Leif's "Hold of the Sea Princes" Greyhawk Alpha Game [AD&D 1E] [OOC 01]

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Steeliest of the dragons
If I don't have some IC direction, by ANY character, by my "morning" coffee tomorrow (round abouts 7am EST) Shiyana's doing whatever the hell she likes.

Just sayin'.

Happy Friday, all.


If I don't have some IC direction, by ANY character, by my "morning" coffee tomorrow (round abouts 7am EST) Shiyana's doing whatever the hell she likes.

Just sayin'.

Happy Friday, all.

I'm good for some skull cracking. I'd lean towards letting Turathian get a sneak attack in first though before Cam comes barreling through the door.


Backstab - PH p.27 says "striking of a blow from behind, be it with club, dagger, or sword." Al examples given are melee weapons. DM Guide offers no additional help. It'd just be too cool to allow a backstab perpetrated via arrow, and the rate of fire of a bow in AD&D and the close proximity of the two ogres means that Turthain could conceivably backstab BOTH Ogres in one surprise attack sequence using his bow. Actually, now that I think about it more, I'm not so sure its permissible to allow one bow shot each against two different opponents, nor do I think a backstab was meant to be done with a missile weapon.

But He**! That'd just be too cool! Rhun, if you want to try a backstab against each Ogre with a bow shot at +4 for 2-12 hp damage then by all means, go for it! I'll even allow two backstab shots at one of the Ogres, 2 attacks at +4 for a total of 4-24 hp dam. [This will likely never happen again in this game. Or, it might. I'll have to mull it over and cogitate.]

I'm going to roll 4d8+1 straight for their hp, so with a little bit of luck you could conceivably kill them both! It may not be particularly likely, but it is possible. On the other hand, if he DOESN'T kill them both, then Turthain better hope his buds come boiling out of the Groll house with a QUICKNESS!


First Post
If I don't have some IC direction, by ANY character, by my "morning" coffee tomorrow (round abouts 7am EST) Shiyana's doing whatever the hell she likes.

Do as you like, my friend! We're all level 1...we're supposed to be a bit impulsive.

I'm good for some skull cracking. I'd lean towards letting Turathian get a sneak attack in first though before Cam comes barreling through the door.

I'd love for our DM to rule that backstabbing works with a bow!

Backstab - PH p.27 says "striking of a blow from behind, be it with club, dagger, or sword." Al examples given are melee weapons. DM Guide offers no additional help. It'd just be too cool to allow a backstab perpetrated via arrow, and the rate of fire of a bow in AD&D and the close proximity of the two ogres means that Turthain could conceivably backstab BOTH Ogres in one surprise attack sequence using his bow. Actually, now that I think about it more, I'm not so sure its permissible to allow one bow shot each against two different opponents, nor do I think a backstab was meant to be done with a missile weapon.

But He**! That'd just be too cool! Rhun, if you want to try a backstab against each Ogre with a bow shot at +4 for 2-12 hp damage then by all means, go for it! I'll even allow two backstab shots at one of the Ogres, 2 attacks at +4 for a total of 4-24 hp dam. [This will likely never happen again in this game. Or, it might. I'll have to mull it over and cogitate.]

If you're going to allow it, I will certainly try it. I was actually going to dig out my old PHB this weekend to see what I could find about backstabbing with a bow...I think it may have been allowed in certain circumstances, but maybe that was something spelled out in the UA or in 2nd Edition.

At any rate, I think I'd prefer to send both arrows against a SINGLE ogre, though. At least that way there is a better chance of reducing the odds against us.


Make it so, then! You probably have already done so - gotta check the IC...

I read everything I could find in the AD&D PH and DMG yesterday, and didn't see anything saying 'yea' or 'nay' definitively.


In a real head-smack moment I noticed that I forgot to calculate Cam's damage bonus vs humanoids and giants. He should have done one more point of damage (for a total of D8+3) on both attacks there killing the ogre with the second blow.


First Post
In a real head-smack moment I noticed that I forgot to calculate Cam's damage bonus vs humanoids and giants. He should have done one more point of damage (for a total of D8+3) on both attacks there killing the ogre with the second blow.

See how you are?

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