red Axe inn...unless she hears or sees other orcs scurrying about making more chaos. (In which case, she suggests to her companions that they go after them.)

"Brother Odo, can you determine if there is any kind of...um...well...'taint' about me. I feel...I dunno...'dirty' after that supposed 'blessing' and would not have my spirit or connection to the Balance offset." <OOC: A Dt. Evil spell would be most appreciated. :D >

If returning to the inn, Shiyana will want to check/converse with the guy who was getting mugged (assuming he's still there calming his nerves), find out who he is/might be, make sure he is ok, etc.


Before heading back to the inn Cam will listen for further sounds of conflict and reclaim the prisoners from any townsfolk who came out to guard them. Any sign of the watch?


The "concerned citizens" are still guarding the orc prisoners. The watch has apparently not arrived yet, but they "burst" onto the scene before your eyes -- Four young men , scarcely out of their early teens, wearing ill-fitting uniform tabards, no armor beyond those quilted tabards, and carrying poorly maintained voulges, march up. "Ahh, these the prisoners?" the 'leader' says, indicating the orcs.

And now that you mention it, Shiyana does feel a bit peculiar -- nothing that she can put a finger on, just an overall odd feeling.
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Steeliest of the dragons
Shiyana smiles at the young men as she casually wipes some orc gore off the stained end of her cudgel onto her breeches.

"Do you boys have something to bind them with? I'm going to be needing that rope back.

"Is there anything else we can help you with, today?"

She tosses a wave of coppery hair over her shoulder and grins at whichever of the guardsmen seems to be "in charge."

Split the Hoard

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