Leif's "Pomarj" Greyhawk Beta Game [AD&D 1E] [IC 01]

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Tower of Orcs

The adventurers proceed up the stairs and reach the second floor, where a door presumably leads out to the next level of the tower. The stairs also continue on up to another level.


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Steeliest of the dragons
OOC: So do you exit the stairwell here, or continue on up?

AH! Yes. Raggs will take a listen [OOC: Hear Noise with his stunning 15% chance lol./OOC] and then signal to his friends if they should enter or not.

[Edit: If the party agrees to enter, Raggs will check for traps and see if he can determine if the door is locked...and try to open it if he can. Find/Remove Traps: 25%, Open Locks 40% /Edit]


Tower of Orcs

Raggs hears muffled, distant grumbling sounds - vaguely orcish sounding, or perhaps Raggs is prejudiced by previous encounters in the tower? - he finds no traps, and a gentle, subtle shake of the latch seems to indicate that it is not locked.

[Sorry, I went ahead and did the trap/lock check before you confirmed that they were being performed. Forgive, please? :) ]


Steeliest of the dragons
Raggs indicates silently, through pantomime that there are orcs (growling face) through this door. and waits for their assent/approval to throw open the door and charge in.

ONCE HE HAS (hopefully a silent) approval from the others, he will throw open the door and immediately move to the left of the doorway, hoping to be able to sneak his way around the room to backstab...someone.


Tower of Orcs

Raggs flings the door open wide -- he has to really use some halfling muscle to get the rickety old thing to 'fling' and therefore it's momentum sends it smashing loudly into the wall. Simon boils out into the room, followed by Raggs, Amaya, and Ring. Iono, exercising the better part of valor, hangs back in the relative shelter of the doorway.

Somebody roll party initiative!


  • Player's Map - Tower11.xls
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party inish

[EDIT OOC: BOOYAH! We win initiative by a whopping ONE! lol./OOC EDIT]
OOC: A win is a win, sd, whattaya want? A kewpie doll? :p Sory, Insight already got my last one.

OOC: Uh, are you guys going to go ahead and attack, or what?
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