Leif's Homebrew 4E, OOC1


Moving OOC discussion out of IC thread:

Mowgli said:
Yup, that's what happened to my HERO game. I took a 'short sabbatical' and never was able to really pick it up again. That's why I'm trying to do at least a little work on the Ihmlán game every day - keeping it fresh and in the front of my head.
And I was really kinda sorry to see your HERO game go, I never got to play Cairn MacSidhe as much as I wanted to do. But I'm even more excited about playing Houwlou Growlenas and I hope to to great and wonderful things with my Olcan Ranger!

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Everyone take careful note of renau1g's IC post this morning (post #78 in IC #1). That is the format I would truly prefer for tactical (combat) posts. Note the way he breaks the round's actions down into move action, standard action, and minor action. Also note the Mini Stat Block that has ALL the goodies! The only change that I would suggest to the mini stat block would be to show Healing Surges Currently Remaining, in place of Healing Surges/Day.
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Hope you're feeling better, Dad! And the stat block looks substantially just like what I was asking for. ;)

But, there needs to be a way for EVERYONE to indicate in their stat blocks which daily and encounter powers they have already used for the present encounter. That's just too much for me to keep track of mentally. Now, if I was younger, I might coulda done it. But not any more, sadly!

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