Leif's Homebrew 4E, OOC1


Morgran Deepwell

Morgran Deepwell Player: WD
Dwarf Warlock XP 0 Level 1
Initiative +0 Senses Low-light Vision
Passive Insight 17; Passive Perception 12
HP 30; Bloodied 15; Surge Value 7; Surges Per-Day 10
AC 17; Fortitude 14; Reflex 13; Will 13
Speed 5
Alignment Unaligned
Languages Dwarf, Common

Str 13 Dex 11 Wis 14
Con 18 Int 14 Cha 10

Basic Attack:
Eldritch Blast: +4 vs Reflex, 1d10+4 untyped
Urgrosh: +3 vs AC, 1d12/1d8+1

Racial Abilities
Cast-Iron Stomach; Dwarven Resilience; Dwarven Weapon Proficiency; Encumbered Speed; Stand Your Ground

Class Features
Eldritch blast, Eldritch Pact, Prime Shot, Shadow Walk, Warlock’s Curse

At-Will Powers
Hellish Rebuke: +4 vs Reflex, 1d6+4 fire (again damage if warlock hurt)
Eldritch Blast: +4 vs Reflex, 1d10+4 untyped

Encounter Powers
1 - Diabolic Grasp: +4 vs Fort, 2d8+4 untyped (slide 3 squares)

Daily Powers
1 - Armor of Agathys (12 THP, 1d6+4 cold vs adjacent enemies)

Utility Powers

1 Armor Proficiency (Chainmail)

Acrobatics +0
Arcana* +7
Athletics +1
Dungeoneering +4
Endurance +6
Intimidate* +5
Insight* +7
Perception +2
Stealth +0
Thievery* +5

chainmail, urgrosh


Morgran mostly worked scouting out old mines and exploring old caves for potential new strikes. He discovered his patron in one of the deep places (the dwarf has digged to deep ;)). He was there when our family was killed in a (purposeful?) mine collapse. None of the authorities beleive that it was murder, but he knows that the family had enemies...and that the collapse was no mistake.
[sblock=Image]Morgran is squat and compact with a bald head and unwoven beard. His light grey eyes look as cold as granite and he peers at everyone, as if trying to look into their very souls. He always wears his chainmail under his robes, just in case.

[sblock=WD]What's it gonna be man? The Minotaur Barbarian or the Dwarf Warlock? No, you can't play both! :p[/sblock]

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First Post
[sblock=WD]Your damage listed is for a standard, medium-sized Greataxe. But as a minotaur, you can use a weapon of one size larger than normal as if it was properly sized for you. [/sblock]

I know, I know, I was reading someone else's sblock, but in the new Dragon magazine they've removed that feature from the Minotaur when they gave them a full racial write-up, instead giving them Goring Charge, which is an encounter power. Not sure if you have access to it, I can e-mail over the details if you need.


I know, I know, I was reading someone else's sblock, but in the new Dragon magazine they've removed that feature from the Minotaur when they gave them a full racial write-up, instead giving them Goring Charge, which is an encounter power. Not sure if you have access to it, I can e-mail over the details if you need.
You can email it, if you wish, Ryan, but my MM3e MM4e (duhhh) is still going to have that rule as well as the goring charge encounter power, so I am not terribly inclined to make a change based upon your report. Plus, I just think it's cool the way it is. :p (But, thanks for the heads-up, anway.)
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First Post
No Problem, I just wanted to bring up something that we came upon the L4W forums... which minotaur to use now as there are 2 versions, 1 MM & 1 Dragon (which you only get if you subscribe)


Please go ahead and email it to me, Ryan? I'm thinking (hoping) that the dragon article may have some reasoning behind the change that may actually make sense. But, WD, for now, I am inclined to leave it as written in the MM4E.
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Walking Dad,

What's it gonna be, man? Have you decided between the two characters that you suggested?

Let's get you a character and get this show on the road. ;)
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I'd also like to see IC posts from both Abulia and Walking Dad before we get much further along at all. :) And a character for WD would be nice as well. No big rush, though, WD. ;)

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