Leif's "Pomarj" Greyhawk Beta Game [AD&D 1E] [IC 01]


Steeliest of the dragons
OOC: Nope, tied initiative is tied initiative. Remember, combat rounds in AD&D are a minute long, so there's plenty of time to draw a weapon. Also, next time, it should be the monsters who have to save to avoid distraction, depending upon the specific circumstances of the situation. Just need an action for Simon before I can wrap the round this afternoon or evening.

Cool. So am I moving in for a backstab or am I rolling for something (hide, move silent?) else? Or that's next round I guess...ok.

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A Ravine Near Highport, Pomarj

OOC: I would say either a Hide or Move Silent would be called for, but considering the noise made by your approaching comrades and that 20 on the petrification save, I'm going to just say Raggs pulled it off and may backstab next round! Just give me his coordinates on the map, within 20 feet of his present position.
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Simon, moving towards the nearest cover, draws an arrow and mulls over his options. He is tempted to let Raggs pay for his errant attempt at stealth, but a conscience overcomes the ranger and he decides to help kill some orcs.

OOC: Simon attacks the nearest orc with his shortbow.

I forget whether we are using the different attack bonuses against different ACs. If we are, modify the attack with the following:
- AC Adj: -5 vs 2, -4 vs 3, -1 vs 4, +1 vs 7, +2 vs 8, 9, and 10
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A Ravine Near Highport, Pomarj

Raggs jukes and jives into cover under the brush, emerging in AH,32 behind the nearest two orcs. Amaya lets fly with her crossbow, but her shot goes wide, and does Simon's. [OOC: Short bows ROF is 2 in AD&D remember, Insight, so I think you have another arrow coming.] Iono speaks words of power and creates an energy ball in his palm. He focuses his will and the ball takes the shape of a silver, sparkling bolt of energy. A sly, mischievous grin worms its way across the mage’s face as he directs the magical bolt to the nearest Orc, AH32 again, and it bursts upon his chest with violence, charring his face and killing him.

[O1 is dead, all others are untouched.] Orcs 3, 4, and 5 stride forward and launch javelins at the adventurers who have partial cover thanks to the woods, 4&5 attacking Simon and 3 attacking Amaya. Orc 2 also throws a javelin at Amaya from his present position. A small hail of javelins flies in the general direction of the adventurers, but all the missiles are foiled by the numerous tree branches of the sheltering forest canopy, and none of them strikes true. The adventurers are up again, plus Simon's extra shortbow shot overlooked this round.


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Steeliest of the dragons
OOC: Oh, sorry, I was waiting for Simon's post before I gave you coordinates, but that's fine.

I'll make a backstab at O2.

I don't have the books in front of me, but I THINK the backstab damage is double/x2? He's using his short sword.

Also, have no clue if 15 hits or not.
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A Ravine Near Highport, Pomarj

OOC: backstab damage is always X2, and that's roll once add modifiers and multiply by two, NOT roll twice like in 3.5. 15 hits. Since I moved Raggs arbitrarily, just let me know where you want to be, within 4 squares of movement from your previous position, allowing for difficult terrain, if necessary, and I'll put you there.


Steeliest of the dragons
OOC: backstab damage is always X2, and that's roll once add modifiers and multiply by two, NOT roll twice like in 3.5. 15 hits. Since I moved Raggs arbitrarily, just let me know where you want to be, within 4 squares of movement from your previous position, allowing for difficult terrain, if necessary, and I'll put you there.

OOC: No worries. Where you put me is fine..O2 is/was still standing before my attack, right? So being there is fine with me.

Also, I forgot to add in Ragg's "lil' muscly-armed halfling boy" Str. bonus. So that's 3 instead of 2 and x2, so 6 HP damage of hairfooted backstabbin' fury. :D

Also, just as a note, as I recall, when he increases in level (though I don't know the exact times, I'm thinking level 4 or 5 is the next bump) the damage goes up to x3 and then x4 at some higher level. But we'll see if the game makes it that long. haha. I don't know the shelf-life of PbP games.


"Take THAT swine-scum!"


A Ravine Near Highport, Pomarj

OOC: 6 hp damage from Raggs's backstab is enough to punch the ticket of Orc #2.


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Iono tries to conjure up another magical bolt of force to strike the Orcs, but alas, his magical abilities are limited and the magic fades. Sadly, without any magical powers left. He moves and takes position behind Simon and Amaya, hoping the Orcs will fear his arcane might without knowing that his mana is over.
His companions will handle the other Orcs, he will remain behind the scrubs, scanning the surrounding to spot other of their foul kind.


Steeliest of the dragons
Raggs rips his short sword out of his fallen foe and smiles to see the remaining 3 orcs heading toward him and his friends.

He jumps over the dead body and races into the small clutch of woods (moving to AI-36, diagonal moves are ok, right? If not AI-35).

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