Leif's "Revenge of the Giants" [4E] [OOC 01]


The issue isn't the number of surges, but rather the ability to activate them during combat. Everyone has a Second Wind, but then you need other healing powers to use more than 1 surge during an encounter.

True! Durn has 14 surges per day, but I suspect he will only use 1 or 2 during each combat. Second Wind (minor action for dwarves) for 1 and maybe a heal from Sariel for the other.

We'll just have to see how it shakes out. If we're really having problems getting enough heals, someone could re-roll another Leader.

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First Post
As far as I can tell, for direct in-combat healing powers we've got

Sariel can heal anyone with Inspiring Word 3x/encounter
Everyone can use second wind once per encounter (either on their own or triggered by a DC 10 Heal check - Sariel, Durn, and Althous cannot fail a DC 10 Heal check)
Durn can heal himself with Victorious Surge once per day

in addition
- everyone gains temp HPs when they spend an action point due to Sariel's Resourceful Presense
- Sariel has an encounter power that grants some temp HPs
- Tyrus can gain some temp HPs with an encounter power, and a lot of temp HPs with another encounter power
- Durn has a daily power that grants him a lot of temp HPs
- Heise has a potion of healing
- Sariel has a Battle Standard of Healing


We'll just have to see how it shakes out. If we're really having problems getting enough heals, someone could re-roll another Leader.
Luckily, this is one of the party composition problems that most easily corrects itself. If people are dying because of lack of healing, well then, we've got dead PCs to replace. :)

But really, I don't think this will be a major issue. 4e is the most forgiving edition in terms of healing. We do have one dedicated healer. We should be able to hack it. Let's not get too worked up.

We're Striker heavy, so not having more than one Leader shouldn't be a problem. If we were Controller or Defender heavy I might get worried.

My current home group (Essentials Only) has 2 Leaders, 1 Controller, 2 Strikers, and 1 Defender. We've got lots of healing but with our low damage output we usually use every Encounter healing power our Leaders have each fight. It balances itself out, but I'd rather have more Strikers.

Also, Althous has the Shield of Devotion power that he can use 2/enc. It heals 9 HP, woo. Don't get to spend a surge, but it's a Reaction power so at least it's off-turn healing.

Son of Meepo

First Post
in addition
- everyone gains temp HPs when they spend an action point due to Sariel's Resourceful Presense

Actually, unless I'm missing something, we only get the temp hp if our AP attack misses, otherwise we get bonus damage. (That's why the Resourceful temps are called the "Temps of Shame" in our home group.)


First Post
Actually, unless I'm missing something, we only get the temp hp if our AP attack misses, otherwise we get bonus damage. (That's why the Resourceful temps are called the "Temps of Shame" in our home group.)
You're right. But since you'll be doing extra damage if you hit (the other side of that, and both bonuses are rather high since Sariel put most of her stat points in Int and Cha), that should work out okay...
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Another option to try to alleviate the somewhat lack of healing would be for me to change Durn from a 1H specialist into a temp monster (Battlerage Vigor). I'm going to explore that option, just for the heck of it.

EDIT: It's not a bad idea, honestly. Making this change would not necessitate very many adjustments to Durn. He would lose +1 to attack rolls and I would swap out 2 feats and 3 powers. No equipment changes or skill changes or anything else. In essence, he has 1 at will, 1 encounter, and 1 daily with the invigorating keyword, meaning he would gain 16 temp hp when he hits with those. He would gain 7 temps if he hits with something else or misses with an invigoring power. He would lose out on some cool shield-specific stuff, though. No more pushing bad guys 4 squares with his shield (only 2 squares now, I think).
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The issue isn't the number of surges, but rather the ability to activate them during combat. Everyone has a Second Wind, but then you need other healing powers to use more than 1 surge during an encounter.
Yes, and between encounters a pc can spend as man y surges as he has available. Beginning a challenging combat at much below max hp is ill-advised. and hopefuly, most can make it thropugh one battle without needing urgently to be healed, we hope, but see my next comment below.
Sariel can heal anyone with Inspiring Word 3x/encounter
Everyone can use second wind once per encounter (either on their own or triggered by a DC 10 Heal check - Sariel, Durn, and Althous cannot fail a DC 10 Heal check)
Durn can heal himself with Victorious Surge once per day

in addition
- everyone gains temp HPs when they spend an action point due to Sariel's Resourceful Presense
- Sariel has an encounter power that grants some temp HPs
- Tyrus can gain some temp HPs with an encounter power, and a lot of temp HPs with another encounter power
- Durn has a daily power that grants him a lot of temp HPs
- Heise has a potion of healing
- Sariel has a Battle Standard of Healing
sounds like it should be pretty much covered. But, uh, giants can sometimes tend to be damage-dealing machines, can't they/ :D
Luckily, this is one of the party composition problems that most easily corrects itself. If people are dying because of lack of healing, well then, we've got dead PCs to replace. :)

But really, I don't think this will be a major issue. 4e is the most forgiving edition in terms of healing. We do have one dedicated healer. We should be able to hack it. Let's not get too worked up.
I agree.
Another option to try to alleviate the somewhat lack of healing would be for me to change Durn from a 1H specialist into a temp monster (Battlerage Vigor). I'm going to explore that option, just for the heck of it.

EDIT: It's not a bad idea, honestly. Making this change would not necessitate very many adjustments to Durn. He would lose +1 to attack rolls and I would swap out 2 feats and 3 powers. No equipment changes or skill changes or anything else. In essence, he has 1 at will, 1 encounter, and 1 daily with the invigorating keyword, meaning he would gain 16 temp hp when he hits with those. He would gain 7 temps if he hits with something else or misses with an invigoring power. He would lose out on some cool shield-specific stuff, though. No more pushing bad guys 4 squares with his shield (only 2 squares now, I think).
Please, Insight, don't do this? Let's see how it works for a while first, ok?

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